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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Wait? So you want me to get of a reading on this guy "Perfect's" strength right? ... da fuck?"

Driving down the road in an older model car, Suuy Ribbon and Conduit were driving around aimlessly when a call from CROSS HQ cam in telling them to go scout some guy named Perfect.

"What? is something wrong Suuy?"

"No master Virgil, theres just some big plant lizard looking thing off the side of the road."

"Huh, that matches the description for Perfect actually..."

"Huh... wait... really? Ok then I'll run him over."

"Ok sure... wait what?"

"Murdering someone, gotta go~!"

Throwing the car into high gear Suuy leaned out the window and yelled,


Slamming on the gas, Suuy angled the car straight at perfect while Ribbon and Conduit bailed out shouting at him,



[QUOTE="Wicked Jester](wait do you owe me a reply or do I owe you a reply?)

(you owe me a reply hehe)
Perfect had just absorbed his target and was just now feeling the effects of Akane's power. "Sanctums make for great food." He said with a light chuckle. Landing on the ground, Perfect was walking through the middle of the street, zapping humans and absorbing some to add to his limitless strength. "To think you humans would resist. I lobe how weak you are, but at the same time it pisses me off." He growled as he picked up the sound of some idiots speeding down the road with intentions to hit him. Perfect raised his hand and opened it. "Pathetic." A large blue ball of energy was sent flying toward the car, moving at the same speed. "Perish."
charleen said:
Nico replied, "Well first of all time means nothing to your self-conscious since the man obviously didn't feel the same way that she did in the relationship even though they've been together for 37 years...," she paused to think where she's going with this and then continue, "And you can't tell me that she didn't love again, I mean love conquers all right?" She nudge his elbow playfully and let out a small chuckled. "Well for me, I still believe.."she smiled down at the sunflower that has one more petal, "He loves me."
Dante sighed and shook his head in annoyance turning to walk away before addressing the girl one last time,

"Believe me girl, love will only lead to heartache"

The morning sun glistened on his shirtless running form. He was of course denied entry into the weapons course. He knew how to use the two weapons he was most familiar with, the sword and spear. But he did notice his reaction time was a little slower than it was before he died. This worried him greatly and instead opted for physical education. Whatever that was. As he ran the laps, he could hear the coach again admonish him for taking his shirt off. "But it is hot out here. I cannot run in soggy clothing." he shouted back as he pushed himself to run an extra lap, before stopping at the finish and grabbing his water bottle. He threw his shirt back on and joined the other boys in line in front of the loud room, with metal clanking and crashing. "What is this room, coach?" he asked as he was expecting to hurl large rocks or push logs. "This room, boy, is the weight room. Here you will be wrecked, then rebuilt. You will learn everything about honing your muscles like a knifes edge." The coach spoke sadistically. But before the boys were allowed in, the coach gave them a few minute break before going in, to let the class inside finish up. Achilles takes this time to go fill his bottle up, shirtless, obviously as he has not stopped sweating.


and anyone else.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Dante sighed and shook his head in annoyance turning to walk away before addressing the girl one last time,
"Believe me girl, love will only lead to heartache"

"Ohh.. I'm sorry," she scratched the side of her arm. "Did something happen to you too?" She looked at him with concern.
Roman said:
Perfect had just absorbed his target and was just now feeling the effects of Akane's power. "Sanctums make for great food." He said with a light chuckle. Landing on the ground, Perfect was walking through the middle of the street, zapping humans and absorbing some to add to his limitless strength. "To think you humans would resist. I lobe how weak you are, but at the same time it pisses me off." He growled as he picked up the sound of some idiots speeding down the road with intentions to hit him. Perfect raised his hand and opened it. "Pathetic." A large blue ball of energy was sent flying toward the car, moving at the same speed. "Perish."
Seeing the ball of energy flying at him a cold smile crossed Suuy's face and he began muttering to himself,

"Bring it bitch, If this is all you've got this is gonna be a real short fight."

