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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds




"Never really considered that now that you mention it." He paused for a moment, taking in his surroundings bit by bit, observing the people entering the cafeteria and the few that leave. "It's pretty dark outside, wanna go blow something up?" Usually, this would border on the edge of insanity for most, but this was just a normal night out on the town for someone like himself. "I mean, you've got 4 hands! I can 'port'cha bombs, and you can even light 'em if you want! How's that sound chap? We'll split the winning's, 50/50, deal?" He leaned forward now,standing over the doodle pad Moonstone was drawing on.

He paused for a moment, looking down over the various depictions of clothing and weapons.
"Ooh, I like that one!" He pointed to a gemmed axe, elegant spirals of ivory material spiraling up the handle, binding the curved, smooth blade together with ,what by itself would be a wizard's staff, into one. Awestruck, he put his hand on the table, and brought it to life, leaving an outline of it where he used up a bit of the table for it.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody smiled, "Just follow me." he said, walking towards the male dorms, luckily they appeared next to the same spot they met at, so the dorms weren't that far, they made their way to the male dorms, going up the stairs and then reaching his room, "Now, I'm not exactly like you, so if you want music, then I only have Five finger death punch, disturbed, Godsmack, Korn, and maybe a few rap CD's here and there. And the gun safe is OFF LIMITS!" he said the last part very sternly, because each one was military grade, and was loaded.
She smirked "you know , along with seeing frank sinatra live in a small cafe before anyone knew his name , i also saw korn on their first tour right? " she said with a grin
TheDragoon said:
Shuu nodded softly and whispered softly to her. "I will..." He said before opening to see what was in the box.
Inside the box, there was the ring, that Lena bought for Shuu. A ring, with a small sun on it.

charleen said:
"How do you know I'm nice..?"
She said, crossing her arms. Nico shook her slightly.

"But you're right, I'm a nice girl,"

She smiled, squishing his cheeks softly. Nico patted it afterwards.
Leon was double the amount of suprised, as the girl squished his cheek, then patted it.

"Uhm.... Soo..... Can yoi lead me a-around?" He asked, laughing a little, his hand moving to his cheek that was squishes
Sixxx said:
She smirked "you know , along with seeing frank sinatra live in a small cafe before anyone knew his name , i also saw korn on their first tour right? " she said with a grin
"You're lucky..." he said, opening the door, "Make yourself at home." he said as he walked into his small kitchen, "Alright let's see..." he said, taking out a few steaks from the fridge, as they have been seasoning for a good day, he was going to have them all for himself, but Dylan was a little more important, Cody was beginning to have different feelings towards her, "How do you want your steak cooked? " he asked her as he heated up the pan.

Now it was Greg's time to pout, as he looked into Ariel's eyes.

"Ari, how could you?!" He asked, pretending to bd annoyed, but after a bit, he burst into laughing as well

"I can't... I'm not a bad guy.... Aight... Let:s keep massaging, shall we?" He asked, grinning lightly, as his hands slowly wandered to her sides, and squeezed them a little.
JJKab said:
Inside the box, there was the ring, that Lena bought for Shuu. A ring, with a small sun on it.
Leon was double the amount of suprised, as the girl squished his cheek, then patted it.

"Uhm.... Soo..... Can yoi lead me a-around?" He asked, laughing a little, his hand moving to his cheek that was squishes
Nico nodded and smiled at him.

"Of course I can!!"

She said confidently. She grabbed his wrist gently and pulled him to the direction of the gym/pool area of the school. They passed through hallways full of lockers and other students that came from the combat class. She can show him that class too, but it promptly ended.

"Here we have the famous pool of FHS!!"

She said cheerfully. Nico held his wrist a little too long, but eventually she took her hand back and scratch her head slightly.
charleen said:
Nico nodded and smiled at him.
"Of course I can!!"

She said confidently. She grabbed his wrist gently and pulled him to the direction of the gym/pool area of the school. They passed through hallways full of lockers and other students that came from the combat class. She can show him that class too, but it promptly ended.

