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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Is it long enough for me to ask a certain question: will you marry me?''
...♱Neo said as she smiled at Mitsu and took a small box from one of the pockets of her clothes and showed Mitsu♱...
Mitsu just stared at her unknowing of what to say as she looked to the box then slowly took it and opened it before tears started to well in her eyes as she started nodding furiously
Slaxt said:
Akuren slowly starts reverting back to his happy state and starts shaking the rattle toy again. He soon starts to wonder whether he'll meet other adults or not so he can hit them with is and test to see if the rattle toy would reveal where the sound comes from.
She sighed as she looked around the court yeard for anyone to talk to, any one to show off her newborn to

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Mitsu just stared at her unknowing of what to say as she looked to the box then slowly took it and opened it before tears started to well in her eyes as she started nodding furiously

...♱Neo smiled before she giggled a bit before she kissed Mitsu♱...
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Mitsu happily kissed her back and hugged her tightly

...⊹Kikuri watched the two and smiled. Yuki was watching as well and smiled as well before giggling and going to Shira and sit with her⊹...
JJKab said:
Fricka finished her healing lessons quicker than everyone else. She stood up from her seat, and began to walk towards the telekinesis classes, humming peacefully.
Chler, meanwhile, was taking a break, since she was half-way done with the small puppy's leg.

(hmm now I'm wondering if Psychic class also includes telekinesis class...)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Thana smiled as she watched her son play with the rattle happily

Akuren continued to play with his rattle toy paying no mind to his mother, he still wonders if hitting other people with his rattle toy will reveal the sound.



...♅Akira sat back in his chair and placed his pen into the holder. He exhaled lightly and spoke as he looked over towards the mountain of paperwork that was on the left side of his desk♅...

There. Now all of the paperwork is finished..

...♅Akira soon opened up a neatly wrapped box and revealed two nikuman buns which Asuka had previously made. He picked up one of the buns and took a bite of it, soon talking to himself as he tried to decide what he wanted to do next. Like every time Asuka made something, Akira loved the taste of the nikuman. After he finished talking, his eyes wandered to the other nikuman♅...

I suppose I could go see how the students at adjusting to the school..

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(Lol, ok.)

James stumbled out of his classroom, his head hurting like hell. Fuck, so much knowledge. My brain can't store all this knowledge on munitions AND maths! I should just do full on gun-smith... He whined. He walks into Evan's classroom, holding the Necronomicon. Hey, let's go back to the Manor. Before a teacher comes and confiscates this book. It looks like it can do some pretty serious damage!

"Bro, nice of you to be discrete about it. And why would a teacher want that old thing anyway? Whatever, I guess we can. I kinda wanted to test out some other things with it though." Evan threw out there.

Ballerina said:

Roy G. Biv

Roy strode through the hallway cluttered with people. There was an odd sense of harmony within the crowd of teenagers, the fact that they were all tackling school together was oddly comforting. He wasn't necessarily excited to be starting to school again since he lacked friends nor did he enjoy loads of homework. However, one thing that he did enjoy was people watching and fortunately enough for him, school was the perfect destination for people watching. There was a large variety of people attending this school, each person tells a story through how they act. He was dying to just sit back with a sketchpad and draw all the peculiar faces, but he did not want to get a detention for being tardy this early into the year. Roy observed the many people in the hall as he walked to his first class.

It was easy to tell who was a freshman and who wasn't since they were the more nervous of the bunch. There was one brunette in particular who was practically skipping through the hallways that stood out among the bunch. Unlike most of the others, the kid was already trying to strike up conversations with the upperclassmen who were several feet taller and was probably jacked up on pixie sticks. Even at such an early hour, already had witnessed quite a few of them make the same mistakes as he did back when he was a newbie. Calling their parents begging for emotional support and guidance, carrying backpacks that weighed twice as much as they did, picking fights with the upperclassman without a reason, were all common activities of the freshmen, but he would be lying if he didn't say he did not do any of that when he was a freshman. In fact, he managed to check off all of those activities in his figurative 'to do list' on his very first day. Needless to say, he had made an embarrassingly bad first impression that left a sour taste in his peer's and teachers mouths.

