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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

LunaCrosby said:
"Fair to who? the other people that make music? I dont see how, I mean, I'm sure he was born of sound and music for a reason" Hakuru said.
"I don't know, but maybe we should change topics otherwise we'll spend all night talking about Everest. So what do you do outside of letting random guys drag you to bars?"

Pulling a Pepsi from under the bar, Fenris placed the drink in front of her.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
"I don't know, but maybe we should change topics otherwise we'll spend all night talking about Everest. So what do you do outside of letting random guys drag you to bars?"
Pulling a Pepsi from under the bar, Fenris placed the drink in front of her.

She held up a finger each time she named something "School, study, take care of my roomate's, and my part time job, thats pretty much it" Hakuru said, taking a drink.
LunaCrosby said:
She held up a finger each time she named something "School, study, take care of my roomate's, and my part time job, thats pretty much it" Hakuru said, taking a drink.
"Really your room mates are so bad you have to take care of them? Sounds a lot like Everest."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"Really your room mates are so bad you have to take care of them? Sounds a lot like Everest."

Hakuru shrugged, "Asako is too short to really be able to do anything, so she stick's to doing small thing's, and Yui is just lazy and always on her computer." she said.
LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru shrugged, "Asako is too short to really be able to do anything, so she stick's to doing small thing's, and Yui is just lazy and always on her computer." she said.
"It sounds like you care about them though. I mean you don't sound like you hate them at least."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"It sounds like you care about them though. I mean you don't sound like you hate them at least."

"I don't hate them, in fact it's the complete opposite, Honestly I believe the only reason we're even with each other is because of when we were kids, but that's a whole different story in itself" Hakuru said.
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LunaCrosby said:
"I don't hate them, in fact it's the complete opposite, Honestly I believe the only reason we're even with each other is because of when we were kids, but that's a whole different story in itself" Hakuru said.
"oh? What happened when you were kids?"
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"oh? What happened when you were kids?"

"I'll try to keep it short, Some creepy scientist kidnaps a young light spirit, Asako, and a young dark spirit, me, as well as a regular young girl, Yui. Curious as to what would happen when he mixed light spirit genes and dark spirit gene's, he did the experiment inside of Yui. He expected immediate results, which made him upset when nothing happened, so he decided to continue trying more than several times in many way's. Eventually Me, being the brave one, made a plan to get all 3 of us out of there and well, You can probably guess how it ended" Hakuru said.
LunaCrosby said:
"I'll try to keep it short, Some creepy scientist kidnaps a young light spirit, Asako, and a young dark spirit, me, as well as a regular young girl, Yui. Curious as to what would happen when he mixed light spirit genes and dark spirit gene's, he did the experiment inside of Yui. He expected immediate results, which made him upset when nothing happened, so he decided to continue trying more than several times in many way's. Eventually Me, being the brave one, made a plan to get all 3 of us out of there and well, You can probably guess how it ended" Hakuru said.
"Huh... wonder if my story of meeting Everest is better. I had half of Vienna after me at the time and we managed to piss off three demon lords and blow up two castles. It's much happier that your story though..."
Roman said:


Alejandro Ishida

~ A Young Prodigy


Alejandro frowned a little as he watched Mr. White turn around continue on with his lesson. He absolutely hated this place, only to return to his calm self soon after. He looked around a bit, seeing everyone looking in the direction of Mr. White while he taught. He sighed quietly, a feeling of relief had taken over as he seen no one looking in his or Astrid's direction, but then... He remembered he had detention with her. Now all the bad older kids and bad behaved students will probably tease him or congratulate him for "dating" Astrid. That's when he came to the realization that everyone in this place had the mindset of a kindergartner and should go back to preschool.

