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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess

Bella looked at Ophidia. I don't know. He should've been dead. I fired an orb of antimatter at him... And then later managed to piss off Akira... I'm surprised nobody died. She said, kind of disappointed. She then eyed Lena. So if I hit you, I'd break a few bones?

@WeirdisFun @JJKab
MrEvilMexican said:
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess
Bella looked at Ophidia. I don't know. He should've been dead. I fired an orb of antimatter at him... And then later managed to piss off Akira... I'm surprised nobody died. She said, kind of disappointed. She then eyed Lena. So if I hit you, I'd break a few bones?

@WeirdisFun @JJKab
"Yes..." Lena said quietly, laying her hnad on her arm, frowning lightly.

"And if you'd hit my temple.... I'd be pretty much knocked out immidietely.
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Despite what Bella said Ophidia didn't get angry since she always trust Quoire because he said to her once that it takes effort to kill him. Ophidia's eyes glowed and it can be seen that she's scanning Lena and after that her eyes widened and stopped scanning "I see now...your bones are very weak" she said after scanning Lena.

@JJKab @MrEvilMexican
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess

Bella thought for a while (few seconds). You COULD go see a doctor, you know? Having weak bones is not really handy. Especially when you get into a fight. Bella tried to sound concerned, when in reality, she couldn't care less. She lifts Ophidia up telekinetically and begins giggling.

@WeirdisFun @JJKab
MrEvilMexican said:
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess
Bella thought for a while (few seconds). You COULD go see a doctor, you know? Having weak bones is not really handy. Especially when you get into a fight. Bella tried to sound concerned, when in reality, she couldn't care less. She lifts Ophidia up telekinetically and begins giggling.

@WeirdisFun @JJKab
Lena huffed, her eyes eyeing the girl down.

"If you were born with those, doctor wouldn't help..." She said through gritted teeth, getting pretty annoyed at this point.
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia still has her normal face even lifted up by telekinesis "can you put me down now since I want my foot on the ground" she said to Bella and then looked at Lena "if doctors can't fix those maybe Quoire can help you then" she suggested, she remembered when she was saved by Quoire.

@MrEvilMexican @JJKab
WeirdisFun said:
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia still has her normal face even lifted up by telekinesis "can you put me down now since I want my foot on the ground" she said to Bella and then looked at Lena "if doctors can't fix those maybe Quoire can help you then" she suggested, she remembered when she was saved by Quoire.

@MrEvilMexican @JJKab
Lena looked over at Ophidia, and sighed.

"I highly doubt it: If I had the strongest magician on our street come to my house, and attempt to heal me, and he failed... I doubt it'll help me" She exclaimed with a sigh.
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess

Bella giggled and puts Ophidia down. Well I know a doctor who would be of help. Given that he is willing to help. Or some nerd would do, I suppose. She jokes. After all, how could an android making, crazy inventing geek NOT be a nerd?

@WeirdisFun @JJKab
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia smiled nervously since Quoire doesn't use that much magic but he can still use magic "Quoire's magic skills aren't even high enough...it's more like...changing something like for once my arm was torn off but he made another one that feels like a real arm" she said "it's still artificial though or he might heal it but I don't know what machines or technology thingy that he used for things like that" she was very curious since she didn't know what Quoire used to heal her "also he can be a nerd sometimes" she said with a laugh.

@MrEvilMexican @JJKab
Lumina said:



Astrid had settled herself in the desk seat, setting her rifle on the wall next to the chair. A wall seat was perfect for this, as she was able to have her gun in close range without having to awkwardly lean it on the desk or worse, have it on the floor. She had arrived pretty early to class, and not many students were actually there when she entered in. Of course, her less-than-appropriate attire did catch some eyes, derisive glances, raised eyebrows, hushed whispers. It was nothing new, and Astrid really didn't mind it. They were just words and opinions. Nobody's opinion mattered to her but her own. She was content with being an outcast.

