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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

NeoClassical said:
Arthur tilted his head slightly to the side. "A price?" He asked. He doubted Blake meant money or gems. Nothing like that. No, this guy was beyond those kinds of possessions. He did kind of look like a druggie though.
"What do you want?" He asked another question. "Girls? Food? Drinks? Cocaine?" He listed off various things.
Blake sighs. "No, no, no, and no. I'll give you information in exchange for aiding me with my plans, of course. I ask for a favor, and you provide that favor. I will reward you with information of equal value and interest to make the exchange worth it."
AriaTheWatcher said:
Blake sighs. "No, no, no, and no. I'll give you information in exchange for aiding me with my plans, of course. I ask for a favor, and you provide that favor. I will reward you with information of equal value and interest to make the exchange worth it."
"Ah I see." Arthur nodded his head. "Equivalent exchange." He chuckled before sitting down in the seat next to Blake. "Sure. I'll make this deal. What do you have in mind?" He didn't really ever do anything related to a contract in any way but he wanted the info.
NeoClassical said:
"Ah I see." Arthur nodded his head. "Equivalent exchange." He chuckled before sitting down in the seat next to Blake. "Sure. I'll make this deal. What do you have in mind?" He didn't really ever do anything related to a contract in any way but he wanted the info.
"My plans are of no concern, but you can start earning information right away. Hmm...well...at the moment I have only one task for you, and a minor one at that. I need you to make the day of a student by the name of Seria Cerise go as poorly as possible. Do so, and I will provide you with some information as payment." Blake says, smiling. By getting Arthur to do this for him it would free him up to do some other things that he'd had in the works.
AriaTheWatcher said:
"My plans are of no concern, but you can start earning information right away. Hmm...well...at the moment I have only one task for you, and a minor one at that. I need you to make the day of a student by the name of Seria Cerise go as poorly as possible. Do so, and I will provide you with some information as payment." Blake says, smiling. By getting Arthur to do this for him it would free him up to do some other things that he'd had in the works.
Arthur listened intently at Blake's job, expecting it to be very elaborate. It wasn't. "Wow, that is easy." He nodded before looking in his book. "Ah yes, Seria Cerise. Her life seems pretty bad as it it..." He muttered before shrugging. "Oh well." He could make her day really bad straight on but then it would look planned. No, he had to lay subtle things throughout. That way, it just seems like luck.

"Okay. Sounds Gucci." He opened the book and began to write. As he wrote, he made a locker door shoot open right in front of the girl.
NeoClassical said:
Arthur listened intently at Blake's job, expecting it to be very elaborate. It wasn't. "Wow, that is easy." He nodded before looking in his book. "Ah yes, Seria Cerise. Her life seems pretty bad as it it..." He muttered before shrugging. "Oh well." He could make her day really bad straight on but then it would look planned. No, he had to lay subtle things throughout. That way, it just seems like luck.
"Okay. Sounds Gucci." He opened the book and began to write. As he wrote, he made a locker door shoot open right in front of the girl.
Blake smiles. "At the end of the day meet me at...oh...I don't know... Just meet me in front of the school and I will give you some information." Blake says, sitting back and relaxing.

Otakubeats said:
Laurence would be walking down the hallway, and turning the corner he'd run straight into Seria.
Seria would've walked straight into the student, but a locker door suddenly shot open and slammed right into her, stopping her in place. "Oww! That hurt!..."
AriaTheWatcher said:
Blake smiles. "At the end of the day meet me at...oh...I don't know... Just meet me in front of the school and I will give you some information." Blake says, sitting back and relaxing.
Seria would've walked straight into the student, but a locker door suddenly shot open and slammed right into her, stopping her in place. "Oww! That hurt!..."
Arthur nodded before returning to his seat. He would periodically make some unfortunate events happen to the girl, but for now, he had other pressing matters to attend to. He had been working on a project lately. A new novel. He pulled out a book, different from his usual one and began to write in it.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Blake smiles. "At the end of the day meet me at...oh...I don't know... Just meet me in front of the school and I will give you some information." Blake says, sitting back and relaxing.
Seria would've walked straight into the student, but a locker door suddenly shot open and slammed right into her, stopping her in place. "Oww! That hurt!..."
"Oh! Are you alright? That looked painful!" He'd look at her with concern written on his face.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria blushes, standing back up. "I-I'm fine..."
"Oh good. Um I don't think I've seen you around before. My names Laurence." His cheeks would pinken timidly and my wings would twitch behind me.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Miltia soon took Amelia's hand and started to lead her to the nightclub she attended regularly♱...
Amelia looked at her hand and blinked. Hmm... She then spoke as she was being led to the nightclub, "So... How far are we from this place?" She asked.
Nona said:

~*Camilla Radkov*~


Camilla sat up a little as the credits rolled "That was great! Wasn't it?...." Pausing in her words feeling as though he had moved off, she turned to looked at Kaname, who was sliding and now reaching the floor "Kaname...?" With a puzzled expression she moved in a way that she was sort of kneeling on the couch seat and her head was now hovering above where his was, looking down at him "...Why are you all the way down there?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. "The floor doesn't seem as comfortable as the couch" she said her gaze remaining on him, how he was sitting looked rather uncomfortable if anything.

