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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Satoshi continued until a minute had passed before going silent again. He then sighed with a frown. "I wish somebody could get rid of this stupid curse." He said.
Leia had continued to watch the boy until he stopped. Ah, good, now she could go back to her studies. With this thought in mind she was about to open her notebook again until she overheard the boy speak about a curse? Well that had piqued her interest. "A curse?" She questioned from where she sat on the grass.
NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnArturia smile looking at Chler before reaching back the floor leaving the pool
Chler followed Arturia, but noticed her hand was wrapped around Arturia's waist. She blushed, removing it from there, and climbing onto the ledge

"S-Sorry about the hand..." She murmured, shaking her head.
Kisaki said:
Camilia tilted her head. Was the girl next to Jack a princess or something.
Jack remeber this girl. She is a princess and daughter of the Red queen. "Camilia ,right?"he asked.

The girl nodded "Yes that's me . Who's the girl right next to you ?".
"I'm Jack's...special someone." she said, smiling at him, "And you are?" she said, a little confused by what's going on.
JJKab said:
Chler followed Arturia, but noticed her hand was wrapped around Arturia's waist. She blushed, removing it from there, and climbing onto the ledge
"S-Sorry about the hand..." She murmured, shaking her head.
Arturia Quinn

Arturia chuckle blushing a little before shaking her head too "Don't worry,it's just the instinct i guess..." she look at her clothes "Guess it will stay like that for a moment!" Arturia turn back at Chler smiling "Well...Do you want to do something?I'm running out of idea and was a little bore this morning..."
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JJKab said:
"Sure." Fricka said, a bit unconfidently looking at Junchi's wings
Her hand soon touched one of them, but moved back, with a faint blush forming on her cheeks

"I can't believe they're so s--soft" She exclaimed shyly

Mei Junchi

"Thanks. I'm a pretty weak flier though, my type of Oricenta are better on the ground than in the air. I can still fly you by using flower petals though." Junchi said as they created a sheet of flower petals Fricka could climb onto. Junchi wasn't strong enough to hold Fricka and fly her there, but they had enough power to use their flower petals to create a sort of basket for Fricka to sit comfortably in.

Extra Information


Fantasy High School




Talking to Fricka, Making a sheet of flower petals for Fricka to climb in


Fly Fricka and themself to the beach

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnArturia chuckle blushing a little before shaking her head too "Don't worry,it's just the instinct i guess..." she look at her clothes "Guess it will stay like that for a moment!" Arturia turn back at Chler smiling "Well...Do you want to do something?I'm running out of idea and was a little bore this morning..."
"Told ya. We can come to my dorm, get ourselves dry, relax a little, and then come back to school. How does that sound?" Chler asked, smiling softly at Arturia, slowly standing up
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Fricka eeked, stepping back a little, as she noticed a "basket" of flower pettles. She giggled, and slowly climbed into it, humming softly

"We can go now" She exclaimed
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((I decided to use Wylie instead))
Wylie, heading back to the dorms, trips on the baggage, then regains his balance, heading to dorms.

Ruffling her hair a little, Saria fixed it and tied a red ribbon into her hair before heading out of her dorm. Stepping outside, she took a breath of fresh air before continuing on her way. She had decided to take a quick check on her little sister to make sure she was fitting in okay. On her way she spotted someone tripping over baggage. Being how she is she decided to help out. "Do you need any help?" She asked curiously as she looked at the boy.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody thought of something, "The stone, that's embedded in your, chest...Is it possible to do it that way?" he asked, if possible, the stone could trigger it.
(I'm sorry it's so short...)
((I don't care for short posts, as long as they give me something to work with.))


"My gemstone? Um, I'm not sure. All I know is that it gives me an easy transportation to a safe area for me to relax or heal. It also lets me use my abilities in a more relaxed condition, so it's much more easier for me." they explained, leaving out the part about how if it was shattered they would be instantly killed.

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Extra Information






Talking to Cody


Go to Dominoes with Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


"I'm Camilia Rose. The daughter of the Red Queen " she bowed.

Kagami put her hands on her hips.

"I can now see the resemblance".

