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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Salvador, intent on calming his mind after almost blowing up his room twice in a row, decides to head off school grounds to take a walk. He shakes a charred shirtsleeve, and moves at a brisk pace.

Lena was moving slowly along the main road away from the school, and towards the gates, and soon, she out of curiousity looked behind her. She noticed a boy with charred shirtsleeve, pretty quickly moving towards her.

She widened her eyes a bit, and slowed down, so he would catch up to her

"E-Excuse me, but.. .Are you okay? Your sleeve is pretty burned" She exclaimed, trying then to keep up with him, which was hard for the pregnant girl
Nona said:
Elaena nodded "Yeah, he's only older by 7 minutes but he's always is looking out for me..." She said with a smile "He's a bit of a hermit though, or was, he's made a friend who's helping him with that"
"Ah... well, that's nice to hear. I mean, I don't got any siblings. So I wouldn't know how it feels to have an older brother." Erina slowly rubs the back of her head. "Um... but it's nice that you're brother is getting out though, good for him!"
JJKab said:
Lena was moving slowly along the main road away from the school, and towards the gates, and soon, she out of curiousity looked behind her. She noticed a boy with charred shirtsleeve, pretty quickly moving towards her.
She widened her eyes a bit, and slowed down, so he would catch up to her

"E-Excuse me, but.. .Are you okay? Your sleeve is pretty burned" She exclaimed, trying then to keep up with him, which was hard for the pregnant girl
Salvador slowed to a gentle walk, looking at Lena, "Yeah, I'm alright, I got into an accident. Blew a project up, almost destroyed my dorm."
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Salvador slowed to a gentle walk, looking at Lena, "Yeah, I'm alright, I got into an accident. Blew a project up, almost destroyed my dorm."

Lena's eyes widened slightly more at the boys statement, listening to his words

"And I thought I had bad with this bad boy" She exclaimed patting her stomach softly
JJKab said:
Lena's eyes widened slightly more at the boys statement, listening to his words
"And I thought I had bad with this bad boy" She exclaimed patting her stomach softly
"Things could be worse," Salvador said, thinking about how he had virtually no friends other than Hisaki and Kagami, "Is your baby giving you troubles? I could brew up a potion maybe to help you out."
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"Things could be worse," Salvador said, thinking about how he had virtually no friends other than Hisaki and Kagami, "Is your baby giving you troubles? I could brew up a potion maybe to help you out."

"No, from time to time she's really growling for those resources, and that weakens me" Lena exclaimed, smiling softly

"Where are you heading? Maybe I can walk with you?"
Lumina said:



Like this, sitting in the nurse's office on the bed with a concussion and a shoulder in a sling, Astrid felt extremely vulnerable. Open. Usually whenever she got hurt, she'd find a secluded place and tough it out on her own. It had always been like this, her not wanting to be seen in such a state by, well, anyone. Especially not Alejandro. For some reason, it really bothered her that he was seeing her like this, and just seeing him like that didn't sit well. There was this air of awkwardness between them, one that Astrid could tell Alejandro was trying to break.

Thinking back on it, she did feel somewhat bad for how she had treated him both at the hospital and in class. He was a lot nicer than she gave him credit for, and even though he annoyed her to no end, she couldn't deny that there was a part of her that couldn't leave him alone. His words rang true in her head, and she didn't look at him as she responded.
"Yeah. You're right. Look, I..." Astrid sighed inwardly, cursing her inability to deal with situations like these in a mature manner. "...I'm, uh, sorry for being so stubborn and rude and stuff. I have a hard time dealing with people, and I get angry really quickly... but that doesn't make how I acted right or anything. You were just trying to keep me out of trouble..." she moved her hand on her good arm to lightly rub the scar that Alejandro had left. The color was still bright blue, the same shade as his hair. She hadn't noticed that yet.

"Yknow, being in trouble was something I've always been used to. Growing up I didn't really have anybody to teach me how to not... I dunno... but I've always been like this. Not really caring about the consequences of my actions, or anything like that. So I just stopped caring about it. I guess I'm not used to people caring, so.... thanks." She didn't look up at him quite yet, not really wanting to fully embrace the fact that she was opening up to him at all. She was rambling and she knew that, but right now she was feeling vulnerable for the first time in a very long time, if not the first time in her whole life. It was hard enough letting down her walls enough to spout off the nonsense she was probably saying, so she didn't need to see how he was looking at her. Would he look at her with judgement? Pity? Apathy? Right now, Astrid didn't really want to know.

