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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

CERBERUS177 said:
"Yeah I'm fine why?", 'Crap, that was a lie...but, was it Junchi that could tell when someone was lying, or was it Moonstone?' he thought, since both were very magical in his eyes, and both were there when he was knocked out, the problem, his mind was scrambled since the last time he saw them.
(Take your time answering that...need to find a good picture for Cody anyways.)


Moonstone knew something was wrong. They always used the 'I'm fine' excuse ad a catch-all term when they were stressed or didn't want to talk about their feelings. It was also easy for them to detect someone was lying, something they couldn't tell if it was a power or not. They thought it was apart of their abilities, but when they think about the times they've been wrong, they have a feeling it was just a flawed ability. One that didn't work if that person genuinely believed they were telling the truth, was a very good actor, or was saying something they didn't want to hear.

"You don't look 'fine'." they finally said after staring at him for a few seconds. They took a sip of their drink, the last sip they could from the bottle, then sat it on the table. "Tell me the truth. I hate liars and I'd rather not lose a friend because they're a liar." Moonstone seemed to be clenching and opening their fists, something that once they noticed they hid under the table. The most concerning part was their face. They had a friendly and innocent look, almost like they were genuinely worried for Cody and wasn't threatening him at all. Their body language said otherwise though, as they kept shaking their leg, then stopping, then shaking, then stopping. They also kept playing with their hands like they were trying to prevent themself from doing something with them. Even with that innocent face, Moonstone's eyes was the most obvious part about their anger. Even though they looked soft, it was like their eyes were also intense at the same time, trying their hardest to examine every single thing Cody did. Anything to tell them he wasn't lying, but also anything to tell them they were right and they didn't make a mistake on his lie.

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Extra Information






Talking to Cody


Figure out if Cody is lying or not

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Mei Junchi[/URL]



Fricka stopped for a second, a bit confused, but then she grinned mischeviously, splashing more water at Junchi

"It's my business, what I am into" She exclaimed with a clear joking tone of voice, pretending like he pissed her off.



Cody sighed, his little ears perked up, no longer blending in with his shaggy hair, then his tail came out, puffing up, the tail was in his right pant leg the whole time, "Hi... " he said, then started to hear 'cute ' and 'Adorable ' among the people in the pizza place, his face lit red a bit and he seemed to have shrunken into the seat, "I'm not a cat though..." he said, hearing 'cat ' in some of the compliments, "I was Uh... Hoping to keep this hidden from certain people... As I'm not a huge fan of being petted... " he said, he wasn't mad at them, just, hopes he isn't going to be petted.
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JJKab said:
Fricka stopped for a second, a bit confused, but then she grinned mischeviously, splashing more water at Junchi
"It's my business, what I am into" She exclaimed with a clear joking tone of voice, pretending like he pissed her off.

Mei Junchi

"Aw, did I piss you off?" Junchi asked, their tone joking, playing the whole of a jerk. They tried to make sure they were being obvious though to avoid Fricka actually taking them serious. "I'll stop making those jokes if you'd like, I just find it funny how you really like getting into playful fights with me." they added on. Junchi couldn't help making sure they didn't offend anyone, even if they knew they didn't. As hard as they tried to be a bad boy, they always ended up trying to do a good thing in the end.

Extra Information


The Beach




Talking to Fricka


Playing with Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

CERBERUS177 said:
Cody sighed, his little eats perked up, no longer blending in with his shaggy hair, then his tail came out, puffing up, the tail was in his right pant leg the whole time, "Hi... " he said, then started to hear 'cute ' and 'Adorable ' among the people in the pizza place, his face lit red a bit and he seemed to have shrunken into the seat, "I'm not a cat though..." he said, hearing 'cat ' in some of the compliments, "I was Uh... Hoping to keep this hidden from certain people... As I'm not a huge fan of being petted... " he said, he wasn't mad at them, just, hopes he isn't going to be petted.


