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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Ballerina said:
Eileen slowly scooted away from the strawberry blonde boy who was staring at her weirdly. Was she a freak? Was she too quiet? Were her glasses that ugly? Self conscious thoughts raced inside her head as her body refused to move even the slightest millimeter. In her peripheral vision she suddenly spotted Chler, her body began to gradually unfreeze as her room mate approached. Ei... she has never been called that before. It was far better than that joke about a girl missing half her body, that got old real quick. "Hello Chair." The timid grin on her face quickly turned into a playful wink. It wasn't necessarily the wittiest comment, but it would have to do, not too many words in the English dictionary remotely sounded like Chler.


Chler giggled, covering her mouth with the palm of her hand.

"Hey, I am not made out of plastic, I have feelings" She exclaimed, smiling widely.

"Where are you heading to?" She asked, tilting her head lightly at Eileen as they walked
Artemistel said:

.: Griffin Moore :.


"Well..." he said, rummaging in his backpack for his schedule. Taking it out, he grinned.

"Looks like I have the same class, but today went by quick. It's already lunch, so why don't we find out where we can sit?"

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Neighbouring Pathway [to the high school]
@Daniel reaving

"Well if its lunch we can sit anywhere on campus. And i have a swimming class after lunch so im not gonna eat." She said to him with a bright happy smile

(I hope you dont mind the slow responses my lifes busy and all and i just wanted to ask you to bear with me)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]
"Well if its lunch we can sit anywhere on campus. And i have a swimming class after lunch so im not gonna eat." She said to him with a bright happy smile
(I hope you dont mind the slow responses my lifes busy and all and i just wanted to ask you to bear with me)


((It's no problem. :) ))

.: Griffin Moore :.

"Wow, your a swimmer huh? Alright, but I have no idea where to get food either. It's my first day," he explained.

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School[to the high school]
Content but hungry
@Daniel reaving

Artemistel said:
((It's no problem. :) ))

.: Griffin Moore :.

"Wow, your a swimmer huh? Alright, but I have no idea where to get food either. It's my first day," he explained.

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School[to the high school]
Content but hungry
@Daniel reaving


"Well theres vending machines all over along with the big dinning hall. And im not that good of a swimmer. I-im still learning but no one will teach or help me hehe." She said as she scratched the back of her head with a slightly embarrassed look because she didnt know how to swim

James McMillan

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Klyvo-klan_Bio-Acid_Blaster.jpg.d8f1966a703635e3c26d8e4fdeadbba4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Klyvo-klan_Bio-Acid_Blaster.jpg.d8f1966a703635e3c26d8e4fdeadbba4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Bad Boy From Texas

James tapped Evan on the shoulder, holding his acid gun. Honestly those two are really, pissing me off. He points at a room in the hall. Can you please fetch me another barrel of acid? He then glares at Hallow and Takeshi who were arguing and hollering at each other.

Other stuff
Location:Faust's Manor Mood:Really pissed Status:Glaring at Hallow and Takeshi Objective:Kick both of them out Interacting With:Evan Tags:@ANDROMADA



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?Roy G. Biv?


? After spending several minutes wandering idly through the packed hallways, he realized he wasn't even close to where his English class was located. He weaved through the hallways, occasionally being knocked down by the girl he dubbed the fashionable bulldozer. It really was a suiting title for such a merciless yet well dressed girl.

Even though he had spent his fair share of years at this institution, he managed to forget the general layout of the school in the matter of a few months... including his English classroom. Roy roamed the courtyard scattered with people, he was sure that at least one student took an English class that he could ask directions from. There was a girl who wore her hair in a ponytail that looked particularly happy. approaching her her, he was close enough to notice that the paper schedule that she was carrying happened to have English as the first period. Now, it would be extremely creepy to mention that he knows that she has English the same period as him, so he decided to play dumb. It may have also just have been him misreading the text as well. His goal this year was to not get into any more embarrassing situations like he did in years past. Hopefully, he didn't screw up talking to this girl since she was his potential source of direction and also found her to be fairly attractive. "Hey... um... any clue where the English classrooms are?" He asked with his typical silly grin.


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"Right, I'll go see to that. Stay here while I go check for some." Evan replied as he walked off for acid barrels. As he entered the room, he was stopped by that girl in white. He was mesmerized by her appearance. For the first time, he actually got the chance to talk to her and ask who she was. And so he did.

