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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

AriaTheWatcher said:
"I think she's trying to see what happens when she says your name. Also, how the hell haven't you done anything embarrassing or humiliating yet?"
...I don't know...
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AriaTheWatcher" data-cite="AriaTheWatcher" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="106927" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="color:#bfbfbf;">"Meh. Since you seem to be SOMEHOW resisting it, we'll just force you to do something embarrassing. Now, start meowing."</span></div></blockquote>


<span style="color:#ff0000;"><em>...Jeez...</em></span></p>

<p><span style="color:#ff0000;">

HimeragiSeiker said:
Seria giggled quietly. "That's so adorable, Seria." "From now on, you will meow at least once every sentence. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahah..hah...hah... Ok, not really that funny, but still."
Thomas Greyrat

~♜ Die aschfahl Herz Homunculus ♜~

Thomas hadn't been in his right mind for awhile. He was, in fact, extremely troubled. Even as he walked up the winding path from the closest village to Siegfried's castle. what happened still taunted him within his mind. He had told her that he wouldn't leave her alone. But yet now those were only empty words. It was almost humorous to the quiet homunculus. It seems his words are just like his life now: Empty and without meaning. Thomas said he wouldn't leave her alone then simply stayed put as she disappeared. He said he wouldn't harm her, but yet he had taken her life. He calmed he would help her be free, but ended up just trying to make a cage to keep her close. It was pathetic. Thomas found himself pathetic. He couldn't even just wait for his own death as a form of atonement as he was too scared of it. But what right does he have? He took another's life after promising to protect it. Hell, she could very well be dead again and that would be his fault for not protecting her.

It was... It was too much for Thomas. If only he wouldn't have gone to the hospital that day. He wouldn't of had to take her away. He wouldn't have grown attached in any way... When did he grow attached? That wasn't right. Thomas had been unable to form those sort of bonds before, the way Siegfried had designed him had made Thomas incapable of such things. The image of the crazy girl flashed before his eyes. The sound of her taunting Thomas filled his ears, if only for a second. Then it was gonna, he couldn't remember what she said, just that it was a taunt. This made Thomas upset for some reason, making him grit his teeth before sighing. Was this really all he had to prove himself? There had to be more. There had to be! But no. All he was, had been, and will be, is a tool made to serve a purpose for it's creator. That was made clear to himself upon his last failure. An inability to save even one person that he could have kept within arm's reach.

Much time had passed as Thomas walked. Maybe an hour or two. Probably closer to two and a half. half way through Thomas's walk, it started raining. So with his hood up, Thomas was now able to see Siegfried's castle. It was obvious to him that the barrier's had been recently active. If he had to guess, within the past week or so. However there were no signs of any form of conflict nearby. Then again, he was within the inner most borders of the barriers. But something caught his eye as Thomas walked, a reflection in a small pool of water on the ground. It was made Thomas freeze as he looked at it. Too the poor homunculi, it appeared that the one he failed to save was smiling at him from over his shoulder. She was reaching her arms around him, almost like and embrace before her hands grabbed for his neck. Thomas struggled to breath as it felt like nails were digging into his skin. This sent Thomas into a panic attack as his vision began to darken. Only then did Thomas feel a breath hit his ear with a simple phrase, ringing out in a teasing manner
"You let me die~"

Thomas's vision sharpened as he was able to scream out, sending a dark grey wave of mana out from his body. He was no longer frozen in place, but Thomas was hyperventilating. When he looked into the puddle once more, the girl was gone, he didn't have any marks on his neck, and he was crying. Thomas's gasps for breath soon turned into sobs as he dropped to his knees upon the muddy path. Feeling even more pathetic, Thomas truly cried for the first time in his life as he rapped his arms around himself, feeling like he needed to he held. Whining like a child that had just gotten injured, Thomas let the warm, salty race down his face now as he knew once he was back within Siegfried's clutches he would have to at least act like his was emotionless again. Thomas knew he would have to be vigilant, but something inside of him just kept hurting. It wasn't like physical pain either, It was much worse. It was like a threat, constantly getting worse, but yet never crossing the line.

After ten minutes or so, Thomas got back up, wiping away his tears as he did so. Taking a final look around to ensure the crazy girl wasn't truly wasn't there, Thomas nodded to himself and started walking again. Before long he was at the front gates of Siegfried's castle. Funny, it had been over a month since he had been here, but yet it was still as depressing to him as ever. No, that wasn't right. He had never had that feeling before either. But that wasn't the point. He was back at his own personal hell.

--A few hours later--

Thomas sat in a place he had only been a few other select times in his life. He sat in Siegfried's study. The old magic weaver started Thomas down with frightening eyes, like he was thinking of new and horrible ways to punish the Homunculus. Only, Siegfried seemed to have other plans as one hand tapped the table and the other was gripped in a fist.

"You knov vat you did vrong, I hobe."

"It vas out of my control..."

"If dere vas not ein more brezing matder you vould not zee the light of day for ein month."

"Ein more prezing matter? Vat do you mean by dat?"

"I mean you are koing to kather info for me, pozibly effen make up for your graffe misdake."

"Chust hov am I koing to do dat!?"