Moonstone slipped out an "Awww." when they saw Cody, but seeing how embarrassed he was they quickly shut themself up. "I don't understand why you should be scared about showing off your ears and tail. They're just body parts, it doesn't matter." they said. They already had Junchi as a friend, and they had more animal parts than human parts anyways. Moonstone hardly saw Junchi get embarrassed looking cute, though they did hate being pet, especially their wings. "Junchi is sort of like you with the petting; they dislike it too."

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Extra Information






Talking to Cody


Cheer up Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Des slowly nodded in the chair as he turned the page in his book, the page count not having seemed to change at all. "I'm not surprised. Old Gaelic is a dead language after all. What you say is true yet, pain as a teaching instrument has been around since ancient time, and little is better at teaching. My hopes in you drop every time you insult me."

(Sorry fell asleep)

Arturia Quinn

Arturia sigh "People using pain to gain their cause shouldn't exist." She say turning a page of her book.



"True but...I don't know, I think I just don't like being called cute... Since, Im tough you know? I... Just think that being tough is, myself, since, I've been bullied and pretty much dragged under a bus... I like to think I'm tough for my sister and for myself... Since... I wouldn't be here without that thought, since... " he took a sip from his iced tea, "Nobody has been there for me, and since I was the older sibling in the picture, I had to make myself there for Serena. " he said sadly, he was the protector, not the protectee. Though some of it may not make sense, Cody felt strange when he was called cute, like he felt something deep down trying to spark to life. 'Could this feeling be happiness? Haven't felt actual happiness for a while ' he thought. "But... What do you think of it? " he asked them.
Angelostar4 said:
"You're not the only one." Sophia let's out a bashful smile as she rubs the back of her head. "Sometimes I just speak my mind way too often, which kinda leads to me getting a smack on my head... by my grandma."
"Smacked on the head?" She giggled softly "I can relate" she said as another yawn escaped her lips "I don't mean to say too much, honestly, its just a bad habit. I guess its one of the reasons people walk away from me, that and my sleeping habits..." She mumbled the last part quietly.

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
C4 laughed and petted Yuna's head again. It just felt extraordinarily natural. "Lots and lots of explosions. 5 gallons of gasoline, a jar of Vaseline, a tube of wassabi, a Mexican named Philippe, a crowbar, and 98 hot dogs.... its a verrrrrrry long story...." Laughing he continued to pet her head before speaking again. "Hopefully the video game doesn't have a similar plot."

Yuna stared at him before giggling "You have to tell someday though, I'd love to hear how a jar of Vaseline blows up a car" she said as she looked at the racing game. She noticed him still petting her head, but again, she did say he could so she didn't protest. "I don't think the game had a plot like that somehow" she giggled "The only way it could blow up is if you actually blew up the game cabinet itself and I'd like to think you wouldn't try that."
Nona said:
"Smacked on the head?" She giggled softly "I can relate" she said as another yawn escaped her lips "I don't mean to say too much, honestly, its just a bad habit. I guess its one of the reasons people walk away from me, that and my sleeping habits..." She mumbled the last part quietly.
"I just think that's dumb in all respects" Sophia puts her hands to her side, and looks at the girl. "I mean sure, people who tend to speak their minds may come off as rude... but it's better to face the music then just lie about it. Also... you're too nice to be ditched. I mean, I wouldn't do it."
JJKab said:
"You know, our clothes are wet anyway, what's the point." Fricka said, slowly approaching Junchi with a mischevious grin on her lips
Gregory softly inserted his hand that was on Ariel's waist under the hem of her shirt, caressing the skin of her body. He pulled away from the kiss, looking her in the eyes

"Your skin is pretty lovely" He said softly with a lovely smile
Ariel looked back at him as he broke the kiss, her cheeks going a bit more red at his words and the feeling of his hand on her skin. "I'm glad you think so" she said with a small giggle after giving him a quick peck on the lips.
Nona said:
Ariel looked back at him as he broke the kiss, her cheeks going a bit more red at his words and the feeling of his hand on her skin. "I'm glad you think so" she said with a small giggle after giving him a quick peck on the lips.
Gregory laughed softly, looking into Ariel's eyes, as he pecked her neck quickly, in response to her peck on his lips

