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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

NeoClassical said:
Hannah nodded. "Well of course I have it on me." She chuckled. "I carry it everywhere I go." She felt around until her hand landed on her shadow. She pushed her hand down and it actually went into the shadow. When she pulled her hand back out, she was holding a rather large photo book.
"Fiiiiine you can have a look at it before I start torturing you. Just...hurry up."
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Fiiiiine you can have a look at it before I start torturing you. Just...hurry up."
Hannah smiled and opened her eyes before opening the book. She looked again at the pictures of Fang and her (was him). She laughed at all the pictures she had with Haiiro. "Man. Good times die hard don't they." She said aloud.
NeoClassical said:
Hannah smiled and opened her eyes before opening the book. She looked again at the pictures of Fang and her (was him). She laughed at all the pictures she had with Haiiro. "Man. Good times die hard don't they." She said aloud.
"I wouldn't fucking know."

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hmmm...could you talk while you're in your cat form?''
Seria nods silently.
AriaTheWatcher said:
"I wouldn't fucking know."
Seria nods silently.
"Yikes. No need for all the hostility." Hannah sighed as she closed the book and placed it back within her shadow. "Oh well...." She sighed and stood up from the ground. "Okay. We better get this started."
Nona said:

~*Rosalie Dalton*~


Feeling gentle raindrops fall on her face as she rested on the grass an inaudible groan and an exhale of breath escaped Rosalie's lips as she rolled over on the grass before getting up onto her feet. Her perfect day for relaxing had been cut off pretty soon by the weather. She loved the sounds the rain made as it pattered along the landscape but never liked the feeling of having it pour on top of herself. So with that thought in mind she began to make a bee line to the school building, using her notebook as a quick shield for the rain as she did so.

Extra Info


School grounds


Escaping the rain




Get out of the rain

Interacting with:

No one



((Here you go~ I just chose one to send instead :3))

((@NeoClassical I set up an interaction if you feel like replying, if you don't want to anymore that's okay too, just letting you know :'3))
Lumina said:


Iris grinned as he answered her question. "Duncan? That's a nice name. I'm Iris in case you were wondering." She responded, fixing her hair a bit. She wasn't really sure if he even cared to know her name, but she though she'd give it anyways just in case. In case of what, she wasn't sure, but it was out there now. So, they had their next class together huh? For some reason, Iris was kind of happy to hear the news. Probably because the fact that she kept running into the same boy in such different circumstances intrigued her, and made her curious of just who he was. Yes they had only met twice, but she was curious nonetheless.

Iris would have continued with conversing with Duncan but the warning bell rang, signaling that class was going to be starting soon. Turning toward the direction of the classroom, Iris spoke over her shoulder at him. "Well, let's go then. We don't wanna be late on the first day now do we?" And with that she started off toward the classroom. She wasn't looking forward to it really, history wasn't really a strong suit of hers, but maybe having a friend in the class would help. Well, "friend" was probably a bit of a stretch, but at least she'd know someone. Soon the classroom came into view, and Iris slipped inside, taking a seat against the back wall near the window. A small part of her hoped Duncan would join her, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if he didn't. Either way, she wouldn't be paying much attention to the class.

More Info


The school




Walking to class with Duncan



Interacting with: Duncan


A somewhat reluctant Duncan followed in suit behind the girl, now known as Iris, inside the building and into the classroom. He wasn't one to be playing 'follow the leader' , but hell, he didn't have much of a choice if he wanted to at least have one person to talk to. She most likely wasn't what had originally thought of as the first person he'd meet, however, she was still quite interesting to him.

Regardless, he had more important things to think about. For example, he had no clue what he was going to eat for lunch. Eating in general had become a problem for him ever since he had relocated to the school. Thoughts rudely interrupted by the sound of the teacher talking, Duncan settled in the back of the room close to the window, directly beside Iris. Calmly, he rested his hands on the back of his neck, allowing for his elbows to remain in the air as he released a deep sigh.
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NeoClassical said:
"Yikes. No need for all the hostility." Hannah sighed as she closed the book and placed it back within her shadow. "Oh well...." She sighed and stood up from the ground. "Okay. We better get this started."
"Alright. Now we can get started, finally." Haiiro says, sighing. She walks over to Hannah and ties her up. "I can't wait to test a few of my cursed artifacts from my collection on you~"

HimeragiSeiker said:

...♱Cinder said as she giggled♱...

