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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:


Astrid was perfectly complacent messing with her gun. It was more informational for her because it was actual physical weaponry and not some conceptual drawing of a gun that probably wouldn't even work with how it was being drawn. Astrid frowned as she glanced up at the board, making the pieces float up above her and combine back together, lining it up with the drawing on the board in her vision before relaxing and letting the pieces come back apart and start floating around her palm again. This was much more entertaining then Mr. White's droning (as lovely as it probably was, Astrid didn't know), and she was actually enjoying herself finally.

But it seemed like someone else wasn't enjoying themselves. Unbeknownst to Astrid, Alejandro seemed to be having none of her little display, and before she knew what was happening, he had snatched every last piece of the gun from around her palms and hid them on his lap, just in time for Mr. White to turn around and see neither of them doing anything other than paying attention to him and his lessons and homework assignments. Now, this annoyed Astrid, as she didn't like people getting in the way of her doing what she wanted, and she didn't like when people touched her weapons without permission. She frowned as she looked at him, listening to his words with a displeased voice.
"No, I didn't. I kind of don't care, it's probably stuff I already know." God he could be pretty annoying sometimes. Her annoyance soon turned into an idea for how to get him back for stealing her gun parts, and she sat back in her seat and looked forward at Mr. White so he wouldn't know what she was up to. Quickly and silently, she made the gun parts reassemble in his lap, before flicking her finger and making the gun pop up from his lap and land on his desk, immediately raising her hand and speaking out where both the teacher and especially Alejandro would hear. "Mr. White! Alejandro was playing with a gun in class!"

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Kaori simply half stood, half leaned against the counter, her head still in the sink, not really wanting to look at the contents of the sink at the moment. Tiredly, she reached up to turn on the faucet, letting the water run and wash out the vomit that was still left in the sink. Kaori didn't really know much about pregnancy, but she had heard some things, and she could only guess why she was suddenly throwing up like that. "No... I don't think it's that..." she managed out a reply, moving her hand to wipe away the sick that was stuck to her face and the tears that had most likely started to move down her cheeks. She could feel her stomach still convulsing a bit, wanting to dry heave up the nonexistent contents of her empty stomach, the smell of the spilled sauce assaulting her nostrils and not really helping in making the nausea go away.

"Morning sickness." she exhaled slowly before glancing up at Roman, looking pretty ragged. "I guess I wasn't expecting it yet. Whoooh...." She hung her head down in the sink, feeling more waves of nausea in her core. How long were things going to be like this? Were these twins going to be that much of a pain? She groaned quietly, not from being sick but from frustration and stress, her hormones already starting to gain more control in her system. She was feeling a lot of things at the moment, but there was one thought at the forefront of her mind. "Roman... can you help me to the couch? I think I need to sit down... my legs feel kind wobbly from the vomiting." Yup, she was a wreck alright.

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Doctor Hayes gave Hyouinmaru a smile before responding. "It's nice to meet you. Let me officially introduce myself. I'm Isaac Hayes, I've been Skylar's primary physician during her stay here." He pulled his hand back away from Skylar's shoulder after giving it a light squeeze before moving to the end of her bed to check her charts. "You really have been getting better at a remarkable rate, Sky. Your internal bleeding has stopped and the sutures from the surgery seemed to have healed already, and your bones are well on their way to recovering back to normal. Things really are looking up. It really was a miracle you were able to pull through from that attack. Whatever monster attacked you really did a number on you, but you've really bounced back!" This earned a small smile from Skylar, though she wished he wouldn't have put it the way he did. The staff wasn't disclosed the information about who it was that attacked her, so none of them knew it was really the man sitting by her bedside. Skylar wanted to keep it that way.

Trying to move on from the topic, Skylar cleared her throat and spoke, keeping the smile on her face before moving her hand to grab Hyou's that was resting on her bed, not wanting him to run out or get upset at the doctor's unknowing comment.
"S-so, you said I'm supposed to start therapy today?" The doctor nodded, placing her chart back where he picked it up from. "Yes, that's right. Your bones still need time to stay in the casts, but we figured you could perhaps start moving around a little bit, start getting your body used to doing things normally again." Skylar nodded, visibly nervous but excited at the same time. Therapy was a step in the right direction of actually getting out of here and going back to the real world and going back to school. Although she wasn't sure how her body would react to the therapy, considering she was still pretty beat up even though she had healed quite a bit since she first came in, and the doctor picked up on this. "Don't worry, you'll start off with the small stuff, and work your way up to the big stuff like walking eventually. Ah!" He glanced up at Hyouinmaru. "Would you like to help us? I'm sure it would probably ease Sky's nerves if she had a friend with her." Skylar glanced back at him, a curious look in her eyes of what his answer would be, her hold on his hand tightening almost imperceptibly.