"Here we have the famous pool of FHS!!"

She said cheerfully. Nico held his wrist a little too long, but eventually she took her hand back and scratch her head slightly.
As the girl grabbed his wrist, it suprised Leon a little, but he let it pass, as he was dragged

Leon looked at the water surface for quite a bit, his expression changing to that of discomfort.

He didn't know how to swim, totally. If he would get in the water deep enough, he would simply drown

"I uh.... uhm... can't... r--really swim" He exclaimed, and from what it looked like, it was deep.
-(Zac & Evelyn)- ((Much lonely, much no rp ;- ;) )

Zac strolled away from the woman losing interest, Evelyn waved goodbye before she followed suit, "What came over you to strangle a complete stranger?" Evelyn asked in a questioning tone, Zac merely shrugged as they approached the main building again, not entering, he turned to the right and went in the direction of the boys dorm, "All contact with boys is now prohibited unless i am there with you," Zac said out of nowhere, "Father's orders?" Evelyn asked, "Yes," Zac merely replied as they continued walking.

-(Open for interaction, ;-; plz interact))-



((Just skimming through some other posts, and i've figured a few others timeskipped to night. Wouldn't mind meeting a group out there during some antics))

Leo delicately plucked the axe from the table. Lightweight, easy frame of build, strong enough to just THROW AT A WALL! The axe went end over end, sailing through the air, and embedding itself into a cinder block wall at the far side of the cafeteria. "Sorry, got a bit excited." He teleported over, and yanked the axe out of the wall. He scooped up a bit of silly putty he kept with him, and patted it against the wall, filling the cracks, and sealed it all up by turning it into cinder once again. He reappeared back at Moonstone's side.

"We could rob a bank, since... Why not? Or, we could sell some of these things on the black market or somethin' similar eh? Keep a few for ourselves if you want? Because in my opinion, this," He balanced the axe in one hand unsuccessfully, and it clattered to the floor. He scooped it back up and presented it in one hand. "Is really freakin' cool if I do say so myself." He teleported to Moonstone's side, making a sweeping motion with his hand as if to show them something completely new, like a broadway musical. "We could make a killing out there! Tailor and Weapons dealer! Never heard of such a mythical combo, we could make ALL the money. I mean, who doesn't want to have one of these?" He took the axe, and transformed it entirely, making it futuristic gauntlets, slick and shiny, emerald green plating and almost cleanly cut fingertips, pointy enough to pierce, but reasonable enough so it isn't so silly to try and poke things without making them explode into blood. The knuckles spelled out 'NERF THIS' on them, and were sparkly.

CERBERUS177 said:
"You're lucky..." he said, opening the door, "Make yourself at home." he said as he walked into his small kitchen, "Alright let's see..." he said, taking out a few steaks from the fridge, as they have been seasoning for a good day, he was going to have them all for himself, but Dylan was a little more important, Cody was beginning to have different feelings towards her, "How do you want your steak cooked? " he asked her as he heated up the pan.
She plopped sat on the counter" a notch below still mooing please" she said with a soft smiled giggling a bit as a bowl appeared in her hand " want me to leave after we eat? I feel like im being a burden"


( sorry was filling out a job application)

Amber lay in the grass next to the library a book in her hand she was deeply enthralled in the book she was reading

-(Zac & Evelyn)- ((All good, just didn't know if you've fallen asleep or not xD ))

