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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

~*Rosalie Dalton*~


Feeling gentle raindrops fall on her face as she rested on the grass an inaudible groan and an exhale of breath escaped Rosalie's lips as she rolled over on the grass before getting up onto her feet. Her perfect day for relaxing had been cut off pretty soon by the weather. She loved the sounds the rain made as it pattered along the landscape but never liked the feeling of having it pour on top of herself. So with that thought in mind she began to make a bee line to the school building, using her notebook as a quick shield for the rain as she did so.

Extra Info


School grounds


Escaping the rain




Get out of the rain

Interacting with:

No one



((Here you go~ I just chose one to send instead :3))

NeoClassical said:
Hannah frowned. "Why heal me?" She asked, her eyes still closed but her hand reached up to her throat. "You said I can't die. Usually, healing isn't apart of torture."
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Because looking at that cut just...bothered me for some fucking reason. Not like it matters to you, anyway."
"Ok, open up your fucking eyes already. Otherwise you'll probably dislike the torture more."
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Cinder soon used her body to push Seria down lightly, pinning her as Cinder was on top of Seria now, still kissing her♱...
Seria blushes, purring quietly and wrapping her arms tightly around Cinder.

~*Elaena Rillas*~


Waving a goodbye with one hand as she carried her cat, Naji in the other, Elaena left the male dorms. Visiting her twin brother as she always did every day. Reaching the doors and stepping out, she yawned softly. Maybe she'd take a nap, after all, she woke up from her last nap rather early... She began to make her way down the steps in her usual dazed and sleepy manner.

Extra Info


Outside dormitories


Leaving dorms





Interacting with:

No one


AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria smiled, enjoying the kiss and continuing to purr.
"Because looking at that cut just...bothered me for some fucking reason. Not like it matters to you, anyway."
Hannah chuckled. "It does matter to me. It's my neck." She nodded. "Maybe I liked the cut there." She shrugged. "Anyway, what do you plan on doing?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Cinder just kept kissing Seria as she didn't really care if they were late to class♱...
Seria purrs, not caring if they missed class either.

NeoClassical said:
Hannah chuckled. "It does matter to me. It's my neck." She nodded. "Maybe I liked the cut there." She shrugged. "Anyway, what do you plan on doing?"
"Hmm? Well, torturing you of course, both mentally and physically. Now, open your eyes already."
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria purrs, not caring if they missed class either.
"Hmm? Well, torturing you of course, both mentally and physically. Now, open your eyes already."
"Why?" Hannah questioned. "Do you find my eyes dreamy or something?" She chuckled. "I think I'll just keep them closed."
NeoClassical said:
"Why?" Hannah questioned. "Do you find my eyes dreamy or something?" She chuckled. "I think I'll just keep them closed."
"...Open your eyes or I'll force you to. Either you do it of your free will or I MAKE you do it."


Moonstone sighed and slumped over. They didn't know where Junchi was and their day didn't start out as well as they hoped. They walked deeply in thought, and wondered where Junchi was. They tried to put their shoes in his shoes, but nothing worked. They just couldn't figure it out.

It didn't take long for Moonstone to bump into a girl. "Oh dear. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." they apologized. They straightened their posture and tried to not look so depressed and confused like they were earlier. "Um, are you alright?" they asked.

Extra Information

Location: Outside male dorms

Mood: Apologetic

Status: Talking to Elaena Rillas

Interacting With: Elaena Rillas

Character Sheet: Moonstone

Tags: @Nona
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria purrs, not caring if they missed class either.
"Hmm? Well, torturing you of course, both mentally and physically. Now, open your eyes already."
...♱Cinder was so into the kiss that she kind of was not caring if someone saw them or not. Well it was up to Seria to stop the kiss♱...
AriaTheWatcher said:
"...Open your eyes or I'll force you to. Either you do it of your free will or I MAKE you do it."
"I asked you why." Hannah said, her eyes still closed. "I just want a reason why I should open my eyes."
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Cinder was so into the kiss that she kind of was not caring if someone saw them or not. Well it was up to Seria to stop the kiss♱...
"...As much as I hate to ask, can we stop kissing for a second? I want to show you a cool little trick I can do~"

NeoClassical said:
"I asked you why." Hannah said, her eyes still closed. "I just want a reason why I should open my eyes."

Haiiro sighs.
"If you do I'll let you see me wearing nothing but a bra and panties." Since Hannah had at least used to be a guy, Haiiro hoped that a lie like that would at least grab her attention.