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Alejandro Ishida

~ A Young Prodigy


Alejandro sighed as he held on to the pieces of the gun. He didn't do it just to spite her, he didn't want her to get in trouble, she was his partner. Even of he didn't like her, he'd have to work with her. When the gun was on the desk in front of him after Astrid tried telling on him, he froze the gun solid and smashed it. Mr. White looked at Astrid and Alejandro, sighing lightly. "You two... I'm gonna give you a different homework assignment. You'll have to prove to me you can work together. I know you can, but I want to see it." He told then. "Come to me after class."

Alejandro looked at Astrid, his face blank. He didn't know why she did that, but now he was going to be put to the test. "This is what happens when you do things like that. Is it a problem that I don't want you in trouble, nor do I want myself in trouble?" He asked as the bell rang. "Answer that later... Let's just see what our bew assignment is." He said as he grabbed his bag and put his notebook in it, zipping it up when he finished. Mr. White watched the two closely, and one thing he thought was potential. They had the potential, but they were lacking the push. The blue haired kid had gotten like 4 detentions and the red head girl was just... Her file didn't give much... She was bad enough in his opinion. He smiled and sat at his desk, taking a spoon as he began eating his lunch. "Hurry. We don't have all day."


More Info


Weapons Class


Eating lunch

Give Alejandro and Astrid their assignment

Interacting with: Astrid, Mr. White



Roman Ishida

~ The Man of Many Scars


As much as he wanted to vomit himself after seeing Kaori do so, he was able to hold it down. In his mind, he felt that if he were to stay calm, it'd help her stay calm also. He was confused as to why she was throwing up at first, and he believed it was the barbeque sauce, but he remembered she was pregnant. When she asked if he could help her, he gave her a thumbs up.

Roman made his way over to Kaori from around the island in the middle of the kitchen. He pucked her up in a bridal fashion as he turned to the exit of the kitchen that led to the living room. Roman carried her pass the couch and to the bedroom and laid her there. "I'll put you here instead. If you have to vomit anymore, the bathroom isn't too far, plus it's more comfortable than a couch, especially for someone in your situation." He said, gently rubbing her stomach.

More Info


His apartment


Helping Kaori

Help Kaori

Interacting with: Kaori



Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Heart of Steel


Hyou looked at the doctor, listening as he and Skylar spoke. They didn't seem to be talking about anything that would have concerned him so he didn't pay much attention. He smiled a little when the doctor said she would be going into therapy, but his hands soon balled up into fist as he was called a monster. He knew it wasn't said purposely since the doctor didn't know, but he was sitting right here. His face oddly tinted a light pink and he looked at his fist and seen Skylar's hand. "Sky?"

He blinked and snapped back to reality, the doctor and Skylr's conversation coming to an end as a question was directed his way. "Huh? Y-Yeah... I'd help Shrimp with her therapy. As long as I can help her heal, I guess I'll do anything." He said, pytting a hand up to his head, looking away from Skylar and the doctor.

More Info






Talking with Skylar and the doctor



Interacting with: Skylar aand Doctor Hayes

Tags: @Lumina

xXLittleLokiXx said:
His position shifted a small bit as he'd sigh. His gaze remaining on the lake before having then skimmed over the scenery. "Nowhere in particular, really." He'd reply as he gripped the shoulder strap on his hunter green bag.
Assana: "You have a hunters bag, so I assume you are going hunting of some kind... or is it just a fashion statement?" *She asked curiously, her eyes back on him from the lake. She had never really talked to someone this long before and it was kind of exciting. The possibility of making a friend. Her mind though went back to her mother... how making friends had killed her. Was making friends at this school really the best choice? Maybe not... maybe she should just save herself the heartache that she was now sure would come. Pulling back a little from Dei-Loki, she looked at the floor, tucking a long blonde braid behind her ear, a small frown on her lips.*
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((Oh, I did respond.))

