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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((Anyone open?))

((I can take on another interaction. I have two more free characters :3 Rosalie and Saria))
Nona said:
((I can take on another interaction. I have two more free characters :3 Rosalie and Saria))
((I've talked with Rosalie, so how about Saria?

Actually, who do you want to meet up with Roy?))
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Arturia was taking her lunch watching a series on her phone.After that,she take a bath humming before going outside riding on her bike at her new school quickly "First day !!!" Arturia yell happily.After some minutes,she park her bike and walk at the school entry,scrathing her hair "I wonder where i need to go now..." She whisper.
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NickTonCutter said:
Arturia was taking her lunch watching a series on her phone.After that,she take a bath humming before going outside riding on her bike at her new school quickly "First day !!!" Arturia yell happily.After some minutes,she park her bike and walk at the school entry,scrathing her hair "I wonder where i need to go now..." She whisper.
Chler was slowly making her way down the school hallway, whistling, her hands hid in her pockets. It was over for her, lessons were done, but she knew some more people were coming to the school today. She got informed that a girl named Arturia was coming, and was curious about her.

Soon, Chler noticed a girl who was pretty similiar to the one mentioned to her.

She approched her with a wide smile

"Hey, you're lost? Can I help you?" She started off, waving towards her
JJKab said:
Chler was slowly making her way down the school hallway, whistling, her hands hid in her pockets. It was over for her, lessons were done, but she knew some more people were coming to the school today. She got informed that a girl named Arturia was coming, and was curious about her.
Soon, Chler noticed a girl who was pretty similiar to the one mentioned to her.

She approched her with a wide smile

"Hey, you're lost? Can I help you?" She started off, waving towards her
Arturia was looking around a little anxious until she notice someone calling her,Arturia smile a little more confident looking at the new girl "Yes i'm lost,some help would really help me,it's my first day here!"
NickTonCutter said:
Arturia was looking around a little anxious until she notice someone calling her,Arturia smile a little more confident looking at the new girl "Yes i'm lost,some help would really help me,it's my first day here!"
"Sure. I'm Chler" She exclaimed, smiling softly, as she extended her hand for a handshake with the new girl

"You are Arturia, right? So nice to meet you" She exclaimed.

(Also, Chler is the one who is Bi, just letting that out)
Roman said:
(((( I mean if he wasn't busy xD ))))
"I'll tell you now, if keep the skill of listening, you'd make it really far in life." Akane preached, pointing her finger at him. "So don't fall in with the wrong crowd if you haven't already..." She said, before noticing the look on his face, "Something the matter? Your little smile is gone." She said softly as they neared the grocery store.
"You just told me to watch out for strange people! How do I know you're really taking me to the grocery store and not trying to kidnap me?!" Arbitz took up a defensive stance as he shouted at Akane and a large magic circle sprawled out from under his feet, crackling with energy.

(WARNING: Bullet bill barrage imminent XDDD )
JJKab said:
"Sure. I'm Chler" She exclaimed, smiling softly, as she extended her hand for a handshake with the new girl
"You are Arturia, right? So nice to meet you" She exclaimed.

(Also, Chler is the one who is Bi, just letting that out)
Arturia look quite surprise before smiling back "How did you know my name ?Anyways,thanks for helping me out Chler." She accept the handshake.
Nona said:
Leia huffed a little as she took a step outside, standing in the doorway of the girls dormitories. She most certainly didn't want to go outside, she was content studying in her dorm but her older sister Saria had insisted that she step out for a while and get some fresh air 'before you go delirious' she told her. Leia scoffed at the idea, she was fine studying alone, that was her happy place, walking around the school grounds with no objective seemed illogical to her. But she decided to humour her sister and do so. Walking down the steps and making her way to the school courtyard she looked around. The plant life was surely beautiful, she could recognise that no problem but staring at it all day on her own didn't seem fun or productive unless of course she researched the different plants and what they do. Well that was something to do, smiling a little to herself she pulled out her notebook and took a seat on the grass where she proceeded to sketch the plants and take down notes so she could find out about them later. Of course that wasn't Saria's goal, her goal was for Leia to talk to the other students in the courtyard. But again, Leia just simply wasn't interested.
Satoshi was busy thumbing through his student handbook when a large and particularly strong man passed by him. A voice in his head cried out to him.