Not long after, class was about to dismissed and all the students were looking in his and Astrid's direction again. He grit his teeth and looked at her, only to see a gun floating in her face in pieces. Mr. White was just about to turn around, and Alejandro snatched the pieces out of the air so he wouldn't see. Alejandro looked at Astrid a frown on his face, "Hey? What were you thinking? Not paying attention would get us detention again. At least make it look like you're paying attention." He whispered. Mr. White turned around finally after explaining the homework assessment for the night. "Did you even hear what our homework was?" He asked.

More Info


Weapons Class


Scolding Astrid


Interacting with: Astrid, Mr. White



Roman Ishida

~ The Man of Many Scars


Roman listened to Kaori's words about making a good lunch for him. He chuckled lightly, no doubt in his mind about her words. "I'm pretty sure you'll make an amazing lunch." He told her as he went and looked around for any fruit. Roman figured that helping Kaori would be a fun experience for them both so he decided to help. Maybe he could be wrong, but other than that he knew he had to focus on her. He watched as Kaori went into the game fridge, bringing up BBQ.

Only a moment later, and Roman here's something hit the ground. He quickly turned around, finding her with a sick expression on her face and BBQ sauce on the ground. He figured it may have expired, a nervous laugh escaping his mouth, "M-Maybe it's bad..." he said

More Info

Location: Apartment


Status:Preparing to make lunch

Objective:Make lunch

Interacting with: Kaori



Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Heart of Steel


Hyou had smiled when Panther mentioned a happy end. He agreed with him and he really hoped things between him and Astrid would get better. She wouldn't have the feelings she gets when he's around. It would benefit their friendship and possibly get Astrid off his back for good... He hoped the last one would happen either way. Astrid was annoying.

When the doctor came into the room and spoke with Skylar, Hyou glared at him. He didn't like doctors and he definetly wouldn't like this one if he had some bad news or something. Luckily he had good news. When he asked who Hyou was, he gave him the fakest smile on the planet. "A friend."

More Info


Sky's Hospital Room




Cheesy Friend Mode



Interacting with: Skylar

Tags: @Lumina



Astrid was perfectly complacent messing with her gun. It was more informational for her because it was actual physical weaponry and not some conceptual drawing of a gun that probably wouldn't even work with how it was being drawn. Astrid frowned as she glanced up at the board, making the pieces float up above her and combine back together, lining it up with the drawing on the board in her vision before relaxing and letting the pieces come back apart and start floating around her palm again. This was much more entertaining then Mr. White's droning (as lovely as it probably was, Astrid didn't know), and she was actually enjoying herself finally.

But it seemed like someone else wasn't enjoying themselves. Unbeknownst to Astrid, Alejandro seemed to be having none of her little display, and before she knew what was happening, he had snatched every last piece of the gun from around her palms and hid them on his lap, just in time for Mr. White to turn around and see neither of them doing anything other than paying attention to him and his lessons and homework assignments. Now, this annoyed Astrid, as she didn't like people getting in the way of her doing what she wanted, and she didn't like when people touched her weapons without permission. She frowned as she looked at him, listening to his words with a displeased voice.
"No, I didn't. I kind of don't care, it's probably stuff I already know." God he could be pretty annoying sometimes. Her annoyance soon turned into an idea for how to get him back for stealing her gun parts, and she sat back in her seat and looked forward at Mr. White so he wouldn't know what she was up to. Quickly and silently, she made the gun parts reassemble in his lap, before flicking her finger and making the gun pop up from his lap and land on his desk, immediately raising her hand and speaking out where both the teacher and especially Alejandro would hear. "Mr. White! Alejandro was playing with a gun in class!"

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Kaori simply half stood, half leaned against the counter, her head still in the sink, not really wanting to look at the contents of the sink at the moment. Tiredly, she reached up to turn on the faucet, letting the water run and wash out the vomit that was still left in the sink. Kaori didn't really know much about pregnancy, but she had heard some things, and she could only guess why she was suddenly throwing up like that.
"No... I don't think it's that..." she managed out a reply, moving her hand to wipe away the sick that was stuck to her face and the tears that had most likely started to move down her cheeks. She could feel her stomach still convulsing a bit, wanting to dry heave up the nonexistent contents of her empty stomach, the smell of the spilled sauce assaulting her nostrils and not really helping in making the nausea go away.