Zac saw another woman. Great, is this the curse i was told about? He gave a low laugh as another bright blue light appeared from Evelyn's pocket, Evelyn quickly pulled it out and a ghostly like smoke appeared hovering over it, "Zac told me, no contact with any male species unless he is around," Evelyn said with a small sigh, "Good, and, we have almost won the war, we are currently destroying there city," The smoke moved it's ghostly like jaw up and down following the words being said, Evelyn's face turned confused while Zac's kept blank, "That is great news father, i shall hopefully see it when we return," Zac said as the smoke like skull nodded, "Enjoy," The smoke skull said before the crystal turned a dark blue, Evelyn quickly put it in her pocket before she sat down on a bench nearby, "It seems that we'll have werewolves as slaves then, i wonder how the other races will think of this," Evelyn said in a low whisper as Zac sat next to her, "I'll make sure they have basic rights," He siad before he layed down on the bench and Evelyn moved to the opposite side. @Sixxx ((DK, just throwing something out :/ ))
VenomSlayer said:
-(Zac & Evelyn)- ((All good, just didn't know if you've fallen asleep or not xD ))
Zac saw another woman. Great, is this the curse i was told about? He gave a low laugh as another bright blue light appeared from Evelyn's pocket, Evelyn quickly pulled it out and a ghostly like smoke appeared hovering over it, "Zac told me, no contact with any male species unless he is around," Evelyn said with a small sigh, "Good, and, we have almost won the war, we are currently destroying there city," The smoke moved it's ghostly like jaw up and down following the words being said, Evelyn's face turned confused while Zac's kept blank, "That is great news father, i shall hopefully see it when we return," Zac said as the smoke like skull nodded, "Enjoy," The smoke skull said before the crystal turned a dark blue, Evelyn quickly put it in her pocket before she sat down on a bench nearby, "It seems that we'll have werewolves as slaves then, i wonder how the other races will think of this," Evelyn said in a low whisper as Zac sat next to her, "I'll make sure they have basic rights," He siad before he layed down on the bench and Evelyn moved to the opposite side. @Sixxx ((DK, just throwing something out :/ ))
Amber shifted to see who was talking so loudly , interrupting her reading , she adjusted her self to be leaning against the building. Facing the two in tje bench with the thick book at her bent knees so she could read while siting up she brushed some of her hair out of her eyes and continued to read



"Great! Great! That'd be great! I don't mind being front man anyways." He was containing himself so he wouldn't combust into a hail of gold coins, because that would hurt. "This is gonna be the start of somethin' great!" Any good business started somewhere, so where would they start? Here! Of course, where else would they start? "Should we begin with clothing or weapons? I can find a few scrap pieces of whatever around the world, so we won't have much worry for that sort of nonsense." He stroked his chin with the fancy gauntlets, briefly in thought. "Okay, I think I have a plan. I'll take a picture of this place, then go to various places, like the feet of mountains, so I can gather stones and such. While i'm at it, you can do what you do with doodling. After that, we'll be rich!" The rapid acquirement of various currencies visibly excited Leo, which caused him to frantically whip out his phone and take a picture of the cafeteria. After doing so, he searched up images of simple things, like the foot of Mt. Fuji. "I'll be back sooner than later, don't worry about me!"

It was at this moment, he poofed away, and started picking up rocks for the rock god, and pebbles for the pebble throne, dropping them carefully into his trusty bag he kept with him. He looked at the picture he just took, and imagined himself there. And magically, there he was, as usual.
-(Zac & Evelyn)- ((Can i have a link to your character?))

Zac felt eyes on them and in an instant was in front of the person, "Did you need something?" He asked in an irritated tone of voice as he looked at the woman, Evelyn was instantly in front of Zac, "Don't try to chock her," Evelyn said in a calm tone as she held out her arms. @Sixxx
VenomSlayer said:
-(Zac & Evelyn)- ((Can i have a link to your character?))
Zac felt eyes on them and in an instant was in front of the person, "Did you need something?" He asked in an irritated tone of voice as he looked at the woman, Evelyn was instantly in front of Zac, "Don't try to chock her," Evelyn said in a calm tone as she held out her arms. @Sixxx
( dont have one , applied her a lonnggg time ago)

Amber scrunched up her face at the boy yelling at her " yes , I need you to be quite so i can read , can you handle that ?" She said looking at them makinging intense eye contact with the boy , her dack eyes watching him intently

( i like when i make them all spunky lol)

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