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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AriaTheWatcher" data-cite="AriaTheWatcher" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="106927" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Seria smiles back and meows quietly. <span style="color:#bfbfbf;">"Oh, also, Seria's probably going to die some time soon. Just saying."</span>



<span style="color:#ff0000;"><em>I know, something about suicide...I won't let it happen. I won't allow anything to hurt Seria...</em></span></p>

<p><span style="color:#ff0000;">

</span><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>...♱She thought to herself as she kissed her again♱...</strong></span></p>
HimeragiSeiker said:
I know, something about suicide...I won't let it happen. I won't allow anything to hurt Seria...
...♱She thought to herself as she kissed her again♱...
"What, suicide? No, that's not it. More-so that something's coming to kill her, but just hasn't found her yet."
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AriaTheWatcher" data-cite="AriaTheWatcher" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="106927" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="color:#bfbfbf;">"What, suicide? No, that's not it. More-so that something's coming to kill her, but just hasn't found her yet."</span></div></blockquote>


<span style="color:#ff0000;"><em>Why is she always just a target victim?!</em></span></p>
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="HimeragiSeiker" data-cite="HimeragiSeiker" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="106927" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="color:#ff0000;"><em>Why is she always just a target victim?!</em></span></div></blockquote>


<span style="color:#bfbfbf;">"How the hell would we know? We just follow the all seeing orders, we don't actually KNOW why all this stuff happens. Oh, and, it's halfway across the world right now, so you've kinda got a while."</span></p>
kk1243 said:
Arrow chuckled to herself "What was that?? I couldn't hear you? Oh hey if you got the one you like on step out of the room and let me see! I'll show you which one I like"
(Sorry about the late reply, my Internets been down)

"A-alright" Sylvia said nervously as she stepped out of the dressing room. She was wearing a white one peice with slight frills edge with gold lacing on them.

"W-well? to childish?"
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Everest smiled and turned back to look at her.
"A bounty hunter is a worse criminal than any of those they kill... they just have something to loose."

Hakuru looked at him, "So you have something to lose then?" she asked.
LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru looked at him, "So you have something to lose then?" she asked.
Everest turned and flicked his wrist causing a butterfly knife to slide out and spinning it he stopped the blade under Hakuru's chin before tapping it gently,

"Yep, and if I ever lost it, I would likely just become another bounty on the wall."
AriaTheWatcher said:
"How the hell would we know? We just follow the all seeing orders, we don't actually KNOW why all this stuff happens. Oh, and, it's halfway across the world right now, so you've kinda got a while."
...♱Cinder sighed as she rested with Seria. She was worried about her really♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
Wish I found a way to censor what you say...
"Hah, not possible. Anyway, the afterlife's pretty damn sweet. People don't tend to leave it unless they're either forced to, or just idiots clinging onto some sort of relationship from their life."
Lumina said:



Astrid knew full well what Mr. White was teaching about. She had glanced up at the board to see "Anatomy of a Gun" written in nice neat lettering, and it was then that she knew she could completely zone out. Astrids powers directly related to weapons and their manipulation, it was hardwired into her DNA to know how guns worked and their anatomy. The power worked on all weapons, by touching them she immediately gained a near mastery level of how to use them, though occasionally it would work even by looking at them. It was only the first day, so Mr. White started off with something simple, a handgun. Childs play for Astrid. Knowing she didn't need to pay attention, that's when she had decided to poke Alejandro's cheek, knowing it would bother him to no end. She just didn't know it'd end in her getting a detention. Not that she really cared abiut some stupid detention. Well, at least theyd be in detention together. A wicked grin flashed over her face for a moment before she shrugged, responding to Mr. White in a slightly sassy, dismissive tone. "Sure, sure, you got it teach~"