Wrestling the wheel, Suuy grabbed the hand break and forced the car to drift around in a tight circle and revolving around the energy ball, heading straight for perfect still


Ducking under the energy shot as it flew over head, Ribbon helped Conduit to his feet and he reached behind him swinging the massive cross shaped blade off his back and impaling it into the ground.

"You go on ahead Ribbon, I'm going to start channeling."

"Yep yep~!"

Dashing forwards after the car two snake like ribbons stretched out from her back and ignited on fire trailing after her as she raced towards the target.

Grasping the hilt of the Cross shaped sword, Conduit began to chant and as he did so the air temperature around him began to plummet.

" Sanctus hiemes in gelu noctis,

Glacies et gelu de loco inferni,

Rex frigus vocem meam audiunt,

Frigore huius mundi
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charleen said:
"Ohh.. I'm sorry," she scratched the side of her arm. "Did something happen to you too?" She looked at him with concern.
Dante turned and looked back at her before a cold smile crossed his lips,

"No, Its my job."

Then turning away, pitch black wings sprouted from his back and flapping them he shot of into the air.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Dante turned and looked back at her before a cold smile crossed his lips,
"No, Its my job."

Then turning away, pitch black wings sprouted from his back and flapping them he shot of into the air.

Nico shivered slightly from his response and gasped when he transform into his real form. She immediately stood up, dust off petals from her skirt. She squinted her eyes trying to see where he went. "You're beautiful,"she said and her eyes light up. "I have a trick of mine own too.." She looked down at her and sighed. She slowly shrunk down to her fairy form which is the size of an index finger and began fly up towards him.
Roman said:


Alejandro Ishida

~ A Young Prodigy


A detention on the first day. Wow. Luckily he wasn't staying with his father or mother... They'd probably be upset to learn that he had earned a detention on his first day of school... Plus his older sibling. Masaki would probably call him some sort of idiot, then again it didn't seem like her to do so. Alejandro simply decided to do his work and pay attention in class, hoping it'd get him off detention. As Mr. White was teaching his lesson, Alejandro payed close attention and almost wrote down literally every word he said as if it were his job to do so. This was all good information for him since the topic today was the anatomy of a gun.

The good streak all came to an end for Alejandro though. As he was taking his notes, he felt a finger on his cheek... And it didn't stop. It kept poking him in the same spot. He seen Astrid in the corner of his eye, noticing how she was both closer to and the one poking him. He frowned lightly and turned his head to face Astrid. She looked like she was intrigued by his cheek or whatever. "Astrid.. What the... What are you doing? Stop!" He said in a loud whisper. The sound of marker squeaking on the board as Mr. White drew the anatomy of an handgun. He looked at Astrid and Alejandro. In his mind, he seen what look like they were about to kiss. They're faces weren't too far away from one another. "Kids... Astrid. Detention. No PDA." He said before turning back to the board and continuing his lesson. Alejandro didn't look away from Astrid, his face still held it's frown, but this time a light blush on his cheeks. "P... P... D.... A?!" He shouted out of no where. "Ishida? Detention... Tomorrow. Geez... Kids these days." Mr. White grumbled.

More Info


Weapons Class


Flustered, angry... He doesn't even know at this point


Ready to die...


Get the day over with...

Interacting with: Astrid, Mr. White



Roman Ishida

~ The Man of Many Scars


Until now, Roman never realized how much of an impact Kaori could have on his life. She gave him the same feeling he'd when around, Mal. A protective, caring a loving feeling. He didn't want anything to hurt her nor did he want her to feel hurt... Yet once again, the little angel on his shoulder gave him a good whack to the head. That was the second time he had to remind himself he was married. "Damn it... Get a hold of yourself." He said as Kaori went into the kitchen. There had to be some way he could stop having the image of being with her out of his head...

His mind quickly snapped out of thought when the sound of Kaori's voice echoed in his head about lunch. He chuckled and spoke, "Y-Yeah... I'll actually come help, I might want something else to go with my lunch and I don't want you over working no yourself." He said as he joined her, smiling happily.

