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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kagami blinked "oh..My name is Kagami Enoshima". She popped in another piece of strawberry candy in her mouth. Kagami watched as a small among of blood trickled down the boy's neck. "You know...I don't have to live off of blood. I only use it for a power boost during battles."

Ceat6 said:
Closing his eyes he grinned and quickly jumped off her shoulders. "Well then I'm going to be your pet from now on!" He exclaimed then turned back into his human state keeping the ears and the tail. He wasn't wearing shoes and had on black pants with silver stitching and a black sleeveless shirt, as well as the colar. "So what is my new masters name?" He asks sitting on his feet he examined her closely, every feature. Even what kind of candy she was eating. Curious how sensitive she was to the smell of blood he used his fingernail to cut his neck, a small amount of blood trickling down his neck.
"battles?" Reaching into the bag he snagged a piece of candy trying one. "Im glad someone as nice as you found me Kagami" smiling he wiped the blood off his neck then licked it off his finger.
charleen said:
"Dang that's so cool.. and you're so cool,"
She said, laughing lightly. Nico and Furia were already in front of Furia's dorm. She motioned towards it.

"Here is your dorm, well I hope.."

She said, biting her lower lip slightly. She had some social anxiety since Furia looks intimidating and fierce.
"I hope I'm not scary to you... " she said sadly, putting it away. "I really am a sweet girl... " she said with a smile. Furia opened her dorm room with the key given, she walked in and tossed a small box into the room, and walked back out closing the door, so the door closed there was a quiet boom that came after, she opened it and all the normal girly stuff was in place. "Ta da! " she said jumping on to her bed, "Shame that was the only one I had. " she said sitting up and looking at Nico.
Nona said:
Saria giggled "So am I" she admitted "I wont tell if you wont~" she chimed before he mentioned how she was carrying the bags. Saria paused for a moment before smiling "Pretty much, I learned it from a spell book though, I don't naturally possess that power, I just have learned the spell. Im a witch you see~" she explained.
Wylie nodded, "Well, rest assured I won't give away that you're ditching class." he looks off in the distance, "I wish I knew more magic." the Professors of the Circle hadn't taught him much, just energy magic.
"Combat battles. Looks like I have to inform you about this school " she said. She sighed as she watched Raven snatched a piece of candy from her bag. "I'm flattered that you call me nice." She soon changed the subject. He had to live in the male dorms. Maybe she'll help him register as a student. "Hey, do you want to register as an student. You can live her in the dorms and get yourself educated about your powers.".

Ceat6 said:
"battles?" Reaching into the bag he snagged a piece of candy trying one. "Im glad someone as nice as you found me Kagami" smiling he wiped the blood off his neck then licked it off his finger.
@Fukushima Akira[/URL][/Column]







...♅Akira continued walking as Haruo caught up, shortly before he vanished. As that happened, the audio link Lance had formed beside them had dissipated. Akira and Haruo then appeared on a dark world, with the way up ahead being lit up by a very large ball of white power. That was the only source of light. Akira spoke to Haruo as he looked up towards the ball♅...

Welcome to the Plains of Creation, my son.

...≭Haruo looked around, taken aback by the sudden change of surroundings. A Question spilled out of his mouth as he attempted to observe the stars, yet saw nothing≭...

Where is this?

...♅Akira raised his hand and formed a hologram directly above his hand, showing a three-dimensional image of Euphoria, the pathway to The Existence, and finally The Existence. Between Euphoria and The Existence, was a large gap. Akira pointed to the large gap and spoke♅...

It's between the entrance to Euphoria and The Existence, a plain where the power of creation can self-sustain itself.

...≭Haruo propped an eyebrow upwards and replied as he inspected the hologram hovering above his father's hand≭...

What's this plain of creation for?


...♅Akira pointed infront of them, towards the large white orb of power♅...

This realm's purpose is to hold the power of Creation that's situated ahead of us.

...≭Haruo looked up, his deep purple irises focusing on the orb ahead of he and his father. He replied, his questions only growing≭...

Is there a reason to why it's here?

...♅Akira looked around him and replied♅...

As the name of this realm implies, the ball ahead is the raw power of Creation. All Gods and Goddesses who create, borrow power from this orb. We Sanctums created this so that our creations can make something of their own.

...≭Haruo raised one of his eyebrows, more questions coming to fruition≭...

Why would we do that? And why're you showing me this?

...♅Akira smiled and raised one of his hands, allowing a golden orb of raw creation to form slightly above his palm. His eyes focused on the ball for a short while as he explained, shortly before it dissipated and his eyes returned to his son, his explanation continuing♅...