"Morning sickness." she exhaled slowly before glancing up at Roman, looking pretty ragged. "I guess I wasn't expecting it yet. Whoooh...." She hung her head down in the sink, feeling more waves of nausea in her core. How long were things going to be like this? Were these twins going to be that much of a pain? She groaned quietly, not from being sick but from frustration and stress, her hormones already starting to gain more control in her system. She was feeling a lot of things at the moment, but there was one thought at the forefront of her mind. "Roman... can you help me to the couch? I think I need to sit down... my legs feel kind wobbly from the vomiting." Yup, she was a wreck alright.

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Doctor Hayes gave Hyouinmaru a smile before responding.
"It's nice to meet you. Let me officially introduce myself. I'm Isaac Hayes, I've been Skylar's primary physician during her stay here." He pulled his hand back away from Skylar's shoulder after giving it a light squeeze before moving to the end of her bed to check her charts. "You really have been getting better at a remarkable rate, Sky. Your internal bleeding has stopped and the sutures from the surgery seemed to have healed already, and your bones are well on their way to recovering back to normal. Things really are looking up. It really was a miracle you were able to pull through from that attack. Whatever monster attacked you really did a number on you, but you've really bounced back!" This earned a small smile from Skylar, though she wished he wouldn't have put it the way he did. The staff wasn't disclosed the information about who it was that attacked her, so none of them knew it was really the man sitting by her bedside. Skylar wanted to keep it that way.

Trying to move on from the topic, Skylar cleared her throat and spoke, keeping the smile on her face before moving her hand to grab Hyou's that was resting on her bed, not wanting him to run out or get upset at the doctor's unknowing comment.
"S-so, you said I'm supposed to start therapy today?" The doctor nodded, placing her chart back where he picked it up from. "Yes, that's right. Your bones still need time to stay in the casts, but we figured you could perhaps start moving around a little bit, start getting your body used to doing things normally again." Skylar nodded, visibly nervous but excited at the same time. Therapy was a step in the right direction of actually getting out of here and going back to the real world and going back to school. Although she wasn't sure how her body would react to the therapy, considering she was still pretty beat up even though she had healed quite a bit since she first came in, and the doctor picked up on this. "Don't worry, you'll start off with the small stuff, and work your way up to the big stuff like walking eventually. Ah!" He glanced up at Hyouinmaru. "Would you like to help us? I'm sure it would probably ease Sky's nerves if she had a friend with her." Skylar glanced back at him, a curious look in her eyes of what his answer would be, her hold on his hand tightening almost imperceptibly.

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[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"Huh... wonder if my story of meeting Everest is better. I had half of Vienna after me at the time and we managed to piss off three demon lords and blow up two castles. It's much happier that your story though..."

Hakuru shrugged, "My story's not too bad, the only long lasting damage is appearance wise, Scar's, and Asako not growing, so nothing bad" she said.
LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru shrugged, "My story's not too bad, the only long lasting damage is appearance wise, Scar's, and Asako not growing, so nothing bad" she said.
"huh, well I suppose I can't compare to that."





~*Rini Yelil*~


Rini tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she blushed lightly at his words. "T-Thank you, I hope I can too" she said softly with a smile as she walked along, nearing the classroom now.

Extra Info


School grounds


Walking to class


Slightly flustered



Interacting with:



(Alright I'm back; had a good night sleep :D )

"Well, you youngsters better wrap up what you're doing, or else it's detention!!!" The teacher squawked again. It was now becoming apparent that somthing looked very off about the teacher, her arms moved slightly like planks of wood and she always spoke in the same tone of voice.