"Choose! 1. Read your student handbook aloud for the next minute. 2. Throw your student handbook at the macho-man!" The voice said as Satoshi shuddered. He went with the first choice, beginning but to read aloud which made him very noticeable. Even some people gave him weird stares.
NickTonCutter said:
Arturia look quite surprise before smiling back "How did you know my name ?Anyways,thanks for helping me out Chler." She accept the handshake.
"Your arrival was told to me by someone. You seemed like an interesting person. Anyways, shall we?" Chler smiled, shaking Arturia's hand softly, before leading her along the hallway

"Where do you wanna go? We have pool, library, gym. So much interesting places"
Roman said:
Han whistled a little, following behind his wife and daughter, able to hear his daughter giggling. He chuckled quietly himself, waving at her.
Celia ordered their food, but the clerk was giving her a weird stare. It was clear she wasn't enjoying it with her nervous looking to the side.
Nona said:
Kairassi blinked "Oh? So you don't get a stomach cramp if you swim after eating?" She tilted her head curiously. Ah, that was right, Luke was a leviathan of course that wouldn't bother him "I shouldn't have asked that" she said with a giggle "I guess by the time we walk to the pool I'll be okay for swimming of you're still interested in going?~" she asked with a smile.
Luke nodded and smiled. "I love swimming" he says happily before paying for their dinner and getting up
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
"You just told me to watch out for strange people! How do I know you're really taking me to the grocery store and not trying to kidnap me?!" Arbitz took up a defensive stance as he shouted at Akane and a large magic circle sprawled out from under his feet, crackling with energy.
(WARNING: Bullet bill barrage imminent XDDD )

"I wouldn't explain to you stranger danger if I wanted to take you." Akane said, shaking her head, before she noticed the magic circle under his feet. "Oh my... I didn't expect you to be that strong." She said, looking at Arbitz. "As I was saying, if I wanted to take you explaining stranger danger wouldn't be too smart because you'd know not to talk to me." Akane said, her body being prepared to move when the time came.
TheDragoon said:
Celia ordered their food, but the clerk was giving her a weird stare. It was clear she wasn't enjoying it with her nervous looking to the side.
Han walked past Mari, and to the cart where Celia was getting the churros. He noticed her get a little nervous, so he decided to take her place, "Hey, I'll be paying for those." He said, taking the money out of his wallet, placing it in front of the clerk. Han got a bad vibe from this person, but he decided to say anything. "We're going." He said to Mari and Celia.
JJKab said:
"Your arrival was told to me by someone. You seemed like an interesting person. Anyways, shall we?" Chler smiled, shaking Arturia's hand softly, before leading her along the hallway
"Where do you wanna go? We have pool, library, gym. So much interesting places"
Arturia Quinn

Arturia look around before turning back at Chler "Hmmm...And interesting person?That kind of flatter me,thanks!" Arturia smile "Library first and maybe the pool.I don't really want to visit the gym..."
NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnArturia look around before turning back at Chler "Hmmm...And interesting person?That kind of flatter me,thanks!" Arturia smile "Library first and maybe the pool.I don't really want to visit the gym..."
"Alright, then. Follow me" Chler smiled widely, leading Arturia towards where the Library is

"Say, have you ever visited this school in your life?" She asked
JJKab said:
"Alright, then. Follow me" Chler smiled widely, leading Arturia towards where the Library is
"Say, have you ever visited this school in your life?" She asked
Arturia Quinn