"W-who are you? I've been seeing you around this area but never in class. You seem like you're about the age for this school though." Evan questioned.

The girl let out a slight giggle and sweetly smiled at Evan as she responded, "
You don't know me but I know you."

Right, well that's somewhat disturbing but I'm helping out a friend right now. He said he wanted acid, although he didn't specify what type. I suppose he didn't ask me for drugs though. Anyways, I'll be taking this barrel." Evan stated as he grabbed it and headed back for the classroom.

As he walked up to James and set the barrel down, he began to open his mouth to speak, but his voice was overlayed by a female one behind him, "I'm back."

Evan turned around and saw the girl from before. "
Alright then, I return with acid... and this person."

Roman said:


Alejandro Ishida

~ A Young Prodigy


School had finally began and the blue haired boy, was as nervous as one could be. After picking up his schedule, he had went and sat on a bench in the courtyard and he studied it for a moment. Soon his phone gave off its notification sound and he gave it a look, his eyes scanning over the text. Some of them were his classmates and peers. He had grown popular from the fact he was chipped and survived, and many people still were friends with him once he ended the bullying and got his chip removed. As he read, his phone only made more sounds, people who considered him a friend or girls who flat out had an obvious crush on him asking what classes he had and who was he sitting by...Even asking about his relationship status. He found himself blushing as he looked away from the phone, covering his mouth. Moments later he stood up and put his phone in his pocket, seeing as the bell rang, he had to hurry. Weapons Training... Mr. White.

Approximately 5 minutes later, Alejandro found himself standing outside of the class. It hadn't started yet as he could still hear the students murmuring inside. There was a high chance they'd bug him about which seat he was going to take... Girls. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the doorknob and twisted it before walking inside. Immediately a voice shouted out, "Sit next to me!" Then another, "Over here Alejandro." He gritted his teeth as more people asked him to sit by them. There was one person who didn't say anything, and without thinking he quickly sat next to them. Alejandro took a deep breath and looked at the person with person with smile, and spoke before his voice turned into a yell and he noticed who this red head was. Astrid.

"You seem- YOU?!"

More Info






Staring at... Astrid.



Interacting with: Astrid



Roman Ishida

~ The Man of Many Scars


"Hey.. I got to get home. I'll stop by later, can't leave a pregnant lady at home all day by herself."

Roman had went to the opening ceremony for the school since he was going to be a guest teacher from time to time. When everything was over, he had been talking to a teacher who also had the same role as he did. Though his words were true. Roman had left home for awhile, his plan was to come and visit Alejandro in the hospital, but his mom had healed up, so now he was here house searching for when he moved back to Earth for good and Kaori. His friend who needed him most right now. She was the pregnant women and Roman promised to help her with her baby, but now things felt natural. Maybe he was adjusting to living with Kaori... Because it was his everyday routine. She was finally moving into Roman's apartment, which he had gotten fully furnished by now.

----Not long after leaving the school---

Roman stepped toward the door to his apartment, digging in his tool pouch for the key. Once he had the key in his hand, he used it to unlock the door and go inside, locking it once he closed it. "Kaori! I'm back from the school!" He said as the keymade its way back into the pouch. Roman walked into the kitchen and fixed himself a glass of water before making his way to Kaori, or at least where he could feel her prescence.

More Info


His apartment on Earth.




Going to Kaori


Find Kaori

Interacting with: Kaori



Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Heart of Steel


Today was the day that Hyou made his return. He knew the school had it's ceremony today and he had this gut feeling that Skylar wouldn't be able to make it. Hyou was running and alongside him was a cat with a large moon shaped scar on his eye and wings to allow him to fly. Hyou had met this little guy a few days before coming here and the guy was absolutely cool. His name was Pantherlily. As the two made their way down the hall, doctors and nurses would gasp or jumped out of the way. Some even screamed. The two then got on an elevator and pressed the number that held their destination. It was a crowded one too. The fumes of urine could was present too, and it was strong due to Hyou's dragon senses.

"W-What the hell is that? Who pissed themselves?"

There was no answer. The elevator made its ding noise and it was clear that something happened. Hyou and Panther were the only two to get off, Hyou decided to leave the rest of them on the lowest floor. Now the two continued their journey throygh the halls until they came upon a door where a nurse had just left. Without thinking, he ran inside and went over to Skylar.