Meanwhile, Ponzi's boar tail been to wag as he waited by the corner, looking for the right moment to pounce out.
Lumina said:


Kansuke nodded, glancing back at the teacher as they were starting to rally everyone together to actually start class. He wanted to get to talk with her a bit more, because the way she talked and acted just seemed way too familiar for him to just ignore. He wanted to know what it was that was so... was alluring the right word? He wasn't sure if he'd ever know, but right now that didn't matter as the teacher was calling his name. "Ah, sorry, lets talk later?" he shrugged sheepishly as he made his way over to the teacher, who was particularly impressed by his dealings with the rain earlier and had noticed he had a conductors baton with him, and wanted to know if he would be the student conductor for the year in the class. Taken aback a bit, Kansuke agreed, glancing at Mizuki a moment before putting away his ocarina and took out his Wind Waker, the sun glinting off the shiny metal of the baton.

He had never directed anybody but himself, if he was being honest. But Kansuke wasn't one to say no to a request from somebody. It was kind of hardwired into his actions and thought processes to do as much as he could for other people, no matter how ridiculous or silly or mundane or challenging the task. This was going to be a new challenge for him, but he felt confident in his conducting skills, so there was nothing to fear, right? For now, he was to watch the teacher and learn how things were done, and later in the year Kansuke would take over, with directions from the teacher as to how to best be in the position of conductor. Kansuke nodded, watching the teacher intently as they began the warm-up exercises, though he did steal a few glances at Mizuki during the time. It was then that his eyes fell on the royal crest on her harp, and his eyes widened in surprise and familiarity at the sight. That was... Before he could think on it further, he heard the teacher clear their throat, obviously having seen Kansuke spacing out and looking at some girl in the crowd.
"Sorry.." he muttered, bringing his attention back to watching the teacher, his mind now reeling over trying to figure out just what was up with that girl.

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~*Mizuki Notaro*~

Mizuki almost visibly frowned when he had to go over to the teacher. Ah well, class had to start at some stage. Its not that she didn't want to pay attention in class at all. She just was trying to figure Kansuke out and that was interrupted, though that wasn't too much of a problem, she could catch up with him later. "Yeah, sure" she said smiling softly in answer to his question. As he walked off, she stood over with some other students with her harp in-hand. Continuing along with the class with the rest, she had noticed Kansuke had spaced out in her direction realising that he was staring at the harp, for what reason though, she didn't know. Tilting her head and looking back at him momentarily when the teacher cleared her throat before looking away before the teacher would think he actually was staring at her and not the harp in her hands. "Hey! Mizuki! We're over here!" A hushed voice called to her as she was pulled away by the arm to the back of the group by a few girls she had met briefly at the announcement for the start of the school year.

Extra Info


School grounds


Being pulled to the back of the crowd





Interacting with:

Kansuke and a group of classmates



[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((how do you think Ribbon has 3 million dollars?))

(((( Well she does get paid to fight people, so that? xD ))))
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((Ready for a repost btw. I'm so sorry with the issues I'm having, but I think I figured out the problem and I can now fix it.))

((Alrighty~ I'll get to finding it now :3))
Nona said:

~*Elaena Rillas*~


Elaena nodded "Our abilities are related, yes. We both have abilities related to dreams and illusions. Though my brothers are more along the nightmare end of things and mines are geared towards good things. My brother isn't a bad person, even if his powers are 'bad' I guess that's why he dislikes his abilities. That and unlike me, he doesn't sleep barely at all. Like he stays awake for maybe two weeks at a time..." She explained "I'm sure if you want more details he'll tell you himself if you ask~" she said smiling.

Extra Info




Getting lunch




Get lunch

Interacting with:

Moonstone and Junchi


@The Royal Keen Here you go~~))
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((Oh, I did respond.))

((Oh snap. I'm so sorry x-x))
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"huh, well I suppose I can't compare to that."

"Your story sounds like some crazy adventure" Hakuru said.

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