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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnWhy are you switching your language when speaking?It's annoying.Also i'm at least enough civilize to not injure people to learn them a "lesson."Arturia say removing one of her earbuds.
Des sighed boredly as he continued speaking, alternating languages. "If you wish to understand, the apply yourself and learn to speak many languages as I have. Pain is in fact one of the best teaching tools. It is also one of the fastest ways to learn. more so than happiness, fear, or pleasure, concepts associated to pain are stored in long term memory far faster than other emotions, and so pain is still one of the greatest teaching tools. remaining silent when one has misspoken should have already been stored in your long term memory. I have lived far longer than you would imagine. Don't question ancient teaching techniques."
Kisaki said:
(Kagami is definitely going to have a sugar rush)
Jack chuckled "I guess she does ".

Kagami smiled " I gladly have some free candy." Jack bowed to Camilia.

"Uh..thanks!" he said. Camilia slightly smiled "Your welcome Jack. Before you go I have to tell you something..." she stepped foward and whispered to him " Some not so friendly people are coming for you. I better watch my back if I were you" she then stepped and gestured them to go.
Serena winced at the pain in her side, the potion must be working slowly on that wound, 'I think I could go for some of that candy too...' she thought to herself, "Alright...We might be back some day." she said, remembering the time for a visit here, maybe the next time won't end up with a fight.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Des sighed boredly as he continued speaking, alternating languages. "If you wish to understand, the apply yourself and learn to speak many languages as I have. Pain is in fact one of the best teaching tools. It is also one of the fastest ways to learn. more so than happiness, fear, or pleasure, concepts associated to pain are stored in long term memory far faster than other emotions, and so pain is still one of the greatest teaching tools. remaining silent when one has misspoken should have already been stored in your long term memory. I have lived far longer than you would imagine. Don't question ancient teaching techniques."

Arturia Quinn

Arturia keep reading her book deciding to take a boring look "We are not all masochist you know.And no,some people can remember a lot of thing with simple emotions while the pain can affect the mental but also alter the memory of something.By the way i still can't understand some words of you."
Roman said:
"More rides it is." Han said, before scanning the area for a few. It wasn't a hard search, since a lot of the rides had obnoxious names. "Well you wanna choose one?"
Mari picked the one that just span you round and round. "That one!" She said excitedly. Celia nodded in agreement.
"Alrighty , the Bakery is our next stop". The card started to glow until Jack and Kagami can see white. The light started to dim out after a few seconds.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena winced at the pain in her side, the potion must be working slowly on that wound, 'I think I could go for some of that candy too...' she thought to herself, "Alright...We might be back some day." she said, remembering the time for a visit here, maybe the next time won't end up with a fight.
charleen said:
Nico made her way back to the school, and started exploring the campus. She didn't really have a place to go to, so she thought that this would be a great time to experience the school.
Furia walked in through the gates of the school, she sighed, "I wonder why my first class is..." she said, then she spotted someone, "Oh! Excuse me!" she said, walking to the girl, "Could you show me around the school? I'm kinda new here, and I don't know my way around yet." she said smiling.
NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnArturia keep reading her book deciding to take a boring look "We are not all masochist you know.And no,some people can remember a lot of thing with simple emotions while the pain can affect the mental but also alter the memory of something.By the way i still can't understand some words of you."
Des slowly nodded in the chair as he turned the page in his book, the page count not having seemed to change at all. "I'm not surprised. Old Gaelic is a dead language after all. What you say is true yet, pain as a teaching instrument has been around since ancient time, and little is better at teaching. My hopes in you drop every time you insult me."
Kisaki said:
"Alrighty , the Bakery is our next stop". The card started to glow until Jack and Kagami can see white. The light started to dim out after a few seconds.
Serena waved a goodbye and then they were in moms bakery, "...The hell?" mom said, "We'll be taking some candy please." she said, mom nodded and went into the back and grabbed a bag of the same candy from last time, "Here. Maybe next time, a little warning when you're going to pop in..." she said, Serena nodded, "Oh, Kagami, this is my mother, (Crap forgot her name)Sarah." she said, handing Kagami the bag after taking two for her and Jack, handing the other one.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((aparently I didnt reply xD thought i did xD ))
Arbitz nodded happily. As long as he wasn't tying her up it was fine, although he was slightly worried about how long it would take to find one of CROSS' safe houses...or more specifically the one with his computer. "Ok! Lets go!"