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Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro had been quiet for a moment after asking his question, hid first attempt at trying to break the silence. It was the best he could do, mainly because neither of them were in perfect shape anymore and this would be a good time for them to talk like normal people. He sighed lightly and looked at his ankle once again. It wad weird overall, being close to someone you think hates you... But that's just Alejandro.

The blue haired boy planned on remaining quiet, until he heard Astrid's voice. She just said sorry... She apologized for being stubborn? If anything, he was being stubborn. He had no right to stop her from doing what she wanted. Last time he checked, he wasn't anyone's father. Once she finished apologizing, Alejandro shook his head.
"It was me being the stubborn one. You weren't doing anything to affect me in anyway, yet I still stopped you as if I have a say in your behavior." Alejandro said, looking down still. He didn't want her to apologize for something she didn't do. It was all him.

The silence had came back for a moment, but once again, Astrid broke it, telling Alejandro how she stayed in trouble and never really cared where her actions put her. There wasn't anyone around to tell her right from wrong like there was for Alejandro. Maybe that was one of their key differences. Alejandro knew what was accepted and what isn't in terms of behavior. He sighed lightly and thought about how hard it must of have been growing up like that whereas he had everything he needed, a family, rules, etc. He could feel his muscles tense up a little and just being in this spot with her made him only think about Astrid and her past even more. She was a mystery to him... A very interesting mystery.
"Astrid... I didn't know things were like that for you... If I would have known... Nevermind... But I want you to know I'm here for you now. We're partners." He said softly. "Right?" He asked her, finally looking at his red headed friend.

More Info

Location: Nurse's office

Mood: Vulnerable

Status: Talking to Astrid

Objective: Finally fix things/Column]

Interacting with: Astrid

Tags: @Lumina

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Arbitz nodded thoroughly, when he noticed Akane landing, and it reminded him of Breeze. She refused to touch the ground because she said it was uncomfortable, although he didnt know Ms. Akane's reasons for doing such a thing. It was strange how some people did similar things for what could be entirely different reasons. Following closely behind Akane, Arbitz wondered if there was anything eles asides from milk which he should pick up.

"Come up with your answer yet?" Akane asked, walking alongside Arbitz. "Also, keep a watch on the labels. There are different sections in this place y'know. Last time I checked, you couldn't get milk from the produce section but in the dairy section ." She joked, taking a jab at Arbitz about how he knew where nothing was.
Jack chuckled "You really are a cat".

CERBERUS177 said:
(And the award for most darkest sentence goes to *Dunt danan NA* Kisaki!)
Serena purred...literally, she purred for once, she's never done that, "Wow...you made me purr!" she said smiling at him.
Ceat6 said:
(I could use a character approval?)
(((( Go to the character sign up tab and post a character sheet. If you have, we haven't seen it and sorry. ))))
CERBERUS177 said:
"True but...I don't know, I think I just don't like being called cute... Since, Im tough you know? I... Just think that being tough is, myself, since, I've been bullied and pretty much dragged under a bus... I like to think I'm tough for my sister and for myself... Since... I wouldn't be here without that thought, since... " he took a sip from his iced tea, "Nobody has been there for me, and since I was the older sibling in the picture, I had to make myself there for Serena. " he said sadly, he was the protector, not the protectee. Though some of it may not make sense, Cody felt strange when he was called cute, like he felt something deep down trying to spark to life. 'Could this feeling be happiness? Haven't felt actual happiness for a while ' he thought. "But... What do you think of it? " he asked them.


Moonstone listened to Cody talk silently, letting their facial expressions show they were considering his words and thinking over them carefully. When the time came for him to let them speak, they took a few seconds to think about their words, then let out, "I don't see an issue with being called cute. You can be tough and cute, and I think that's the best method. If people think you're just cute, they may underestimate you and not attack you as hard, which gives you the upper hand. Also, I don't think many people would look at someone who's, like, six foot seven? Six foot six? Sorry, I'm bad at heights and I'm estimating off of mine. Anyways, I don't think anyone would look at someone as tall and strong as you and only think of yo as cute. Wouldn't they consider you at least a bit tough or stronger?"

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Extra Information






Trying to cheer up Cody


Cheer up Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:



The Results of the Team Dimension Attack:

Team Dimension had managed to push the enemy back from their base. Shuu was locked in a magic cage so that he wouldn't escape and hurt the other members. Everybody constantly stayed away from him, afraid of what he might do.

Rufaro had returned to his quarters to sort out a cure for Shuu. He knew it wouldn't be easy but he believed it to be necessary to save his friend.