Elaena looked at them "I guess that's understandable, you wouldn't want to be sharing a room with a theif or something" she said with a nod. Her eyes then drifted toward Moonstones.... Lunch. If you could call it that, it was more like a desert "Wouldn't that give you a tummy ache eating that much ice cream?" She asked curiously.
Nona said:
Elaena looked at them "I guess that's understandable, you wouldn't want to be sharing a room with a theif or something" she said with a nod. Her eyes then drifted toward Moonstones.... Lunch. If you could call it that, it was more like a desert "Wouldn't that give you a tummy ache eating that much ice cream?" She asked curiously.


"I don't get stomach aches. In fact, the only thing I really get sick of is Junchi sharing my personal business and horrible puns." Moonstone said in a lighthearted way that Junchi could tell was very passive aggressive. "Plus, I just like ice cream. It's cold and sweet. What will you be getting?" Moonstone asked

Moonstone was beginning to get agitated with how much Junchi was revealing about them, but began to calm down once they saw Junchi realize what they were doing. Junchi mouthed an "I'm sorry." to Moonstone, and Moonstone smiled back at them and nodded.

Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High's Cafeteria

Mood: Happy, Passive Aggressive

Status: Talking to Elaena and being passive aggressive to Junchi

Interacting With: Elaena

Character Sheet: Moonstone

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LunaCrosby said:
"Your story sounds like some crazy adventure" Hakuru said.
Ferris smiled,

"That's because it was a crazy ass adventure. Go ask Everest about it, I'm know he enjoys talking to beautiful girls."
Jennete said:
Assana: "You have a hunters bag, so I assume you are going hunting of some kind... or is it just a fashion statement?" *She asked curiously, her eyes back on him from the lake. She had never really talked to someone this long before and it was kind of exciting. The possibility of making a friend. Her mind though went back to her mother... how making friends had killed her. Was making friends at this school really the best choice? Maybe not... maybe she should just save herself the heartache that she was now sure would come. Pulling back a little from Dei-Loki, she looked at the floor, tucking a long blonde braid behind her ear, a small frown on her lips.*
Having blinked to that, Dei-Loki shifted his gaze to his bag before back to Assana. "I-It's more of a fashion statement, really." He'd shift in place. "It's a bag my uncle gave me. He used to take it back and forth with him when he went to train my father's troops. H-He thought it would be better for me than a regular satchel."
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Having blinked to that, Dei-Loki shifted his gaze to his bag before back to Assana. "I-It's more of a fashion statement, really." He'd shift in place. "It's a bag my uncle gave me. He used to take it back and forth with him when he went to train my father's troops. H-He thought it would be better for me than a regular satchel."
Assana:*She lights up for some reason at the mention of family.* "Oh do you have a big family? What is your uncle and father like?"

