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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Cody got to the arena and sat down with the book, he closed his eyes and breathed easily..only to be sucked into that vision of the woman, Cody only know's her as "His past self", an evil woman who's killed thousands, all innocent people, "You've come back to me...Why? Why do you insist on coming back, even though you have mastered the art of fire? Is it answers?" She asked, Cody was able to speak, "Yes, I want answers, why did you say 'I'm your passed self'? Why did you kill those people, and what do you mean 'you see what I see'?" the woman cackled, "I simply want to live again... Though you may be a man, I will take what I want..." Cody's mind started to slip, that's when he forced his eyes open and threw fire from his mouth. He get's up and throws the book as far away from him as possible, and then starts to try new moves with his fire.
WeirdPrincess said:

Yumi Eru

~The Secret Gamer


In the few seconds that her head was down, Yumi had slowly started to drift to sleep, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. She knew she probably shouldn't be sleeping right now (she didn't think you were allowed to in study hall), but she was a little tired. Taking a short nap wound't hurt anyone right? It would only be a few minutes anyways, so no harm would be done... even though she was suppose to be studying. She had almost fallen asleep too, until she heard a voice coming from right next to her. Yumi's eyes fluttered open and turned her head in the direction of the person, not bothering to sit herself up. She was to lazy and tired to put anymore effort into doing that. She may have just been sitting in class most of the day, having to commute from class to class for only a few minutes, but she was still tired. She never really understood why she was sometimes tired towards the end of the school day when she never really did much, but study.

"Really? This is the first time I'm doing this. I usually never sleep in here, all I really do is study or read books. I'm just feeling kind of tired." Yumi uttered, a hand concealing her mouth as she let out a yawn. Were people even allowed to sleep in here? She had never really seen it, since she never bothered looking around the room whike she was studying. It probably did happen though, if you didn't really have anything to study for, what else were you suppose to do? And the girl did say she spent her study classes like this.. so it must have been okay. Did she just always sleep in her though? There had to at least be a class she could study for. She hadn't noticed that Elliot was sitting next to the girl she was talking to or else she would have waved enthusiastically at him or bounced up from her seat to give him a hug.

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Study Hall


Try go sleep







Study Hall




Talking with Yumi/Hoping Elaena wouldn't say something embarrasing



Interacting with:





~Elliot and Elaena Rillas~

Elaena giggled softly after Yumi spoke, still laying with her head on the desk "I don't have the patience to study, there are too many fun dreams to explore" she said closing her eyes and smiling as she spoke "This is the best class to naptoo. There is not really any noise other than the hushed whispers of those studying together in groups" she said as she opened her eyes to view Yumi. Even Elaena's voice sounded soft and sleepy as she spoke. Was her talking of exploring dreams a bit odd and vague? probably. But Elaena wasn't one to think on translating or filtering her words at all, they just kind of fell out of her train of thought as they were. Blinking a few times Elaena's sleepy eyes examined Yumi "You seem kind of familiar somehow." she said, her eyes slightly narrowed for a moment before she slowly sat up "I'm Elaena, whats your name?" she asked.

It was then that Elliot had somewhat snapped out of his study state, removing the pen from his mouth and lowering the book he was reading as he heard Elaena speak and introduce herself. With a curious expression, he looked up to see just who his sister was talking to. Looking past Elaena he saw she was talking to Yumi. Smiling when he saw her, he waved over in her direction., his smile slowly fading when he realised that Elaena was talking to her fully. Oh. This wasn't good. Elaena was the girl with no filter and the one person who knew embarrassing stuff about him. Not Good. He just hoped she didn't say anything embarrassing to Yumi.

Jack's phone rings. It appears the Ice guardians are calling him.

"Yes?" Jack answered

"We are just asking if you gave any of those elemental books away to other people"

"Um...NO?" He nervously answers

"Good! Those elemental books get to people's mind. Must of been a curse. Hey, at least your strong."

"haha yeaah....mm, you know. I should Probably give those to the principle...bye!"

"wai-" He quickly shuts off his phone.

"Why the hell did they give it to me in the first place!"
LunaCrosby said:



...........................................................................~The Scarred Light Spirit~

Asako tilted her head, "She was excited?" she asked before huffing, "I'll go tomorrow..." she mumbled.

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Talking to Kenai



Interacting with: Kenai Yelil









Talking with Asako



Interacting with:




~Kenai Yelil~

Kenai smiled and leaned forward a little patting her on the head "Good, that's the spirit!~" he said smiling softly before leaning back again "And yeah, you know how she is, of course she was excited to see you. she always asks when I'm going to bring to cute girl back over to visit again" he said chuckling lightly "Rini might want to meet you too, they always seem to want to meet people I make friends with" he said shrugging a little.