CERBERUS177 said:
"I'm Jack's...special someone." she said, smiling at him, "And you are?" she said, a little confused by what's going on.
Nona said:
Ruffling her hair a little, Saria fixed it and tied a red ribbon into her hair before heading out of her dorm. Stepping outside, she took a breath of fresh air before continuing on her way. She had decided to take a quick check on her little sister to make sure she was fitting in okay. On her way she spotted someone tripping over baggage. Being how she is she decided to help out. "Do you need any help?" She asked curiously as she looked at the boy.
"Sure," Wylie said relieved, laying down the luggage. It was definitely faster for him to put the luggage away than Roy, but it didn't help that he couldn't go at his faster pace, "Bunch of armor." He looks up at the girl who offered to help him.
JJKab said:
"Told ya. We can come to my dorm, get ourselves dry, relax a little, and then come back to school. How does that sound?" Chler asked, smiling softly at Arturia, slowly standing up
Arturia Quinn

Arturia nod smiling "Alright,i could visit were do you live and get a little warm up." Arturia say helping Chler to get up.
JJKab said:
Fricka eeked, stepping back a little, as she noticed a "basket" of flower pettles. She giggled, and slowly climbed into it, humming softly
"We can go now" She exclaimed

Mei Junchi

After hearing that Fricka was ready Junchi flew themself up into the air and then Fricka's basket with them. They kept the basket slightly ahead of them and flew them to the beach. It wasn't a fast trip, but it certainly wasn't slow. The only time Junchi had to slow themself down was to avoid birds or make sure Fricka was alright. Nearing the beach they asked her, "Are you fine still? We're almost there."

Extra Information


Flying to the beach






Go to the beach with Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnArturia nod smiling "Alright,i could visit were do you live and get a little warm up." Arturia say helping Chler to get up.
Chler smiled thankfully at Arturia, as she walked towards the exit of the pool area, gesturing for her to follow her

Few minutes later, and they were by Chler's dorm, as she took her key, and unlocked her door, letting Arturia first, then walking in after her.
JJKab said:
Chler smiled thankfully at Arturia, as she walked towards the exit of the pool area, gesturing for her to follow her
Few minutes later, and they were by Chler's dorm, as she took her key, and unlocked her door, letting Arturia first, then walking in after her.
Arturia Quinn

Arturia hum happily entering in the dorm "It's smell and look lovely!" she say waiting for Chler to enter too.
JJKab said:
As they took off, Fricka yelped, holding tightly onto the ledges of the "basket" As soon as she heard Junchi's voice asking if she's okay, she gave a thumbs up
"Y-Yeah" She said quietly

Mei Junchi

"I can fly lower to the ground if you'd like." they asked her as they did just that. Junchi and Fricka were already approaching the beach anyways, so Junchi prepared themself for the landing and slowly lowered the two onto the sand. "There you go. You seemed a bit scared." they said as they checked if she was fine.

Extra Information


The beach




Talking to Fricka


Make sure Fricka is fine

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnArturia hum happily entering in the dorm "It's smell and look lovely!" she say waiting for Chler to enter too.
Chler soon entered, and closed the door behind them. Immidietely, she took her shirt and skirt off, staying in underwear only, as she threw them on the shelf by the exit

"I'll be back, I'll... Br--bring some clothes for us" She exclaimed, blushing softly, as she bypassed Arturia, and went into her room



"Hmm, it was worth a shot, oh well... So, what's your favorite pizza topping? I myself, prefer a triple meat. " he said looking at Moonstone, kinda lucky they got the color blue for skin color, but, Cody had a black and silver tail, so that was kinda cool, but, he wanted to keep it secret from certain people, since he isn't a huge fan of the touching and being called cute.

(Before you ask, yes he is, details are above my signature picture :D )
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Fricka got out of the basket as soon as she could, which made her stumble, and roll on the sand a bit, causing her to yelp

She then sat up, and shook her head

"Yes, I'm okay" Fricka giggled softly
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro had quickly gotten used to the crutches, making it to Astrid with ease. There was one problem, but it was trivial because they were uncomfortable to him. Once he sat down and put them to the side, and sat quietly after speaking for a moment. Seeing Astrid best up like this sort of put Alejandro in a bad mood. She may hsve been annoying and rude, but he couldn't really to himself and say he didn't care about her. That's how he knew he cared. Taking a deep breath as the nurse came back into the room, carrying a sling, this only worried him more. Watching Astrid go through pain just to put on a sling was pretty saddening, and Alejandro looked away until it was on. Not long after the actual doctors came in and checked their injuries, and once he left, the blue haired boy couldn't do much but just look down at his braced ankle.

As Alejandro stared down at his ankle, the sound of Astrid's voice snapped him back to reality and he looked back at her. He could tell she was being sarcastic, but he could also see the disappointment. Alejandro sighed lightly and looked at Astrid with his normal expressionless face. "Yeah... It was." He said, his tone being sarcastic as a small smile crept upon his lips. "Even if it went like this, sort of glad that you're here... We can actually talk out our differences... Get on better terms." He said, his smile remaining as he looked down at his ankle again. "There's no telling how long we'll be like this either so... Might as well reap the benefits of not having to partake in combat class." Alejandro said jokingly. "You... Get where I'm coming from right?"

