How troublesome...
TheDragoon said:Mari nodded and pumped her fist in the air energetically. "I'm ALL ready dad!" She said excitedly.
Celia nodded with her daughter and thought she made a good choice. "Alright! As soon as we're done unpacking though I really have to get back to work before y'know... We lose 'him'.
Hansuke Ishida
~ One of the Five Archanegls
Han looked at the two of them and smiled. "Yeah, we'll do it quick, and then you can get back on your search. I'll help where I can, and with my new found strength, I'd definitely make for a better fight." He said with a grin. "Alright..." Han used his powers to teleport the three of them to a Japanese style restaurant in the city. "Our first stop."
More Info
Location: Restaurant
Mood: Happy
Status: Spending time with his family
Objective: Spend time with his family