Astrid leaned back more toward her own seat, noticing how she didn't even need to be close to him to have him freaking out. Over PDA at that. Astrid wanted to laugh aloud at his reaction, but she didn't think Mr. White would appreciate it, so she managed to contain it into a snicker, but was unable to completely suppress it, a soft laugh coming from behind her hand that she had brought up to her mouth. Seeing him get all freaked out about public displays of affection was honestly really entertaining, and his outburst about then earned him another detention. That one was partly her fault, and she knew it too, so she stuck a finger on the side of her mouth and pulled it to the side before grinning at him, mocking him silently for a moment before turning back to face the front of the class. Bored out of her mind, Astrid reached into the storage of guns she had in her arsenal by sticking her hand through a small portal, pulling out a near replica of the gun that Mr. White was drawing on the board. She slumped down in her chair a bit to relax before holding her hands in front of her on the desk, the gun now levitating and twisting in the air above her palms. After a few moments the gun began to take itself apart piece by piece, each part floating around another. This was much more entertaining than listening to some lecture, because at least this way she could see each physical part of the gun and not some drawing of it. Astrid didn't really notice that some students were now paying more attention to her little display than Mr. White's, but she wouldn't have cared either way.

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Kaori didn't want to just be freeloading in one of her closest friends houses, so she did sincerely want to be helping, even though the whole reason that she was even here was because Roman really wanted to help her. She was glad for this, because really she had no idea about pregnancy and what it would entail. To have someone there during this honestly terrifying time was really helpful for her, because it was a relief to have someone there for her when the unexpected would happen. Kaori smiled as Roman made his way over to the kitchen, happy he was going to let her help, even if it only was a little bit. "I'll make a great lunch, just you wait." She closed her fist in a determined stance, looking up at Roman and grinning before moving to check through the fridgerator.

"What sounds good to you?" She asked, glancing sideways from her slightly leaned over position. She wasn't really showing all that much, but she could tell something was different when she bent over. "I'm kind of craving something with barbecue right now. Do you have any? Hmmm... yes, yes you do." Standing up, Kaori grabbed the bottle of BBQ sauce, opening the cap and taking a sniff. "Yeah, that's goo-" her voice stopped mid sentence before her face went pale and she nearly dropped the bottle before immediately leaning over into the sink and emptying the contents of whatever was in her stomach. Nausea from the BBQ sauce hit her like a train, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to make it to the bathroom in time. Once her stomach was empty, Kaori leaned against the counter, her head still in the sink, breathing heavily and trying to quell the dry heaves that still were coming. "Nope.... not barbeque..."

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Skylar had looked back down at Panther as she pet him, but she didn't need to look at him to know he was smiling. She couldn't explain how it was she knew. She couldn't help but chuckle softly as he called her shrimp Sure, she was small, but shrimp? "Shrimp, huh?" Skylar looked up at him, the happiest and most relaxed he would have seen her up until this point. "I'm not that sm-"

Her words were cut off by the sound of a doctor coming in the room. He was a taller man with a nice crisp lab coat and a studious pair of glasses.
"Skylar! You look to be doing well!" He smiled a warm smile at her before coming to her bedside and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Doctor Hayes! Yes thank you, I've definitely been feeling better." Skylar responded, moving her gaze up to meet his. Doctor Hayes had been her primary physician during her stay, which had been about a month or so. He had been there to monitor her progress as she healed and make sure she was getting everything she needed.

"That's good to hear. Now that you're healed a bit, I think you're well enough to start therapy. You'll need it if you want to get back to your full strength and get yourself out of here. A nurse should be here soon to take you down." Skylar nodded before the doctor noticed Hyouinmaru sitting next to her. "Oh! Who might this be?"

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Alejandro Ishida

~ A Young Prodigy


Alejandro frowned a little as he watched Mr. White turn around continue on with his lesson. He absolutely hated this place, only to return to his calm self soon after. He looked around a bit, seeing everyone looking in the direction of Mr. White while he taught. He sighed quietly, a feeling of relief had taken over as he seen no one looking in his or Astrid's direction, but then... He remembered he had detention with her. Now all the bad older kids and bad behaved students will probably tease him or congratulate him for "dating" Astrid. That's when he came to the realization that everyone in this place had the mindset of a kindergartner and should go back to preschool.

