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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:
~ weapons maestro ~

...?Astrid scowled, her annoyance evident on her face. Why would he even come back here after brutally attacking defenseless people? Really, it was a dumb idea to even come here. Why she thought it'd be a good idea was beyond her. She had probably missed him back at the hospital, but that was pretty unlikely as he seemed intent on going far away from her and the building and that her perception for finding things was pretty high. If he was at the hospital, she'd see him, it's not like there was crowds of people continually walking around outside on the sidewalks. So her next choice was to check the school. She still didn't know why she decided on this course of action. Maybe intuition, following a whim? Yeah, Astrid was going to attribute it to something stupid like that. Sighing, she had turned around and began walking out toward the town, which was her next destination, when she heard something heavy land behind her. Tuning around, it was... someone she didn't know. It was a different form of Hyouinmaru than Astrid had seen, so she didn't have any reason to think that this person now looking at her would be the man she was looking for at all. His sudden appearance made her frown, and concerned why he would suddenly approach her like that out of the blue? What did he want? And why such a dramatic entrance? With his larger stature and, frankly, pissed off expression, Astrid was half expecting a fight. Meaning she definitely wasn't expecting the words that he spoke to come out of his mouth. At first, his words didn't make sense. Why would some random dude she didn't know be apologizing for what happened at the hospital? It's not like this guy could have known what went down in Skylar and Alejandro's room. Maybe he was confusing her with someone else who just so happened to have some sort of argument a few hours ago? But then it dawned on Astrid, that maybe this was Hyouinmaru. It would make sense, his attitude toward her and his apology about what happened. What was with his appearance then? She had no idea he could look like this, then again she barely knew him as it was. Another moment passed and another realization hit her, that maybe, just maybe, this was what he looked like when he attacked Skylar. With his unhappy expression, he sure seemed like he'd be itching to bash someone's face in, even an innocent girl who literally did nothing wrong. But, Astrid wasn't here to argue anymore. She told Alejandro she'd apologize, because he was right in that she needed to, so that's what she was gonna do. Swallowing her pride, Astrid took her rifle off her back, setting it against the nearby fence before facing Hyouinmaru again, taking a deep breath before speaking?...

"I know. You're right. I overreacted, and I'm sorry. I can get protective of Skylar sometimes, and I know the things she's been through, and I just don't want anything bad to ever happen to her. Alejandro told me how much you're beating yourself up over hurting Skylar, so maybe you didn't do it all completely on purpose, even though you totally did... but, if Skylar can forgive you, maybe I can try as well. I just... I don't want her getting hurt, is all. But it seems that my harboring hate toward you is doing no good for her, so I wanted to say I'm sorry."

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Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Skin of Steel and Heart of Ice


Hyouinmaru stared at Astrid, a expressionless look on his face. Well he'd consider it expressionless. Right now he seemed as if he were frowning. He sighed lightly as he listened to Astrid talk. For someone as annoying as her, she could damn sure talk when it wasn't need. In all his years of living, no one gave an apology that long before. When she finished talking, he fixed his gloves and cracked his knuckles.

"You should never give someone like me an apology that long. I tend to lose interest when people do... Luckily for you, I wanted to hear you out."

Hyouinmaru then held his hand out for Astrid to shake. He definitely didn't want to do this, but he had no choice. He wanted to end this stupidity for good.

"Here. Shake my hand and consider this done."

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Currently Doing
Talking w/ Astrid

HimeragiSeiker said:

''But usually the bouncer at the night club questions us. We usually threaten him to let us in. We're regulars at his place so he now let's us in regardless of our age.''
Isabella was not surprised that bouncers would question the two, they looked fairly young. "Well, you do look your age." She comments, then sighs. "I'm over 150, but for some stupid reason everyone thinks I'm twelve."
Ballerina said:
Isabella was not surprised that bouncers would question the two, they looked fairly young. "Well, you do look your age." She comments, then sighs. "I'm over 150, but for some stupid reason everyone thinks I'm twelve."
''Well we're 16 in Human years...our actual age is really 1500...''
WeirdPrincess said:

