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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"You don't have to pay us back. Jack has loads of money since he's a prince " she elbowed Jack. "Ow!...well yeah. I'll buy the ingredients you need . "

Ceat6 said:
"t-thank you jack" Ravens ears twitched, putting on a smile as if nothing had happened "I'm going to have to work pretty hard to repay you two" scratching the back of his head he laughed and put on a big smile "oh! I know what I can do! I'll cook you two....I keep forgetting that I don't have any money"
Raven picked out the scratching post that he liked picking it up. Sighing and holding his nose he picked up a small ball with a bell and catnip in it. "Just...to show you what happens when I'm exposed to this stuff" blushing he puts it in the basket then puts the scratching post on his shoulder. "The list of ingredients is sort of long, I think that it would be better if I went with you to get them, we can get to know each other better"
Kagami made a victory pump in the air while saying yes excitedtly. "Sure" Jack said. He pulled a strand of hair back from his eyes.

(Gtg. I'll reply more tomorrow )

Ceat6 said:
Raven picked out the scratching post that he liked picking it up. Sighing and holding his nose he picked up a small ball with a bell and catnip in it. "Just...to show you what happens when I'm exposed to this stuff" blushing he puts it in the basket then puts the scratching post on his shoulder. "The list of ingredients is sort of long, I think that it would be better if I went with you to get them, we can get to know each other better"
charleen said:
"No it's fine, I'm sorry that I yelled like that.."
She said softly. Nico fiddled either her dress a bit before looking back up to Furia. She smiled gently at her.

"Soo would you like to continue the tour?"

She asked politely.
"Sure!" she said cheerfully. "...what was that other building? Was that the boys dorms?" she asked her, wondering where Cody might be, since she needs to speak with him.
(thank you for role-playing with me, have a good day)

"So jack, what is it like being a prince?" Looking back to Kagami he blushed then quickly looked away "I guess it isn't so bad that I lost my memory, I've actually managed to make friends" he told himself, trying not to think of his past. "I guess a simple dish would be best, I just need green and yellow bell peppers, an onion, some fresh rolls, cuts of beef and whatever cheese you two like the most"
CERBERUS177 said:
"Sure!" she said cheerfully. "...what was that other building? Was that the boys dorms?" she asked her, wondering where Cody might be, since she needs to speak with him.
Nico raised one eyebrow slightly.

"Why do you want to go there hmm..?"

She asked curiously. She started walking to the male dorms, but she slower her paced so she can walk along with Furia.
charleen said:
Nico raised one eyebrow slightly.
"Why do you want to go there hmm..?"

She asked curiously. She started walking to the male dorms, but she slower her paced so she can walk along with Furia.
"Oh! I know a friend from a little while ago, and he goes here..." she said, covering the real story, "If I remember...his name was...Coby?" she said, acting like it's been forever since he's seen him.
Mayyflower said:
Lillith smiled and wiped her face. "Allen... I want my mommy and daddy... But I can't find them" she says with a frown on her face
"Mommy and Daddy will be back soon... I don't think they could stay away from you for a long time, I bet they miss you as well" he said and gave her a warm smile.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Oh! I know a friend from a little while ago, and he goes here..." she said, covering the real story, "If I remember...his name was...Coby?" she said, acting like it's been forever since he's seen him.

She questioned.

"I only know a Cody.."

She stated. Nico continued walking to the male dorms and eventually they arrived. She looked over the area. She almost forgot what it look like. Nico smiled back to Furia.
LunaCrosby said:
"Mommy and Daddy will be back soon... I don't think they could stay away from you for a long time, I bet they miss you as well" he said and gave her a warm smile.
Lillith hugged him back. "But they didn't even give me kisses goodbye..." She said
charleen said:
She questioned.

"I only know a Cody.."

