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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nona said:

~*Camilla Radkov*~

Camilla looked him, her gaze softening as he brushed some hair behind her ear near her cheek as she was still smiling softly. Upon hearing his question her smile grew as she nodded her head "Yes, I love it, Its perfect~" she said happily as she gave it a quick glance over again.
Nodding his head, Kaname settled back down into his seat. "Good. I'm glad." Clearing his throat, he did his best to regain his cool, as if he had been sitting the entire time. Quietly, he lifted his form to his lips, before peering at Camilla to see what she was doing. "Your food might get cold."
Roman said:
(((( I can but I'm not sure if I should just yet.. ))))
Akane walked around a little, watching the kids, some even looking at her. Some of them even looked at her with pleading eyes. Akane had to force herself to not just pick them up and hug them... Though one girl quickly caught her eye. She looked a lot like Aselia.

"H-Hey... Aselia? You see that girl over there?"
''Huh...? Oh...what about her?''

...✦She said as she looked at the girl✦...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Huh...? Oh...what about her?''
...✦She said as she looked at the girl✦...
"It's crazy how much she resembles you, isn't it?"

Akane asked before she began making her way over to the girl, but she stopped herself.

"I think we should adopt her..."
Roman said:
"It's crazy how much she resembles you, isn't it?"
Akane asked before she began making her way over to the girl, but she stopped herself.

"I think we should adopt her..."

...✦Aselia said as she smiled as she watched Akane✦...

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Layla shifted her gaze once more, returning her gaze to him. Analyzing the different coloration upon his facade brought a giggle to her lips. Slowly nodding her head, she walked around him in a full circle, before coming to a halt behind him. "If you don't mind."

Kalin sighed, a small smile on his lips.

"I'm sorry. Yes, of course you can come back with me. I think we have some leftovers to finish, too. Well, shall we?" Kalin asked, offering a hand as he turned sideways to look at Layala. He didn't know what would come of this, but Kalin believed that she was a good person. So what was the worst that could happen?
Nona said:

~*Elliot Rillas*~

Elliot laughed lightly when she poked his arm, listening to her words he shook his head "No, no I haven't changed my mind, I still want to do that" he said with a nod "And depending how you are with scary things maybe the haunted house thing? I had to leave that early last time, not that I minded of course" he said with a small laugh.


As long as it wasn't to dark or anything in the haunted house, Yumi was sure she would be fine. She wasn't exactly scared very easily, though there were a few things she was scared about. Supers were quite terrifying to her, with their long lengthy eight legs and the many eyes that they had. At the first sight of a spider, she would immediately turn the other way and pretend she never saw it or even let out a small scream if it happened to pop out of nowhere. There was also scared of ghost and few other things, but she didn't want to admit to any of it. "Yeah, let's do the haunted house~ I'm not scared of much, so I'll be fine." Hopefully, Yumi added in her mind. She didn't know what would be in the haunted house, so she didn't know how scared she would, or wouldn't, be.
Roman said:
Roman was sitting on the ground, his head in his hands. He let Masahi do what he had to, hoping it'd help Kaori. When he heard her inhale, he quickly got up to find her with her back arched. He gritted his teeth when he heard his name, followed by Masahi's. He wasn't angry or anythijg of the sort. He felt guilty. His attack was the one that did this. Roman was about to sit back down, but that's when he heard Masahi's question.
"Answers... Yeah... I asked you why earlier Masahi. What's your reason? And of all people, why me?"

Roman wanted to just yell at him, but with Kaori sleeping and regaining her strength, he decided against it. He just wanted to know what his reasons were and why did he come at him most of the time...

...♝Masahi took in a deep breath. Why indeed? It had been so long since he had needed to remember the reason, the fuel for the fire, the match to the kindling. Masahi's mental state varied each day, nightmares leaving him emotionally numb. But today was different. He had woken up without a single one, nor had he been plagued with them since he had been with Kaori. Not only that, but right now was one of the few moments of true clarity of his memories, though Masahi could feel that slowly slipping away. For now Masahi simply started talking as he looked Roman in the eye's, his Tengan completely deactivated♝...

"Well... as i stated before... I wasn't in the best of states after i was crushed that day. My mind was hazy and my memories were never all there. Though i had a single though. Return to them. Return to my team. But my body was broken, my right leg dysfunctional and my right arm gone. The one that saved me was hooked up to that statue over there, but more than that, he possessed two Tegan. You know, like our eyes. He informed me constantly of a way to change the world."