If you wanted someone that wasn't an outcast, that would be Alejandro. She watched as he walked in the classroom, and immediately the other students were flocking to him like he was some sort or celebrity. Popular even after the little incident with the bullies. There was something interesting about this kid, that was for sure. She knew there was a reason that he had intrigued her when they met. Though, it didn't look like he wanted anything to do with it. It looked like he wanted nothing more than to shirk away from the spotlight and just be left alone. And so that meant he sat himself in a seat next to the only person who didn't seem to be fawning over him - herself. Astrid had a grin on her face as he sat down, because it wasn't until he tried speaking to her that he realized just who she was. And he seemed completely shocked. Chuckling, Astrid leaned on the desk, giving Alejandro a smile and a wink.

"Hey there Blue. How's it hangin'?~"

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Roman had told Kaori that he was a teacher at the school, so he'd have to go to the entrance ceremony when school started. Glancing at her phone, it dawned on her that today was the first day of school, which explained why Roman wasn't here. Well, that just meant that she'd just have to wait until he got home. He had also mentioned his son was in the hospital, and that he might be stopping by to visit, so really she had no idea when he'd be home. Either way, she'd be waiting whenever that was.

Kaori hadn't settled on the couch for very long when the door opened again. A smile crept on her face as she heard his voice, moving a bit forward in her seat to try and greet him. "Roman!" She called out to him, moving to the edge of the couch. With a little bit of effort, she stood up, moving to go give him a hug. "Welcome back! How was the first day of school? And Alejandro?"

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As much as she didn't want it to, the news that school was starting was seriously bumming her out. Of course she wasn't the only student who was missing the first day, but she couldn't help but get at least somewhat sad. She really quite enjoyed school and had been really looking forward to attending the entrance ceremony with Astrid and her other friends. But instead, she was here. In a hospital room. Unable to move around without serious assistance. It wasn't how she wanted to spend the beginning of her school year at all. Skylar laid there for a few moments staring up at the white tiled ceiling when she heard her name be called from the door.

Of course, this caused her to sit up, wondering what was going on. The nurse who delivered the news about school starting had left, and her medicine had already been delivered, so she wasn't sure what it could possibly be. When her eyes fell on Hyouinmaru, they widened, and her body froze and went completely stiff. Her heart rate monitor started spiking a bit as the memories of this version of Hyouinmaru coursed through her head. Her body seemed to ache as she looked at him, trying to not go into a panic attack like she did last time. She knew it was him, it was just the fact that he was facing her with this appearance.
"H-Hyou..." she couldn't get his whole name out from her shaking. He had come back so suddenly and in the form he had attacked her in, she was less than prepared to face him at the moment. Astrid had filled her in on his absence, so she hoped they'd meet again, but she had wanted to prepare first. It didn't seem like she'd get the luxury today, and could really do nothing but face him in her hospital room.

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Alejandro Ishida

~ A Young Prodigy


Alejandro looked away from Astrid as quick as possible. He didn't want to sit next to anyone else... And he definitely didn't want to sit next to Astrid. She might not be asking or begging him to sit beside her like the rest, but she annoyed him the most out of everyone in the school. Her choice in clothing was too revealing, she was pretty much a deliquent.. And... A lot more. If she were to wiggle her way into his mind, she could pretty much make him her puppet. Well he could too since ehe everyone seemed to like him, but she was just bad... Very bad.

The students were still murmuring and class was soon to begin. He looked at Astrid, an angry look on his face.He tried to keep his eyes focused on her face, which he didn't have a hard time doing since he unlike most could control himself and he didn't care much for sexual stuff.

"I don't know how, but I forgot you went here. "

More Info


Weapons Training Class




Talking to Astrid



Interacting with: Astrid



Roman Ishida

~ The Man of Many Scars


Roman was on his way to Kaori, but when she came to hug him, he didn't have time to react and he was soon being hugged by her. He had set his glass of water down so he wouldn't drop it. He liked this though, the hugging that is. Whenever he Kaori would hug him, it worked as a calming a factor for him, or just seeing her. Roman also blushed lightly and hugged her back. It always was the simple things she did that made his cheeks become pink.

