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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Roman stopped Kaori after seeing if she could not disconnect herself. It bothered him to know that she was only in this situation because of himself and Masahi. He gently moved her hand away from the apparatus, and he easily unhooked it, and helped her up. Roman spoke, remembering the ring in his pouch which obviously told him they were dating for some time now...
"Kaori... Are you okay? W-With Masahi leaving and all?"

Kaori Hana

~ torn between two ~

...?Kaori still hadn't gotten the thing off when Roman came over to help her. She looked defeated and tired, with tears silently falling down her cheeks and making wet spots in her lap. As Roman moved her hand, he'd be able to feel them trembling, showing she was still upset from the whole thing happening. Seeing her two best friends try and kill each other, and then have Masahi, the one she thought she lov- it was all too much for her. So as he helped her up, she held on to him, her hands gripping him tightly for support, showing him that she was glad he was there, and that he hadn't just... abandoned her. As he asked if she was alright, Kaori's tear-filled gaze looked upward at him, her expression showing that she wasn't really alright, but her words betraying her feelings?...

"...I-I'm fine... I just w-want to go home.."

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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She nodded into his chest as she hugged him like a child and cuddled up to him
"If you harm a hair on my daughter you will regret it." Mika said sternly to him with that cold look that only a girl could give. "You've obviously become her idol so you better live up to be her idol." She said coldly

"But I'm not coiled around you ame." She said to her

Ansom sighed. "I don't want to hurt anyone Mitsu." He looked around. "He does." He nodded to no one in particular. "Be careful around me."
Roman said:
Alex hummed lightly as he stood outside in the back yard, looking around. He was thinking about what training he was going to do today, but nothing came to mind. Alex huffed lightly and went towards the forest, picking up a familiar energy as he did so, but he ignored it.
"Someone must be around here..."

He continued to walk, coming to a stop when he reached the lake. He considered it his relaxing place.
Yuki was growing tired and in her process of searching for Alex she had gotten her foot stuck between two rocks. She was limping now but she didn't mind it. She walked towards the lake she used to run off to when she was with Alex.

"It's still looks beautiful..." she said to herself.

She got closer and layed down next to it to rest for a while. She hadn't noticed Alex on the other side.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Ayame soon jumped into the pool⊹...
Harumi stopped at the edge and stared into the pool

Roman said:
(((( It pretty much went like this. ))))
Ryu held on tightly to Ali as he ran, jumping to building to hiding just like he did before. "You know... It's surprise I haven't kissed you yet." He said jokingly, playfully tessing her.
She gave him an embraced look then quickly looked away and did not answer his teasing words
Lumina said:

~ The broken phoenix~

...♤Lumina's gaze moved back up to meet Kenji's, the conflicted expression on her face still present. Just forget about it? How could she just do that? Especially with how all of her memories are coming back now. They were restoring back through her childhood now, remembering the old man that had raised her. Even down to the taste of the cinnamon tea he would always give her. Forgetting things was out of the question. Lumina knew he was right though, in a sense. She knew that dwelling on it would only cause them pain. What mattered right now was that they were back together, finally. And that's all Lumina wanted. Ever since the hospital, all the phoenix wanted was to get back to Kenji and stay there. No stupid succubus or homonculus getting in the way. Before she knew what she was doing, Lumina leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck, clinging on tightly. It had been so long since she'd been able to do that without something getting in the way. Their pair link was back. She was back and so were her memories. There was no war that Kenji would be called away to help fight. Right now, it was just her and her pair. With a voice that threatened to break, Lumina buried her face into his neck, feeling his warmth on her as she spoke♤...

"...I-I've missed you so much. I don't ever w-want to be away from you like that a-again..."

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Genesis Vi Euphoria

~ Sanctum Of Heat ~

...ΨKenji wrapped his arms around Lumina's waist and placed his cheek onto the top of her head, his eyes closing in the process. He gently rocked back and forth as he spoke, his voice attempting to soothe Lumina'sΨ...

I feel the same. I never want to leave your side, and I promise I won't. I'll be with you, always.

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WeirdPrincess said:

Asuka Fukushima


Asuka had spent a fair amount of time with her daughter Kioko, aiding her with her training when Akira had left. She was curious as to where he had to in such a hurry and figured she'd ask once she saw him again. There was a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach, though she brushed it off as nothing. Asuka was sure he was fine and nothing was wrong. He did state that he would be back, so there probably wasnt anything to worry about. She worried to much, it was a known fact. She worried a lot, no matter what was happening. Even if everything was fine and dandy, with no sight of trouble anywhere, she still worried. Usually about her friends and distant family that she had. There probably wasnt any need for her to worry so much, but she honestly couldn't help it. It was almost as if it came like a first instinct to her and it was hard to break. Nevertheless, Asuka shook the worry from her mind and continued on her way. She had left Kioko with her friend a while ago and was now just leisurely walking around, admiring the scenery.