Extra Info


Her home


Staring down at Kaname





Interacting with:



(Gonna skip to them attending class I suppose.))

Kaname's gaze glanced ever-so-slightly to the side as he walked, not even the slightest prepared for what was to come. He never liked school. However, he supposed he could get used to going since it meant even more time with Camilla. Even so, he wasn't so sure about the social aspect. When he was smaller, it wouldn't have been much of an issue. But now, things had changed. He had changed. Time changes people after all. Gently but surely, he placed his arm around Camilla and pulled her into his side. "Hope you have all your things." Regardless of his carelessness, he would give anything to see Camilla happy. And thus, it meant he had to force himself to act as if he cared about 'supplies'.


Hansuke Ishida

~ An Angel With A Demonic Side

Han chuckled as he neared their car, which was farther back in the garage. He looked at Apollyon and pressed the button to unlock the doors, the sound echoing through the garage as he did. "Alright.. Let's get out of here." He said as he neared their car and got and made his way to the driver's side.

Roman said:


Hansuke Ishida

~ An Angel With A Demonic Side

Han chuckled as he neared their car, which was farther back in the garage. He looked at Apollyon and pressed the button to unlock the doors, the sound echoing through the garage as he did. "Alright.. Let's get out of here." He said as he neared their car and got and made his way to the driver's side.

Apollyon slipped into the passenger seat swiftly, he adjusted the seat and buckled up. "Now that the restoration project is going on, we have to be careful as streets and stuff is being repaired." he warned as he relaxed.

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Just the next left.''
"Oh.. Well that's convient." She said with a laugh. "Well I guess it's time to get ready for a lot of drinking." She said, rubbing the back of her head.
Roman said:
"Oh.. Well that's convient." She said with a laugh. "Well I guess it's time to get ready for a lot of drinking." She said, rubbing the back of her head.

...♱She said before they turned left and entered the club♱...

Roy G. Biv

Roy strode through the hallway cluttered with people. There was an odd sense of harmony within the crowd of teenagers, the fact that they were all tackling school together was oddly comforting. He wasn't necessarily excited to be starting to school again since he lacked friends nor did he enjoy loads of homework. However, one thing that he did enjoy was people watching and fortunately enough for him, school was the perfect destination for people watching. There was a large variety of people attending this school, each person tells a story through how they act. He was dying to just sit back with a sketchpad and draw all the peculiar faces, but he did not want to get a detention for being tardy this early into the year. Roy observed the many people in the hall as he walked to his first class.

It was easy to tell who was a freshman and who wasn't since they were the more nervous of the bunch. There was one brunette in particular who was practically skipping through the hallways that stood out among the bunch. Unlike most of the others, the kid was already trying to strike up conversations with the upperclassmen who were several feet taller and was probably jacked up on pixie sticks. Even at such an early hour, already had witnessed quite a few of them make the same mistakes as he did back when he was a newbie. Calling their parents begging for emotional support and guidance, carrying backpacks that weighed twice as much as they did, picking fights with the upperclassman without a reason, were all common activities of the freshmen, but he would be lying if he didn't say he did not do any of that when he was a freshman. In fact, he managed to check off all of those activities in his figurative 'to do list' on his very first day. Needless to say, he had made an embarrassingly bad first impression that left a sour taste in his peer's and teachers mouths.

Next were the sophomores, they were the ones who actually had their shit together. Like the freshman, the tended to confine to the hallway's center, but had a tendency to push and shove anyone in their way to get through. It was amazing how being a year older could be such a big stroke to the ego. A shining example of how cocky sophomores could be was the girl wearing a pink satin headband who strutted through the hallway, knocking down everyone in her path like a fashionable bulldozer. He was only a year apart from them, yet they seemed so different from the grade ahead of them.

Usually the seniors hung out by the sides, busy talking or studying for upcoming test. They were supposed to be the 'cool ones' of the school, but sometimes it was rather hard to perceive one as cool when they have a major case of 'senioritis'. Senioritis was huge epidemic that occurred in almost every high school, it was when one begins to not care about school anymore. Seniors tended to be a rather illusive species, that or they were just avoiding Roy like most of his own grade did. A specimen with long black hair that covered her face in a fashion similar to the small girl from The Ring glared through her glasses at Roy. It seemed that Roy apparently was annoying her just by being in a close proximity to her. When he tried to say sorry, she did absolutely nothing and stayed still like a mannequin. Perhaps it was just a misplaced dummy for one of the combat classes.