Seria meows, seeming happy.


"Heh, yeah, I understand. I drift off into daydreams a lot, and then find myself in strange places or bumping into random people. I need to work on my attention span." Moonstone responded as they rubbed the back of their head.

They noticed the cat Elaena was holding and their whole face brightened up. "How adorable! What's your cat's name?" They were smiling eagerly at Elaena, and held their face as they blushed. Their headscarf seemed to move a little bit, like it was shaking, and small fingers could be seen near Moonstone's cheeks if someone looked closely enough.

Extra Information

Location: Outside male dorms

Mood: Excited

Status: Talking to Elaena Rillas

Interacting With: Elaena Rillas

Character Sheet: Moonstone

Tags: @Nona
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Alright. Now we can get started, finally." Haiiro says, sighing. She walks over to Hannah and ties her up. "I can't wait to test a few of my cursed artifacts from my collection on you~"
Seria meows, seeming happy.
...♱Soon Cinder picked up Seria and put her on her lap♱...
Lumina said:



Song of Storms

It really was quite nice for Kansuke to be able to sit and wait for school with no worries of having to do anything else. It was something he was still trying to get used to, but he'd gladly take as much time as it needed. It definitely was better than having to save the world all the time. Either way, he figured he should polish off his wind waked and ocarina while waiting for class to begin. Not long after that did the teacher begin the roll call, and Kansuke's head popped up a bit from the instruments in his lap. It wasn't long until he heard his name and he responded with a prompt "here!" before moving his head to look back down. However, something caught his eye before he could do so, a flash of bright blonde. Staring for a moment as it came closer it showed itself to be the pointy-eared blondie from the day before. A smile crept on his face as she came over, turning a bit to face her.

"Of course, please, sit down." He said, moving a bit to give her room. "You're just in time, the teacher is calling off names for attendance." Half the time he had always been late to class when he lived back home, so it felt nice to actually be on time for once. Speaking of roll call, he didn't actually know her name. They met yesterday and she seemed really quite familiar, and it felt like he had known her for his whole life but they had never met before, yet he didn't know her name? Kansuke leaned forward a bit, looking at her intently. "Can I ask what your name is?" Before she could respond Kansuke felt something drip on his nose. He blinked in confusion before feeling more and more droplets of liquid falling on him. Rain. Now of all times? The teacher stopped roll call and began collecting her things, intending to move class inside, and student began making their way toward the school, but Kansuke didn't join them. Instead, he calmly brought the ocarina to his lips before playing. A whimsical tune reminiscent of a windmill or carousel emanated from the instrument, and Kansuke swayed slowly side to side in his seat on the grass as his fingers danced across the holes. Soon, the rain clouds dissipated and the rain stopped, the sun soon coming out and shining down on them. This confused the teacher for a moment, who had been staring at Kansuke as he was playing, before smiling, thanking him, and announcing that class would still be held outside. The students seemed to be happy to hear the news, and they took their seats outside once more as the teacher began the roll call again.

no slide
no slide no slide

~*Mizuki Notaro*~


Mizuki smile grew a little when he said she could sit "Thank you~" she said taking a seat beside him about to introduce herself. Though it seemed as though a rain shower was starting. Great. Just as she had sat down too. That was a shame really, the thought of playing music outside today was nice. She looked curiously to Kansuke as she noticed that he was the only one continuing like the rain wasn't even happening. Listening to the song he was playing and looking around as the rain calmed again, it almost seemed as though he caused the weather to change. Blinking a few tines as the class continued she drummed her finger on the edge of her harp, not yet playing it. Making a second attempt to introduce herself to the boy her name was called. "Here" she called firstly before looking back to the boy "Well, there it is. Mizuki Notaro" she said smiling as she looked at the boy that seemed weirdly familiar to her. "May I ask yours?"

Extra Info


School courtyard


Talking with Kansuke




Introduce herself

Interacting with:



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Nona said:
((@NeoClassical I set up an interaction if you feel like replying, if you don't want to anymore that's okay too, just letting you know :'3))


The Author

Arthur was walking from the female dorms when it began to rain. He sighed and quickly wrote in his book, causing the rain to hit everywhere except where he was walking. The sound of rain had always annoyed him, especially heavy rain.