"Yeah..." Akane said as she stopped floating and her feet finally touched ground again. She then started for the door which led into the large grocery store. "All you need is milk right?" She asked Arbitz curiously.
TheDragoon said:
Mari picked the one that just span you round and round. "That one!" She said excitedly. Celia nodded in agreement.
Han looked at the ride Mari pointed at, and he saw Celia nodding in agreement to her choice, which led him to believe she would be riding this ride with them. "Are you joining us this time, Celia?" He asked curiously.



"Hmm...No idea, I've drawn a blank...Maybe, types of bands...or..something..." he said, he's already found out that they weren't a metal music fan, so that can't be something good to talk about. "Maybe movies?" he said after that, since that'd be something to talk about.
Roman said:
Han looked at the ride Mari pointed at, and he saw Celia nodding in agreement to her choice, which led him to believe she would be riding this ride with them. "Are you joining us this time, Celia?" He asked curiously.
Celia nodded and tilted her head. "It doesn't look too extreme. I'll join you 2." She said happily.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Hmm...No idea, I've drawn a blank...Maybe, types of bands...or..something..." he said, he's already found out that they weren't a metal music fan, so that can't be something good to talk about. "Maybe movies?" he said after that, since that'd be something to talk about.


"I haven't been allowed to watch many movies. My family really liked to shelter me from almost all types of media. When I went over to Junchi's place though they would always put on romantic movies. I hated them though, I preferred action and thriller, something that got my heart beating." Moonstone explained as they attempted to cross their legs while sitting. The table was too low for them to do it though, so they had to keep their feet planted to the ground. They sighed, remembering why at times they hated being so tall.

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Happy, Slightly annoyed from being tall




Start a conversation with Cody

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TheDragoon said:
Celia nodded and tilted her head. "It doesn't look too extreme. I'll join you 2." She said happily.
"Good to know." Han said, walking alongside them both. The ride didn't look scary just like Celia said, so it was only natural she joined them since it wont scare her. "We can also go out to eat after this if you want." He said to Mari.
Camelia sat as down as they soon disapeared. She sipped her tea.


Kagami waved to Sarah. "It's nice to meet you. Also your candy is great".

She popped a piece of candy in her mouth once she got the bag.

"Sorry for suddenly appearing in your bakery"apologized Jack. Kagami hummed as she ate another piece of candy. "Thanks Serena.."Kagami soon ran off with her piece of candy.

(*sorry for late reply. Also I'm adding new characters. Some will be evil*)

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena waved a goodbye and then they were in moms bakery, "...The hell?" mom said, "We'll be taking some candy please." she said, mom nodded and went into the back and grabbed a bag of the same candy from last time, "Here. Maybe next time, a little warning when you're going to pop in..." she said, Serena nodded, "Oh, Kagami, this is my mother, (Crap forgot her name)Sarah." she said, handing Kagami the bag after taking two for her and Jack, handing the other one.



(I know that feeling all to well...I have to remove the keyboard tray from my desk, to be comfortable ;- ;)

"Hmm...Alright...well, what have you heard of?" he asked, as an in general thing, with music, cars, movies, tv shows, something fun to talk about. If things stay like this, then he might as well show his ears and tail...he can take being called cute or adorable just to end the silence.
Kisaki said:
Camelia sat as down as they soon disapeared. She sipped her tea.

Kagami waved to Sarah. "It's nice to meet you. Also your candy is great".

She popped a piece of candy in her mouth once she got the bag.

"Sorry for suddenly appearing in your bakery"apologized Jack. Kagami hummed as she ate another piece of candy. "Thanks Serena.."Kagami soon ran off with her piece of candy.

(*sorry for late reply. Also I'm adding new characters. Some will be evil*)
(Just, as other walking physical's or, Jack's personality? I hope the first one ;- ;)

Sarah nodded, and Serena led Jack out of the bakery, "Well...today was, very eventful...So, that Kuro guy...why was he, in your body?" she asked him, concerned at what Jack was hiding, "If you need help, I can help you Jack..." she said, looking at him with a bit of a sad face.
"It's complicated. I'am Kuro and he is me. My soul is made up of 5 others. You can just think it as they all share the same body as me." He turned is head away then looked up at the sky.