Yoshino Komagata


Yoshino's gaze flicked over to his fingers as he drummed them on the table. She was curious as to why he was doing that, maybe put of boredom or lost in thought. Or maybe it was something completely else that she hadn't been thinking off, it was hard to tell. Whatever was on his mind was beyond her. Kaz's fingers eventually stopped and she removed her dark plum irises from them and back to Kaz, seeing him smiling at her. He was probably happy over the choice she had made to try and find a new job. How couldn't he be happy about that? With the long hours she worked and the time she spent away from the home, it was hard not to be happy. She was rarely ever home and even if she was, it was only for a few hours at that before she had to leave again. Yoshino almost never go any time off, no matter how hard she worked. It was annoying and it sucked, but she didn't want to complain about it since it was the source of her income. Why she had taken such a job that practically took her away from everything and everyone.. even she didn't have the answer to that. It was hard to say really, she couldn't even remember when she had started the job. Yoshino bit her lip, a habit that was hard to break when she was deep in thought. Hopefully she'd be able to find a new one soon, she didn't want to keep working at that job if it meant she had to be away from Kaz and Minako, as well as other friends and family, all the time.

At the feeling of Kaz's hands on her own, she released her lower lip from its captive state between her teeth. She most likely looked a little worried, though she wasn't at all. As she listened to him, she had to nod in agreement with his words. They had practically been together forever, though not much has happened between them. For as long as the had been dating, she was almost surprised they weren't married yet. Almost.. but with her being gone almost 24/7, when would that even be able to happen? It wouldn't, that's what she thought. Sure, she wanted to get married. Most of her other friends were already married and had kids, so she wanted the same thing. Though she didn't want to get married because the rest of her friends had, but because she loved Kaz. With all her heart really, even if she didn't voice it that much. Yoshino would be comfortable with staying within the dating status, as odd as that sounded. As long as she was around him, she'd be fine. So she didn't know where he was going with this when he stated they've been together for a long time. It should have been somewhat obvious to her, but her mind wasn't thinking about that at the moment. Her mind was still focused on making dinner, whenever she could get back to that. Yoshino had a one track mind of sorts, not all the time, but a little bit. Like now, with her concern of making dinner because she was starving.

Yoshino didn't see nor hear Minako at the door, with her face pressed up against it. If she did, she probably would have laughed. Though her attention was entirely focused on Kaz, with her head slightly tilted to the side in curiosity once he laughed. What was so funny? Did he see something she didn't or was he just thinking of something funny. That soft chuckle only made her curiosity rise, gazing at him with an almost perplexed expression. All this waiting was making her anxious, why? She had no clue. She really needed to calm down and just relax, though she wasn't how to or if she even could at all. This was almost nerve-racking, it was like she was at the edge of her death waiting to hear what he was going to say. She was curious as to where this was going, because she didn't have a clue. Yoshino was practically clueless and she hated it at this moment. She was bright, brilliant even, but not right now. She felt stupid for not knowing what he was talking about where this was even going, but how could she? It wasn't exactly clear to her. At the mention of Minako, her confusion only grew and it showed on her face. Talking? Talking about what? Ready? Were they preparing for something? Yoshino didn't have any kind of clue and she didn't like it one bit. Not what Kaz was saying, but herself. She had an idea of what he was hinting at, but she didn't think it was right. It couldn't possible be what she was thinking of, not how, not ever. Of course, she hoped it would be what she was thinking abot, though she didn't want to get her hopes up. Raising your hopes to high, only to have them come crashing down on you was not something she wanted. Yoshino was setting her expectations low, just in case. So it was really a surprise to here what he had said next.

"No!" Yoshino's response was almost immediately and her eyes widened, yanking her hands from Kaz's grasp. Wait, she hadn't meant to say that and was slowly panicking on the inside. She just said no, even though she had meant yes. Why she did that, she couldn't even tell you because she didn't know the answer. "I didn't mean no, oh god I'm sorry." Yoshino's eyes glazed over and tears were forming at the corners of her eyes. "I swear I meant to say yes, it was just so surprising and I.. I.." It was harder to finish her sentence, tears streaking her cheeks and her eyes already puffy, as well as red, with how hard she was crying. Yoshino had really meant to say yes, she was being honest about that part. It was just that the question had caught her off guard and she hardly couldn't believe it was happening, that her automatic response was no. Not because she didn't want to marry him, but because she wasn't expecting the question and had withdrawn her hands in surprise.