She stated. Nico continued walking to the male dorms and eventually they arrived. She looked over the area. She almost forgot what it look like. Nico smiled back to Furia.
"Yeah, that's his name...I wonder how he's doing...?" she said, "Well, it's nice to know where he is...kinda..." she said, looking at Nico, "So, what else around here is a need to know?" she asked.
rusticyawn said:


maiko koyama

maiko stretched lazily on a bench out in the courtyard. the sun was beaming so brightly today, the leaves on the trees rustling so peacefully. today had been quite a lazy day. it had been a little while since her first day at this school, and things had honestly gone much better than she could have expected in the meantime. she had a nice place to stay, she had met the nicest people, and her powers were certainly coming along. things hadn't really changed regarding her situation with her family just yet, but even then, she was a lot more optimistic now than she had been before. for the first time in awhile, she was happy and content.

she yawned, finishing up her little stretch and looking to her purse. with a quick little rummage through, she found and pulled out her enduring little flip phone, it's metallic shell glimmering in the sunlight. she opened it and scrolled through her messages, looking to see if anyone was doing anything new. nothing new stood out, but her heart skipped a beat when she saw a familiar name halfway down the list. chler. among all of the lovely things that had happened in her time her, she couldn't help but place her interactions with chler first. she was just so warm and kind and cute! at least, to her. maiko had sort of become enamored with her in the meantime, and she was pretty eager to see her again.
'maybe now is a good time...?'

maiko's heart began to beat a little faster at the thought. without much farther thought, she enthusiastically gets to it, sending chler a message as fast as her nailed fingers could text.

chler (?)
such a beautiful day! [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=18px][FONT=Raleway] are u busy rn? i'm @ the main courtyard. i'd really like 2 see u again!


character sheet: here!

tags: @JJKab

notes: none!

Chler was just minding her own business, sitting in her dorm, reading something, when her phone vibrated. She was suprised slightly by this, but smiled, pulling it out to check out who it was. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks gone red, when she noticed that it was Maiko. That girl she almost made up with. Damn school. If it wasn't for it this would've been the moment of Chler's life.

She immidietely stood up from the bed, and texted her back.

' ' Of course, I'm free, I'll see you in a bit
;) ' ' She then hid her phone in her pocket, and tried to calm her breathing down. She was hyperventilanting, that's how badly she was... interested in Maiko. After few minutes, she calmed herself down, and almost shot out of her dorm, closing it beforehand, and rushing towards the courtyard
@The Royal Keen

Fricka giggled softly, but shook her head, gently getting out of his grasp, and grabbing him himself

"I think I am okay... as for you, though" She exclaimed, with a grin taking up her soft smile. She began slowly heading towards the water

"You're going with me, as I promised." She said, grinning mischeviously, the water reaching up to their waists now.

Lena soon arrived back home. Something seemed.. off to her.. at least for her, as when she stepped to see if anything was in her mailbox... there was. And it was a letter to her. She opened it, and began reading. When she read about that Shuu is okay, she let out a big sigh of relief, her eyes closing, as she then kept on reading.

After she was done, she nearly ran into her house, and stuffed the letter into her bed. Pulling out her ring for him, she smirked softly.

She didn't know how to communicate with the girl who brought her to the base, but she HAD to visit Shuu.
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro had been quiet for a moment after asking his question, hid first attempt at trying to break the silence. It was the best he could do, mainly because neither of them were in perfect shape anymore and this would be a good time for them to talk like normal people. He sighed lightly and looked at his ankle once again. It wad weird overall, being close to someone you think hates you... But that's just Alejandro.

The blue haired boy planned on remaining quiet, until he heard Astrid's voice. She just said sorry... She apologized for being stubborn? If anything, he was being stubborn. He had no right to stop her from doing what she wanted. Last time he checked, he wasn't anyone's father. Once she finished apologizing, Alejandro shook his head.
"It was me being the stubborn one. You weren't doing anything to affect me in anyway, yet I still stopped you as if I have a say in your behavior." Alejandro said, looking down still. He didn't want her to apologize for something she didn't do. It was all him.