The power to create is a fascinating thing. You're able to make something you love, whether it be through your powers or by biological means. Your mother and I created you and your older sisters, and we love you all very much. I believe the Gods feel the same towards their creations, as not only are their creations alive, but they hold a part of their creators inside of them. As for your second question, it's our family's custom to reveal the inner workings of The Existence to our children at the age you are now. My mother taught Kenji and I, and now I'm teaching you. So go ahead, ask me any questions you may have.

...≭Haruo raised his hand to his chin in thought, shortly before he replied≭...

Okay.. First off, what is The Existence?

...♅Akira smirked and sat down, shortly before he replied to his son♅...

The Existence is the creation of my mother, Ariadne. She created The Existence in tandem with my father creating it's first inhabitants; The Gods. My mother created all Realms, but found that it would be better for nature to create it's own life in one of them, the result in one of these realms was the creation of the Fae. I suppose you could say that the Fae are the physical manifestation of nature itself. My co-teacher, Ayen Neafearn is a Fae. If you have any questions about his race, be sure to ask him. He'd be able to explain it in much greater detail than I could. Anyway, back to my point. The Existence is where all life, outside of the precursor worlds, exists; Gods, Goddesses, supernatural life and Humans.

...≭Haruo nodded, and continued with his questions to his father≭...

Okay. What made you go to Earth? The universe is apparently, according to the teachers, filled with an uncountable amount of worlds, so what made you pick Earth?

...♅Akira looked up into the empty sky and collected his thoughts, shortly before he replied to Haruo♅...

Earth is the convergence point of all powers, where all powers meet and interact with one another. I first arrived on Earth back when it was a molten rock, fresh off of the creation table by God. I created nature on the world out of boredom, and the animals out of loneliness, after all, Kenji wasn't much of a talker back then. I suppose my primary reason was that I used my power of Precognition on the planet, and saw my pair and your mother, Asuka. It would only be natural that I'd go to Earth. Plus Earth is ever changing, so it's fun to witness new things.

...≭Haruo propped one of his eyebrows≭...

Wait, but I thought your power of Omniscience allows you to know everything? How can you witness new things?

...♅Akira smiled and returned his gaze to his son, replying as he did so♅...

It does, however I limit the power to only reveal things when they are relevant, otherwise I prefer to not know, after all, where's the fun in already knowing everything there is to be known? Besides, I can always remove the limit and allow it to work fully, but I'd never let that happen, as I'd be constantly bored.

...≭Haruo nodded and replied, shortly before his eyes slowly looked back to his father≭...

I see. So.. how did you and mother meet?

...♅Akira immediately broke into a large smile and looked off into the orb of creation, replying as he leaned back on his hands from his seated posture♅...

Ah, I'll never forget that day~ I was sitting in the courtyard observing a fight, and out the corner of my eye, I saw her, standing in amongst her friends talking and joking. From the sight of her, I immediately fell in love. I already knew that she was my pair from the precognition vision, yet I didn't know the exact date I'd meet her, nor the feelings I'd feel. The bond between pairs is strong, and immediately begins reaching out and intertwining with one another when you both first lay eyes on each other. I felt unimaginable happiness and warmth when my eyes rested on her, and I immediately felt at peace, as if the raging thoughts inside of my mind that I was unaware of was calmed. I walked up to your mother and offered to show her around the school, which she happily accepted. After my impromptu tour, I asked her if she wanted to go get pizza, which your mother happily agreed to. I was nervous, of course, but I was semi confident that she'd feel the same way about me that I do her. From there, our relationship only grew, until finally we were married and had your older sisters on the way. It wasn't long after that when you began growing in your mother's belly. We were both very happy that we'd have created a family, and still are to this day. Nothing compares to the feeling of seeing your children for the first time, or even every day. You're just filled with pride and happiness. The day I met your mother and the birth of you, our children are the happiest days of my life.

...≭Haruo looked off into the orb of creation and commented on Akira's story, a small smile forming on his face≭...

I hope I meet my pair like that..

...♅Akira's smile remained as his eyes returned to Haruo and rested on him♅...

You will, my son. Whether it be tomorrow, or a year from now, you'll meet her and you'll be blown away by her beauty, her scent and her personality. It's important that you treat her with respect and filled with love, though. Just because you're pairs and are together, you mustn't treat her like you own her, or that she's yours by right. She's your precious gift, something that you're thankful for and will care for. She will love you, and you will love her, and when you're married and with children, you have to step up and be the man of the household. Take care of the chores, the bills, the heavy lifting, anything that will keep her hands clean and free of blisters. If she requires help, even if you're busy doing something, you go help her. In return, she'll help raise your children and will love you unconditionally, like you do her.