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More Info




At home


Try and not cry


Kaz and Minako



Kazuo Katashi

~ The Fairy Swordsman


Kaz stared blankly at Yoshino. His smile fading into Oblivion... No chance of returning. She didn't even seem like she knew what she wanted to do. Yes... No? Though... It shocked him to see her yell no like that. Kaz sighed and shook his head, his dark irises scanning her... Almost as if he were looking at her very existence. He made his sword appear in his right hand, and he put his left in his pants pocket.

"I ahould have expected this. Look when you know 100% what you want, then tell me..."

Kaz turned his back towards Yoshino and walked out of the kitchen, using the back door. Minako watching as her adoptive father jumped onto the roof pf the house and then one more time... Now out of sight.


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Currently Doing
Walking out of the kitchen...

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HimeragiSeiker said:
''Well we're 16 in Human years...our actual age is really 1500...''
"So you're ten times older than I? Hell, you're older than both my parents combined." Isabella huffed and slouched deeper in the couch. " Why do you two have to be so cool... " She groaned before checking her phone for texts.
Ballerina said:
"So you're ten times older than I? Hell, you're older than both my parents combined." Isabella huffed and slouched deeper in the couch. " Why do you two have to be so cool... " She groaned before checking her phone for texts.
''Maybe that is just how we are born?''
Lumina said:
Kaori Hana
~ torn between two ~

...?Kaori's gaze lifted slightly as the door opened. Even though Roman had long since hung up the phone, she held it clasped in her hand in the open position as if she was still in a call with him. She watched him from her spot on the floor as he pulled down his forehead protector and covered his eye up, a sight she wasn't really used to seeing. Well, after her lost his eye, it made sense, but it was still fairly new to her. That would mean only one of his eyes was uncovered, leaving not much of his face showing. Huh. Kaori wasn't sure she liked that. This wasn't really the place to be thinking that kind of thing though, but then again Kaori's mind wasn't really working completely right at the moment. As he came over to her, her hand dropped the phone as she gripped his arm, still shaking. Now that he was here, it wasn't as bad, but it was still there for sure. Her other arm still cradled her stomach as her gaze met his. What was wrong? Well... everything. Masahi abandoned her. Her two friends were trying to kill each other. And now she was going to be a single mom. In a shaky voice, Kaori tried to explain everything?...

"I-I don't know what to do.... R-Rommy... I-I'm... I don't want to be alone, I c-can't... how am I going to do this.... I-I'm pregnant, R-Rommy.... I don't know what to d-do...."

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Roman Ishida

~ Scarred...


Roman sighed as Kaori held on to his arm. Her shaking causing his arm to shake a little too. He gently placed his hand on Kaori's and moved it down to her lap. Roman immediately saw the one placed on her stomach, but he made no attempt to figure out why she had it there. That's when it hit him. Maybe she was still hurt from yesterday, but he soon picked up another energy. A smaller one... He didn't know where it was coming from, but he figured another super was nearby. He then heard Kaori speaking, her voice just as shaky as her body. It upset him to see her like this. His eye focused on hers' as she spoke and his eye widened as she told him she was pregnant. The look is shock and surprised soon turned into that of a smile. The kid wasn't even his, but the expression on his face was made it seem like he was.

"Kaori.. That's great! I can't believe youre going to be a mother! You know.. I'm here for you too. If you don't want to be alone, I'm going to be on Earth for awhile. You can come stay in my apartment until I get ready to leave."

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Shocked, but at the same time happy
Relax Kaori
Currently Doing
Talking with Kaori

Ballerina said:
"I hate admitting this, but I feel kind of bad for trashing Fricka's apartment.... we should probably go somewhere else."
''Okay. Well...I'll stay to help Fricka clean up.''

''And I guess I'll go with you. It's been a long time since me and sis have gone separate.''

...♱Melanie said with a slight giggle♱...

Claire walked out of a restaurant, people fighting and yelling. She caused it and she smiled at the thought. She walked down the street, and threw her huge Iron sword in the air, Catching it as it landed. As she walked her blonde curled ponytails bounce and she kept a little grin on her face.