More Info


Skylar's Hospital Room


Super Happy


Returning to Skylar


Check up on Skylar.

Interacting with: Skylar

Tags: @Lumina

(((( I'll someone to Yumi but I can't now. ))))



Astrid had settled herself in the desk seat, setting her rifle on the wall next to the chair. A wall seat was perfect for this, as she was able to have her gun in close range without having to awkwardly lean it on the desk or worse, have it on the floor. She had arrived pretty early to class, and not many students were actually there when she entered in. Of course, her less-than-appropriate attire did catch some eyes, derisive glances, raised eyebrows, hushed whispers. It was nothing new, and Astrid really didn't mind it. They were just words and opinions. Nobody's opinion mattered to her but her own. She was content with being an outcast.

If you wanted someone that wasn't an outcast, that would be Alejandro. She watched as he walked in the classroom, and immediately the other students were flocking to him like he was some sort or celebrity. Popular even after the little incident with the bullies. There was something interesting about this kid, that was for sure. She knew there was a reason that he had intrigued her when they met. Though, it didn't look like he wanted anything to do with it. It looked like he wanted nothing more than to shirk away from the spotlight and just be left alone. And so that meant he sat himself in a seat next to the only person who didn't seem to be fawning over him - herself. Astrid had a grin on her face as he sat down, because it wasn't until he tried speaking to her that he realized just who she was. And he seemed completely shocked. Chuckling, Astrid leaned on the desk, giving Alejandro a smile and a wink.

"Hey there Blue. How's it hangin'?~"

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Roman had told Kaori that he was a teacher at the school, so he'd have to go to the entrance ceremony when school started. Glancing at her phone, it dawned on her that today was the first day of school, which explained why Roman wasn't here. Well, that just meant that she'd just have to wait until he got home. He had also mentioned his son was in the hospital, and that he might be stopping by to visit, so really she had no idea when he'd be home. Either way, she'd be waiting whenever that was.

Kaori hadn't settled on the couch for very long when the door opened again. A smile crept on her face as she heard his voice, moving a bit forward in her seat to try and greet him. "Roman!" She called out to him, moving to the edge of the couch. With a little bit of effort, she stood up, moving to go give him a hug. "Welcome back! How was the first day of school? And Alejandro?"

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As much as she didn't want it to, the news that school was starting was seriously bumming her out. Of course she wasn't the only student who was missing the first day, but she couldn't help but get at least somewhat sad. She really quite enjoyed school and had been really looking forward to attending the entrance ceremony with Astrid and her other friends. But instead, she was here. In a hospital room. Unable to move around without serious assistance. It wasn't how she wanted to spend the beginning of her school year at all. Skylar laid there for a few moments staring up at the white tiled ceiling when she heard her name be called from the door.

Of course, this caused her to sit up, wondering what was going on. The nurse who delivered the news about school starting had left, and her medicine had already been delivered, so she wasn't sure what it could possibly be. When her eyes fell on Hyouinmaru, they widened, and her body froze and went completely stiff. Her heart rate monitor started spiking a bit as the memories of this version of Hyouinmaru coursed through her head. Her body seemed to ache as she looked at him, trying to not go into a panic attack like she did last time. She knew it was him, it was just the fact that he was facing her with this appearance.
"H-Hyou..." she couldn't get his whole name out from her shaking. He had come back so suddenly and in the form he had attacked her in, she was less than prepared to face him at the moment. Astrid had filled her in on his absence, so she hoped they'd meet again, but she had wanted to prepare first. It didn't seem like she'd get the luxury today, and could really do nothing but face him in her hospital room.

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James McMillan

The Bad Boy From Texas

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Gunslinger2_1024x1024.jpg.6f7971e6ce33733cfc93b22a390a309a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126671" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Gunslinger2_1024x1024.jpg.6f7971e6ce33733cfc93b22a390a309a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

James grabbed the barrel of acid and aimed it at Takeshi and Hallow before releasing a stream of acid at them and throwing a concussion grenade at them, blasting both of them through the doors. (And leaving a hole in the mansion floor.) So, who did you bring with you Evan? Another android? He asked. Hang on... Is she the girl you've been seeing? So it WASN'T a lie. Tell me, who... Or what are you? James asked the girl.