More Info

Location: Nurse's office

Mood: Injured, calm, and actually happy

Status: Talking with Astrid

Objective: Get to know Astrid a little better

Interacting with: Astrid Finchett

Tags: @Lumina



Like this, sitting in the nurse's office on the bed with a concussion and a shoulder in a sling, Astrid felt extremely vulnerable. Open. Usually whenever she got hurt, she'd find a secluded place and tough it out on her own. It had always been like this, her not wanting to be seen in such a state by, well, anyone. Especially not Alejandro. For some reason, it really bothered her that he was seeing her like this, and just seeing him like that didn't sit well. There was this air of awkwardness between them, one that Astrid could tell Alejandro was trying to break.

Thinking back on it, she did feel somewhat bad for how she had treated him both at the hospital and in class. He was a lot nicer than she gave him credit for, and even though he annoyed her to no end, she couldn't deny that there was a part of her that couldn't leave him alone. His words rang true in her head, and she didn't look at him as she responded.
"Yeah. You're right. Look, I..." Astrid sighed inwardly, cursing her inability to deal with situations like these in a mature manner. "...I'm, uh, sorry for being so stubborn and rude and stuff. I have a hard time dealing with people, and I get angry really quickly... but that doesn't make how I acted right or anything. You were just trying to keep me out of trouble..." she moved her hand on her good arm to lightly rub the scar that Alejandro had left. The color was still bright blue, the same shade as his hair. She hadn't noticed that yet.

"Yknow, being in trouble was something I've always been used to. Growing up I didn't really have anybody to teach me how to not... I dunno... but I've always been like this. Not really caring about the consequences of my actions, or anything like that. So I just stopped caring about it. I guess I'm not used to people caring, so.... thanks." She didn't look up at him quite yet, not really wanting to fully embrace the fact that she was opening up to him at all. She was rambling and she knew that, but right now she was feeling vulnerable for the first time in a very long time, if not the first time in her whole life. It was hard enough letting down her walls enough to spout off the nonsense she was probably saying, so she didn't need to see how he was looking at her. Would he look at her with judgement? Pity? Apathy? Right now, Astrid didn't really want to know.

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Kisaki said:
"I'm Camilia Rose. The daughter of the Red Queen " she bowed.
Kagami put her hands on her hips.

"I can now see the resemblance".
"What? Um... Jack, where exactly are we? " she asked him, "Wait... We're in your universe aren't we? " she said as a follow up, feeling kinda scared now.
[QUOTE="The Atomic Ranks32]
Sagion HilftSagion was wandering around the campus area, without having any idea were any thing was, he continued to walk around aimlessly. He was getting annoyed because of his lack of progress. He wanted to get his work started as soon as possible. But, since he had no clue where he was and very confused, he decided he would seek someone who can help him. At least they could give him something useful. Like a map. He stopped walking and looked around him. He tried to avoid eye contact for, he also didn't have any idea how dangerous some people could be. Sagion stretched and groaned and sat down on the ground, feeling a bit defeated. He felt defeated. But he wasn't going to give up. Giving up is for losers, he thought. Giving up is a sign of weakness, he believes. But also, having no sense of direction could be considered weak too. He just decided to ignore that part. He still sat down on the ground, having his small break, hoping that someone would notice him by himself. He mumbled, as he came up with ideas. Hopefully smart ideas, and after being in silence for a few minutes, he chuckled to himself. Which is usually not a good sign.

[/QUOTE] ((I have a free character. If anyone feels like joining, just go ahead.))
JJKab said:
Chler soon entered, and closed the door behind them. Immidietely, she took her shirt and skirt off, staying in underwear only, as she threw them on the shelf by the exit
"I'll be back, I'll... Br--bring some clothes for us" She exclaimed, blushing softly, as she bypassed Arturia, and went into her room
Arturia Quinn

Arturia chuckle blushing too "Well ok,waiting for you to be back then." she say sitting down on the bed.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Hmm, it was worth a shot, oh well... So, what's your favorite pizza topping? I myself, prefer a triple meat. " he said looking at Moonstone, kinda lucky they got the color blue for skin color, but, Cody had a black and silver tail, so that was kinda cool, but, he wanted to keep it secret from certain people, since he isn't a huge fan of the touching and being called cute.
(Before you ask, yes he is, details are above my signature picture :D )


"My favorite pizza topping is... hm... I guess pepperoni with mushrooms." Moonstone responded. They've only had a few pizzas in their life, but each time they loved them and they got themself a different kind. "What's a triple meat like?" they asked Cody.

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Extra Information






Talking to Cody


Get pizza

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:



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