MintPanda said:
Claire walked out of a restaurant, people fighting and yelling. She caused it and she smiled at the thought. She walked down the street, and threw her huge Iron sword in the air, Catching it as it landed. As she walked her blonde curled ponytails bounce and she kept a little grin on her face.
...?Rize was walking down the street as well before she yawned a little bit and took a seat on a bench 'waiting' at a bus stop?...

Roman said:
Alex thought about it for a moment. He tried remembering everything she told him before she left, only to find out he forgot. He hung his head and sighed. "N-No... I don't remember, Yuki. I'm sorry."
Yuki saddened a little by the fact that he had forgotten about them. She thought about it being better this way so she wouldn't have to explain anything. It was a sad memory.

"Alex..." she said and then kissed him lightly on his lips.
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...?Rize was walking down the street as well before she yawned a little bit and took a seat on a bench 'waiting' at a bus stop?...
Claire saw a girl waiting at the bus stop she was heading to. As she approached, she looked over and said, "Hi! Im Claire..." her sword came down, falling down her shoulder and slid into its holder. "You are?" she said tilting her head, blonde curls following her.
MintPanda said:
Claire saw a girl waiting at the bus stop she was heading to. As she approached, she looked over and said, "Hi! Im Claire..." her sword came down, falling down her shoulder and slid into its holder. "You are?" she said tilting her head, blonde curls following her.
...⊹Rize soon looked at Claire before she blinked and smiled a moment after and spoke⊹...

''I'm Rize..''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Okay. Well...I'll stay to help Fricka clean up.''

''And I guess I'll go with you. It's been a long time since me and sis have gone separate.''

...♱Melanie said with a slight giggle♱...
Isabella smiled. Usually she wasn't this polite around others, it was very atypical for her to act this way, but she had respect for the two twins after seeing them fight Faust. "Good luck with that, blood is difficult wash out of the carpet." The vampire told Militia before turning to Melanie. " Where should we go?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Rize soon looked at Claire before she blinked and smiled a moment after and spoke⊹...

''I'm Rize..''
Claire smiled and then added, "Thats a nice name!" She grinned and sat, messing with her sheild. She then asked, "How long till the bus comes, do you know? Im in a rush...im running from a restaurant owner..." she whispered and giggled slightly.
Ballerina said:
Isabella smiled. Usually she wasn't this polite around others, it was very atypical for her to act this way, but she had respect for the two twins after seeing them fight Faust. "Good luck with that, blood is difficult wash out of the carpet." The vampire told Militia before turning to Melanie. " Where should we go?"
''I dunno...a walk? Or maybe I can take you out to a night club.''

...♱Melanie suggested with a smile♱...

MintPanda said:
Claire smiled and then added, "Thats a nice name!" She grinned and sat, messing with her sheild. She then asked, "How long till the bus comes, do you know? Im in a rush...im running from a restaurant owner..." she whispered and giggled slightly.
''Huh? I don't take the bus. I'm just sitting here waiting for someone.''
Nanne said:
Yuki saddened a little by the fact that he had forgotten about them. She thought about it being better this way so she wouldn't have to explain anything. It was a sad memory.
"Alex..." she said and then missed him lightly on his lips.
Alex kissed Yuki back, but he still didn't remember what she meant. Was there something he was forgetting or what? He soon pulled away and looked Yuki in the eyes.

"Yuki.. What am I forgetting? Is it something important? Are you sick or something?" He asked still lost.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Huh? I don't take the bus. I'm just sitting here waiting for someone.''
"Oh!" she said and then asked, "I know im not suppose to get into people's business, but may i ask, who are you waiting for?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''I dunno...a walk? Or maybe I can take you out to a night club.''
...♱Melanie suggested with a smile♱...
"Nightclub!" The vampire immediately answered, her eyes gleamed as she spoke. "Just... one... thing... I totally lied, I've never really been before... I'm sure I'll fit in just fine though."
Ballerina said:
"Nightclub!" The vampire immediately answered, her eyes gleamed as she spoke. "Just... one... thing... I totally lied, I've never really been before... I'm sure I'll fit in just fine though."
''Hmmm...maybe we should go get you a dress first...don't you think?''

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