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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Harumi nodded then slowly started to climb in before slipping and falling in with a splash

...⊹Ayame soon swam over checking out if Harumi was anywhere injured⊹...
NeoClassical said:
Ansom laughed as his back hit the wall behind him. And you....Mitsu. You dare call yourself my daughter? He laughed again before stopping and standing tall. You're nothing more than a girl who inherited some of my power. And my softer side it seems.
"This is were your story ends dad. And mine begins." She said in a serious and calm tone. A sort of dead calm tone that unsettled any one even gods
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"This is were your story ends dad. And mine begins." She said in a serious and calm tone. A sort of dead calm tone that unsettled any one even gods

Ansom gave a slight smile. Oh please. Do you actually believe you can fight me? Don't make me laugh. He shook his head and waved his hand. Honestly, I do not want to kill either one of you. But you interfere with my plans. You muddle my brain. Distract me from what I must do. Destroy. Cause chaos. He pointed to the door. Just leave. You have a lesbian partner to go home to. A family. I doubt you want to lose them.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''How's the water? You hurt anywhere?''
"I'm fine!" She said happily

NeoClassical said:
Ansom gave a slight smile. Oh please. Do you actually believe you can fight me? Don't make me laugh. He shook his head and waved his hand. Honestly, I do not want to kill either one of you. But you interfere with my plans. You muddle my brain. Distract me from what I must do. Destroy. Cause chaos. He pointed to the door. Just leave. You have a lesbian partner to go home to. A family. I doubt you want to lose them.
"I will live through this fight dad. And will prove I am your daughter. Then I will go home to my true family and leave you here alone." She said coldly to him before another wave hit him and launched him from the apartment
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I'm fine!" She said happily
"I will live through this fight dad. And will prove I am your daughter. Then I will go home to my true family and leave you here alone." She said coldly to him before another wave hit him and launched him from the apartment


...⊹Ayame said before she started swimming again⊹...

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]
"I'm fine!" She said happily
"I will live through this fight dad. And will prove I am your daughter. Then I will go home to my true family and leave you here alone." She said coldly to him before another wave hit him and launched him from the apartment


God dammit child. You act so recklessly. Ansom said as he appeared back in the apartment. A blade of pure chaos appeared in his hand. I am able to kill you. I do not wish to. Stop before you do something you're going to regret. His eyes were a deep purple as the apartment shook a little.

Lumina said:

~ the broken phoenix ~

...♤Hearing Kenji's words was like feeling a weight lifting off her chest. Perhaps it was just confirmation that he felt the same as her, and that it wasn't just her feeling so... clingy. Was that the word? Either way, a genuine smile finally found it's way on to her face as she listened to his words, her grip on him tightening ever so slightly. This was all she wanted. As she sat there, Lumina's face slowly grew more and more red. It was the first time she had actually been alone with Kenji in quite a long time. And they were hugging pretty closely... Lumina internally cursed herself at her continued inability to deal with feelings. She thought that she had gotten better about that! Maybe it was the fact that she had been away from Kenji, the one person who could actually ground her emotions, for so long, so she was back to where she first started. Either way, there was something that Lumina wanted to ask, and it probably didn't help how red her face was. Hesitantly, she sat up away from him a bit to look at him, before being unable to hold eye contact for any longer and she looked away as she spoke in a slightly nervous tone♤...

"U-um... i-if it's okay with you, I kinda wanted to... um, go away somewhere, with you. Where i-it's just us, and nobody can bother us..."

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Genesis Vi Euphoria

~ Sanctum Of Heat ~

...ΨKenji felt Lumina hold him tighter for a few moments, shortly before she moved out of his grasp. He looked at Lumina and saw the red shade that had formed on her face, and listened as her voice became more timid and shy. He thought for a few moments before he replied, his head tilting slightly in confusionΨ...

Oh? Where do you have in mind?~

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HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Ayame said before she started swimming again⊹...
Harumi giggled and glided through the water after her

NeoClassical said:

God dammit child. You act so recklessly. Ansom said as he appeared back in the apartment. A blade of pure chaos appeared in his hand. I am able to kill you. I do not wish to. Stop before you do something you're going to regret. His eyes were a deep purple as the apartment shook a little.
"Hey you said it your self. You have no family. Not even a daughter. So why should I listen?" She asked as a pinkish purple blade appeared in her hand as well as the apartment shook more as she stared down her father. "If you do not wish to kill me then stop." She said to him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Harumi giggled and glided through the water after her
"Hey you said it your self. You have no family. Not even a daughter. So why should I listen?" She asked as a pinkish purple blade appeared in her hand as well as the apartment shook more as she stared down her father. "If you do not wish to kill me then stop." She said to him

...⊹Ayame kept swimming as she swam happily. It was surprising that Harumi was a bit faster than her⊹...

''Wow. You're really fast.''