Slightly Curious and still kinda pissed
Faust's Manor
Interacting with
Evan, ANNA




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"I uhh-" Evan started but the girl cut him off.

I am I-02. You can call me Anna. I came here because Evan had left without telling me. How dare he worry me like that."

Evan stepped over with James to talk in private. He whispered quietly in his ear, "
I don't know if you can tell, but there is something wrong with this girl. I would keep an eye out."

Something wrong? You realize I could blast her into tiny shreds if I wanted to. I suppose I can safely assume she's not some weirdo we accidentally summoned using the book? James whispered back. Can we at least get her out of the manor?


((Also, I'm not going to use those flashy borders.
:P They are too troublesome and are overall inconvenient))
(I'm only doing this and that's it because it takes too much time lol)

Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

After Ophidia's class she stretches her arms and saw many people crowding the lockers so she didn't go there, she waits and just stands at the side as she studied for the next class.

(anyway open character)
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"Well I wouldn't try it. She almost reminds me of Bella. Something's just not right." Evan finished and then stood back, from which the girl promptly took his side once again.

((Good to know. I will probably still end up dicking around with them anyways ;P.))

James pulled out the S.N.I. and aimed it at ANNA. Reminds you of Bella? Well if she does, shouldn't I exterminate her already? He asks Evan.

"Go ahead, but it's your funeral. Her abilities greatly overwhelms both of us combined. But I don't feel attacking her is necessary. Unlike Bella, she seems to only be triggered when someone threatens me." Evan explained.

Even as James took aim at her, Anna just stood there calmly with the same innocent smile on her face.

James McMillan The Bad Boy From Texas

James lowered his gun. So is she her guardian angel or something? He jokes. I am assuming she is an android like you. But you mentioned her power overwhelming us both... Need I remind you that Faust keeps monsters lying around here everywhere? Couldn't we just unleash those on her if we really have to?

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WeirdisFun said:
(I'm only doing this and that's it because it takes too much time lol)
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

After Ophidia's class she stretches her arms and saw many people crowding the lockers so she didn't go there, she waits and just stands at the side as she studied for the next class.

(anyway open character)
Lena wws swiftly walking towards her locker, absentmindedly looking at the ground. She didn't quite notice the girl that was standing stiol, and bumped her. Lena lightly whimpered, staggering lightly, almost falling over.

"Hey, don't stand like this "
JJKab said:
Lena wws swiftly walking towards her locker, absentmindedly looking at the ground. She didn't quite notice the girl that was standing stiol, and bumped her. Lena lightly whimpered, staggering lightly, almost falling over.
"Hey, don't stand like this "
Ophidia the Cyborg Snake Girl

Ophidia noticed the girl that bumped her and bowed "I'm very sorry for that but please be attentive to your surroundings" she said to the girl with a polite tone "also it would be a bad idea to get what you need in your locker because it's very crowded that's why I waited here".

James McMillan The Bad Boy From Texas

James have Evan a dirty look. No. He admitted. But they are quite powerful. He sat down and opened the book. Große Drachen der Qual , beschwören ich dich ! Bringen Sie schlagen und Leid über deine Feinde! He shouted. Before he knew it, the life force of the earth and vegetation around them was drained, leaving a barren wasteland for almost 500 meters away. A small pyramid surrounded by a ring of bones stood outside the manor. A Dragonlich perched on it's apex. It gives a sickening shriek and looks around for it's master. With no Necromancer in sight, it could not recognize a master and turns to James and Evan, and gives out another roar. Aaaah shit... I think it's going to attack us... James loaded his grenade launcher with nuclear grenades and aimed it at the Dragonlich. The dragon roars again and the ring of bones around the pyramid begin reforming, soon creating a horde of reanimated skeletons. Uuuuh... I think we are screwed...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Dragonlich.jpg.ff620da83b054266f8b914099da32009.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126690" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Dragonlich.jpg.ff620da83b054266f8b914099da32009.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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@ANDROMADA ((Yeah. They are bound by Necromancy. They aren't going to die no matter how many times you blow them to bits. Unless you first blow the Dragonlich. But to blow that thing into bits, you're going to need another Necromancer or a god. xD . Seeing as Faust is in Germany and James just blew Hallow through the door, I doubt there'd be any help from my two necromancer OCs xD ))

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