The silence had came back for a moment, but once again, Astrid broke it, telling Alejandro how she stayed in trouble and never really cared where her actions put her. There wasn't anyone around to tell her right from wrong like there was for Alejandro. Maybe that was one of their key differences. Alejandro knew what was accepted and what isn't in terms of behavior. He sighed lightly and thought about how hard it must of have been growing up like that whereas he had everything he needed, a family, rules, etc. He could feel his muscles tense up a little and just being in this spot with her made him only think about Astrid and her past even more. She was a mystery to him... A very interesting mystery.
"Astrid... I didn't know things were like that for you... If I would have known... Nevermind... But I want you to know I'm here for you now. We're partners." He said softly. "Right?" He asked her, finally looking at his red headed friend.

More Info

Location: Nurse's office

Mood: Vulnerable

Status: Talking to Astrid

Objective: Finally fix things/Column]

Interacting with: Astrid

Tags: @Lumina



A part of Astrid wanted to just rip herself out of the bed and grab her gun and just run out of here. To shut out anything and anyone who could get close. Having someone so close was such an unknown, and a part of her didn't want to take the risk of what might happen. There were times before when... things happened, and Astrid wanted to make sure she never was put in a situation like that before. But that was something in her past that had nothing to do with right now, and it was something she'd never let anyone know about ever. There were parts to her she wouldn't let anyone know about, because if they did.... well, Astrid didn't want to find out.

Of course Alejandro was trying to apologize in her place. Like it was his fault that she was acting out and trying to get herself in trouble. His words only caused her to shake her head, her eyes narrowing as she kept her gaze away from him. No. She wouldn't accept him to take the blame that fell completely on her. He didn't need to dirty himself for her.
"Don't apologize. Please... you don't need to apologize just for me."

It was true. She didn't see herself as the type of person someone would apologize over. She never had been, really. Why now? As he continued speaking, her grip over her blue scar tightened, feeling the cold, blue-colored stripe under her palm. There would have been no way for him to know what growing up for her was like. And really, if it was up to her, she'd keep it that way. No need to bring him down with that kind of information. It was her cross to bear, and she wouldn't drag him into her battle with her personal demons.
"It's fine, really. You didn't know, I'm not going to fault you for that." The more this conversation went on, the more exposed she felt, and the stupider she felt for getting angry at him. At the time it felt justified, but now? It was just her acting immature. Her voice had lowered into a soft tone, exposing her feelings of vulnerability that she would have preferred stay locked away. Her gaze stayed off to the side for a moment longer before she too looked st Alejandro, their eyes locking for the first time since she had looked away. Astrid wasn't sure what it was that made her want to look back up at him, but something told her too, and she wasn't in a place to disobey her feelings, as much as she hated it with every fibre of her being.

A small blush had turned her cheeks a light shade of pink, that not necessarily showing what emotion was causing it. Though, as they looked at each other, his words really started to sink in.
"Partners..." That was a word she never expected to use. Always going solo, preferring doing things on her own. It seemed this was a change she'd have to get used to, whether she liked it or not. "Yeah, I guess it seems that way. Also... your offer goes both ways you know. I've got your back too, okay?" Genuine feelings were slipping through, left and right, completely betraying every semblance of her normal steely and distant demeanor. Who the hell was this kid anyways?

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Nona said:
Ariel giggled softly "Well, if you say so, I believe you" she said as she continued to watch him cook.
Soon enough, the pizza with all ingredients was in the stove, cooking, as it would take at least 45 minutes.

He slowly came back to Ariel, standing in front of her, as he looked down at her, biting his lower lip softly

"so.... What do you wanna do now, huh? Do you wanna, like.... rest in my bedroom?" He asked, tilting his head softly
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]
"You've got a car or somethin'? I can really only bring myself there on whim." But then that would bring the problem of how to get there, since he could only bring himself."Gimme a sec." Dissapearing for a brief moment, he reappeared again, slightly scruffier than before. "It's on 53rd and Maplebrook. So GPS that shit and we'll get a move on. Oh! There's some horny anal enthusiasts who like foreplaying as mobsters outside as well, so i'd be careful of that too."

