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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Satoshi shivered lightly. "I-I assure you! I'm perfectly-" He said before a voice spoke again. "CHOOSE! 1. "I'm cursed." 2. "Your cursed."" It said before fading. Satoshi went with the second option so he wouldn't feel intense pain. "Umm... Your cursed." He said to her.
Leia blinked, her eyes watching him with a confused expression. "...Uhm...I don't think I am...are you sure?" She said as she quickly examined herself, she didn't feel cursed so she didn't get where he was coming from unless it was supposed to be an insult or something. The thought of that made her frown. She certainly didn't think she deserved an insult.
Nona said:
"Hmm..." She tapped her chin as she thought "Do you have the ingredients for pizza?" She asked "I can help make it?" She suggested.
"Yes" Gregory smiled widely, standing up.

"You. Will sit down, you're my guest here" Gregory exclaimed.

"And you're a woman, you HAVE to relax here" He said, firmly, but gently, and soon entered his kitchen, whistling.

JJKab said:
"Yes" Gregory smiled widely, standing up.
"You. Will sit down, you're my guest here" Gregory exclaimed.

"And you're a woman, you HAVE to relax here" He said, firmly, but gently, and soon entered his kitchen, whistling.
"But-" she pouted lightly "Okay" she said softly as she sat down again "I feel a little guilty that you're cooking on your own, are you sure you don't want help?" She asked from where she sat on the couch.
Nona said:
"But-" she pouted lightly "Okay" she said softly as she sat down again "I feel a little guilty that you're cooking on your own, are you sure you don't want help?" She asked from where she sat on the couch.
"Good ol' Gregory has everything under controll" Greg said jokingly, as he pulled out a bunch of flour, and began making the base of the pizza, whistling
Roman said:
"Yeah..." Akane said as she stopped floating and her feet finally touched ground again. She then started for the door which led into the large grocery store. "All you need is milk right?" She asked Arbitz curiously.
Arbitz nodded thoroughly, when he noticed Akane landing, and it reminded him of Breeze. She refused to touch the ground because she said it was uncomfortable, although he didnt know Ms. Akane's reasons for doing such a thing. It was strange how some people did similar things for what could be entirely different reasons. Following closely behind Akane, Arbitz wondered if there was anything eles asides from milk which he should pick up.
NickTonCutter said:
(Sorry fell asleep)
Arturia Quinn

Arturia sigh "People using pain to gain their cause shouldn't exist." She say turning a page of her book.
(dont worry I did to XDDD)

Des boredly turned the page once more, "If people who used pain as a tool did not exist, much of the technology and "understanding" of our current worlds, would not exist. pain has been used throughout the ages and will likely continue to be used, even by others than me. while it is an older style of teaching, it is still effective. Just look, have you insulted me once since you've learned that it will end in pain? When you fall and scrape open your knee, did you know your balance will actually improve for a time? This is because the brain associates falling with pain, so it will do all it can to prevent another fall. Never punish an answer, even if its wrong. Only punish the lack of an answer."
Nona said:
"Smacked on the head?" She giggled softly "I can relate" she said as another yawn escaped her lips "I don't mean to say too much, honestly, its just a bad habit. I guess its one of the reasons people walk away from me, that and my sleeping habits..." She mumbled the last part quietly.

Yuna stared at him before giggling "You have to tell someday though, I'd love to hear how a jar of Vaseline blows up a car" she said as she looked at the racing game. She noticed him still petting her head, but again, she did say he could so she didn't protest. "I don't think the game had a plot like that somehow" she giggled "The only way it could blow up is if you actually blew up the game cabinet itself and I'd like to think you wouldn't try that."
C4 realized at this point that he was like a character in an anime with his petting on Yuna's head. "You really dont want to know how it happened *pat pat pat pat* Its a very weird and random story. The jar of Vaseline lead to an argument with the Mexican who blew up a number of cars.... as I said, long story..." continuing to pet Yuna as he walked to the arcade cabinet he laughed. "I dont know. *rub rub rub rub* It would depend on how many quarters of ours' it ate"
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester](dont worry I did to XDDD)
Des boredly turned the page once more, "If people who used pain as a tool did not exist, much of the technology and "understanding" of our current worlds, would not exist. pain has been used throughout the ages and will likely continue to be used, even by others than me. while it is an older style of teaching, it is still effective. Just look, have you insulted me once since you've learned that it will end in pain? When you fall and scrape open your knee, did you know your balance will actually improve for a time? This is because the brain associates falling with pain, so it will do all it can to prevent another fall. Never punish an answer, even if its wrong. Only punish the lack of an answer."