Next were the sophomores, they were the ones who actually had their shit together. Like the freshman, the tended to confine to the hallway's center, but had a tendency to push and shove anyone in their way to get through. It was amazing how being a year older could be such a big stroke to the ego. A shining example of how cocky sophomores could be was the girl wearing a pink satin headband who strutted through the hallway, knocking down everyone in her path like a fashionable bulldozer. He was only a year apart from them, yet they seemed so different from the grade ahead of them.

Usually the seniors hung out by the sides, busy talking or studying for upcoming test. They were supposed to be the 'cool ones' of the school, but sometimes it was rather hard to perceive one as cool when they have a major case of 'senioritis'. Senioritis was huge epidemic that occurred in almost every high school, it was when one begins to not care about school anymore. Seniors tended to be a rather illusive species, that or they were just avoiding Roy like most of his own grade did. A specimen with long black hair that covered her face in a fashion similar to the small girl from The Ring glared through her glasses at Roy. It seemed that Roy apparently was annoying her just by being in a close proximity to her. When he tried to say sorry, she did absolutely nothing and stayed still like a mannequin. Perhaps it was just a misplaced dummy for one of the combat classes.

Then there was the Juniors, the year he was entering. Oh, was he dreading to go into this year. Supposedly, everything increased in hardness and required hours of homework. He wouldn't be surprised if something as simple as brushing his teeth would now require a seven page research paper. This was the year that everyone was already expecting you to decide on major life choices, like somehow knowing the role they needed to play in this life. The only bright side to being a junior that he could see was the sudden, but minor authority one was given over the underclassmen.

He subtly checked his watch, it was far too flashy to be seen by the public eye. There was only a few minutes before his class started causing a look of panic to sweep over his face for a moment. He dismissed the feeling before trying to remember where the classroom was as he continued to stride his way to class.


(Eileen, Roy, Isabella, and Klef are all open now due to school starting and in a hallway if anyone would like to interact with one of them :33)
As Chler did finish her healing classes, a bit later than the rest, she noticed Eileen slowly walking through the hallway in the same direction she was heading. She smirked, approaching her from her side.

"Hey, Ei" She said cheerfully, looking at her roommate.



Lumina remembered the first time that she had come to the school. She was a transfer, coming in halfway through the semester, and she was shy to the point where she was surprised anyone actually wanted to hold a conversation with her. She was so terrified of showing that she was a phoenix that she held her wings tightly against her back and never used her fire powers at all. It was the reason she never had any control over her powers, simply from never using them all at all. She met a lot of people and a lot of things happened, and Lumina wondered how different she had become since this time last year.

Well, first things first is that she made some actual friends over the course of the year. Autumn, Asuka, Akira... just to name a few. Eventually over time, she felt comfortable having her phoenix wings out all the time and she had even learned how to fly and use her vast wealth of fire magicks. She met Kenji during this time, and her life did a complete 180. From all this, Lumina thought that she'd be fine this time around. Apparently not. Just thinking about going and introducing herself to the class sounded like the worst idea ever, and made her want to just go back to the estate and bury under the covers of Kenji's bed and stay there forever. No. No no no no no. Lumina smacked her cheeks, trying to psyche herself up to start heading to class.

"C'mon Lumina, you can do this! You've gotten so much better with people since last year, you'll be fine! No need to be nervous."

And of course, all this did was make her even more nervous to start school. She wished Kenji was here to help calm her down, though she knew that especially with school starting that she wouldn't be able to count on seeing him all the time. Maybe they'd have a class together or something, if she was lucky.

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Ugh. Entrance ceremonies. Iris really didn't like any of this boring official school stuff. Just give her her schedule and let her go to class already. Why should she have to stand here and listen to the same old junk that she always hears? Don't get in trouble, have a good year, blah blah blah. It was giving Iris a headache, and her annoyance was definitely showing on her face. Hell she was half expecting one of the teachers to come over and tell her off. That would have been kind of entertaining actually, at least it was something to do. With a sigh, Astrid pulled her hat over her head, covering her eyes as she walked around the school courtyard.