"I'm gonna peck ya untill no feather will be left on y----- wait, that sounds... wrong" He joked, blushing softly.
Angelostar4 said:
"I just think that's dumb in all respects" Sophia puts her hands to her side, and looks at the girl. "I mean sure, people who tend to speak their minds may come off as rude... but it's better to face the music then just lie about it. Also... you're too nice to be ditched. I mean, I wouldn't do it."
Elaena smiled up at the girl as the cat on her lap meowed. "Yes, but that is you, not everyone is nice enough to have the patience to sit with a girl who can fall asleep while talking" she said, laughing it off a little. "I try not to dwell on the notion of being ditched, my brother said if they walked away they aren't worth it"
Nona said:
Elaena smiled up at the girl as the cat on her lap meowed. "Yes, but that is you, not everyone is nice enough to have the patience to sit with a girl who can fall asleep while talking" she said, laughing it off a little. "I try not to dwell on the notion of being ditched, my brother said if they walked away they aren't worth it"
"That's a good piece of advice. Your brother sounds like the smart one out of you two for just saying that"
JJKab said:
Gregory laughed softly, looking into Ariel's eyes, as he pecked her neck quickly, in response to her peck on his lips
"I'm gonna peck ya untill no feather will be left on y----- wait, that sounds... wrong" He joked, blushing softly.
Ariel stared at him blinking a few times before laughing out at his words "Oh my, it kinda does doesn't it"
Angelostar4 said:
"That's a good piece of advice. Your brother sounds like the smart one out of you two for just saying that"
Elaena nodded "Yeah, he's only older by 7 minutes but he's always is looking out for me..." She said with a smile "He's a bit of a hermit though, or was, he's made a friend who's helping him with that"
Nona said:
Ariel stared at him blinking a few times before laughing out at his words "Oh my, it kinda does doesn't it"
"Yeah, it does" Gregory laughed alongside Ariel, his blush dispersing

"But we gotta get used to this.... After all... we do plan on eventually doing that..." He exclaimed seductively, as he moved to kis her lips again, moving his body an inch so that she was comfortable
JJKab said:
"Yeah, it does" Gregory laughed alongside Ariel, his blush dispersing
"But we gotta get used to this.... After all... we do plan on eventually doing that..." He exclaimed seductively, as he moved to kis her lips again, moving his body an inch so that she was comfortable
Ariel nodded, her cheeks slightly pink, he had a point, they'd need to get used to such things sooner or later. Of course she didn't have much time to get lost in that thought again as she found herself being kissed again.
Nona said:
Ariel nodded, her cheeks slightly pink, he had a point, they'd need to get used to such things sooner or later. Of course she didn't have much time to get lost in that thought again as she found herself being kissed again.
Gregory soon pulled away, and ran his finger across Ariel's skin, before letting go of her

"Would you like to eat something?" He asked, smirking softly, getting prepared to stand up
JJKab said:
Gregory soon pulled away, and ran his finger across Ariel's skin, before letting go of her
"Would you like to eat something?" He asked, smirking softly, getting prepared to stand up
Ariel pouted ever so slightly when he pulled away since she was enjoying the kisses she was receiving but smiled after a second "Sure, what do you have to eat?" She asked curiously.
Nona said:
Ariel pouted ever so slightly when he pulled away since she was enjoying the kisses she was receiving but smiled after a second "Sure, what do you have to eat?" She asked curiously.
Gregory smirked lightly, as he stood up, and kissed her lips again, but it was quick

"What would you like to eat, I shall have" He said. He was prepared for this date/night with his love
JJKab said:
Gregory smirked lightly, as he stood up, and kissed her lips again, but it was quick
"What would you like to eat, I shall have" He said. He was prepared for this date/night with his love
"Hmm..." She tapped her chin as she thought "Do you have the ingredients for pizza?" She asked "I can help make it?" She suggested.

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