...♝Masahi sighed as he looked at his false arm, moving it as if he was making sure it was real. After that Masahi looked at Roman with a form of sorrow spilling into his eyes♝...

"Over time my body regrew an arm not of my own flesh. Then came the night where sensei was gone once more. You two were in trouble and i couldn't just sit around again... I rushed to get there, to stop anything from happening... I pleaded that you were strong enough to hold them off. But then, i got an image from an eye i didn't have. Of being stared at with a look of horror. Then i made it into the clearing...."

...♝Masahi let out a pathetic laugh before covering his face for a moment, trebling in place, gritting his teeth for a moment before continuing♝...

"I couldn't accept what i saw to the point where what little memories i managed to regain shattered. Everything shattered. I remember my throat going raw from the scream i let out... then... Then it was all attacking one person after the next. I thought you could never have let that happen. That i was mistaken and saw it wrong... We both know what happened. You woke up in my mental breakdown's after math. Then in that state i gave into that man's plan. To create a world with no suffering, no losers, no darkness, no hate, sorrow, loss, or fear, and no wars to take the innocent away from their people. For that goal, I destroyed and killed everyone in my way using the training and tools he left to me."

After hearing Masahi's story, Roman sighed and walked towards Kaori. He smiled and then looked back up at Masahi. He raised a hand to his forehead protector and pulled it down as he closed his eye, deactivating his Tengan as he did so.


"I see... I didn't know you had seen what happened that day. I can't say I wasn't scarred that day or left without demons... Ones I tried leaving in my past."

He then looked at Kaori and then at his hand. He was forget haunted... Even if she was alive back there, he's already killed her.. Once and almost twice. He promised his friend he'd protect her, but allowed her to kill herself.

"I know I promised you, and I can only imagine how you felt that day... But I hope you know how I felt. Being the one to see it all happen in front of you."

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As Fricka was slowly walking towards her destination: female dorm number 54: Something struck her. It was a thought: What if Nai will never become himself. What if Fricka won't be able to ever make him regain his memory? Fricka stopped walking, and leaned on a pole, sliding down it to sit down.

"N-nai.... I..... I promise to you..... I.... We... will be together" She whispered into the air, as several memories of them being together flashed by her eyes. She was just tired, her conciousness drifting away from her. All sh....

Fricka's slowly went limp, her head leaning towards the ground. She just fell asleep, her body trembling from time to time.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦Aselia said as she smiled as she watched Akane✦...
Akane then smiled back at Aselia before going towards the girl. She sat down with her and talked, discussing a few things and getting to know one another in case they did adopt her.

Another kid makes their way to Aselia, and gently tugs on her chirt from.behind a little.

"Miss? Are you adopting children?'
(Willing to Interract: Have got one character free


Status:Tired, blacked out in the courtyard, leaning against a pole. Depressed
Nona said:

~*Kairassi Ikeda*~

Kairassi peeked a look at him for a moment before looking back to the screen again, blowing some air from her cheeks "A-Anyways...We got to play my game... So, you can choose next, what do you want to do?" She asked after she was certain her fave wasn't so red.
...♮Luke furrowed his eyebrows and hummed at the thought♮...

"Uhm... What all do you have to do here?"
Roman said:
Ramona looked at her chuckled also. She then looked around at the various different people who were playing or just walking through the park.
"Very rarely. I can't count how many times I've almost had to kick someone's ass... Sheesh. This place is nothing but fighting and annoying people.
(I don't know if they introduced each other yet)

...☬ Harley smiled and looked over at her, she blinked, she had forgotten to introduce herself ☬...

"Oh my names Harley by the way..."
Roman said:
Akane then smiled back at Aselia before going towards the girl. She sat down with her and talked, discussing a few things and getting to know one another in case they did adopt her.

Another kid makes their way to Aselia, and gently tugs on her chirt from.behind a little.

"Miss? Are you adopting children?'
...✦Aselia looked back and saw the kid✦...

''Ah, yeah. But only one child. And I'm letting her make the decisions.''

...✦She said before pointing at Akane✦...

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Mayyflower said:
Lexi smiled. "I wanted to spend more time with you so I thought maybe me and you could go on a vacation.." she says rubbing the back of her neck
Kite beamed at her, liking the idea. "Where

LunaCrosby said:


Emi puffed out her cheeks when he stopped paying attention to her, laying her head on the back of the bench boredly. "You aren't entertaining...." she said boredly.