She didn't really want to go to school. All it was was adults up on their high horses telling students what to do. That being said, Iris did like learning and improving her abilities, but hated the way that teachers did it. It was their way or the highway, but Iris felt completely fine in her abilities despite what they say. This meant she'd be slacking off a lot in class, not listening, general disrespect for the teachers, as well as a bit of a cocky attitude. Whatever. Just thinking about class was putting her in a bad mood, pulling her hat down even lower over her face. This meant she wouldn't really have to deal with the world or have other people see her eyes, but she also couldn't see either, so she ended up bumping into someone, nearly knocking into the ground. Gasping in surprise, Iris pulled up her hat, an apologetic smile on her face. Okay, she was probably being a bit dramatic, and it was her fault after all. Her expression fell into one of realization as she realized she recognized the person she bumped into.

"Hey I'm sorr... oh, it's you again!"

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~ Dimensional witch ~

...?Even though Vanille had moved to Earth a while ago, she hadn't actually attended school. It was mainly her fault, because Earth was way too fascinating, and her attention was on learning about Earth things and Earth customs, so school was an afterthought. Plus, the school closed not long after she arrived anyways. So now that she was well adjusted to life and settled in to her house, which was nestled nicely in a patch of trees near the dorms, Vanille had gone to the entrance ceremony, hoping that Vanille would come as well. When it finished, she found herself in the courtyard staring at the building. This was so exciting! Vanille clapped her hands together, speaking aloud to nobody in particular?...

"Earth school! I wonder what it'll be like!"

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Elyse Glenn

~ body of iron, heart of gold ~

...?Kili's mansion had recieved a letter that the school had reopened and that there was to be an entrance ceremony in a few days. Of course Elsye attended, meaning she left for earth a bit earlier than Kili. She was to be reassigned a new dorm, since she ruined the last one, and she had moved all of her limited stuff over, and attended the ceremony. Of course she was bored out of her mind, and didn't really want to attend classes anyways, but she was only a junior, so she had a few more years to go. Now she was just standing in the courtyard, the sun shining in her eyes, wondering if she could spot Kili. That is, if he even decided to show up at all. Either way, she shielded her eyes from the sun as she gazed over the courtyard, simultaneously watching the students and looking for her boyfriend?...

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Sayuri Fujioka

~ kunoichi-in-training ~

...?It was Sayuri's first day at school. She was going to attend last year but it seemed like a bunch of things were happening and the school was closed. Plus, due to the civil war, Sayuri's parents had pulled her anyways, so she stayed home during the whole event. But now, now that everything had calmed down and the world was deemed safe again, her parents let her re-enroll and soon after she moved into the dorms. Her eyes widened in amazement as she stood outside the school, marveling at the building and the surrounding area. This place was so much more than she had imagined, and she was itching to start taking classes and learn how to be a better kunoichi. With a huge grin and sparkling eyes, Sayuri grabbed her bag and headed to the office to find her schedule?...

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~ goddess of the zodiac ~

...?Aion had taken a break from earth, taking some time to just kind of disappear and do her own thing. Meaning, she completely missed all that had happened during the Civil War. She had left right as it was beginning, when the school had closed, so when she walked into the courtyard after the entrance ceremony, she found herself amazed. Just seeing all the different students milling about and going about their business made her heart swell with happiness. Everyone had their own zodiac depending on when they were born, so everyone was special to her. As a goddess as well, it was also her job to watch out for the lower beings, so seeing things so peaceful also put a smile on her face. But the thing she was most looking forward to was actually attending class. She wasn't able to do so last semester, so she was getting really excited and jittery. With her smile growing larger by the second, Aion found herself walking toward the school, schedule in hand, looking for her first class of the day?...

"My first day of school! How exciting~"

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~ living weapon ~

...?Ryft had gone into hiding when the civil war was happening. In terms of branding supers due to their danger, he was most definitely high up on the list. A boy that can turn into any kind of weapon of any intensity and destruction? Target #1. Even if that wasn't the case, it was how he saw it, and he wasn't taking any chances. So into hiding he went. Away from the school, away from everyone. Soon after, however, the war was over, and it was safe for beings like himself to come out again. He moved back into the dorms, not even sure if he had a roommate, patiently waiting for school to start up again. Before he knew it, the school was reopened, and all the students were ushered into the entrance ceremony. Technically he was a freshman, as he really wasn't sure he attended all that much last year. Soon Ryft found himself among the throngs of students making their way to classes, leaving him looking around in confusion. It had been a long time since he had been here, and frankly he had forgotten everything. He knew where nothing was, or where to go, and all he could do was try and figure it out before class started?...