In the time of her mindless walking, Asuka had changed to a newer form. She hadn't experimented much with anything in this body, so she didn't know what she would do with it or what sort of powers it held. It seemed with each form she had, a new power or something of like would arise. She always had to take the time to see what she would do and now would have been as good a time as any, but she wanted to relax. She'd deal with finding out the powers another time, when she wasn't feeling particularly lazy or anything. Asuka's hair had turned from light brown, to a somewhat bright blonde and it portrayed hints of pink and purple at the ends. It was quite nice and she assumed it looked good, seeing as how she didn't exactly have a mirror to look at herself and see if it did indeed look good. The brown irises, which held flecks of gold with in, had shifted to a dark purple or plum color. Asuka soon ran a hand through her silky soft hair as she stood within the center of the field filled with flowers. It was breathtakingly beautiful. An array of flowers were scattered around the area and the vibrant colors that came from those flowers didn't clash at all. Instead, it worked fairly well. She still kind of wished she had her camera to take a picture of jt, but alas.. the poor device was lost somewhere within the Estate.

"I really need to keep track of where I put things.." Asuka's voice was silent, almost barely being heard as her words drifted away with the wind. She lost things ever so often. It wasn't always something important, though most of the time it was. At one point she had even lost a spell book, it was one she had really wanted and desperately needed, that was a gift from Yoshino and somehow she had misplaced it. Asuka looked around everywhere and she could never find the darn thing, no matter how hard she tried. The book showed up a few months later, sitting on her kitchen table. How it had gotten there was beyond her knowledge. That thing must have went on a journey or something, because there was no way that that book was sitting on her table any time before that. Asuka even lost her ring once. She had briefly taken it off to clean it and set it down on her dresser before going to take a shower. When she had stepped out of the shower and went to retrieve the ring, it wasn't in place she had thought she put it. Asuka had panicked, but eventually found the ring a few minutes later and luckily didn't lose the valuable ring that she had received from Akira. She never told him about temporarily losing the ring and she probably never would, she'd like to keep that little tidbit to herself.

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More Info


Slightly worried, but happy


Flower field




No one


@Fukushima Akira

WeirdPrincess said:


Imperius Vi Euphoria

~ King Of Euphoria ~

...♅Akira quickly got dressed and vanished, appearing at the training ground he last left his daughter and wife. Upon being greeted by an empty courtyard, he looked around for a short while, shortly before he concluded that no one was there. He closed his eyes and began to focus on Asuka's presence, searching through the entire surrounding area before locking onto her. He vanished from his position, and reappeared on a pathway that was flanked at either side with thousands of flowers. He slowly began walking forward, admiring the scene before him, shortly before he reached Asuka. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around Asuka's waist, talking to her as he did so♅...

Hey, honey~ Sorry I'm late, I got a little held up.

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NeoClassical said:
Ansom sighed. "I don't want to hurt anyone Mitsu." He looked around. "He does." He nodded to no one in particular. "Be careful around me."
"Good." She said softly to him before mika called to ansom. "Grandpa! Come watch a movie with me!!" She yelled happily to him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Good." She said softly to him before mika called to ansom. "Grandpa! Come watch a movie with me!!" She yelled happily to him

Ansom chuckled. "Well, okay. Sure." He smiled and walked over to the tv. "What movie do you want to watch?"
NeoClassical said:
Ansom chuckled. "Well, okay. Sure." He smiled and walked over to the tv. "What movie do you want to watch?"
"This one!" She yelled as she held up the power puf girls movie with a bright happy smile
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"This one!" She yelled as she held up the power puf girls movie with a bright happy smile

Ansom visually cringed. "Yikes. Really?" He sighed and pointed at the DVD player. "Whatever. Put it on." He walked over to the couch and sat down. You're weak. I'll kill these people if I have to.
NeoClassical said:
Ansom visually cringed. "Yikes. Really?" He sighed and pointed at the DVD player. "Whatever. Put it on." He walked over to the couch and sat down. You're weak. I'll kill these people if I have to.
She clapped happily and put it in then ran over and climbed into Ansoms lap happily and cuddled up to him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She clapped happily and put it in then ran over and climbed into Ansoms lap happily and cuddled up to him

Ansom fell asleep before the movie even started. He didn't know why, but he was really tired. Yes, perfect. Fall asleep. Drop all barriers. Free me.
Lumina said:
~ A scared little girl ~

...☼It had taken an entire team of nurses to restrain the girl, but they hadn't needed to once a coughing fit overcame her small body, some blood even appearing on her hands as she coughed into it. Well, now that she wasn't fighting back, it made it easier for the medical staff to put the arm and ankle restraints on her so she wouldn't move or try and get away. All the sick girl could do was lie there, breathing heavily as she looked up at the ceiling tiredly. She felt awful in every sense of the word. Her body was pretty much fighting itself and her mind was saying nothing but negative things, to the point where she was so scared out of her mind she was going catatonic. But, her head pricked up upon hearing the door to the room open, seeing Rini and Miyaka coming through the door. Her eyes widened as tears formed in her eyes again, speaking softly☼...