Not long after, class was about to dismissed and all the students were looking in his and Astrid's direction again. He grit his teeth and looked at her, only to see a gun floating in her face in pieces. Mr. White was just about to turn around, and Alejandro snatched the pieces out of the air so he wouldn't see. Alejandro looked at Astrid a frown on his face, "Hey? What were you thinking? Not paying attention would get us detention again. At least make it look like you're paying attention." He whispered. Mr. White turned around finally after explaining the homework assessment for the night. "Did you even hear what our homework was?" He asked

More Info


Weapons Class


Scolding Astrid


Interacting with: Astrid, Mr. White



Roman Ishida

~ The Man of Many Scars


Roman listened to Kaori's words about making a good lunch for him. He chuckled lightly, no doubt in his mind about her words. "I'm pretty sure you'll make an amazing lunch." He told her as he went and looked around for any fruit. Roman figured that helping Kaori would be a fun experience for them both so he decided to help. Maybe he could be wrong, but other than that he knew he had to focus on her. He watched as Kaori went into the game fridge, bringing up BBQ.

Only a moment later, and Roman here's something hit the ground. He quickly turned around, finding her with a sick expression on her face and BBQ sauce on the ground. He figured it may have expired, a nervous laugh escaping his mouth, "M-Maybe it's bad..." he said

More Info

Location: Apartment


Status:Preparing to make lunch

Objective:Make lunch

Interacting with: Kaori



Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Heart of Steel


Hyou had smiled when Panther mentioned a happy end. He agreed with him and he really hoped things between him and Astrid would get better. She wouldn't have the feelings she gets when he's around. It would benefit their friendship and possibly get Astrid off his back for good... He hoped the last one would happen either way. Astrid was annoying.

When the doctor came into the room and spoke with Skylar, Hyou glared at him. He didn't like doctors and he definetly wouldn't like this one if he had some bad news or something. Luckily he had good news. When he asked who Hyou was, he gave him the fakest smile on the planet. "A friend."

More Info


Sky's Hospital Room




Cheesy Friend Mode



Interacting with: Skylar

Tags: @Lumina

AriaTheWatcher said:
"Hah, not possible. Anyway, the afterlife's pretty damn sweet. People don't tend to leave it unless they're either forced to, or just idiots clinging onto some sort of relationship from their life."
Relationships are something that's the most treasuring...
HimeragiSeiker said:
Relationships are something that's the most treasuring...
"It's that kinda philosophy that's gonna screw you over. Meh. I think we'll just plan a way to screw with you."
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Cinder soon meowed and blushed when she did♱...
Seria giggled, staring at Cinder. "Oh...my...god that was hilarious! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahah... Ok, it wasn't that funny."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Suuy smiled as he spun the wheel sharply to the right and caused the car to flip to the right and roll over the blast. As the car rolled, Suuy kicked out the door and landed kneeling on the concrete as the car rolled to a halt next to Perfect. Reaching up he grasped the handle of a RPG rocket launcher and pulled it out of a glass like portal before giving perfect a cheeky smile,
"Dodge this bitch"

Then he pulled the trigger launching the rocket at the fuel tank of the flipped car.

Perfect sighed as the rocket was shot in his direction. The car was going to be used to make. bigger explosion, and this led him to believe humans weren't as dumb, but he also came to the conclusion that they weren't humans. Perfect kicked the car, causing it to slide toward the rocket and explode in the space between him and Suuy. "Explosions... Cool." He said before getring into his fighting stance. "Hey driving guy? How About we ma ma we a deal." He said with a grin. Perfect wanted to absorb all three of them if he won this little fight. If not... Then he'd leave.

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