"Uh... I have no idea where I'm going..."

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Quoire woke up after his class was done, he tried to remember what class he takes next "oh right...Alchemy" he muttered as he goes to the classroom for alchemy. Quoire walked at the hallway and sees other students "wow some of them finished their classes" he was a little bit surprised as he keeps walking.

(anyone wants to interact with this guy??)
James grabbed Evan by the collar and flashed to the mansion in an instant. He grabs the keys off him and opens the door, only to be greeted by Takeshi arguing with Hallow. Just leave those kids alone! What the fuck could they possibly do with the stupid book?! Oh I don't know. LIKE ACCIDENTALLY SUMMON THE WALL OF DEATH?! They are amateurs and I would be surprised if they even manage to summon a Revenant! They could accidentally summon Cthulhu. Then we'd all be done for. I'm not going to let you hurt them. And that's that. Even if it means killing you. I KILLED YOU ONCE, I'LL DO IT AGAIN, BITCH. James was getting a major headache from hearing a demon and a necromancer arguing. First. How did you two get inside. Second, I don't care what you two have had in the past, but can you please get out?! He hollered at the two. Evan, could you shove a few LAW rockets down their asses? I am getting a major headache.


Bella was hopping around the school yard, with absolutely nothing to do. Where's Hallie? Is he slacking off? She giggled to herself. Ah well. I should better find something to do before I die of boredom. She said to herself.

:P )
"You alright there James? You don't look too enthusiastic to be heading home." Alex replied as he walked up behind James with Graham in tow.

"You should be glad that we can finally learn more about this book as it seems to be quite a subject of interest to you since you've kept it with you this whole time... I probably would have lost it at some point..." Graham stated as he walked towards James and Evan with Alex.

@ANDROMADA @MrEvilMexican
Ansom stood against a wall of lockers, looking at the passing students. He let out a sigh. Although he didn't need school, he wanted to pass the time with it. It was a chance to meet new people and maybe calm down his Primal nature. He knew it was going to be boring, for no teacher could ever teach him anything. They would talk and talk while Ansom daydreamed, and if they asked him a question, he would answer.....or erase the teacher. Most likely the former, though.

As he looked, he saw a face that stood out from the crowd, mainly because it was familiar. He laughed as his friend seemed to struggle. Vio looked lost, like a small puppy. She also looked uncomfortable though. Her being pregnant probably did not help the frustration of being lost.

He knew that Violetta would have no trouble with school, seeing as that she could just be there during an important battle, or actually learn a postulate from those who made it. Or at least, she used to be able to do that. He doubted that she would want to be human for much longer.

He chuckled and shook his head before calling out, "Hey, Vio! Need some help?" He asked with a slight smile and a snicker.

James calmed down a bit. You're right... What IS this book? Hallow turned away from Takeshi and looked at James. The Necronomicon. An unholy tome for conjuring the dead as well as many other extremely dangerous and powerful spells. He explained. If you thought Stalker would be hard to create, wait until you see the wall of death. The name is pretty self explanatory. A giant moving wall that drains the life force of anything and everything it touches. Even I have never used it before. It would first drain most, if not all of it's caster's life force. James looked at the book. Is he seriously holding the Necronomicon? I've heard of it in a book. By Lovecraft. But I didn't know it was real... Takeshi walked up to Graham and grabbed him by the collar. What have you been doing? You smell like zombies.

@ANDROMADA @UnknownRawrs
Duncan wasn't exactly elated to be cramped in a room full of people he didn't know. As far as he knew, all of them were delicate little beings known to him as humans. After all, that is what his father said. That he would be in a school of humans. Not that he didn't entirely dislike the idea then, but now, he wish he hadn't accepted. The creatures were so....dull. He had yet to see anything special occur, aside from being interrupted from his sleep by one.


Scratching behind his head, Duncan finally realized that the opening ceremony had ended. He wasn't exactly sure if he had been mumbling to himself throughout the entire thing, or had simply shown up late. Regardless, the fact that it was over brought a sense of peace to him, sort of. For as soon as he turned around to walk in the opposite direction of everyone else, a wave of randoms blew past him.

"What the hell?!"

About a few seconds later, he found himself face to face with the same girl from before. Her words having exited her lips before he even got the chance to process what had just happened to him.


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