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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Eryk, having no one to interact with at the time, decides to do some "training." He would stand up, put his arms near his hips and exerted his spiritual pressure or whatever term is correct. If he had nothing better to do, then improving himself is the way to go. Of course he had to be careful not to exert too much or else he might get some unwanted attention. Plus too much pressure can be detrimental to others if their mind isn't strong enough.
Arty said:
John hurried over to her, gritting his teeth. "You were always stubborn weren't you..." He helped her up, staying by her side. "Where do you want to go? I just want to make sure you stay there safely."

HimeragiSeiker said:
''When the hell did my sister become a cat?''
...?A male voice asked from behind the fake Seria?...

Fake Seria frowns, sighing. She'd forgotten to take this loser into account when making her plans. Brilliant. Just brilliant. "Leave. This is your only warning."
JJKab said:
Fricka smiled lovingly at Nai, as she slowly wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him lightly. Her forehead was resting on his shoulder.
"I love you..... More than anyone I've ever met" She said softly.
Nai smiled a little and hugged Fricka, kissing her head when she rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you too, Fricka." He said softly as he continued to hug her.
Roman said:
Nai smiled a little and hugged Fricka, kissing her head when she rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you too, Fricka." He said softly as he continued to hug her.
Fricka slowly kissed Nai's cheek, letti g go of him.

"S-shall we... Do something else? I can take it off..."
kk1243 said:
( Well do you want to keep RPing or nah? )
Arrow chuckled "Just tell me your favorite color's and then I'll show you some that you might like
"White" She said shyly, like it was a bad thing.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Fake Seria frowns, sighing. She'd forgotten to take this loser into account when making her plans. Brilliant. Just brilliant. "Leave. This is your only warning."
''....Please change her back when you're done using her.''

...☫He said with a sigh before teleporting back home☫...

Serenity sighed in a relaxed manner. Her past few weeks had been spent trying to get her resort legal and all that junk. The paper work wasn't too bad but the constant meetings were ghastly. They always drained the energy from her. She couldn't even make the sponsors meeting. At least her brother got to cover for her. But it also seemed that he took all of her kittens that she needed. Oh well, she could just buy new ones.

She shrugged and sat down on a school bench. She always liked being around the school, especially whilst there were classes going on. There were few voices in the air during that time, allowing birds to be heads and he occasional locust. It was peaceful. Serene. Something her brother could never understand.

She looked at the massive building of learning. She had always thought the architecture was amazing, even before it was rebuilt. Now, remodeled, it looked simply stunning. The grandeur of it always amazed her. She smiled and looked at the field of grass in front of her. The occasional sway of flowers due to the gentle breeze always put a smile on her face. It was peaceful.

NeoClassical said:
Serenity sighed in a relaxed manner. Her past few weeks had been spent trying to get her resort legal and all that junk. The paper work wasn't too bad but the constant meetings were ghastly. They always drained the energy from her. She couldn't even make the sponsors meeting. At least her brother got to cover for her. But it also seemed that he took all of her kittens that she needed. Oh well, she could just buy new ones.
She shrugged and sat down on a school bench. She always liked being around the school, especially whilst there were classes going on. There were few voices in the air during that time, allowing birds to be heads and he occasional locust. It was peaceful. Serene. Something her brother could never understand.

She looked at the massive building of learning. She had always thought the architecture was amazing, even before it was rebuilt. Now, remodeled, it looked simply stunning. The grandeur of it always amazed her. She smiled and looked at the field of grass in front of her. The occasional sway of flowers due to the gentle breeze always put a smile on her face. It was peaceful.

Eryk would notice a woman who had entered and sat at a bench. Perhaps this was the opportunity he was looking for when it came to social interaction, and decided to go to her. There was this relaxing tone about her that made him feel intrigued. Something about her reminded him the time when he reached that state of enlightenment, and so decided to talk to her.

"Greetings. The day is nice isn't it?" He asked her with grace as such a monk should with others. Of course he does not necessarily speak with such formalities, but something made him do so with this one.
YoungX said:
Eryk would notice a woman who had entered and sat at a bench. Perhaps this was the opportunity he was looking for when it came to social interaction, and decided to go to her. There was this relaxing tone about her that made him feel intrigued. Something about her reminded him the time when he reached that state of enlightenment, and so decided to talk to her.
"Greetings. The day is nice isn't it?" He asked her with grace as such a monk should with others. Of course he does not necessarily speak with such formalities, but something made him do so with this one.
Serenity was caught in a trance-like stare, gazing at a white rose that caught her attention. She usually blanked out whenever she viewed something that peaked her interest. Her thoughts of roses were interrupted by a voice. She slightly turned her head to the sound. A male.

Serenity gave a warm smile, a smile that could soothe the most raging of cruelties. A smile that could warm the most coldest of hearts. She gave a slight nod of the head at the boy's question.

"Yes. Very much so." She chuckled, referring to the cloudless sky and shining sun. "I just absolutely adore days like these. They are probably my favorite other than the days of light raindrops."
NeoClassical said:
Serenity was caught in a trance-like stare, gazing at a white rose that caught her attention. She usually blanked out whenever she viewed something that peaked her interest. Her thoughts of roses were interrupted by a voice. She slightly turned her head to the sound. A male.
Serenity gave a warm smile, a smile that could soothe the most raging of cruelties. A smile that could warm the most coldest of hearts. She gave a slight nod of the head at the boy's question.

"Yes. Very much so." She chuckled, referring to the cloudless sky and shining sun. "I just absolutely adore days like these. They are probably my favorite other than the days of light raindrops."
"From clear skies to drops of rain... there is always something to look forward too," he says embracing the fresh breeze of air. He would take a moment to put his hand together and form a sort of prayer. Erik was not the most religious man, but he certainly gives his thanks to the higher order.