More Info


Apartment: Kitchen




Going to help make lunch


Help make lunch

Interacting with: Kaori



Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Heart of Steel


Hyou was still looking put the window, his face holding no expression as he did so. He wasn't angry at Skylar... But upset. He just wished thatcthey could start all over again. Meet a new way... In a different place instead of him giving her a brutal beat down. Hyou looked over at her as he heard her voice, seeing a smile on her face as she pet panther. So she considered him a friend? That's nice. She even wanted him to be around. Her words brought a smile to her face and looked away once more before speaking. "Whatever Shrimp... I believe you." he told her with a smile.

Panther sighed as he looked at Hyou. He could tell that deep down inside, Hyou was jumping around like a school girl, but it was nice to see him smile... Even of he looked like a crazed beast. "So... Happy ending?" Panther asked jokingly as he looked up at Skylar and then Hyou again.
Hyou chuckled, "I guess so."

More Info


Hospital Room


Secretly happy


Visiting Sklyar



Interacting with: Skylar, Panther

Tags: @Lumina



Astrid knew full well what Mr. White was teaching about. She had glanced up at the board to see "Anatomy of a Gun" written in nice neat lettering, and it was then that she knew she could completely zone out. Astrids powers directly related to weapons and their manipulation, it was hardwired into her DNA to know how guns worked and their anatomy. The power worked on all weapons, by touching them she immediately gained a near mastery level of how to use them, though occasionally it would work even by looking at them. It was only the first day, so Mr. White started off with something simple, a handgun. Childs play for Astrid. Knowing she didn't need to pay attention, that's when she had decided to poke Alejandro's cheek, knowing it would bother him to no end. She just didn't know it'd end in her getting a detention. Not that she really cared abiut some stupid detention. Well, at least theyd be in detention together. A wicked grin flashed over her face for a moment before she shrugged, responding to Mr. White in a slightly sassy, dismissive tone.
"Sure, sure, you got it teach~"

Astrid leaned back more toward her own seat, noticing how she didn't even need to be close to him to have him freaking out. Over PDA at that. Astrid wanted to laugh aloud at his reaction, but she didn't think Mr. White would appreciate it, so she managed to contain it into a snicker, but was unable to completely suppress it, a soft laugh coming from behind her hand that she had brought up to her mouth. Seeing him get all freaked out about public displays of affection was honestly really entertaining, and his outburst about then earned him another detention. That one was partly her fault, and she knew it too, so she stuck a finger on the side of her mouth and pulled it to the side before grinning at him, mocking him silently for a moment before turning back to face the front of the class. Bored out of her mind, Astrid reached into the storage of guns she had in her arsenal by sticking her hand through a small portal, pulling out a near replica of the gun that Mr. White was drawing on the board. She slumped down in her chair a bit to relax before holding her hands in front of her on the desk, the gun now levitating and twisting in the air above her palms. After a few moments the gun began to take itself apart piece by piece, each part floating around another. This was much more entertaining than listening to some lecture, because at least this way she could see each physical part of the gun and not some drawing of it. Astrid didn't really notice that some students were now paying more attention to her little display than Mr. White's, but she wouldn't have cared either way.

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Kaori didn't want to just be freeloading in one of her closest friends houses, so she did sincerely want to be helping, even though the whole reason that she was even here was because Roman really wanted to help her. She was glad for this, because really she had no idea about pregnancy and what it would entail. To have someone there during this honestly terrifying time was really helpful for her, because it was a relief to have someone there for her when the unexpected would happen. Kaori smiled as Roman made his way over to the kitchen, happy he was going to let her help, even if it only was a little bit.
"I'll make a great lunch, just you wait." She closed her fist in a determined stance, looking up at Roman and grinning before moving to check through the fridgerator.