Cielo had left to rally up interns to help repair the damage that had been done to HQ. His father had shortly left after their battle had begun so he was kind of disappointed. What was Ineur's goal exactly? He still wasn't sure.

And finally, Vis had sent a letter to Lena's house that she could read later to let her know that everybody is safe and that they were working out a cure to get the puppet out of Shuu.

((Just thought it was best that you know the condition of Shuu and the base @JJKab))
JJKab said:
Fricka laughed lightly,
"You do want to get dunked underwater with me, huh?!" She threatened jokingly, one of her hands extending out towards Junchi

Mei Junchi

Junchi tried to splash Fricka in the face before should could touch him. "You'll have to fight me for it first!" They then moved themself back from her slightly and said, "I'm surprised you aren't tired after all that's been happening today, but I guess you did get a nap."

Extra Information


The Beach




Trying to splash and dodge Fricka



Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

Jack patted her on the head " Cute" he laughed. He used to hate cats. They are adorable , but very vicious animals. Serena was different. She was kind and didn't aim to claw his eyes out.

CERBERUS177 said:
"I guess so...it feels weird!" she said. She held her hands up to her face and pawed at Jack, "Mew." she said, trying to be cute.


(:3 )​
Grinning as he pushed one of his classmates against a wall "I could do what you want but I need you to finish the contract" lightly gripping her throat he pulled her close to him kissing her "per your request I will help you with your homework so you can pass this class" touching her lips with his thumb he winked at her, releasing her he started to make his way back to the roof to catch a nap. "I expect payment for what you asked, and if it isn't any good I'll tear you apart"



"Yeah...I guess you're right..." he said as his tail came to his chest to stay out of the way of people that could walk down the aisle without touching it, since it feels weird when it's touched, since he's always keeping it hidden. "I'm just, scared of being bullied again...Since, at my old schools, my tail was a little to big to hide, so I had to go to school with it out... All the girls were nice, but...I wanted to be with some of the guys, since they were always telling funny jokes and stuff, while the girls well...They always acted like I was a pet to them..." he said sadly. "But, now that I've seen people around the school here looking like me, I've thought about it, but, I'd like everyone to see me as... Human-ish, and not...a wolf." he said, as he made friends there without the tail, and wanted to keep his animals features out of the conversations.
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Fricka eeked, once she was splashed in the face, and growled, fastening her pace, extending both her hands to try and grab Junchi

"You're dead!" She said, of course joking, as it was depicted by her wide grin, and laughing eyes.
Kisaki said:
Jack patted her on the head " Cute" he laughed. He used to hate cats. They are adorable , but very vicious animals. Serena was different. She was kind and didn't aim to claw his eyes out.
"Mew Mew!" she said giggling, purring a bit louder, "I...don't think I know how to stop it... Sorry if I sound annoying..." she said, her ears slowing lowering. She was new to the whole 'purring when happy now' thing.
"No your fine!It is your instincts, so can't change that." he said.

" I don't have many bunny instincs. I mean ..I do like carrots."

(This is the character that will be coming along side with someone else.

I probably should make her an official character at the school :3)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bjbb__lin_chu__diamonds__by_jenmini-d80lju2.png.3cdbb4bbc2df34566dbeb85adec5a943.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bjbb__lin_chu__diamonds__by_jenmini-d80lju2.png.3cdbb4bbc2df34566dbeb85adec5a943.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

CERBERUS177 said:
"Mew Mew!" she said giggling, purring a bit louder, "I...don't think I know how to stop it... Sorry if I sound annoying..." she said, her ears slowing lowering. She was new to the whole 'purring when happy now' thing.


  • bjbb__lin_chu__diamonds__by_jenmini-d80lju2.png
    865.7 KB · Views: 22
TheDragoon said:
Syo laughed a little as he was eating. "You really want to know?" He asked her curiously.
Emi nodded, "Yeah, I can tell you about mine after if you'd like" she said, taking a bite of her food.
Kisaki said:
"No your fine!It is your instincts, so can't change that." he said.
" I don't have many bunny instincs. I mean ..I do like carrots."

(This is the character that will be coming along side with someone else.

I probably should make her an official character at the school :3)

View attachment 323155
(Up to you, I already have 3, the new one is occupied)

Serena giggled, "Well, at least you go by the stereotype, I'm not a huge fan of fish... Or milk... " she said smiling, "But... I did kinda... Chase a red dot before, heh " she said with a now embarrassed smile.

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