...≭Haruo sat down beside his father and spoke≭...

Is that what you and mother are like?

...♅Akira nodded and looked back towards the orb of creation♅...

Of course. Our love is the only thing I enjoy more than combat. Nothing will ever compare to the love I have for our family.

...≭Haruo smiled≭...

...♅Akira looked back towards his son and stood up, replying as he held his hand out towards Haruo♅...

Well, it's time to head back. We don't want you missing your next class now, do we? We can continue this another time.

...≭Haruo nodded and smiled, replying as he took his father's hand, using it to stand up≭...


...♅Akira and Haruo then vanished, soon returning to his office. He spoke as he watched Haruo leave the room, to which Haruo responded with a nod and a wave, shortly before he began making his way to his next class♅...

Be good~

...♅Akira then returned to his desk and sat down, shortly before he began fixing his filing system♅...

no slide no slide no slide



...ΨKenji grinned widely and replied as he held his hand out towards her, as if a gesture for her to hold his handΨ...

I'm unsure of what movie you'd like to see, though. I could be cliché and buy tickets for a romantic comedy, but that's up to you~ I don't want to pick a movie you won't like~

no slide no slide no slide

Kisaki said:
"Combat battles. Looks like I have to inform you about this school " she said. She sighed as she watched Raven snatched a piece of candy from her bag. "I'm flattered that you call me nice." She soon changed the subject. He had to live in the male dorms. Maybe she'll help him register as a student. "Hey, do you want to register as an student. You can live her in the dorms and get yourself educated about your powers.".
"That sounds like a lot of fun, but I wouldn't be able stay as your pet would I?" Despite his smiling and happy appearance there was a bit of sadness in his voice. "But I guess it wouldn't be so bad, you go to this place as well don't you?" Shifting so he was sitting with his legs crossed he fidgeted with his tail "it could help me remember...who I was I suppose"
"We can still be friends. It's not I'll be far away." She then nodded to his question. "This will be great for you. Plus you can meet new people " she said. She wanted to encourage him to not be so stuck to her.

Ceat6 said:
"That sounds like a lot of fun, but I wouldn't be able stay as your pet would I?" Despite his smiling and happy appearance there was a bit of sadness in his voice. "But I guess it wouldn't be so bad, you go to this place as well don't you?" Shifting so he was sitting with his legs crossed he fidgeted with his tail "it could help me remember...who I was I suppose"
"I'll try it then, you won't be in trouble if I'm here will you?" Biting his thumb he laid his head down on her lap "friends...sounds nice, so how or when do I start the process to be a student?" He wasn't sure about being around new people since he didn't know himself but would do it to try.
CERBERUS177 said:
"I hope I'm not scary to you... " she said sadly, putting it away. "I really am a sweet girl... " she said with a smile. Furia opened her dorm room with the key given, she walked in and tossed a small box into the room, and walked back out closing the door, so the door closed there was a quiet boom that came after, she opened it and all the normal girly stuff was in place. "Ta da! " she said jumping on to her bed, "Shame that was the only one I had. " she said sitting up and looking at Nico.
Nico shook her head "no" immediately.

"Noo you're not scary, I'm just a loser that's all,"

She said, laughing awkwardly. She scratched at back of her arm and took a peek in Furia's dorm. It's closed in front of face which startled her a bit. She continued laughing softly to herself. She smiled when Furia came out of her dorm and she followed her inside. Her eyes went everywhere. She was so amazed. Nico's mouth gaped opened for a while before she closed it, feeling embarrassed.

"H-how did you do t-this..?"

She stuttered her words a bit.
Ai nodded in agreement. Taking a moment she brought up a menu screen in front of her, which contained a list of places that served ice cream. She scanned through the list, simultaneously cross-checking reviews with menues as well as distance from their location. After a moment, Ai pulled up the maps app in Jacks phone for him to look at, a cartoonized avatar of her head in the corner. "Does this one look alright? I mean, I've never actually had ice cream before, I just really wanna try it, so I dunno if this is a good menu listing or not. I need your opinion, Master Jackie~"

@Wicked Jester
"I have no idea. I guess you can stay in my room for awhile."She got up from her chair and stretched her arms. "Okay, you can follow me . I'll help you register " she said with a smile.