"What sounds good to you?" She asked, glancing sideways from her slightly leaned over position. She wasn't really showing all that much, but she could tell something was different when she bent over. "I'm kind of craving something with barbecue right now. Do you have any? Hmmm... yes, yes you do." Standing up, Kaori grabbed the bottle of BBQ sauce, opening the cap and taking a sniff. "Yeah, that's goo-" her voice stopped mid sentence before her face went pale and she nearly dropped the bottle before immediately leaning over into the sink and emptying the contents of whatever was in her stomach. Nausea from the BBQ sauce hit her like a train, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to make it to the bathroom in time. Once her stomach was empty, Kaori leaned against the counter, her head still in the sink, breathing heavily and trying to quell the dry heaves that still were coming. "Nope.... not barbeque..."

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Skylar had looked back down at Panther as she pet him, but she didn't need to look at him to know he was smiling. She couldn't explain how it was she knew. She couldn't help but chuckle softly as he called her shrimp Sure, she was small, but shrimp?
"Shrimp, huh?" Skylar looked up at him, the happiest and most relaxed he would have seen her up until this point. "I'm not that sm-"

Her words were cut off by the sound of a doctor coming in the room. He was a taller man with a nice crisp lab coat and a studious pair of glasses.
"Skylar! You look to be doing well!" He smiled a warm smile at her before coming to her bedside and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Doctor Hayes! Yes thank you, I've definitely been feeling better." Skylar responded, moving her gaze up to meet his. Doctor Hayes had been her primary physician during her stay, which had been about a month or so. He had been there to monitor her progress as she healed and make sure she was getting everything she needed.

"That's good to hear. Now that you're healed a bit, I think you're well enough to start therapy. You'll need it if you want to get back to your full strength and get yourself out of here. A nurse should be here soon to take you down." Skylar nodded before the doctor noticed Hyouinmaru sitting next to her. "Oh! Who might this be?"

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Lumina said:



Astrid knew full well what Mr. White was teaching about. She had glanced up at the board to see "Anatomy of a Gun" written in nice neat lettering, and it was then that she knew she could completely zone out. Astrids powers directly related to weapons and their manipulation, it was hardwired into her DNA to know how guns worked and their anatomy. The power worked on all weapons, by touching them she immediately gained a near mastery level of how to use them, though occasionally it would work even by looking at them. It was only the first day, so Mr. White started off with something simple, a handgun. Childs play for Astrid. Knowing she didn't need to pay attention, that's when she had decided to poke Alejandro's cheek, knowing it would bother him to no end. She just didn't know it'd end in her getting a detention. Not that she really cared abiut some stupid detention. Well, at least theyd be in detention together. A wicked grin flashed over her face for a moment before she shrugged, responding to Mr. White in a slightly sassy, dismissive tone. "Sure, sure, you got it teach~"

Astrid leaned back more toward her own seat, noticing how she didn't even need to be close to him to have him freaking out. Over PDA at that. Astrid wanted to laugh aloud at his reaction, but she didn't think Mr. White would appreciate it, so she managed to contain it into a snicker, but was unable to completely suppress it, a soft laugh coming from behind her hand that she had brought up to her mouth. Seeing him get all freaked out about public displays of affection was honestly really entertaining, and his outburst about then earned him another detention. That one was partly her fault, and she knew it too, so she stuck a finger on the side of her mouth and pulled it to the side before grinning at him, mocking him silently for a moment before turning back to face the front of the class. Bored out of her mind, Astrid reached into the storage of guns she had in her arsenal by sticking her hand through a small portal, pulling out a near replica of the gun that Mr. White was drawing on the board. She slumped down in her chair a bit to relax before holding her hands in front of her on the desk, the gun now levitating and twisting in the air above her palms. After a few moments the gun began to take itself apart piece by piece, each part floating around another. This was much more entertaining than listening to some lecture, because at least this way she could see each physical part of the gun and not some drawing of it. Astrid didn't really notice that some students were now paying more attention to her little display than Mr. White's, but she wouldn't have cared either way.