"You shall pe ein stutent. Your pags are already backed, and you vill be leaffing zoon."

Thomas was then dismissed from Siegfried's study, with more details on his 'mission.' Apparently Siegfried had been 'hosting guests' that he 'saved' from a certain woman. Not that Thomas believed the exact details Siegfried gave him, but he wouldn't give up on the chance to get away from Siegfried for a long period of time. The only down side was that his connection with the bastard was restored. Though as soon as Thomas was in the clear, the pain inside his chest resurfaced along from the words from before...

"You let me die~"

no slide no slide
Nona said:

~*Maya Radkov*~


Maya smiled then nodded "I'll be out in a bit" she said just before he left. After he left she stood up and went to the dresser to get an outfit out of it to change into, all the while humming quietly to herself. She finished changing into her shirt and skirt popping on a pair of shoe and fixing her hair in the mirror on the way out. Peeking around the door first, she smiled before going to the kitchen where Cecil was "I'm ready when you are~" she said, smiling softly.

Extra Info




Walking to the kitchen




Have a nice day with Cecil

Interacting with:

Cecil Patel



Cecil Patel

~ Humble and Sweet


Cecil was just finishing his orange juice when Maya came into the kitchen. He set the glass down and smiled at her, seeing she was ready to go. "I'm ready now. I was just getting a glass of juice." He told her with a nod. He gently grabbed Maya's hand and kissed her cheek. "Well, let's get going while the sun is still shining~" he said happily. Cecil then led her to the door.

More Info

Location: Apartment

Mood: Happy

Status: Going to the park with Maya

Objective: Have a good day with Maya

Interacting with: Maya

Tags: @Nona

AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria giggled quietly. "That's so adorable, Seria." "From now on, you will meow at least once every sentence. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahah..hah...hah... Ok, not really that funny, but still."
You guys are cruel...


...♱She soon blushed and rested her head on Seria's shoulder♱...

HimeragiSeiker said:
You guys are cruel...

...♱She soon blushed and rested her head on Seria's shoulder♱...
"Yes, yes we are." They say, screwing with Cinder's mind so that at least once every sentence Cinder would meow. Seria smiles, purring quietly.
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AriaTheWatcher" data-cite="AriaTheWatcher" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="106927" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>

<span style="color:#bfbfbf;">"Yes, yes we are." </span><span style="color:#000000;">They say, screwing with Cinder's mind so that at least once every sentence Cinder would meow. Seria smiles, purring quietly.</span>



<strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">...♱Cinder just smiled before she cuddled with Seria♱...</span></strong></p>
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hm? Where should we go nya..? .....I swear the being inside me is making me say nya in every sentence...''
"Hmm...I have an idea, but, do you have anything against underage drinking?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Oh...no. Nya...''
"Well, in that case, there's this bar I know about that'll sell alcohol to literally anyone, no matter what age they are. I was thinking we could go there."
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Well, in that case, there's this bar I know about that'll sell alcohol to literally anyone, no matter what age they are. I was thinking we could go there."
''Sure we can go there. Nya.''
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria smiles, sitting up. "Alright. It's about a ten minute walk from here."
''Okay. Let me just change.''

...?Cinder said before she got off the bed and flames engulfed her as she changed form and had a more fitting outfit?...

''This appropriate for the place?''<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caa2e6daa_RWBYCinderGirlsGeneration.png.84a6ad254dc4029678c69c678e28325e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caa2e6daa_RWBYCinderGirlsGeneration.png.84a6ad254dc4029678c69c678e28325e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • RWBY Cinder GirlsGeneration.png
    RWBY Cinder GirlsGeneration.png
    189.9 KB · Views: 16
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Okay. Let me just change.''
...♱Cinder said before she got off the bed and flames engulfed her as she changed form and had a more fitting outfit☫...

''This appropriate for the place?''View attachment 294952
Seria nods, smiling. "I wonder, will your meowing every sentence get you any attention at this bar? It'll be hilarious to watch, nonetheless."
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="HimeragiSeiker" data-cite="HimeragiSeiker" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="106927" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="color:#ff0000;">''So...shall we get going?''</span></div></blockquote>


<span style="color:#bfbfbf;">"Hey...how come you stopped meowing? Meow, Cinder. Meow." </span><span style="color:#ff99ff;">"Sure, mistress Seria."</span></p>
HimeragiSeiker said:
Different form. Also with a different personality...
''You lead the way?''
"Well, then we'll just do it to every form you do!" The voices in Cinder's head say angrily, messing with Cinder's head just like they had previously. Seria nods. "Sure...but...uh...You should lead me out of the house first, mistress Seria. I don't know my way around."
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Well, then we'll just do it to every form you do!" The voices in Cinder's head say angrily, messing with Cinder's head just like they had previously. Seria nods. "Sure...but...uh...You should lead me out of the house first, mistress Seria. I don't know my way around."

...☫She said before she started to lead Seria out of the mansion☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫She said before she started to lead Seria out of the mansion☫...
"Hmm? How come you didn't meow just then...we messed with your mind to make it so that you'd meow at least once each sentence in this form as wel- oh wait, one word doesn't count as a sentence. Huh...weird workaround." Seria smiles, following Cinder.

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