Jennete said:
Assana:*She lights up for some reason at the mention of family.* "Oh do you have a big family? What is your uncle and father like?"
With a lifted brow from her reaction, he laughed a small bit. "Well, my uncle is a bit intimidating at first glance, but, once you get to know him, he's a lot nicer than you'd think." As he gripped his bag gently, he continued to speak. "Then, there's my father... H-He's also a bit intimidating, but he's a big softy on the inside. But, hey, that's the way a king should be." Dei-Loki winced at the release of that information, closing his eyes with a sigh.
xXLittleLokiXx said:
With a lifted brow from her reaction, he laughed a small bit. "Well, my uncle is a bit intimidating at first glance, but, once you get to know him, he's a lot nicer than you'd think." As he gripped his bag gently, he continued to speak. "Then, there's my father... H-He's also a bit intimidating, but he's a big softy on the inside. But, hey, that's the way a king should be." Dei-Loki winced at the release of that information, closing his eyes with a sigh.
Assana:*she nods, not asking about the big piece of information that his father is a king! Knowing it wasn't something he meant to say. Her fae glamour that she was wearing right now probably was messing with him, making him feel comfortable. She nodded her head in the direction of the lake.* "Hey, you know that lake is magic right? Whenever you go there and throw a penny in thinking about everything you are stressed over, all your stresses will go away. So if you are worried about who your family is and people finding out, you should try to throw your stresses away because stressing isn't something good. I don't want you to stress you seem really nice." *Her ideals were young and a bit childish sure, but she was 9 on the inside. So having fairy tales about magic lakes should be normal.*
Jennete said:
Assana:*she nods, not asking about the big piece of information that his father is a king! Knowing it wasn't something he meant to say. Her fae glamour that she was wearing right now probably was messing with him, making him feel comfortable. She nodded her head in the direction of the lake.* "Hey, you know that lake is magic right? Whenever you go there and throw a penny in thinking about everything you are stressed over, all your stresses will go away. So if you are worried about who your family is and people finding out, you should try to throw your stresses away because stressing isn't something good. I don't want you to stress you seem really nice." *Her ideals were young and a bit childish sure, but she was 9 on the inside. So having fairy tales about magic lakes should be normal.*
His brows lifting at that, he shifted his gaze out to the lake once more. "It's magical?" He questioned as his tail would curl a small bit. Being whom he was and where he was from, he'd believed in things such magical things. Whether they'd been truly magical had been another story.
xXLittleLokiXx said:
His brows lifting at that, he shifted his gaze out to the lake once more. "It's magical?" He questioned as his tail would curl a small bit. Being whom he was and where he was from, he'd believed in things such magical things. Whether they'd been truly magical had been another story.
Assana: "My mom told me it was, and well... well come and see with me."*she smiles and starts walking towards the lake. She didn't know why, but she wanted to keep making a friend. Maybe he wanted a friend as well? Who knew... but all she did know was this was her chance to make her own memory of this lake besides just remembering her mothers story of this lake.*
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Jennete said:
Assana: My mom told me it was, and well... well come and see with me *she smiles and starts walking towards the lake. She didn't know why, but she wanted to keep making a friend. Maybe he wanted a friend as well? Who knew... but all she did know was this was her chance to make her own memory of this lake besides just remembering her mothers story of this lake.*
He nodded as he followed along side her. Hands on the straps of his bag as he'd then look ahead. Still, he found it a bit odd that he'd actually sparked conversation with someone - as he'd always was never a people person. The feeling of a current companion in this school had not bothered him, though. For whatever reason that may be.
xXLittleLokiXx said:
He nodded as he followed along side her. Hands on the straps of his bag as he'd then look ahead. Still, he found it a bit odd that he'd actually sparked conversation with someone - as he'd always was never a people person. The feeling of a current companion in this school had not bothered him, though. For whatever reason that may be.
Assana:*she stops in front of the lake and she blinks her eyes twice, the water glowing now and she smiles turning around and getting a penny out for her and Dei-Loki. She hands him the penny and holds onto hers* "Okay, on three we throw it and imagine all our stress being thrown away with it. One... two... Three!" *she throws the penny, her eyes closed.*
Jennete said:
Assana:*she stops in front of the lake and she blinks her eyes twice, the water glowing now and she smiles turning around and getting a penny out for her and Dei-Loki. She hands him the penny and holds onto hers* "Okay, on three we throw it and imagine all our stress being thrown away with it. One... two... Three!" *she throws the penny, her eyes closed.*
His brows lifting once they stopped, he took the penny and nodded. Eyes closing, he would then flick the penny into the water following the end of the countdown.



...♅Akira sat on his large, leather swivel chair, admiring the mahogany wood that filled his office. The office was painted a dark green colour, and it had only one floor-to-ceiling window, which faced the main courtyard. On the deep brown, wooden desk sat a desktop computer, a notebook lying open, and a stack of papers sitting under a turtle-shaped paperweight. In a corner, the air conditioner was blasting at medium. A bookshelf, bursting with books was in a corner, with yet another stack of papers under a paperweight that was shaped to look like a tuft of grass. Akira looked away from his office, and spun his chair around, so that he was positioned facing the window. He leaned back in his chair and looked down at the students who were enjoying their lunch break, a small smile being evident on his face. He spoke quietly to himself, his red irises shifting between large clusters of students♅...