Cody started doing kick shots and front flips, though, those ended up with his face planted in the ground. But something was happening, he was getting board, or power hungry, he wanted something new. Something cool, something...powerful... He couldn't take it, he ran over to the book and flipped through the pages looking for something that could interest him, then he found it. Liquid fire drops, meaning he can do all those tricks, but leave drops of fire that burns for five seconds, but the stance was difficult, and would take to long to start...he was making a mistake doing this. "...Fine..." He sat down, and closed his eyes with his hand on that page, "You keep coming back, why?" He ignored her, and the visions, trying to simply let the way of the fire, come to him, and not be forced onto him, "You can not escape me!" Cody was starting to lose it again, this time he couldn't open his eyes, so he had no choice but to endure with her, "What the hell do you want?" he shouted "To live again..." he slipped, seeing nothing but darkness.

When he came too, he was normal and had no memory of what just happened, expecting it was just a dumb flip turned knock out, he took the book and walked to his bag, and shoved it into it, then he went back to training, this time, the fire droplets lived and sparked on the ground, making it look like a fire dance.
Roman said:

Cecil Patel

~ Humble Coffee Shop Owner


Cecil smiled happily, his hands still gently holding her close. He was so happy ty at she said yes. At first it was just the cafe, which he was also glad about, but now this. Cecil chuckled, "I can't even tell you how nervous I was while I waited for your answer." He said, laughing lightly before kissing Maya.

After kissing Maya, Cecil let her go and gently took her hand once more, sliding the ring onto their ring finger. "A new chapter huh? First it started off in high school, the road to our cafe and now marriage." He said softly. "Now we wait to see what else is going to h ah open for us on our journey together, huh?" He asked her in a soft tone.

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Location: Park

Mood: Happy

Status: Enjoying the day with Maya

Objective: Enjoy the day with his fiancé

Interacting with: Maya








Talking with Cecil


Enjoy the day

Interacting with:

Cecil Patel



~Maya Radkov~

Maya watched him as he slid the ring onto her finger, her smile never leaving her face as her heart fluttered a little still overjoyed at that moment and seeing the ring there on her finger just made it all so much more real to her. Giggling a little when he said he was nervous. That was understandable but at the same time, what other answer would he have expected, he knew how much she loved him and visa-versa. Looking up at him as he spoke of new chapters, she smiled, thinking about them herself, she couldn't help but smile like an idiot. Nodding at his words she held onto his hand "Yep and I'll be just as excited for each new chapter." she said smiling gently

Jack could hear Kuro chuckle at his frustration.

"Shut up Kuro." Students walking by started to notice that he was talking himself and looked at him with a confused look.

Jack turned around snarled at them" What are you looking at".

Jack hurried to his dorm room. He took out his Ice elemental book.

He closed his eyes and called out to Kuro" Answer me Kuro. Were you the one who had this book?"

"boo!" Kuro jumped from behind Jack. Jack gave a startled look.

"Ha! you were scared" Kuro laughed.

"Answer me Kuro" Jack said with an angry tone.

"Yes it was me who owned this book and now you have it. It seems my memories have been implanted inside the book and now you can see them. I must say I don't remember a thing when I lived"Kuro replied.
Nona said:







Talking with Asako



Interacting with:




~Kenai Yelil~

Kenai smiled and leaned forward a little patting her on the head "Good, that's the spirit!~" he said smiling softly before leaning back again "And yeah, you know how she is, of course she was excited to see you. she always asks when I'm going to bring to cute girl back over to visit again" he said chuckling lightly "Rini might want to meet you too, they always seem to want to meet people I make friends with" he said shrugging a little.




...........................................................................~The Scarred Light Spirit~

"I guess it just show's that they care" Asako said and smiled, "I had an older brother myself so I know how they feel" she said happily.

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Talking to Kenai



Interacting with: Kenai Yelil


"I still have a lot of magic to learn." Roy said, getting up from wherever he was and heads to the library, studying different darkness magics.

"Alright." said Wylie, and gets up as well to head to the library. He'll be looking for lightning magic and combat studies, like figuring out where a weak point is and how to attack it.

When they arrive at the library, they are overwelmed. After finding 2-3 books each, they sit down at the nearest table, plugging light music into their ears from their phones and study.