He saw rain as a distraction. It made him lose concentration whilst writing a book. There was a reason why rain symbolized sadness. It symbolized teardrops.

He did have to admit. Rain was very poetic. Too bad Arthur wasn't a poem kind of guy. He was more into less subtle nods towards ideas and beliefs. Most of his stories had direct comparisons instead of spiritual crap.

As he was walking back to the school, he noticed a girl running for the school. And what he saw almost made his heart break. She was holding a notebook over her head. A notebook. A tool to write stories.

He bit his lip and shook his head. "No, no, no." He wrote in his book again, causing the notebook to disappear completely from the girl's grasp.

AriaTheWatcher said:
"Alright. Now we can get started, finally." Haiiro says, sighing. She walks over to Hannah and ties her up. "I can't wait to test a few of my cursed artifacts from my collection on you~"
Seria meows, seeming happy.
Hannah sighed. "Yeah yeah." She chuckled. "Have fun I guess."
Nona said:

~*Rini Yelil*~


Rini watched him as he kissed her hand, smiling gently at his words because this time, she felt it was true, there was no possible dangers to pull him away like before. "I'm glad to hear that" she said looking at him "Have you told the others you are safe and well yet? I'm sure they'll be relieved to hear you are okay" she suggested.

Extra Info


School grounds


Talking with misafune





Interacting with:



~*Camilla Radkov*~


As the class was finishing up for now and it was creeping closer to a break from classes for a bit, Camilla took a glance out to the rain outside. So much for having lunch outside today. Well of course she wouldn't care about being outside she loved water so she had a fondness for rainy weather naturally enough. But rainy weather isn't the best for eating lunch and not everyone shared her thoughts on wet weather. As she glanced out the window the teacher ended the class and dismissed the students. Looking back to the top of the room as the teacher spoke she then closed her notebook over. After which students began to file out of the room. Camilla stood up and made her way over to Kaname, who was staring out the window. Smiling gently, she poked the side of his cheek "Did you hear any of that class?" She asked with a quiet giggle "You looked like you were having a pretty nice daydream to yourself huh."

Extra Info




Poking Kaname's cheek





Interacting with:



Kaname had zoned out, and the touch of Camilla's finger sinking into his cheek resulted in a raised brow angled towards her face. Upon realizing it was her whom poked him, a light chuckle escaped his lips in response to the words of which she spoke. He hadn't heard any of the class, not even a bit. Though he felt somewhat ashamed, he refused to bring himself to lie to Camilla.

Pulling himself out his seated position,Kaname shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "No. Probably not." He wasn't quite sure what he wanted for lunch, but he did know he wouldn't want anything small in the least. Gently nudging against Camilla with his shoulder, he began walking out of the classroom a bit behind the other students. "Let's go get lunch"
AriaTheWatcher said:
"...Why aren't you afraid? Normally in this position people would be terrified, but you're...pretty damn calm."
Hannah shrugged as much as she could. She was tied up after all. "I've been cursed by you before." She gave a weak smile and looked up, revealing the dried blood that ran down from her nose. "Besides, what would my fear do? It won't make you stop. Nothing will. It's pointless to fret over this. I'm trapped. I lost."
NeoClassical said:
Hannah shrugged as much as she could. She was tied up after all. "I've been cursed by you before." She gave a weak smile and looked up, revealing the dried blood that ran down from her nose. "Besides, what would my fear do? It won't make you stop. Nothing will. It's pointless to fret over this. I'm trapped. I lost."
"...Wow...you're not making this fun in the slightest..."

HimeragiSeiker said:

...♱She said as she giggled, poking Seria lightly♱...

Seria meows, looking up at Cinder.

Tags: @Nona {/slide}


~*Elaena Rillas*~


Elaena laughed at their words "I do that too much" she said smiling. Due to Elaena's...complications with her powers her grasp on reality was a bit skewed in ways. When they asked about the Cat its ears perked up and looked at him with round bright green eyes "Cute? I'm sure he's flattered. His name is Naji" she said blinking a few times as she thought she saw something strange under the head scarf.

Extra Info


School dormitories


Talking with moonstone




Introduce Naji

Interacting with:




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