(Both probably probably. Maybe I should introduce Kuroko the emotionless one.) :D

CERBERUS177 said:
(Just, as other walking physical's or, Jack's personality? I hope the first one ;- ;)
Sarah nodded, and Serena led Jack out of the bakery, "Well...today was, very eventful...So, that Kuro guy...why was he, in your body?" she asked him, concerned at what Jack was hiding, "If you need help, I can help you Jack..." she said, looking at him with a bit of a sad face.
CERBERUS177 said:
(I know that feeling all to well...I have to remove the keyboard tray from my desk, to be comfortable ;- ;)
"Hmm...Alright...well, what have you heard of?" he asked, as an in general thing, with music, cars, movies, tv shows, something fun to talk about. If things stay like this, then he might as well show his ears and tail...he can take being called cute or adorable just to end the silence.


"Well, I've been able to sneak myself some comic books. Mostly superhero stuff, really got me interested in learning about my powers. Same with television shows, they're usually superhero related. I've also got a lot of information on music, I just can't pick a favorite genre to be honest. I love them all as long as the music is good and I can dance to it. I've already mentioned I've watched anime and read manga before, well, a little bit." Moonstone rambled on. They had many things to talk about, and wanted to give enough information for Cody to start a conversation. "I also read a lot of books. I'm supposed to read only the good and lighthearted books that don't teach me bad morals, but I just can't help but adore murder mysteries, psychological thrillers, and fantasy books. Bonus points if they're all three!" they continued. Eventually they stopped, took a breath, and went back to eating their pizza. They got themself another slice as they waited for Cody to respond.

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Start a conversation with Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Kisaki said:
"It's complicated. I'am Kuro and he is me. My soul is made up of 5 others. You can just think it as they all share the same body as me." He turned is head away then looked up at the sky.
(Both probably probably. Maybe I should introduce Kuroko the emotionless one.) :D
"...Is...is there a way to, make them go away?" she asked softly, concerned of his well being, "If it's possible...I think we should try and, let you have your own body. Because, I love you Jack...I'd like to be there for you." she said, a smile on her face now, hugging his arm tightly.

(I'm interested into how that will go, I'm thinking he never leaves the room. You've seen anime with one of the characters doing everything to get that person to do something? That's what I'm thinking of...Hope that wasn't confusing.)



"Have you ever read a zombie book called 'Rot and Ruin'? It's one of four in a series. I read the second one, but after that I had to read the rest! I was hooked onto it, then found out that it was ending soon...never finished it." he said, feeling a bit upset, as the characters were awesome, and it was very interesting to read, he just hopes to find the last book someday.

(True story)
(He's kind of like that. He views emotionless useless.Feelings like love only make you weak)

"Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. " He look back at Serena. "It's okay. Your support and love makes me really happy".He leaned in and gave a quick chaste kiss on her lips.

CERBERUS177 said:
"...Is...is there a way to, make them go away?" she asked softly, concerned of his well being, "If it's possible...I think we should try and, let you have your own body. Because, I love you Jack...I'd like to be there for you." she said, a smile on her face now, hugging his arm tightly.
(I'm interested into how that will go, I'm thinking he never leaves the room. You've seen anime with one of the characters doing everything to get that person to do something? That's what I'm thinking of...Hope that wasn't confusing.)
CERBERUS177 said:
"Have you ever read a zombie book called 'Rot and Ruin'? It's one of four in a series. I read the second one, but after that I had to read the rest! I was hooked onto it, then found out that it was ending soon...never finished it." he said, feeling a bit upset, as the characters were awesome, and it was very interesting to read, he just hopes to find the last book someday.
(True story)


"I've heard of it, but zombie stuff just never seemed too... interest me..." Moonstone responded as they thought about it. "I think it's more enjoyable when the people getting chased down and killed are actual people, or when actual people are chasing down and killing others. It feels more believable, so you have more of a connection to it. Zombies are just too fake... or uncommon... I don't know... seems like stuff I thought was fake is real at this school." They then began digging into the cake, eating it carefully to make sure they didn't make a mess.

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Talking to Cody


Talk to Cody

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