"I thank the one most high as always. I thank him for allowing me to reach enlightenment, and certainly for giving me this path," he says aloud to the sky as he still has his hands together as if praying.
YoungX said:
"From clear skies to drops of rain... there is always something to look forward too," he says embracing the fresh breeze of air. He would take a moment to put his hand together and form a sort of prayer. Erik was not the most religious man, but he certainly gives his thanks to the higher order.
"I thank the one most high as always. I thank him for allowing me to reach enlightenment, and certainly for giving me this path," he says aloud to the sky as he still has his hands together as if praying.
Serenity smiled and remained quiet out of respect. He had his religious beliefs, and she respected it. No matter how misguided the boy was....

She tilted her head. "The one most high?" She asked after the boy was finished. "And who would that be?"
NeoClassical said:
Serenity smiled and remained quiet out of respect. He had his religious beliefs, and she respected it. No matter how misguided the boy was....
She tilted her head. "The one most high?" She asked after the boy was finished. "And who would that be?"
"Who? Well... I don't know. I can't claim to be a religious person in the first place, but I may as well give thanks to the ones responsible for life. At the very least, even if a being most high doesn't exist I may as well give thanks just in case." He looks at her with a satisfied face. This satisfaction comes from the fact that he had even considered giving thanks in the first place. For his life was given to him from someone or something, so it only makes sense to do so.

"Life is interesting and funny at the same time. Most don't even know who created this plane of existence, and some care not to even divulge into it. Cults, churches, and all forms of conglomeration have been made to worship such beings. Is it out of thanks or is it out of the fear of the potential existence of this high order?" He would find himself closing his eyes and actually thinking about it. Eryk wasn't one to really try to think, but he never asked himself this before so he may as well.
YoungX said:
"Who? Well... I don't know. I can't claim to be a religious person in the first place, but I may as well give thanks to the ones responsible for life. At the very least, even if a being most high doesn't exist I may as well give thanks just in case." He looks at her with a satisfied face. This satisfaction comes from the fact that he had even considered giving thanks in the first place. For his life was given to him from someone or something, so it only makes sense to do so.
"Life is interesting and funny at the same time. Most don't even know who created this plane of existence, and some care not to even divulge into it. Cults, churches, and all forms of conglomeration have been made to worship such beings. Is it out of thanks or is it out of the fear of the potential existence of this high order?" He would find himself closing his eyes and actually thinking about it. Eryk wasn't one to really try to think, but he never asked himself this before so he may as well.
Serenity smiled. "Although I did not create life, I suppose I could accept your gratitude." She chuckled. "After all, you do seem like a fairly orderly person." She tilted her head to the side.
NeoClassical said:
Serenity smiled. "Although I did not create life, I suppose I could accept your gratitude." She chuckled. "After all, you do seem like a fairly orderly person." She tilted her head to the side.
Eryk would smile back and would have a face of curiosity on him. "I see. I take it you are a being of high order, or perhaps at least a deity of some sort. In any case, thanks for accepting my gratitude. This is probably the second time a deity accepted my gratitude," he would laugh a bit in earnest. He looked back to when he was chosen to be the bearer of such a being. In all his life, he surely never expected to become who he was especially after enlightenment.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''....Please change her back when you're done using her.''
...☫He said with a sigh before teleporting back home☫...
"...That...was surprisingly easy. Here I was thinking that I'd likely have to have the Haiiro clone dispose of him. Huh. How boring... When the hell is Natsumi going to wake up? It's been an hour at least."
Nevermore said:
Crow smiled and waved his hand at a movie poster in passing and the cloud of smoke sliced through the poster causing it to fall apart into tiny scraps of paper.
"Seriously a bad idea."
"Yeah but it's fun." She said to him with a smirk
Slaxt said:
Akuren watched as his mother went away to grab his ball that rolled away into a bush. He suddenly sees a butterfly fly all around his face, He watches it astonished by it's beautiful colors. Suddenly the butterfly starts slowly flying away, Akuren slowly started to follow the butterfly. Moments later he was out of sight from the spot his mother had told him to stay.
(Just tag me in his posts now xD )

Thana came back just after we got out of sight and went wide eyed as her eyes locked on the spot he used to be. "Ren? Ren!!" She yelled in worry as she immideately looked around for her baby
Ballerina said:


Klef contently sat in their chair as the lesson was finishing up. Several hours had already flown by and it was only a minutes of seconds before the dismissal bell would ring. Their amber eyes steadily focused on the clock that hung above the teacher's head. The clock made a rhythmic ticking that captivating enough for Klef to ignore the remainder of the lesson. It wasn't like this lesson was really important anyways since this was only the first day and you would think the teacher would not wait until the last moment to teach the most important part of the lesson. Boy, was Klef going to be very wrong about that, but now is not the time to elaborate on the lesson was actually on when the future can show it instead. When the bell finally rung, Klef didn't bother to chat with their classmates like they usually did at the end of class, not because they were in a bad mood or disliked their new friends, they just had a place to be and needed to be there as fast as possible.

Apparently, Klef was not the only one in a rush; almost the entire class spilled out of the room. Klef rushed out of the doors as well, slinging their bag over their shoulder and giving a quick wave to the remainder of the classmates. The classroom was not too far away from the main entrance of the school compared to most so the walk to the meeting spot would not take very long. Klef walked through the hallways, taking a few twists and turns before arriving at the main entrance. They sat patiently on a step, awaiting Nova's arrival.

(This is a repost lol, I totally forgot to tag you the first time. Sorry for the wait!)

(Edit: still managed to forget to tag you
@TheDragoon XP)
((I didn't get the tag, but okay, also I'll post in a sec, I'm still a bit tired cause of constant flight delays to Tennessee. I barely got any sleep ;- ;) )

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