((Signing off. Won't be on much for the weekend and not at all Monday))
(I got 20 minutes left before I have to go hang with a friend I made a promise with, and I'm a man of my word, so if I don't reply, I'll get back to you tomorrow, or if I have the time to text on my phone, but I need 2 hands for a controller so .-. Sorry if I don't get back to you)
CERBERUS177 said:
(I got 20 minutes left before I have to go hang with a friend I made a promise with, and I'm a man of my word, so if I don't reply, I'll get back to you tomorrow, or if I have the time to text on my phone, but I need 2 hands for a controller so .-. Sorry if I don't get back to you)
(Nico just got out of nature class, and she's like lowkey ditching class and then Cody can be like hall monitor that tries to get her in trouble.. You like? :D )
charleen said:
(Nico just got out of nature class, and she's like lowkey ditching class and then Cody can be like hall monitor that tries to get her in trouble.. You like? :D )
(Dang it! I have to go, but if you want I can do that tomorrow..?)(Sorry!)
Nona said:



Outside Classroom


A bit annoyed


Bandaging Gregory's hand



Interacting with:




~Ariel Reaver~

Ariel frowned as she listened to his words. She faintly remembered him mentioning some girl...maybe, she wasn't really sure,either way, she wasn't happy with what she had heard from him. Who on earth was this girl who hit him? and more importantly why did she do that to someone as sweet as Gregory. The thought angered her and for a moment it could be sworn that her hands had felt suddenly so much colder almost to cold to touch as she finished up bandaging his broken hand, but the sudden temperature change barely lasted 5 seconds. With a gentle sigh and a small pout she looked at his cheek, placing her hand on the bruise the girls hand had left behind on him. "Why did she hit you?" she asked looking up at him obviously bothered by the notion.

Gregory shrieked lightly, feeling Ariel's hand touch his wound, as it was freezing cold. It hurt him a little. After she laid her hand on his cheek next to the bruise, he gave out a sharp breath. It still was stinging him

"Weeeelll... She's an android bounty hunter, who once was chasing after my head... After J convinced her not too, since I didn't do anything, welp.... I legged it. She "felt in love with me" even though I didn't feel anything towards her.... And this was just before I met ya, so... Anyways. Just about 15 min's ago, we both bumped into each other... I landed on my hand... And she just began talking about how I left her... And she loved me... She even gave me a slap... And you know, getting hit across the face with a metal isn't exactly a nice touch... And that's why I got that damage.. Eventually I managed to calm her down, and we broke our "relationship", in quotes, peacefully, so... That's my story." Gregory explained, sighing, looking into Ariel's eyes.

charleen said:
(Can Nico interact with Cody :P )
{ :( }
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JJKab said:
Chler giggled, as she looked around.
"Borys, c'mere, chap" She called out, and soon enough, a raccoon came out of one of the bushes, approaching Chler quickly. After he did, he purred. Chler stopped to pet him, but by this time he lied down belly up, so he would get some rubbings. She giggled, and began to gently pet him.

"It's my pet raccoon, Borys, had him for a month now. He's really attached" She exclaimed, looking at Nico

Nico started giggling out of excitement when she laid her eyes on Borys, the raccoon.

"Can I pet Borys please?!"

Nico sat down besides them, and started to make silly faces to Borys out of pure amusement.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.460b33995cf15d4ebd54b2aecd1183df.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135757" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.460b33995cf15d4ebd54b2aecd1183df.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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charleen said:
Nico started giggling out of excitement when she laid her eyes on Borys, the raccoon.

"Can I pet Borys please?!"

Nico sat down besides them, and started to make silly faces to Borys out of pure amusement.

View attachment 300939
The raccoon squeaked, noticing a stranger, as it got up on it's feet, and slowly approached Nico. He sniffed her feet, before purring, and laying down again, like the last time

"He seems to like you" Chler exclaimed, giggling softly
JJKab said:
The raccoon squeaked, noticing a stranger, as it got up on it's feet, and slowly approached Nico. He sniffed her feet, before purring, and laying down again, like the last time
"He seems to like you" Chler exclaimed, giggling softly

Nico squealed even more. She gave an 'aww' expression when the raccoon laid down beside her. She started rubbing Borys' stomach, but then she end up slightly squishing the raccoon's cheeks.

"Whoo's adorable?? Borys? Who is it?? It's you!!"

She giggled softly to herself.

"Such a handsome boy too!! I bet you got a girlfriend huh Borys??"

She said, pouting her lips.

"I like him too,"

Nico smiled back at Cher.

"I think I want 20.."

She laughed.
charleen said:
Nico squealed even more. She gave an 'aww' expression when the raccoon laid down beside her. She started rubbing Borys' stomach, but then she end up slightly squishing the raccoon's cheeks.

"Whoo's adorable?? Borys? Who is it?? It's you!!"

She giggled softly to herself.

"Such a handsome boy too!! I bet you got a girlfriend huh Borys??"

She said, pouting her lips.

"I like him too,"

Nico smiled back at Cher.

"I think I want 20.."

She laughed.
Chler giggled, looking at Borys.

"No, he's not." She exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hand to hide that she's giggling

Borys squealed, as he really liked the new girl.
JJKab said:
Chler giggled, looking at Borys.
"No, he's not." She exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hand to hide that she's giggling

Borys squealed, as he really liked the new girl.
Nico continued to pet Borys.

"So besides taking care of your adorable pet, what do you do?"

She grinned at Cher, wanting to learn more about her new friend.

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