"Hey Kaori! The first day was nice. I left early to come and help you back here. You shouldn't have to do a lot of work when you're pregnant, so I figured I can do most of the stuff."

More Info


His apartment


Very happy


Hugging Kaori


Help Kaori

Interacting with: Kaori



Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Heart of Steel


Hyouinmaru was on his way to the window, but Skylar's heart monitor spiked. He looked at her, Pantherlily looking at Skylar too before he looked at Hyou. His immediate thought was that he did something, but he decided to keep his silence and stay out of this only planning to say something if he had to. Hyou frowned a little. She was still scared of him? He thought she was over that already, but apparently not and it bothered him to see her like this. He cared for her and she was still scared of him. He wanted to just leave but he also wanted to prove himself to her... That he wouldn't hurt her. Hyou looked away from Skylar and began to speak.

"I won't hurt you. I promised not to hurt you and I even apologized so many times... Yet you're still scared of m-"

"You're not very good at this."

Panther said before he gently flew into Skylar's lap to calm her down with his fluffiness. Being nice was not his style either, and you could say he was more like Hyou than any body. Being a cat came in handy though.

"It's going to be alright. He won't hurt you anymore... He's a good guy."

More Info


Skylar's Hospital Room




Hoping Panther can calm Skylar down


Tell Skylar some important stuff...

Interacting with: Skylar

Tags: @Lumina

MrEvilMexican said:
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess
Bella giggled and puts Ophidia down. Well I know a doctor who would be of help. Given that he is willing to help. Or some nerd would do, I suppose. She jokes. After all, how could an android making, crazy inventing geek NOT be a nerd?

@WeirdisFun @JJKab
Lena's eyebrows furrowed, as she looked over at the girl who told her about the doctor

"What do you think I was doing for the past two years?! Walking around doctors, seeing if they could help: They did nothing" She exclaimed, starting to get angry, her hands slowly clenching into a fist.

"If you excuse me... I'll be going to the pool.... unless you have lessons there" Lena said slowly looking at the girls

WeirdisFun said:

Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia smiled nervously since Quoire doesn't use that much magic but he can still use magic "Quoire's magic skills aren't even high enough...it's more like...changing something like for once my arm was torn off but he made another one that feels like a real arm" she said "it's still artificial though or he might heal it but I don't know what machines or technology thingy that he used for things like that" she was very curious since she didn't know what Quoire used to heal her "also he can be a nerd sometimes" she said with a laugh.

@MrEvilMexican @JJKab

"It won't work, simply put!" She said, turning on her heel, slowly walking towards the pool
JJKab said:
Gregory slowly sat in front of Suzanne, smiling gently at her.
"Just stay calm.." He said quietly, his hand still on the girl's shoulder.

"Don't move... Just relax"
Suzanne nodded slightly. She didn't reply. She couldn't reply. She had her eyes closed and she simply say there, unmoving. Any movement requires oxygen to the muscles. There was none she could waste. After about a minute and a half, she came back up. She wasn't gasping like last time, but she definitely had no more breath. She took hard breaths and smiled.
NeoClassical said:
Suzanne nodded slightly. She didn't reply. She couldn't reply. She had her eyes closed and she simply say there, unmoving. Any movement requires oxygen to the muscles. There was none she could waste. After about a minute and a half, she came back up. She wasn't gasping like last time, but she definitely had no more breath. She took hard breaths and smiled.
Gregory came back after her, smiling widely

"See? I told you: moving wastes your oxygen" He exclaimed, patting her shoulder lightly.

"I am glad that you didn't react to me talking underwater" He said, slowly swimming to the ledge.
JJKab said:
Gregory came back after her, smiling widely
"See? I told you: moving wastes your oxygen" He exclaimed, patting her shoulder lightly.

