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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess

Bella hops down the locker room, heading for home. She stops at the sight of two girls talking to each other. Well, what are you two doing? Lurking around in the corner? You two plotting something? She giggles. So, who are you two? She asks Ophidia and Lena

@WeirdisFun @Jkab
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Evan took a few steps back and began preparing for the fight of his life. Meanwhile I-02 stood behind him, as calm and uncaring as could be. She first raised her hand outward toward the giant dragon, and removed all magic coming from the creature. The dragon, did not stop however. ANNA materialized her gun and loaded a HEAT-MP shell in the breech--and fired. The now injured and powerless dragolich stood between Evan and ANNA.

Evan looked back at the angelic girl in white. Something appeared in her crimson red eyes; an anomaly of crisscrossing patterns and lines. When he looked back at the dragon, he realized what it was. The same lattice patterns in her eyes showed on the ground beneath the creature's feet. When the beams all converged to one spot, a blinding lance of light struck down from the heavens, atomizing everything in a 20,000,000° Celsius thermonuclear inferno.

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James McMillan The Bad Boy From The Wild West

But James didn't really notice everything that was happening. He was deeply concentrated on the book. Come on... There's got to be SOMETHING in this book that would counter that dragon... He looked up, only to see the dragon to be incinerated. Ooooh... That's gotta hurt... He said to himself. This book looks really dangerous... Hey Evan, you think we should get rid of it?

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MrEvilMexican said:
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess
Bella hops down the locker room, heading for home. She stops at the sight of two girls talking to each other. Well, what are you two doing? Lurking around in the corner? You two plotting something? She giggles. So, who are you two? She asks Ophidia and Lena

@WeirdisFun @Jkab
Lena looked over at the girl, and sighed lightly.

"Nope, we've just bumped into each other" She exclaimed, rubbing her shoulder. It was lightly stinging.

Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia looks at the girl that just arrived to talk to them "Plotting?" she chuckled "I have plans and...nevermind" she didn't continued and looks down at her chest I forgot I'm flat she thought "I'm Ophidia by the way" she introduced herself.
Faust Windfallow The Plague Doctor

The great doors of the manor opened. And Faust stood outside, his cloak blowing in the wind. He strode inside his manor and grabbed the book off James. Well SOMEBODY went somewhere he wasn't meant to. You three were very lucky the Dragonlich didn't bind to someone. Otherwise, a simple magic drain and thunder strike wouldn't have ended it. Faust put a silver briefcase on the table and turned to James, Evan and Anna. I guess you kids want to know what I did in Germany?

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Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess

Bella giggled. What plans do you have? She asked. Nice to meet you!~ My name's Bella. She eyed Ophidia for a while. Why do you remind me of that Quoire kid? She then turns her attention to Lena. And who are you?~

@JJKab @WeirdisFun
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Hallow The Necromancer

Hallow walked into the main building. *Sigh*, this place is REALLY bland... I guess that's what happens when you let some god king be the headmaster. This place doesn't even have classes for unholy rituals... Otherwise, I would be showering in A++'s...

(Anyone? :3)
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Evan took a few steps back and began preparing for the fight of his life. Meanwhile I-02 stood behind him, as calm and uncaring as could be. She first raised her hand outward toward the giant dragon, and removed all magic coming from the creature. The dragon, did not stop however. ANNA materialized her gun and loaded a HEAT-MP shell in the breech--and fired. The now injured and powerless dragolich stood between Evan and ANNA.
Evan looked back at the angelic girl in white. Something appeared in her crimson red eyes; an anomaly of crisscrossing patterns and lines. When he looked back at the dragon, he realized what it was. The same lattice patterns in her eyes showed on the ground beneath the creature's feet. When the beams all converged to one spot, a blinding lance of light struck down from the heavens, atomizing everything in a 20,000,000° Celsius thermonuclear inferno.

((( You do realise a heat that intense would vaporise the entire solar system, right? On the sun where hydrogen fusion takes place constantly, the temperature is 20,000,000° Centigrade. There is also nothing in your character's CS that supports her powers' use in that way. So the part about the inferno being that hot is ignored. )))
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WeirdisFun said:
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia looks at the girl that just arrived to talk to them "Plotting?" she chuckled "I have plans and...nevermind" she didn't continued and looks down at her chest I forgot I'm flat she thought "I'm Ophidia by the way" she introduced herself.
Lena sighed, looking at Ophidia.