Then there was the Juniors, the year he was entering. Oh, was he dreading to go into this year. Supposedly, everything increased in hardness and required hours of homework. He wouldn't be surprised if something as simple as brushing his teeth would now require a seven page research paper. This was the year that everyone was already expecting you to decide on major life choices, like somehow knowing the role they needed to play in this life. The only bright side to being a junior that he could see was the sudden, but minor authority one was given over the underclassmen.

He subtly checked his watch, it was far too flashy to be seen by the public eye. There was only a few minutes before his class started causing a look of panic to sweep over his face for a moment. He dismissed the feeling before trying to remember where the classroom was as he continued to stride his way to class.


(Eileen, Roy, Isabella, and Klef are all open now due to school starting and in a hallway if anyone would like to interact with one of them :33)
Emoroses said:
her hair blow to the side the tree
As Han was about to leave, he noticed a slight disturbance. It seemed that there was hair coming out of a tree but upon further inspection, he noticed that it was coming from beyond the tree. Directly behind it.

"Hey. Is that you?" He asked aloud. "I put your necklace thingy on the branch."
Ballerina said:

Roy G. Biv

Roy strode through the hallway cluttered with people. There was an odd sense of harmony within the crowd of teenagers, the fact that they were all tackling school together was oddly comforting. He wasn't necessarily excited to be starting to school again since he lacked friends nor did he enjoy loads of homework. However, one thing that he did enjoy was people watching and fortunately enough for him, school was the perfect destination for people watching. There was a large variety of people attending this school, each person tells a story through how they act. He was dying to just sit back with a sketchpad and draw all the peculiar faces, but he did not want to get a detention for being tardy this early into the year. Roy observed the many people in the hall as he walked to his first class.

It was easy to tell who was a freshman and who wasn't since they were the more nervous of the bunch. There was one brunette in particular who was practically skipping through the hallways that stood out among the bunch. Unlike most of the others, the kid was already trying to strike up conversations with the upperclassmen who were several feet taller and was probably jacked up on pixie sticks. Even at such an early hour, already had witnessed quite a few of them make the same mistakes as he did back when he was a newbie. Calling their parents begging for emotional support and guidance, carrying backpacks that weighed twice as much as they did, picking fights with the upperclassman without a reason, were all common activities of the freshmen, but he would be lying if he didn't say he did not do any of that when he was a freshman. In fact, he managed to check off all of those activities in his figurative 'to do list' on his very first day. Needless to say, he had made an embarrassingly bad first impression that left a sour taste in his peer's and teachers mouths.

Next were the sophomores, they were the ones who actually had their shit together. Like the freshman, the tended to confine to the hallway's center, but had a tendency to push and shove anyone in their way to get through. It was amazing how being a year older could be such a big stroke to the ego. A shining example of how cocky sophomores could be was the girl wearing a pink satin headband who strutted through the hallway, knocking down everyone in her path like a fashionable bulldozer. He was only a year apart from them, yet they seemed so different from the grade ahead of them.

Usually the seniors hung out by the sides, busy talking or studying for upcoming test. They were supposed to be the 'cool ones' of the school, but sometimes it was rather hard to perceive one as cool when they have a major case of 'senioritis'. Senioritis was huge epidemic that occurred in almost every high school, it was when one begins to not care about school anymore. Seniors tended to be a rather illusive species, that or they were just avoiding Roy like most of his own grade did. A specimen with long black hair that covered her face in a fashion similar to the small girl from The Ring glared through her glasses at Roy. It seemed that Roy apparently was annoying her just by being in a close proximity to her. When he tried to say sorry, she did absolutely nothing and stayed still like a mannequin. Perhaps it was just a misplaced dummy for one of the combat classes.

Then there was the Juniors, the year he was entering. Oh, was he dreading to go into this year. Supposedly, everything increased in hardness and required hours of homework. He wouldn't be surprised if something as simple as brushing his teeth would now require a seven page research paper. This was the year that everyone was already expecting you to decide on major life choices, like somehow knowing the role they needed to play in this life. The only bright side to being a junior that he could see was the sudden, but minor authority one was given over the underclassmen.

He subtly checked his watch, it was far too flashy to be seen by the public eye. There was only a few minutes before his class started causing a look of panic to sweep over his face for a moment. He dismissed the feeling before trying to remember where the classroom was as he continued to stride his way to class.


(Eileen, Roy, Isabella, and Klef are all open now due to school starting and in a hallway if anyone would like to interact with one of them :33)
awww...Melanie wasn't even done yet xD ))
Fricka finished her healing lessons quicker than everyone else. She stood up from her seat, and began to walk towards the telekinesis classes, humming peacefully.

Chler, meanwhile, was taking a break, since she was half-way done with the small puppy's leg.

Slaxt said:
Akuren looks up at her with his mouth open and smiles while putting his hand on her nose. He screams and giggles while trying to grab it.
She giggled at him and gently moved his hand away before making a rattle toy appear in his lap and a binky in his mouth

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