"I am glad that you didn't react to me talking underwater" He said, slowly swimming to the ledge.
Suzanne shrugged. "I sort of expected you to be able to talk underwater." She smiled. "You can't drown after all."
NeoClassical said:
Suzanne shrugged. "I sort of expected you to be able to talk underwater." She smiled. "You can't drown after all."
"Yup, I can't" Gregory laughed gently, slowly sitting on the ledge, splashing the water lightly with his legs

"So, it was nice playing around with you" He said, smiling down at Suzanne.
JJKab said:
"Yup, I can't" Gregory laughed gently, slowly sitting on the ledge, splashing the water lightly with his legs
"So, it was nice playing around with you" He said, smiling down at Suzanne.
Suzanne climbed out of the pool and shivered due to her wet clothes. "Yeah. It was a meat experience." She chattered.
NeoClassical said:
Suzanne climbed out of the pool and shivered due to her wet clothes. "Yeah. It was a meat experience." She chattered.
Gregory laughed gently, as he swirled his finger a bit, and Suzanne's clothes became dry again.

"Here you go, that should fix it" He said, standing up himself

"And Nope, I don't want meat right now" Gregory winked, taking his stuff, and going to the man's changing rooms to change into his usual stuff
JJKab said:
Gregory laughed gently, as he swirled his finger a bit, and Suzanne's clothes became dry again.
"Here you go, that should fix it" He said, standing up himself

"And Nope, I don't want meat right now" Gregory winked, taking his stuff, and going to the man's changing rooms to change into his usual stuff
(Whoops. I didn't even notice my typo xD )

Suzanne nodded and smiled when her clothes were dry. "Thanks." She watched him walk away. "I suppose I should get to class...."
NeoClassical said:
(Whoops. I didn't even notice my typo xD )
Suzanne nodded and smiled when her clothes were dry. "Thanks." She watched him walk away. "I suppose I should get to class...."
Gregory soon came back fully dressed, noticing that Suzanne was ready to leave. He chuckled, approaching her

"Welp, I guess you can. I pretty much spent all this day at the pool, since my powers are associated with it" He said with a smirk, looking her in the eyes

"Want me to accompany you to there?"
JJKab said:
Gregory soon came back fully dressed, noticing that Suzanne was ready to leave. He chuckled, approaching her
"Welp, I guess you can. I pretty much spent all this day at the pool, since my powers are associated with it" He said with a smirk, looking her in the eyes

"Want me to accompany you to there?"
Suzanne shrugged. "You can if you want." She pulled a piece of paper out from her bag. Her schedule. "Ugh. I have Nature class. It is required for my power but I hate it." She let out a sigh.
NeoClassical said:
Suzanne shrugged. "You can if you want." She pulled a piece of paper out from her bag. Her schedule. "Ugh. I have Nature class. It is required for my power but I hate it." She let out a sigh.
"Nature? Welp.... I guess it wouldn't hurt, right? I mean, you healed my cut pretty quickly, so to speak" Gregory said, smiling at Suzanne, slowly going towards the exit of the pool.

"Mind if I join you? It shouldn't be illegal?"
JJKab said:
"Nature? Welp.... I guess it wouldn't hurt, right? I mean, you healed my cut pretty quickly, so to speak" Gregory said, smiling at Suzanne, slowly going towards the exit of the pool.
"Mind if I join you? It shouldn't be illegal?"
"I did heal you but that was more biology than nature. This nature class is suppose to get me in touch with life energy in the sense of growing things. It's extremely boring." Suzanne nodded. "Come if you want. Water and nature seem to go together pretty well."
NeoClassical said:
"I did heal you but that was more biology than nature. This nature class is suppose to get me in touch with life energy in the sense of growing things. It's extremely boring." Suzanne nodded. "Come if you want. Water and nature seem to go together pretty well."
"Thank you for your permission, my queen" Gregory joked with a playfull laugh, as they made their way towards Suzanne's class.
JJKab said:
"Thank you for your permission, my queen" Gregory joked with a playfull laugh, as they made their way towards Suzanne's class.
Queen? Suzanne was definitely not a queen. She shrugged her shoulders and continued to walk. The nature class was outside of course but it just happened to be on the other side of the school. Oh well.

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