Arturia follow Chler "Not really.I'm in this town since one year but it's the first time that i visit this school...Well without you i don't know where i would go..." Arturia chuckle smiling
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Nona said:
Yuna stared at him of a moment, her ears folded back a little "Remind me to never go on a drive with you" she said with a laugh "Though, I am curious what kind of causes that 78% contains" she said as she had begun walking towards the racing game.
C4 laughed and petted Yuna's head again. It just felt extraordinarily natural. "Lots and lots of explosions. 5 gallons of gasoline, a jar of Vaseline, a tube of wassabi, a Mexican named Philippe, a crowbar, and 98 hot dogs.... its a verrrrrrry long story...." Laughing he continued to pet her head before speaking again. "Hopefully the video game doesn't have a similar plot."
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NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnArturia follow Chler "Not really.I'm in this town since one year but it's the first time that i visit this school...Well without you i don't know where i would go..." Arturia chuckle smiling
Ollene chuckled alongside Arturia, and after a bit, they arrived at their destination

"Here we are: Library. If you want, you can pick a book from here, I'll wait. Or we can move to my favourite section: pool."
Kagami really hasn't hanged out with much boys. Hisaki is like a brother and that Salvador kid is very secretive.

"Maybe...". Kagami headed down the hill until she bumped into a girl.

"Watch where you going !"the woman yelled. Kagami glared at her.

"Eh...why is the little prince doing here?" she said as she changed her attention to Jack.

(I have a few minor characters that I'm going to add)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bjbb__jiska__overcard__by_nashpotatoes13-d4ynued.png.ba1bbc70be2eb1089ef98fff3bebefbf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bjbb__jiska__overcard__by_nashpotatoes13-d4ynued.png.ba1bbc70be2eb1089ef98fff3bebefbf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Name:Camilia Rose)

CERBERUS177 said:
(Guess I'll go to bed, dog bugging me now .-.)
Serena stopped and smiled at Kagami, "Oh shush you, when you find that special some one you'd do the same...maybe literally." he said giggling.


  • bjbb__jiska__overcard__by_nashpotatoes13-d4ynued.png
    774.8 KB · Views: 21
Roman said:
Han walked past Mari, and to the cart where Celia was getting the churros. He noticed her get a little nervous, so he decided to take her place, "Hey, I'll be paying for those." He said, taking the money out of his wallet, placing it in front of the clerk. Han got a bad vibe from this person, but he decided to say anything. "We're going." He said to Mari and Celia.
Celia smiled when Han took her place. She mouthed to him, 'thanks for the save.'. The clerk didn't seem too happy but he regardless gave them churros.
JJKab said:
Ollene chuckled alongside Arturia, and after a bit, they arrived at their destination
"Here we are: Library. If you want, you can pick a book from here, I'll wait. Or we can move to my favourite section: pool."
Arturia Quinn

After coming in the library,Arturia nod before leading her ways trough the Space and Astronomic section "Seems like they are interesting book here..." She hum happily before taking a book and go back at Chler side "What is so particular in this pool?" Arturia say "I didn't really swim a lot in my life,and never go at a pool.
NickTonCutter said:
Arturia QuinnAfter coming in the library,Arturia nod before leading her ways trough the Space and Astronomic section "Seems like they are interesting book here..." She hum happily before taking a book and go back at Chler side "What is so particular in this pool?" Arturia say "I didn't really swim a lot in my life,and never go at a pool.
"Well, it is deep, and most importantly, it has slow descend. It first is around 1.20 m deep, but then descends to reach 4 meters in depth. I love it to bits" She exclaimed with a joyfull expression, as she lead her to the doors leading to the pool
Roman said:
"I wouldn't explain to you stranger danger if I wanted to take you." Akane said, shaking her head, before she noticed the magic circle under his feet. "Oh my... I didn't expect you to be that strong." She said, looking at Arbitz. "As I was saying, if I wanted to take you explaining stranger danger wouldn't be too smart because you'd know not to talk to me." Akane said, her body being prepared to move when the time came.
The circle at Arbitz's feet slowly faded in color and shrunk in size before finally dispersing as he put on a pouting face. What the lady said made sense, but what if she was saying that to lure him into a false sense of security. oh well, even if she was trying to kidnap him, he could just blow her to smithereens, so he spoke unhappily. "Fine! but I'm watching you!!!"

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