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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kisaki said:
Great! Let's go in!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him along with her.
Roy trips and stumbles then catches his balance and is dragged along with Elise. Once they were inside, Roy calls out, "Hey, that's enough, don't make me trip over a book and smash into a bookshelf!"
CERBERUS177 said:
"We're trying to get you clean, I feel that as soon as you you leave you're going to shoot up... " he said sadly, he didn't know know if he could trust her, "But I don't think I can stay with you all the time... So it's up to you... Just, promise me that you won't shoot up, if you stay clean until the next we meet, then we can do anything you want, and if you want to go on a shopping spree, I'll pay for it. " he said, maybe she'll stay clean until the next time they meet. He truly wanted her to feel like he cared, and he thought that a reward for her is in order for keeping the promise. Cody tossed the steak on the pan, "So... Do we have a deal?"
(I was going to pass out anyways, you're fine )
Dylan sighed , " I'll try, hows that ,that way im not breaking any promises but i will try" she said with a soft smile
Elise let's go of his hand , "Sorry about that. Now let's see..".She starts to walk around the libary. A elemental books of three kinds intrestred her. "Hey! Can you get those three books down for me ?"she asked turning to Roy.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy trips and stumbles then catches his balance and is dragged along with Elise. Once they were inside, Roy calls out, "Hey, that's enough, don't make me trip over a book and smash into a bookshelf!"

Kisaki said:
Elise let's go of his hand , "Sorry about that. Now let's see..".She starts to walk around the libary. A elemental books of three kinds intrestred her. "Hey! Can you get those three books down for me ?"she asked turning to Roy.
Roy stared at the books, far above reach, "I think I might." he squints, then does a grabbing motion, which creates a hand out of dark magic, grabbing the wrong book, and scattering two books, "Crap. Let me try again." He tries again, this time with better results, and lowers the book to Elise.
Sixxx said:
Dylan sighed , " I'll try, hows that ,that way im not breaking any promises but i will try" she said with a soft smile
Cody sighed, he wanted a promise, but knowing far in she was, "Alright...do your best, there is no try...that's how I was taught, don't try...do your best...now..." he said, putting her steak on a plate and walking it over to her, "You like them the way I like my steaks, rare." he said with a smile, "If you want mashed potatoes, I have hickory bacon powder packs I can make for us, they are always good with some type of meat!" he said, walking back to the stove, Cody was an expert cook, since he can cook anything with his hands, and he's been barbecuing since he was 10, he hopes she enjoys it, since everyone else does.
"Thanks! "she said. She looked on the back of the books trying to find the author. The authors name on each book vary. "I'll stick with these for right now."She then looked over to Roy. "We can go now".

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy stared at the books, far above reach, "I think I might." he squints, then does a grabbing motion, which creates a hand out of dark magic, grabbing the wrong book, and scattering two books, "Crap. Let me try again." He tries again, this time with better results, and lowers the book to Elise.

Lumina said:


"I'm looking forward to it~"

Lumina smiled up at Kenji for another moment before looking back out in front of her. It was in between classes, so the majority of the students were out and about, talking with friends or just getting ready for the last class in general. There really were quite a lot of students at the school. This was obvious at lunch, but she had been sitting down then, not really looking around to see them all at once. The school was buzzing with energy, probably the excitement that the day was almost over. There were just so many different people and creatures that Lumina had either never spoken to, or never seen before, and it was really breathtaking to actually see in front of her.

Aside from that Lumina was really excited for the date. She loved spending time with him, and it seemed like recently that life wasn't going to allow for that. But things had settled down, and their lives had returned to some semblance of normalcy. Since it hadn't quite been decided yet, Lumina wondered what kind of movie they were going to see. He had suggested a romantic comedy, which would have been fine by her, but then added on by saying that he didn't want to see a movie that she didn't want to see. Meaning, that he wanted the choice to be up to her, because her interests seemed to matter most in the decision. The phoenix felt that wasn't true, feeling like the decision should be mutual between the two. That led Lumina to wondering what kind of movie Kenji would want to see. She really had no clue what kinds of movies or TV shows he liked to watch, nothing even close to a guess. Thinking on it, she really didn't know much about his interests at all? What was his favorite color? His favorite food? What are his interests? Does he have any talents? There just seemed to be so much about him that she didn't know about. Lumina glanced up at his smiling face as they walked, feeling like she barely knew him at all. Her whole heart and self was devoted to him, but it still felt like there was some distance.

Maybe it was just that those things never really came up in conversation to talk about. Sure she wanted to know, but had she bothered to ask? Honestly, when had there been time to ask? Or maybe.. Lumina understood that there were some things that people preferred to keep to themselves. Not everybody was open to talking about their past. The phoenix guessed she would be like that, if she had a past to remember. Her memories were still in the process of returning, and at this point she had no reason to think they'd go past the one life she was familiar with. Even still, Kenji seemed to know everything about her anyways, and it upset her to think she didn't know Kenji the same way.

Thinking about this, her expression flattened some, her smile fading away as she kept her eyes forward, her gaze scanning over the scenery in front of her. It was subtle, only noticeable if you paid really close attention. But it was there, hidden behind bright blue eyes. Maybe she could ask him during the date... no, she didn't want to be so rude and intrusive on their first date in such a long time. Now wasn't the time to worry about this. That could come later. At least somewhat, Lumina tried to lighten up her expression a bit, not wanting to worry her pair walking right next to her.
"I wonder what biology class will be like." Lumina pondered aloud, trying to change the subject before Kenji could interject and possibly ask what was wrong.

no slide
no slide no slide



...ΨKenji nodded and replied, shortly before he slowly began to swing their intertwined hands. As they walked, his red irises scanned the crowd around them, shortly before they returned to Lumina. He could tell something was on her mind, yet when he was about to speak, he noticed his pair's expression lighten, soon following with a question. He smiled lightly and replied as they continued to walk, each step taking them closer to their destinationΨ...