@Jofune Tsurabisu[/URL] @Nona @Lumina @WeirdPrincess





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NeoClassical said:
Ansom fell asleep before the movie even started. He didn't know why, but he was really tired. Yes, perfect. Fall asleep. Drop all barriers. Free me.
"I love you grandpa." She said softly to him as she gently kissed his cheek then curled up in his lap and started to fall asleep as well
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I love you grandpa." She said softly to him as she gently kissed his cheek then curled up in his lap and started to fall asleep as well

You don't love me child. We just met. Ansom's voice was different. Deeper. He stood up and shook his head. This movie is for babies. The tv disappeared.
NeoClassical said:
You don't love me child. We just met. Ansom's voice was different. Deeper. He stood up and shook his head. This movie is for babies. The tv disappeared.
She hit the ground hard and yelped before looking at him. "Grandpa what are you doing?" She asked him with a frown
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She hit the ground hard and yelped before looking at him. "Grandpa what are you doing?" She asked him with a frown

I am a god. I don't watch little kiddy movies. Ansom gave a wicked smile. And I don't have families. I am not your grandpa.
NeoClassical said:
I am a god. I don't watch little kiddy movies. Ansom gave a wicked smile. And I don't have families. I am not your grandpa.
"But you are my grandpa." She said as she gave him a confused look
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"But you are my grandpa." She said as she gave him a confused look

Ansom shook his head and laughed. Are you really that stupid? I am not your grandpa. Stop calling me that. He growled before taking a step closer to Mika. Before I shut you up permanently.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Harumi stopped at the edge and stared into the pool
She gave him an embraced look then quickly looked away and did not answer his teasing words

...⊹Ayame soon popped out out the water and looked at Harumi and smiled⊹...

NeoClassical said:
Ansom shook his head and laughed. Are you really that stupid? I am not your grandpa. Stop calling me that. He growled before taking a step closer to Mika. Before I shut you up permanently.
*feels so tempted to send Neo there*
@Lumina[/URL] [/Column]








Imperius Vi Euphoria

~ King Of Euphoria ~

...♅Akira quickly got dressed and vanished, appearing at the training ground he last left his daughter and wife. Upon being greeted by an empty courtyard, he looked around for a short while, shortly before he concluded that no one was there. He closed his eyes and began to focus on Asuka's presence, searching through the entire surrounding area before locking onto her. He vanished from his position, and reappeared on a pathway that was flanked at either side with thousands of flowers. He slowly began walking forward, admiring the scene before him, shortly before he reached Asuka. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around Asuka's waist, talking to her as he did so♅...

Hey, honey~ Sorry I'm late, I got a little held up.

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~ the broken phoenix ~

...♤Hearing Kenji's words was like feeling a weight lifting off her chest. Perhaps it was just confirmation that he felt the same as her, and that it wasn't just her feeling so... clingy. Was that the word? Either way, a genuine smile finally found it's way on to her face as she listened to his words, her grip on him tightening ever so slightly. This was all she wanted. As she sat there, Lumina's face slowly grew more and more red. It was the first time she had actually been alone with Kenji in quite a long time. And they were hugging pretty closely... Lumina internally cursed herself at her continued inability to deal with feelings. She thought that she had gotten better about that! Maybe it was the fact that she had been away from Kenji, the one person who could actually ground her emotions, for so long, so she was back to where she first started. Either way, there was something that Lumina wanted to ask, and it probably didn't help how red her face was. Hesitantly, she sat up away from him a bit to look at him, before being unable to hold eye contact for any longer and she looked away as she spoke in a slightly nervous tone♤...

"U-um... i-if it's okay with you, I kinda wanted to... um, go away somewhere, with you. Where i-it's just us, and nobody can bother us..."

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NeoClassical said:
Ansom shook his head and laughed. Are you really that stupid? I am not your grandpa. Stop calling me that. He growled before taking a step closer to Mika. Before I shut you up permanently.
"Bu-" before mika could speak ansom was pushed back by a force from mika as mitsu came walking in slowly, a mixture of seductive pink and sinister purple glowing around her as she glared at him her golden eye glowing brightly. "Back off ansom." She said in a cold tone
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Bu-" before mika could speak ansom was pushed back by a force from mika as mitsu came walking in slowly, a mixture of seductive pink and sinister purple glowing around her as she glared at him her golden eye glowing brightly. "Back off ansom." She said in a cold tone

Ansom laughed as his back hit the wall behind him. And you....Mitsu. You dare call yourself my daughter? He laughed again before stopping and standing tall. You're nothing more than a girl who inherited some of my power. And my softer side it seems.

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