Suuy pulled out another stack of $10,000 and tossed it to Leo. "Your job ends there. I have the address, now its time for me to get to work. If you're looking for something to I would recommend a school in Japan. it has many interesting characters." Turning, Suuy left the mall to "get to work".
Nona said:
Ariel nodded "Yeah, I'm really glad that you're helping out as well, I really want her to have a better life you know? I mean, if that were me I'd hope someone would help me out." She said softly "Its a shame to see someone so nice living that way."
Colin nodded "Yeah, maybe?" He looked at her "Yeah, You certainly look the part to be one, so it would suit you" he smiled a little.
Smmooottthhhhhhhhh sorry this took sooo long been busy af)

Blue blushed and looked up at him making her bright green eyes pop even more " why thank you Colin thats very sweet of you"
Roman said:
"Come up with your answer yet?" Akane asked, walking alongside Arbitz. "Also, keep a watch on the labels. There are different sections in this place y'know. Last time I checked, you couldn't get milk from the produce section but in the dairy section ." She joked, taking a jab at Arbitz about how he knew where nothing was.
(My grocery store has the milk in little refrigerators by the cash registers)

Arbitz blinked as they walked back to the dairy and selected a jug of milk with a far out expiration date and shrugged before as "Maybe? what am I finding answers too?"
Nona said:
Yuna blinked "I really don't want to know? I don't know, you're just making it seem more interesting to me to be honest. But, I won't ask any further" she said with a laugh before he mentioned about the quarters "It shouldn't eat too many...I mean, unless you suck really bad at it..." she said as she put a quarter into the game to play. Noticing he was still petting her head she laughed a little "You know...you'll need both hands to race..."
C4 laughed and poked her gently poked her on the nose and laughed, "If it's anything like actually driving, I could manage with just one arm, but I'll take your word for it."
@WeirdPrincess[/URL] (Asuka was mentioned).[/Column]








...ΨKenji grinned widely and replied as he held his hand out towards her, as if a gesture for her to hold his handΨ...

I'm unsure of what movie you'd like to see, though. I could be cliché and buy tickets for a romantic comedy, but that's up to you~ I don't want to pick a movie you won't like~

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A movie sounded like a lot of fun. She couldn't remember the last time she went and saw a movie... if she ever had, that is. Going out and doing things wasn't something she was really allowed to do growing up, and before meeting Kenji she was way too shy to really go out and do much of anything. That shyness was still very present, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. At least now she was okay with walking around with her wings out. It was a huge step in the right direction, at least. Seeing Kenji's outstretched hand, a smile found its way to her lips as she extended her own hand, accepting his offer. Her fingers slid in between his, her grip tightening onto his hand as she took a step closer to him.

His suggestion of the cliche romantic comedy suggestion made her laugh a bit. Seems he had done a little bit of research on taking a girl out to the movies.
"I haven't gone to the movies with someone before, so I don't really mind what we watch." She looked ahead of them, seeing the main building of the school that their last class of the day was in. "And besides, I want to see a movie you want to see as well. It's not always about me, yknow. Your interests matter too." Of course, to Lumina they mattered more than anything, but Kenji could say that as well about how he felt about her feelings. It was a cycle of each party caring way more about the other person than themselves, it seemed. She wasn't the type to really hold herself in the highest regard, so all those feelings transferred themselves to Kenji instead. Lumina preferred it that way, at least in her own head.