Yeah, I'm excited to see what they're going to teach us.

no slide no slide no slide

Sixxx said:
" very classy" she said with a grin " crisp " she said siting on the couch running her hands across the nice fabric " my place is quite different in comparison "
-(Zac)- (((There'll be a reply in like 5-8 hours, school)))

Zac gave a quiet laugh as he heard her say this, he moved over to his glass doors and opened them, he walked out onto the large balcony, "Mind while i go do something?" Zac asked as he turned around, "Oh, and i'm going to change, it's not like where in public, so there's no need for the 'Fancy' clothing," Zac said before he was in an entirely different outfit, he opened a portal near Amber, "Your house, just change quickly if you want," Zac said with another laugh before he exited the room into the hallway, 3 people where there waiting for him before he closed the door. @Sixxx
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Arbitz tilted his head. One person at his house? well people came and went and switched safe houses on a regular basis. He was probably the only permanent resident of the safe house. "ummm john? ... wait... no he left last Tuesday... um oh i know Kieth! he was the one who turned off the breaker to my room so he should still be there! Why?"

"Well just know I'll be able to grt you home if you can tell me about this Keith." Akane said. "I'll be able to use him to get you home."
VenomSlayer said:
-(Zac)- (((There'll be a reply in like 5-8 hours, school)))
Zac gave a quiet laugh as he heard her say this, he moved over to his glass doors and opened them, he walked out onto the large balcony, "Mind while i go do something?" Zac asked as he turned around, "Oh, and i'm going to change, it's not like where in public, so there's no need for the 'Fancy' clothing," Zac said before he was in an entirely different outfit, he opened a portal near Amber, "Your house, just change quickly if you want," Zac said with another laugh before he exited the room into the hallway, 3 people where there waiting for him before he closed the door. @Sixxx
Amber chranged quickly into a less formal dress and some flats fixing her hair and shoes she steped back through to his bedroom
Kisaki said:
(Hello there!)(wanna to continue where we left off )
((Sure! Uh... what was the last post in the Roy/Elise interaction?))
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"Thanks! "she said. She looked on the back of the books trying to find the author. The authors name on each book vary. "I'll stick with these for right now."She then looked over to Roy. "We can go now".

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((Sure! Uh... what was the last post in the Roy/Elise interaction?))

((On mobile so replys will be a bit shit. ))

Kaz blinked. "Isn't that why you're here though? To get stronger so you don't have to fear the outside? I mean the only thing I'm afraid of is witches, and even then they're more likely to make me want to kill them than to run away..."

CERBERUS177 said:
"Huh...that's interesting! And...scary..." she said, "I'm sure the school protects you from people like her...?" she asked, now scared of her well being...on the outside, she wasn't that scared on the inside, since she can kill the boy she's been looking for with a simple stab. "Because...I don't want to get hurt out of my demon form...I could die if I'm not in it..." she said.
(Alright, wish I had a car to get a job ;- ;)
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((On mobile so replys will be a bit shit. ))
Kaz blinked. "Isn't that why you're here though? To get stronger so you don't have to fear the outside? I mean the only thing I'm afraid of is witches, and even then they're more likely to make me want to kill them than to run away..."

Furia cackled like a witch to tease him, then let out a little sweet giggle, "I just don't want to get shot out of my demon form, since it hurts much more..." she said, smiling at him.
((Again on a mobile so replies may be a bit shit.))

Sora looked up at him pouting. "Well if sure didn't feel good you stupid idiot! " Picking herself up, she brushed her self off and took a closer look at the boy. If he was human, he would make for a great sacrifice!

Kisaki said:
(Okay )
"Calm yourself down. I didn't do it on purpose " he looked down at the girl on the ground.
Roman said:
"Well just know I'll be able to grt you home if you can tell me about this Keith." Akane said. "I'll be able to use him to get you home."
((... I just made the guy up on the spot Roman xD what do you want from me??? xD I was still thinking we could have CROSS pick him up if nothing else. ))
CERBERUS177 said:
Furia cackled like a witch to tease him, then let out a little sweet giggle, "I just don't want to get shot out of my demon form, since it hurts much more..." she said, smiling at him.
Kaz nodded. "Agreed. Getting shot is a major pain in the ass. I do recommend avoiding it as much as possible.... Also dismemberment. That's a real bitch too... so why did the other guy shoot you anyway? "
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[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((... I just made the guy up on the spot Roman xD what do you want from me??? xD I was still thinking we could have CROSS pick him up if nothing else. ))

(((( I don't know all your characters xD Sure we can do that ))))
LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru looked at him, "Really? then tell me about this 'lovely cafe' that you know about" she said, a bit curious as to what he was dragging her to this time.
Everest laughed. " it's a quaint little maid cafe just up around the corner. Oh... do hope I won't be embarrassing you by taking you to such a place now will I?"
"Tch! Your the idiot" he said. His bunny ears twitch from frustration.

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((Again on a mobile so replies may be a bit shit.))
Sora looked up at him pouting. "Well if sure didn't feel good you stupid idiot! " Picking herself up, she brushed her self off and took a closer look at the boy. If he was human, he would make for a great sacrifice!


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