Arturia Quinn

Arturia yawn reading her book "You are truly and interesting mockingbird...
NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnArturia yawn reading her book "You are truly and interesting mockingbird...
Des sighed in annoyance, there was no new incites to be gained in either this text, nor this person. Standing upright, he began to slowly stalk away, turning the page and beginning to read the texts of a long lost civilization before speaking. "it was a "pleasure" speaking to you"
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Des sighed in annoyance, there was no new incites to be gained in either this text, nor this person. Standing upright, he began to slowly stalk away, turning the page and beginning to read the texts of a long lost civilization before speaking. "it was a "pleasure" speaking to you"

Arturia Quinn

Arturia chuckle looking at her book "I can sense your irony in what you say,you know."
NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnArturia chuckle looking at her book "I can sense your irony in what you say,you know."
Des sighed boredly before exiting the library. Would nobody in this town be able to enlighten him at all?
Nona said:
Leia blinked, her eyes watching him with a confused expression. "...Uhm...I don't think I am...are you sure?" She said as she quickly examined herself, she didn't feel cursed so she didn't get where he was coming from unless it was supposed to be an insult or something. The thought of that made her frown. She certainly didn't think she deserved an insult.
Satoshi frowned lightly and shook his head. "I didn't mean it that way, I'm sorry." He told her. "It's just... There's something wrong with me and I can't tell you."
LunaCrosby said:
Emi looked at Syo, "What are you're parent's like?" she asked curiously, she was curious as to what his life at home was like.
Syo laughed a little as he was eating. "You really want to know?" He asked her curiously.
Nona said:
Saria smiled brightly "You could always learn~" she said before shaking his hand "Saria~ its nice to meet you Wylie" she said happily "Oh, you will have to do that, its compulsory to" she said with a nod "...At least I think thats what I was told..." She said tapping her chin, she didn't remember 100% of what she was told when joining.
((Lost track of your post))

"Yeah... I'm half-sure that there is a combat session currently happening, but I'm ditching class the first day," Wylie replied, "What type of magic is it? Telekinesis?"
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]








...ΨKenji looked down at his timetable for a few moments and then looked over at Lumina's. From his observation, he saw that they both had the exact same table in terms of the classes they happened to share. He knew that it was probably the work of his older brother, Akira. Being the little brother of the principal had it's perks, he supposed. Upon hearing Lumina talk, he raised his head and replied to his pair, his smile remaining ever present as he did soΨ...

I have Biology next as well, so I'll be able to be with you in class~ As for the after-school stuff, I was thinking that we could go see one of these.. ‘movie’ things together. I read on the line that it's a popular date location. Or is it online? I'm not too sure how people refer to this ‘internet’ thing~

no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide



Lumina hadn't seen their class lists side-by-side, so she didn't know that their schedules had lined up as perfectly as they did. Obviously she had hoped they would have some classes together, but how was she to know what classes he would or wouldn't have? Honestly she was glad they at least had one class together, even if it was a class she wasn't all that happy to have to attend. Biology would be a more relaxing class than this one, especially if Kenji would be there. Lumina was actually quite good at academics, what she lacked in physical ability she more than made up for in th r classroom. In terms of grades and homework, she felt more than prepared. Since they were sharing classes, it made the phoenix interested to see what Kenji would be like in the classroom. It'd be fun to see him in a completely different light.

His next statement about the movie made her pause a bit. For a few moments, she stared at him as he finished talking, then found giggles escaping her lips. I guess there really was some things even he didn't know. Granted, she wasn't extremely familiar with computers or anything like that, but she at least knew how to use the Internet on a basic level. His statement was so radically different from the Kenji she knew, that seemed to know everything and was confused by nothing. It was refreshing, really. Her giggles soon calmed down and she looked up at her pair with a smile, the amusement of his words putting her in a more relaxed and happier mood.
"A movie sounds wonderful, I'd love to go see one with you~"

no slide
no slide
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((sorry bout the delay, stuffs came up yesterday))
Suuy smirked, "Not quite the language I would have phrased it with but alright." Pulling out a stack of $10,000 he tossed it on the ground at Leo's feet. "Theres another 10 in it for you when we get there." Stretching Suuy waited on Leo to get moving.

"You've got a car or somethin'? I can really only bring myself there on whim." But then that would bring the problem of how to get there, since he could only bring himself."Gimme a sec." Dissapearing for a brief moment, he reappeared again, slightly scruffier than before. "It's on 53rd and Maplebrook. So GPS that shit and we'll get a move on. Oh! There's some horny anal enthusiasts who like foreplaying as mobsters outside as well, so i'd be careful of that too."
Nona said:
"Well I thought so and so do I, that's why I picked it" she said with a small giggle as she stood up as well.
Luke chuckled and smiled before grabbing Kairassi's hand and heading out of the restaurant.
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((Salvador and Roy are both open, who do you want to interact with?))

(Who you want to, I got only one character free, and she's slowly making her way towards her home. She is still around the school's territory, though)
Lillith disappeared away from Harper and Hiro after they got off of the roller coaster, she ran out of the amusement park in search of her parents. "Kipper come on!" she called out for her pet Skipper. Skipper appeared on her shoulder as they ran off. @LunaCrosby @TheDragoon
JJKab said:
(Who you want to, I got only one character free, and she's slowly making her way towards her home. She is still around the school's territory, though)
Salvador, intent on calming his mind after almost blowing up his room twice in a row, decides to head off school grounds to take a walk. He shakes a charred shirtsleeve, and moves at a brisk pace.

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