Dex sighed. "Those were so great memories. I'll cherish them forever..." He said softly.


Syo got a bit annoyed with her. "So? Am I SUPPOSED to entertain you?" He asked. "I'm not a clown as you can see..."
Ballerina said:
She shrugged in response, the truth was that in some of these answers she was beng dead serious. Having a large imagination and knowing little detail about Nova had led her to write such odd answers. Klef looked over Nova's edits, the answers were more realistic, but Klef couldn't really see any difference.
(Want to wrap up this interaction soon-ish?)
((Sure! I feel like finding a way to get Klef jealous so more drama comes up too >~>))

Nova finished waited patiently for the attendent to stamp her as a new student. A few guys passing by took a quick glance at her, as well as few women. It seemed most of the guys were interested in her.
Roman said:
Hyouinmaru blinked when Skylar's heart rate monitor sped up and her eyes went wide. Just as he was moving back, out of nowhere comes Astrid. Hyouinmaru stumbled back a bit, dropping the bottle of water on the ground and spilling it. He gritted his teeth and frowned. Alejandro had felt a spike in Hyouinmaru's energy and turned to face him. He wanted to tell him that he didn't have to get upset, but his voice was pretty much useless at the moment. Hyouinmaru looked at Astrid and began speaking, though he wasn't yelling. It was obvious he meant what he said though.
"I'm tired of your shit. You immediately blame it on me just because of what happened. I know I did it... or something caused me to do it... But I said I was sorry so many times now. Though, you come in and just pin every little thing on me... I'm leaving. You're not going to do anything but blame more stuff on me anyways..."


Hyouinmaru grabbed his jacket and walked out of the room, the door frame freezing as he did so. He didn't even know if he'd be coming back at this point. He was tired of being blamed for everything and the only way to dodge that was leave.
Skylar Ainsworth

~ blue-haired bookworm ~

...?Skylar was still freaking out a bit when Hyou moved back, and her eyes moved up to Astrid as she berated him. Wait. No. Why was she doing that? He didn't hurt her. It wasn't his fault. Well, technically it was, but he hadn't scared her or done anything. He was trying to help. Astrid. Please. Stop! Her eyes widened as Hyou raised his voice a bit only serving to further heighten her anxious mood. He was leaving. Wait. No. Stop- Even as he left and Astrid tried to calm her down, it wasn't working. Her breathing was getting more erratic to the point where it felt harder to breathe at all. Tears were welling up in her eyes as everything felt like it was falling apart. The fact that she couldn't really move, or move without pain wasn't helping, and she felt trapped, the memories of being beaten nearly to death replaying in her mind over and over again?...

...?Astrid could do nothing but try and calm Skylar down. She had seen this before. Skylar wasn't a stranger to panic attacks. It's not like she was fragile, but Astrid knew that Skylar's overly analytical mind was always at odds with her normal emotional state, and that she had probably developed some kind of anxiety disorder along the way. It wasn't the first time that she had to help Skylar calm down from a panic attack. However, Skylar didn't seem to be responding to her this time. Perhaps it was because all the times before this, she hadn't nearly been beaten to death. It was probably PTSD as well, if that was the case. No matter what she said, Skylar was only getting worse. Crap. Astrid spoke gently to Skylar before running and getting a doctor?...

"Sky, it's okay, I'm just going to get someone to help you. Doctor! Please! Skylar needs help!"

no slide no slide
TheDragoon said:
((Sure! I feel like finding a way to get Klef jealous so more drama comes up too >~>))
Nova finished waited patiently for the attendent to stamp her as a new student. A few guys passing by took a quick glance at her, as well as few women. It seemed most of the guys were interested in her.
(Good luck with that lol! It takes a lot to get Klef jealous about this sort of thing. :P )

Klef looked at the wall behind the attendant as the she was stamping the now corrected paperwork. Said wall sported several awards for the school along with a few motivational posters, which made Klef feel like this school would be a good fit for both of them. She was suprised to see so many people in the office at once, last time she was there it was practically vacant. Guys seemed to be ogling at Nova for one reason or another. Klef thought that they were probably looking at Nova due to the fact that she was a bionic, since it was an odd sight.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Nodding his head, Kaname settled back down into his seat. "Good. I'm glad." Clearing his throat, he did his best to regain his cool, as if he had been sitting the entire time. Quietly, he lifted his form to his lips, before peering at Camilla to see what she was doing. "Your food might get cold."