"Lena... Damnit, I think my Shoulder might be slightly disjointed... I can't move it..." She muttered, looking at her arm. When she tried to move it, it stung noticeably more, and she let out a quiet whimper.

MrEvilMexican said:
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess

Bella giggled. What plans do you have? She asked. Nice to meet you!~ My name's Bella. She eyed Ophidia for a while. Why do you remind me of that Quoire kid? She then turns her attention to Lena. And who are you?~

@JJKab @WeirdisFun
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess

Bella laughed at Lena who was complaining about her shoulder.
It doesn't hurt THAT much, does it? She asked while poking her dislodged shoulder with a stick.

@JJKab @WeirdisFun
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia chuckled "really I don't have any plans...yet" she said. "don't worry Lena I'll help you with that" she said as she tries to fix Lena's dislocated shoulder "It might hurt a little bit..." she said to warn her and realized something "actually ignore the little bit part" then continues to fix Lena's shoulder "Quoire? why do you remind me of him?" she asked Bella.
MrEvilMexican said:
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess
WeirdisFun said:
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia chuckled "really I don't have any plans...yet" she said. "don't worry Lena I'll help you with that" she said as she tries to fix Lena's dislocated shoulder "It might hurt a little bit..." she said to warn her and realized something "actually ignore the little bit part" then continues to fix Lena's shoulder "Quoire? why do you remind me of him?" she asked Bella.

Bella laughed at Lena who was complaining about her shoulder.
It doesn't hurt THAT much, does it? She asked while poking her dislodged shoulder with a stick.

@JJKab @WeirdisFun
Lena hissed with pain as her shoulder was poked with a stick.

"Quit it!" She said a bit angered, but then...

Ophenia tried to fix her shoulder, which caused her to yell in pain shortly. It was fixed pretty quickly, though. Lena winced, stepping back lightly.

"T-Thanks... I guess... And as for you... If your bones are weaker, it hurts more" She said a bit angered to the girl who was doubting her.
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess

Bella laughed at Lena.
Geez. It can't hurt THAT much... It's only a dislodged shoulder. Wait till you take an antimatter orb to the face. She joked. She then turns to Ophidia. Do I remind you of Quoire? Is it because I literally beat him to pulp a few days ago?

@WeirdisFun @JJKab
NeoClassical said:
(Did I miss something again?)
(I think you did. Gregory asked Suzanne if she'd like to try again, and gave her tips such as don't take quick one breath, but several slow deep ones, putting his hand on her shoulder, smiling lightly.)
Suzanne sighed and nodded. She wasn't one to give up easily. "Yeah sure. I can try again." She took a few deep breaths, calming herself and giving her air. She submerged herself and sat underneath the water.

Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia tilts her head "really? I didn't know then why did he came out unscathed then?" she asked Bella, it's true that Quoire got beaten up since he didn't want trouble but what's weird is that he came out from Limbo unscathed.

@JJKab @MrEvilMexican
MrEvilMexican said:
Belladonna Extis Hallow The Voidborne Princess

Bella laughed at Lena.
Geez. It can't hurt THAT much... It's only a dislodged shoulder. Wait till you take an antimatter orb to the face. She joked. She then turns to Ophidia. Do I remind you of Quoire? Is it because I literally beat him to pulp a few days ago?

WeirdisFun said:
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia tilts her head "really? I didn't know then why did he came out unscathed then?" she asked Bella, it's true that Quoire got beaten up since he didn't want trouble but what's weird is that he came out from Limbo unscathed.

@JJKab @MrEvilMexican
[uSER=29355]@WeirdisFun[/uSER] @JJKab
Lena grunted, slowly bending over to pick up the book she dropped. Once sbe picked it up, she looked over at the girl, with a annoyed look on her face.

"Yeah, tell yourself that. If you'd be like me, who fears for every time she gets hit that she broke something, you'd understand me better..." She grumbled under her nose, getting ready to leave.
NeoClassical said:
Suzanne sighed and nodded. She wasn't one to give up easily. "Yeah sure. I can try again." She took a few deep breaths, calming herself and giving her air. She submerged herself and sat underneath the water.
Gregory slowly sat in front of Suzanne, smiling gently at her.

"Just stay calm.." He said quietly, his hand still on the girl's shoulder.

"Don't move... Just relax"

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