Lumina said:

Elyse Glenn
~ body of iron, heart of gold ~

...?Kili's embrace was warm, as it always was. She loved the feeling of his arms around her, and his warmth completely combatted the cooler night air. Her eyes were glued to the many stars above them, never really having paid attention to them before. At least not in this depth. She never had a reason to care about life or the world she lived in, because her body and powers fought so much against it. But now, Elyse had such an appreciation for everything, even the simplest thing like stars. She looked at Kili as he asked the question, raising an eyebrow before looking back up to the sky. If she had to choose one? Elyse furrowed her brow in concentration trying to choose the perfect one when a pair of stars caught her eye. They sat next to each other like their own star couple, one having a purple-ish hue and the other orange-ish. Elyse smiled before pointing up at them, giving her answer?...

"Those up there. They remind me of me and you. So I'd choose the purple one."

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Kili smiled, and looked up to see the stars she was talking about. He reached out a hand, and the stars seemed to shine brighter as he whispered unintelligible words, his eyes closed in focus. Slowly, the stars grew even brighter, and ever larger, as they started to fall from space. After a few minutes, the sound of the starts breaking through the atmosphere could be heard, as the stars shot towards Kili and Elyse. With another word, the stars shrunk rapidly as they got near, leaving behind only waves of heat as Kili threw himself forward to catch them. Opening his hand, Kili smiled down at the pair of square shaped gems he now held, one orange, one purple. He turned to Elyse, and smiled even more.

He walked over, and placed the purple gem in her hand.

"This gem will take on the form of any jewelry you want, and for as long as you want to wear it, no one will be able to take it from you. It...also tells you where I am. And mine does the same." He said with a blush, already slipping an intricately designed ebony band, with a bright orange gem set at its center, onto his left ring finger.
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Yoshino Komagata


Yoshino's gaze flicked over to his fingers as he drummed them on the table. She was curious as to why he was doing that, maybe put of boredom or lost in thought. Or maybe it was something completely else that she hadn't been thinking off, it was hard to tell. Whatever was on his mind was beyond her. Kaz's fingers eventually stopped and she removed her dark plum irises from them and back to Kaz, seeing him smiling at her. He was probably happy over the choice she had made to try and find a new job. How couldn't he be happy about that? With the long hours she worked and the time she spent away from the home, it was hard not to be happy. She was rarely ever home and even if she was, it was only for a few hours at that before she had to leave again. Yoshino almost never go any time off, no matter how hard she worked. It was annoying and it sucked, but she didn't want to complain about it since it was the source of her income. Why she had taken such a job that practically took her away from everything and everyone.. even she didn't have the answer to that. It was hard to say really, she couldn't even remember when she had started the job. Yoshino bit her lip, a habit that was hard to break when she was deep in thought. Hopefully she'd be able to find a new one soon, she didn't want to keep working at that job if it meant she had to be away from Kaz and Minako, as well as other friends and family, all the time.

At the feeling of Kaz's hands on her own, she released her lower lip from its captive state between her teeth. She most likely looked a little worried, though she wasn't at all. As she listened to him, she had to nod in agreement with his words. They had practically been together forever, though not much has happened between them. For as long as the had been dating, she was almost surprised they weren't married yet. Almost.. but with her being gone almost 24/7, when would that even be able to happen? It wouldn't, that's what she thought. Sure, she wanted to get married. Most of her other friends were already married and had kids, so she wanted the same thing. Though she didn't want to get married because the rest of her friends had, but because she loved Kaz. With all her heart really, even if she didn't voice it that much. Yoshino would be comfortable with staying within the dating status, as odd as that sounded. As long as she was around him, she'd be fine. So she didn't know where he was going with this when he stated they've been together for a long time. It should have been somewhat obvious to her, but her mind wasn't thinking about that at the moment. Her mind was still focused on making dinner, whenever she could get back to that. Yoshino had a one track mind of sorts, not all the time, but a little bit. Like now, with her concern of making dinner because she was starving.

Yoshino didn't see nor hear Minako at the door, with her face pressed up against it. If she did, she probably would have laughed. Though her attention was entirely focused on Kaz, with her head slightly tilted to the side in curiosity once he laughed. What was so funny? Did he see something she didn't or was he just thinking of something funny. That soft chuckle only made her curiosity rise, gazing at him with an almost perplexed expression. All this waiting was making her anxious, why? She had no clue. She really needed to calm down and just relax, though she wasn't how to or if she even could at all. This was almost nerve-racking, it was like she was at the edge of her death waiting to hear what he was going to say. She was curious as to where this was going, because she didn't have a clue. Yoshino was practically clueless and she hated it at this moment. She was bright, brilliant even, but not right now. She felt stupid for not knowing what he was talking about where this was even going, but how could she? It wasn't exactly clear to her. At the mention of Minako, her confusion only grew and it showed on her face. Talking? Talking about what? Ready? Were they preparing for something? Yoshino didn't have any kind of clue and she didn't like it one bit. Not what Kaz was saying, but herself. She had an idea of what he was hinting at, but she didn't think it was right. It couldn't possible be what she was thinking of, not how, not ever. Of course, she hoped it would be what she was thinking abot, though she didn't want to get her hopes up. Raising your hopes to high, only to have them come crashing down on you was not something she wanted. Yoshino was setting her expectations low, just in case. So it was really a surprise to here what he had said next.