Ceat6 said:
"I'll try it then, you won't be in trouble if I'm here will you?" Biting his thumb he laid his head down on her lap "friends...sounds nice, so how or when do I start the process to be a student?" He wasn't sure about being around new people since he didn't know himself but would do it to try.
LunaCrosby said:
(I feel so bad now x-x)
Allen blinked when he saw she was about to cry. "U-Uhm..." he had to quickly think of something to cheer her up, and so he made a rabbit appear in his hands, "Oooh bunny, how cute, right?" he said nervously, he was never very good with kids.
Tears ran down her face. "B-bunny..." She whimpered.
LunaCrosby said:
Mal looked up at him, "Y-You don't have to do that... You're being a good friend and helping out your friend when she needs someone, i'd feel a bit selfish" she said.
Roman sighed and put his hand on her cheek, "Its okay. I'll be here for the day, then I'm heading back." He said softly. "That being said, you can be as selfish as you want with me today." He added. "I'm all yours."
"wanna carry me?" Raven joked as he turned back into a cat following behind her, his tail swaying. "Thanks for letting me stay, you know I won't take up much space" laughing as he weaved between her legs Everytime she took a step. "You wouldn't happen to have a shower I could use when we get back would you?"
TheDragoon said:
Celia got on the ride with Han and Mari in tow. "Yea, where do you want to eat tho?" She asked her orange haired knight.
Han was sitting beside Mari, waiting for Celia to join them in the ride. "Where do I wanna go?" Well he didn't exactly know, mainly because this was Mari's day to spend time with them before they moved out. "The choice is Mari's. Not mine." He said with a laugh.
charleen said:
Nico shook her head "no" immediately.
"Noo you're not scary, I'm just a loser that's all,"

She said, laughing awkwardly. She scratched at back of her arm and took a peek in Furia's dorm. It's closed in front of face which startled her a bit. She continued laughing softly to herself. She smiled when Furia came out of her dorm and she followed her inside. Her eyes went everywhere. She was so amazed. Nico's mouth gaped opened for a while before she closed it, feeling embarrassed.

"H-how did you do t-this..?"

She stuttered her words a bit.
"A box I was given before I left, it had all of my stuff inside of it, so I wouldn't need help carrying it. " she said with a smile, "Has anyone called you cute? " she asked giggling a bit.
"Yep !I do have one. Also the dorms are incredibly spacious , so I have plenty of room for you. Maybe I'll buy you a cat bed or do you want a scratching post too " she slightly chuckled. They made it to the front office. Kagami grabbed some papers and started to sign them. "Do you know your birthday,....wait! I'll just put it as N/A for now. " She looked down at Raven and picked him up. "I'll just need your signature ".She put him on the table.

Ceat6 said:
"wanna carry me?" Raven joked as he turned back into a cat following behind her, his tail swaying. "Thanks for letting me stay, you know I won't take up much space" laughing as he weaved between her legs Everytime she took a step. "You wouldn't happen to have a shower I could use when we get back would you?"
Mayyflower said:
Tears ran down her face. "B-bunny..." She whimpered.
Allen rubbed the bunny's fur against her face, "S-See? The bunny's soft! really soft!" he said, continuing his horrible attempt at cheering her up.
"the scratching post, I can always just sleep on you" laughing as the two of them entered the building. "This may be an odd request but could I get a little bell to go on my colar as.....well!" Getting started by being picked up so suddenly he accidently shouted. Nodding he picked up a pen in his mouth and signed his name perfectly. Stopping for a moment he looks at her "don't you dare buy catnip" his tone serious, the idea of acting like that sounded embarrassing to him.
charleen said:
Nico shook her head "no" immediately.
"Noo you're not scary, I'm just a loser that's all,"

She said, laughing awkwardly. She scratched at back of her arm and took a peek in Furia's dorm. It's closed in front of face which startled her a bit. She continued laughing softly to herself. She smiled when Furia came out of her dorm and she followed her inside. Her eyes went everywhere. She was so amazed. Nico's mouth gaped opened for a while before she closed it, feeling embarrassed.

"H-how did you do t-this..?"

She stuttered her words a bit.
"A box I was given before I left, it had all of my stuff inside of it, so I wouldn't need help carrying it. " she said with a smile, "Has anyone called you cute? " she asked giggling a bit

The Royal Keen](([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36638-cerberus177/ said:
@CERBERUS177[/URL] Missed my post again? I don't think I missed yours.))
My mind is everywhere right now, could you resend it please? I'm sorry... ))
CERBERUS177 said:
"A box I was given before I left, it had all of my stuff inside of it, so I wouldn't need help carrying it. " she said with a smile, "Has anyone called you cute? " she asked giggling a bit.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.c32a4aa44ac0c4ade63cb660451962b0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.c32a4aa44ac0c4ade63cb660451962b0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nico blushed deeply which turn her cheeks red slightly. She shook her head quickly. She pouted, crossing her arms

"I am not cute!!"

She blurted out, covering her mouth after.



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