~*Camilla Radkov*~

Camilla turned her gaze toward the food as Kaname mentioned it to her "Oh, right" she giggled softly, being as easily distracted as she was, she had almost completely forgotten about her pasta after that, after all her mind was buzzing with different thoughts and emotions all at once. Happiness, excitement, nervousness? Maybe. It was hard to decipher all of them really but she knew what ever the mash up of feelings she felt were positive. She sat back at her spot at the table, lifting her fork she poked at her meal a little before continuing to eat it, luckily it was still warm.

WeirdPrincess said:


As long as it wasn't to dark or anything in the haunted house, Yumi was sure she would be fine. She wasn't exactly scared very easily, though there were a few things she was scared about. Supers were quite terrifying to her, with their long lengthy eight legs and the many eyes that they had. At the first sight of a spider, she would immediately turn the other way and pretend she never saw it or even let out a small scream if it happened to pop out of nowhere. There was also scared of ghost and few other things, but she didn't want to admit to any of it. "Yeah, let's do the haunted house~ I'm not scared of much, so I'll be fine." Hopefully, Yumi added in her mind. She didn't know what would be in the haunted house, so she didn't know how scared she would, or wouldn't, be.

~*Elliot Rillas*~

Elliot smiled brightly when she said she was okay with it, since he actually didnt mind scary things, when making dreams and nightmares is part of your ablities list, not much freaked you out, so the cheesy, scary movies and props tend to make him laugh. Of course, If she wasn't okay with it he wouldn't mind giving it a miss this time too, but she hadn't said she had a problem with it so he believed her. "Alright, great!~" he said happily as the had now reached the front of the line.
Mayyflower said:
...♮Luke furrowed his eyebrows and hummed at the thought♮...
"Uhm... What all do you have to do here?"

~*Kairassi Ikeda*~

Kairassi looked around "Uh, games, movies....Nothing really..." She said after a moment "...That's why I get so bored and lonely here on my own" she laughed a little as she kicked her legs a little "But yeah, we can leave my dorm to do something fun as well" she said sitting up a bit straighter as she fixed her hair a bit again. Thinking for a moment she remembered something "Hey, what about your bucket list? How is that coming along?" She asked, remembering them talking about it ages ago.
TheDragoon said:
Kite beamed at her, liking the idea. "Where
Dex sighed. "Those were so great memories. I'll cherish them forever..." He said softly.


Syo got a bit annoyed with her. "So? Am I SUPPOSED to entertain you?" He asked. "I'm not a clown as you can see..."
Toru put her hand in the fountain and moved it around, "yeah...." she said.


Emi huffed a bit, "your also a big meany" she mumbled, looking around to see if she could spot her dad anywhere near.

LunaCrosby said:
Toru put her hand in the fountain and moved it around, "yeah...." she said.

Emi huffed a bit, "your also a big meany" she mumbled, looking around to see if she could spot her dad anywhere near.
Dex sighed and began walking off. "Fine. I'm leaving. Nobody clearly wants me here..." He said, still upset with not being welcome.


Syo rolled his eyes and sighed. "And your pretty judgmental kid..." He mumbled. "The name is Syo. You know it's only polite to introduce yourself when you meet somebody right?" He asked.
Ballerina said:
(Good luck with that lol! It takes a lot to get Klef jealous about this sort of thing. :P )
Klef looked at the wall behind the attendant as the she was stamping the now corrected paperwork. Said wall sported several awards for the school along with a few motivational posters, which made Klef feel like this school would be a good fit for both of them. She was suprised to see so many people in the office at once, last time she was there it was practically vacant. Guys seemed to be ogling at Nova for one reason or another. Klef thought that they were probably looking at Nova due to the fact that she was a bionic, since it was an odd sight.
After the paperwork was finished, Nova was handed a school I.D. as soon as she received it she began skipping out but bumped into a random guy. "O-Ow..." She mumbled. The man smiled and helped her up. "Hey, your a cute one. My name is Kyru. It's nice to meet you." The man said. Nova, being flattered blushed lightly and waved her hand. "Yeah yeah, I'm Nova and sorry for bumping into you..." She said before she began making conversation with the guy. It was like Klef just vanished into the background.
Mayyflower said:
Lexi shrugged. "I don't know somewhere tropical and relaxing.." She says
Kite finished his food before walking over to her and suddenly picking her up bridal style playfully. "How about Hawaii honey?" He asked her sweetly.

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