After meeting Kenji and almost immediately falling for him, Lumina had secretly been reading on how couples act. In this lifetime, she had dated or really liked anybody, so it was a whole new realm of experience that she was unfamiliar with. Upon trying to familiarize herself with the dating world, she had come across some books that detailed popular dates that couples would go on. One of the ones that caught her interest, mainly from her sheltered childhood, was the concept of a "dinner and a movie" date. One person would take the other to go get a nice meal and then see a movie, with the most cliché choice of film being a romantic comedy. This memory came to mind as the excitement of going to see a real movie with Kenji settled in, and the thought made her blush. It was a date! Lumina couldn't remember the last time they had gone on a date. So much stuff had happened to the both of them that a romantic date just wasn't possible. But now that things had settled down, it seemed like it finally could happen after all. And that thought made her even more excited and happy. With the blush still on her face, she looked back up at him, trying to steady herself a bit.
"S-so... i-it's a date then?" Her words came out a little more flustered than she would have liked, but she was being a little more bold than normal at the moment. She blamed Kenji for that.

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Lumina said:


A movie sounded like a lot of fun. She couldn't remember the last time she went and saw a movie... if she ever had, that is. Going out and doing things wasn't something she was really allowed to do growing up, and before meeting Kenji she was way too shy to really go out and do much of anything. That shyness was still very present, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. At least now she was okay with walking around with her wings out. It was a huge step in the right direction, at least. Seeing Kenji's outstretched hand, a smile found its way to her lips as she extended her own hand, accepting his offer. Her fingers slid in between his, her grip tightening onto his hand as she took a step closer to him.

His suggestion of the cliche romantic comedy suggestion made her laugh a bit. Seems he had done a little bit of research on taking a girl out to the movies.
"I haven't gone to the movies with someone before, so I don't really mind what we watch." She looked ahead of them, seeing the main building of the school that their last class of the day was in. "And besides, I want to see a movie you want to see as well. It's not always about me, yknow. Your interests matter too." Of course, to Lumina they mattered more than anything, but Kenji could say that as well about how he felt about her feelings. It was a cycle of each party caring way more about the other person than themselves, it seemed. She wasn't the type to really hold herself in the highest regard, so all those feelings transferred themselves to Kenji instead. Lumina preferred it that way, at least in her own head.

After meeting Kenji and almost immediately falling for him, Lumina had secretly been reading on how couples act. In this lifetime, she had dated or really liked anybody, so it was a whole new realm of experience that she was unfamiliar with. Upon trying to familiarize herself with the dating world, she had come across some books that detailed popular dates that couples would go on. One of the ones that caught her interest, mainly from her sheltered childhood, was the concept of a "dinner and a movie" date. One person would take the other to go get a nice meal and then see a movie, with the most cliché choice of film being a romantic comedy. This memory came to mind as the excitement of going to see a real movie with Kenji settled in, and the thought made her blush. It was a date! Lumina couldn't remember the last time they had gone on a date. So much stuff had happened to the both of them that a romantic date just wasn't possible. But now that things had settled down, it seemed like it finally could happen after all. And that thought made her even more excited and happy. With the blush still on her face, she looked back up at him, trying to steady herself a bit.
"S-so... i-it's a date then?" Her words came out a little more flustered than she would have liked, but she was being a little more bold than normal at the moment. She blamed Kenji for that.

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((Oh sure you get the tiny post!!! XDDDD ))
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((Oh sure you get the tiny post!!! XDDDD ))

((I made up for it, so that I'll be in your shoes next time xD ))
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester](My grocery store has the milk in little refrigerators by the cash registers)
Arbitz blinked as they walked back to the dairy and selected a jug of milk with a far out expiration date and shrugged before as "Maybe? what am I finding answers too?"

(((( Never have I seen that before, then again we live in different states. Here it's in refrigerators close to where they have the cheese and yogurt and the other dairy stuff ))))

Akane watched as Arbitz got his milk, but was taken off guard by his question until she realized her own question wasn't very clear. "I was talking about if you needed anything else. You told me you'd thinl about it." She said, tapping her foot on the ground.

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