...♅Akira remained fixed in his position, staring at the ground. His thoughts were gone. His emotions, devastated. Sure, he'd killed before. Yet nothing on this scale, at least when he wasn't under the influence of his Lost transformation. Normally, he'd use that excuse, to protect what conscience he had when a genocidal event occurred. Yet this time, there was no excuse. He'd slaughtered two races, and one of them was his own. Nothing in the Sanctums' training taught them how to deal with something that large. Yet, he knew he couldn't just shut down. He knew he had to be strong, because if he wasn't, he'd break down. His powers lay dormant in his body, awaiting their use. Akira didn't know if he'd ever be able to use them again. The same powers that destroyed his world. It was because of him, he told himself. If he had answered the first call from Euphoria, perhaps everyone would still be alive. His mother, his father, his brother, his sister and even his race. He could've saved them all if he had just accepted that. One. Call. He kept asking why he was alive, and not the rest of his people. Why did he have to survive. He didn't understand how his race deserved to die, and not him. He was their king. He was meant to die before his people if it came to that. Yet here he stood, in the pouring rain. Wishing that he wasn't alone. He was the last Sanctum. The last of his race. His mind didn't know how to deal with it all. He vanished from the Fukushima Estate's grounds and appeared in a forest, his landing causing the nearby trees to skid across the ground and tear up the land. The rain slowly began to stop, yet the thunder and lightning remained. His powers soon caught on to a familiar power composition. It was them. Three of the Shurons had successfully entered the gate to The Existence, and had escaped Euphoria's destruction. Anger suddenly enveloped Akira's mind. He'd destroyed his race, so that he could protect The Existence from their filth, yet here they were. His enemy. His body began shifting and changing between all of his forms. His powers from each form began to crash and collide with one another, causing multiple sound barrier explosions as the air was thrown away from him. His power began to envelop his changing bodies, until he was no longer visible. His emotions took form outside of him in various colours and began to merge, until a dark purple light sparked within the circular ball of raw power. The clouds above him had evaporated, and the tress around him cracked and were ripped from the ground, only to be thrown across the air and into multiple other trees. The ball of pure power slowly began to shrink, until it was completely gone. Purple sparks occurred around Akira's body as he had taken a new appearance. A combination of all of his previous forms, in terms of both power and appearance. He had unrestricted access to every single one of his powers in the form he now took. No mental blocks to hold him back. He didn't want to enjoy the feel of battle against these filth. He wanted to enjoy the complete slaughter of them. A low tone exited his mouth as he spoke, just barely above the cracking and flashes of the sparks around him. His piercing silver irises focused on the direction of his victims as he said each word♅...

I will avenge you all..


no slide no slide no slide​
no slide​
no slide






Hunting the remainders of the Shuron race



@Mashiro Shiina[/URL]






AriaTheWatcher said:
"...As much as I hate to ask, can we stop kissing for a second? I want to show you a cool little trick I can do~"

Haiiro sighs.
"If you do I'll let you see me wearing nothing but a bra and panties." Since Hannah had at least used to be a guy, Haiiro hoped that a lie like that would at least grab her attention.
''Oh. Sure.''

...♱She said before getting off of Seria so she could see what she could do♱...

AriaTheWatcher said:
"...As much as I hate to ask, can we stop kissing for a second? I want to show you a cool little trick I can do~"

Haiiro sighs.
"If you do I'll let you see me wearing nothing but a bra and panties." Since Hannah had at least used to be a guy, Haiiro hoped that a lie like that would at least grab her attention.
Hannah peeked one eye open before immediately shutting it again. "Eh. Seen it before." She chuckled. "Seen more than it before."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Oh. Sure.''
...♱She said before getting off of Seria so she could see what she could do♱...
Seria smiles, standing up. Suddenly, a cloud of flower petals engulfed her, having appeared out of seemingly nowhere, and when they eventually floated to the ground she had turned into a pink furred cat. She looked up at Cinder and meowed.

NeoClassical said:
Hannah peeked one eye open before immediately shutting it again. "Eh. Seen it before." She chuckled. "Seen more than it before."
Haiiro frowned. "We can do this the easy way, which involves you opening your eyes, or the hard and extremely excruciatingly painful way, which if you keep your eyes shut we'll have to do. Your choice here."
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria smiles, standing up. Suddenly, a cloud of flower petals engulfed her, having appeared out of seemingly nowhere, and when they eventually floated to the ground she had turned into a pink furred cat. She looked up at Cinder and meowed.
Haiiro frowned. "We can do this the easy way, which involves you opening your eyes, or the hard and extremely excruciatingly painful way, which if you keep your eyes shut we'll have to do. Your choice here."
Hannah sighed. "I'll open my eyes..." She nodded. "...if I get to look at my photo album one more time before you start to torture me."

Tags: @Nona {/slide}


~*Elaena Rillas*~


Elaena lightly staggered when bumped into but didn't fall "Hm.....?" Her amber irises slowly moved to view the figure in front of her. She tilted her head slowly and gently as she smiled at the person. "No no, its quite alright..." She spoke softly as she waved her hands a little, the cat in her arm yawning lazily. "and I am alright too...bumping into people isn't an oddity for me".

Extra Info


School dormitories


Talking to moonstone





Interacting with:



AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria smiles, standing up. Suddenly, a cloud of flower petals engulfed her, having appeared out of seemingly nowhere, and when they eventually floated to the ground she had turned into a pink furred cat. She looked up at Cinder and meowed.
Haiiro frowned. "We can do this the easy way, which involves you opening your eyes, or the hard and extremely excruciatingly painful way, which if you keep your eyes shut we'll have to do. Your choice here."
''Oh...that's cute.''

...♱She said as she giggled a bit before petting it♱...

NeoClassical said:
Hannah sighed. "I'll open my eyes..." She nodded. "...if I get to look at my photo album one more time before you start to torture me."
"...Your photo album? How the hell would I even have your photo album? Do you have it on you or something?"
AriaTheWatcher said:
"...Your photo album? How the hell would I even have your photo album? Do you have it on you or something?"
Hannah nodded. "Well of course I have it on me." She chuckled. "I carry it everywhere I go." She felt around until her hand landed on her shadow. She pushed her hand down and it actually went into the shadow. When she pulled her hand back out, she was holding a rather large photo book.

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