Next period is gonna be fun~

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...ΨAfter leaving Akira's office, Kenji began immediately travelling towards the cafeteria. In truth, he was hungry, given that he hadn't eaten in a while. He quickly reached the cafeteria, due to him picking up the student map of the school from the receptionist. He enterred the cafeteria and picked up a tray and three large plates. Before long, all the plates were filled with food, with some pieces of food being ontop of others. He scanned his surroundings and found an empty table, prompting him to slowly walked over and sit down. He placed his tray onto the table and exhaled in delight. He clasped his hands together and smiled, shortly before he spoke and began eatingΨ...

Ah~ Itadakimasu~

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...Haruo had long departed the cafeteria and had made his way outside, towards the main courtyard. He knew that his father was taking the next class, and decided that instead of wasting his energy, he'd better spend the time relaxing. With that in mind, he made his way over towards one of the many trees within the courtyard and lay down, placing his head just infront of it's base and closing his eyes. Unaware of his own heart beating or the rise and fall of his chest, he drifted into semi-consciousness. The drone of the passing students was as good as a lullaby to this young Sanctum. Any thoughts extinguished themselves, and the faint warm breeze only helped set his mind at ease. His muscles relaxed as he took a deep breath of fresh air, his naval cavity taking in the fresh smell of the daisies around him. He slowly drifted into a deep sleep≭...

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Roman said:


Cecil Patel

~ Humble and Sweet

Cecil laughed lightly as he walked out of the apartment with Cecil. He made sure he locked the door before they went any further, his laugh dying down to that of a chuckle, he spoke, "I woke up almost at the crack of dawn. Thanks to owning a coffee shop, I now have to do that sometimes." He said, chuckling a little more. "You on the other hand shouldn't ever expect to wake up after 12pm." Cecil said, looking at Maya with a playful smile, as they finally made it outside the building.

More Info






Walking with Maya


Enjoy the day with Maya

Interacting with: Maya

Tags: @Nona

~*Maya Radkov*~


Maya giggled somewhat sheepishly as she followed him out of the building "I-I don't always sleep in that late!" She said still sounding a little embarrassed "I guess I've been tired lately, maybe I need to set an alarm" she said as stepped outside looking around for a little.

Extra Info




Walking with Cecil


Slightly embarrassed/Happy



Interacting with:

Cecil Patel


[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Lance sighed,
"sure, I'll go get you a new phone."

Walking of, Lance went to talk to one of the apple employees.

An average looking guy was working at one of the counter, and he approached Lance. "Hey, need help looking for anything?" He smiled politely.
xXLittleLokiXx said:
His brows lifting once they stopped, he took the penny and nodded. Eyes closing, he would then flick the penny into the water following the end of the countdown.
Assana:*she closes her eyes and makes the water steam around them with the relaxing scent of lavender. She twisted her hands and opened her eyes to turn around and see the mist hovering over the lake, sparking underneath* "Look Dei-Loki."
Jennete said:
Assana:*she closes her eyes and makes the water steam around them with the relaxing scent of lavender. She twisted her hands and opened her eyes to turn around and see the mist hovering over the lake, sparking underneath* "Look Dei-Loki."
Eyes opening at the sound of his name, he turned his attention towards the lake. Eyes widening a bit from the beauty of the sight. Even though he'd have a fear for water, he would still find beauty in the sight that was before him. "W-Woah..."
xXLittleLokiXx said:
Eyes opening at the sound of his name, he turned his attention towards the lake. Eyes widening a bit from the beauty of the sight. Even though he'd have a fear for water, he would still find beauty in the sight that was before him. "W-Woah..."
Assana:*she smiled and let her hands relax, the lake slowly returning to normal.* "I love water... It's my safe place."
Jennete said:
Assana:*she smiled and let her hands relax, the lake slowly returning to normal.* "I love water... It's my safe place."
"Do you?" He looked to her, tail curling around his waist. "I-I'm not a real big fan of it... I'm a bit afraid of it, actually..."
xXLittleLokiXx said:
"Do you?" He looked to her, tail curling around his waist. "I-I'm not a real big fan of it... I'm a bit afraid of it, actually..."
Assana:*she glanced at his tail and she smiles, stepping forward towards the water, placing her foot on it as she begins to walk on water, turning around to look at him* "You don't have to be afraid. The water here likes you, I can tell. I... I'm a water fey actually. So, I don't have to fear water. And... if you want to be my friend you won't have to ever be afraid either."

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