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Kaori didn't want to just be freeloading in one of her closest friends houses, so she did sincerely want to be helping, even though the whole reason that she was even here was because Roman really wanted to help her. She was glad for this, because really she had no idea about pregnancy and what it would entail. To have someone there during this honestly terrifying time was really helpful for her, because it was a relief to have someone there for her when the unexpected would happen. Kaori smiled as Roman made his way over to the kitchen, happy he was going to let her help, even if it only was a little bit. "I'll make a great lunch, just you wait." She closed her fist in a determined stance, looking up at Roman and grinning before moving to check through the fridgerator.

"What sounds good to you?" She asked, glancing sideways from her slightly leaned over position. She wasn't really showing all that much, but she could tell something was different when she bent over. "I'm kind of craving something with barbecue right now. Do you have any? Hmmm... yes, yes you do." Standing up, Kaori grabbed the bottle of BBQ sauce, opening the cap and taking a sniff. "Yeah, that's goo-" her voice stopped mid sentence before her face went pale and she nearly dropped the bottle before immediately leaning over into the sink and emptying the contents of whatever was in her stomach. Nausea from the BBQ sauce hit her like a train, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to make it to the bathroom in time. Once her stomach was empty, Kaori leaned against the counter, her head still in the sink, breathing heavily and trying to quell the dry heaves that still were coming. "Nope.... not barbeque..."

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Skylar had looked back down at Panther as she pet him, but she didn't need to look at him to know he was smiling. She couldn't explain how it was she knew. She couldn't help but chuckle softly as he called her shrimp Sure, she was small, but shrimp? "Shrimp, huh?" Skylar looked up at him, the happiest and most relaxed he would have seen her up until this point. "I'm not that sm-"

Her words were cut off by the sound of a doctor coming in the room. He was a taller man with a nice crisp lab coat and a studious pair of glasses.
"Skylar! You look to be doing well!" He smiled a warm smile at her before coming to her bedside and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Doctor Hayes! Yes thank you, I've definitely been feeling better." Skylar responded, moving her gaze up to meet his. Doctor Hayes had been her primary physician during her stay, which had been about a month or so. He had been there to monitor her progress as she healed and make sure she was getting everything she needed.

"That's good to hear. Now that you're healed a bit, I think you're well enough to start therapy. You'll need it if you want to get back to your full strength and get yourself out of here. A nurse should be here soon to take you down." Skylar nodded before the doctor noticed Hyouinmaru sitting next to her. "Oh! Who might this be?"

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(hey Lumina you may have written an novel but I still don't have the Everest trap xD )
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Cinder soon transformed into her God Eater form...
"Anyway...you really should keep a close eye on Seria. She may or may not...end up going into a deep depression from those memories we showed her. Like I said, it was really fucked up stuff."
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Anyway...you really should keep a close eye on Seria. She may or may not...end up going into a deep depression from those memories we showed her. Like I said, it was really fucked up stuff."
I'll try to comfort her...
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Turning of the amplifier Everest sat down and began stretching out his hand before speaking,
"huh. Still wouldn't have pegged you as that style of girl, but I've been wrong before. So how are you today?"

Hakuru shrugged, "I'm ok, going to school isn't exactly....fun." she said and messed with her hair boredly, "what about you?"
Roman said:
Perfect had just absorbed his target and was just now feeling the effects of Akane's power. "Sanctums make for great food." He said with a light chuckle. Landing on the ground, Perfect was walking through the middle of the street, zapping humans and absorbing some to add to his limitless strength. "To think you humans would resist. I lobe how weak you are, but at the same time it pisses me off." He growled as he picked up the sound of some idiots speeding down the road with intentions to hit him. Perfect raised his hand and opened it. "Pathetic." A large blue ball of energy was sent flying toward the car, moving at the same speed. "Perish."
@Roman[/URL], @Wicked Jester






HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Cinder soon gave her a bar of chocolate. Maybe it helped her♱...
Seria glanced at the bar of chocolate for a moment, wiping tears from her eyes and taking a small bite.

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