"No!" Yoshino's response was almost immediately and her eyes widened, yanking her hands from Kaz's grasp. Wait, she hadn't meant to say that and was slowly panicking on the inside. She just said no, even though she had meant yes. Why she did that, she couldn't even tell you because she didn't know the answer. "I didn't mean no, oh god I'm sorry." Yoshino's eyes glazed over and tears were forming at the corners of her eyes. "I swear I meant to say yes, it was just so surprising and I.. I.." It was harder to finish her sentence, tears streaking her cheeks and her eyes already puffy, as well as red, with how hard she was crying. Yoshino had really meant to say yes, she was being honest about that part. It was just that the question had caught her off guard and she hardly couldn't believe it was happening, that her automatic response was no. Not because she didn't want to marry him, but because she wasn't expecting the question and had withdrawn her hands in surprise.

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More Info




At home


Try and not cry


Kaz and Minako



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HimeragiSeiker said:
Seris told her to feed as she was also standing in front. this is what she said:
''If she's just so desperate...''

''Go ahead. Feed.'' saying to feed off of Seris))
(Thanks! :33)

Isabella sighed. "If you say so.." She said, begining to get even closer to the girl. It struck her how odd it was that this stranger was so willing to give up her life, her sacrafice wasn't necessarily going to accomplish anything.
As everyone was off doing what they usually do, someone, or something sat alone and in the shadows. He was dissecting a bird out of sheer boredom. "This place. What did they say? 'Great' This darn place is anything but that. I would rather be inside my manor murdering trespassers!" He thought, only to realize he had said his thoughts out loud. Giggling seemed to come from the silver plague mask the man was wearing. "Haha! Why don't you go... Oh! I don't know?! Go 'socialize' or something?! You know, it's very useful." The man ignored the mask. "Can you shut up for like 5 seconds? I am watching the girl die." He then turns his attention to Isabella. "Hey! Can you hurry up and kill her already?! I haven't seen somebody die today!"
MrEvilMexican said:
As everyone was off doing what they usually do, someone, or something sat alone and in the shadows. He was dissecting a bird out of sheer boredom. "This place. What did they say? 'Great' This darn place is anything but that. I would rather be inside my manor murdering trespassers!" He thought, only to realize he had said his thoughts out loud. Giggling seemed to come from the silver plague mask the man was wearing. "Haha! Why don't you go... Oh! I don't know?! Go 'socialize' or something?! You know, it's very useful." The man ignored the mask. "Can you shut up for like 5 seconds? I am watching the girl die." He then turns his attention to Isabella. "Hey! Can you hurry up and kill her already?! I haven't seen somebody die today!"
She was rather apalled to see a masked man lurking in the shadows. There always was someone who got in her way whenever she tried to feed. Isabella stopped what she was doing to glare at him. " Why the h*ll are you here?! Get out you sicko! This is a girls dorm!" She screamed at the man.
Ballerina said:
(Thanks! :33)
Isabella sighed. "If you say so.." She said, begining to get even closer to the girl. It struck her how odd it was that this stranger was so willing to give up her life, her sacrafice wasn't necessarily going to accomplish anything.
...♱Seris just looked at her waiting for her to start feeding♱...

HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Seris just looked at her waiting for her to start feeding♱...
She looked back at the girl. " Maybe I'll feed off you another day?" It was rather odd for a vampire to say this but, she was deeply disturbed by the masked man. "It seems that we have another guest and I don't like hime one bit."

@JJKab @MrEvilMexican
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Harumi giggled and glided through the water after her
"Hey you said it your self. You have no family. Not even a daughter. So why should I listen?" She asked as a pinkish purple blade appeared in her hand as well as the apartment shook more as she stared down her father. "If you do not wish to kill me then stop." She said to him

Ansom cocked his head to the side. Stop? I haven't done anything. You made the first move. The first attack. I haven't touched either of you. Know you're place and you stop.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Seris said before looking around♱...

@MrEvilMexican @JJKab

"You see him right? Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing creep!"

She exclaimed, it was fairly normal for her to hallucinate while this thirsty, but everything felt to vivid for it just to be in her head.
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MrEvilMexican said:
As everyone was off doing what they usually do, someone, or something sat alone and in the shadows. He was dissecting a bird out of sheer boredom. "This place. What did they say? 'Great' This darn place is anything but that. I would rather be inside my manor murdering trespassers!" He thought, only to realize he had said his thoughts out loud. Giggling seemed to come from the silver plague mask the man was wearing. "Haha! Why don't you go... Oh! I don't know?! Go 'socialize' or something?! You know, it's very useful." The man ignored the mask. "Can you shut up for like 5 seconds? I am watching the girl die." He then turns his attention to Isabella. "Hey! Can you hurry up and kill her already?! I haven't seen somebody die today!"
Ballerina said:

"You see him right? Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing creep!"

She exclaimed, it was fairly normal for her to hallucinate while this thirsty, but everything felt to vivid for it just to be in her head.
''Oh...him. Hey. Get out. this is the girls' dorm room.''


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