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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
"That's good that I make for a great pillow" Gregory joked, gently laying his head in front of Ariel's, so their lips are really close to each other's. He smiled gently.
Ariel giggled "I'm not even going to lie about that, you really do I had an awesome sleep because of my pillow". She said as she then looked at him, her eyes fluttering a little as she woke up fully and realised how close their faces were.
Nonalaka said:
Ariel giggled "I'm not even going to lie about that, you really do I had an awesome sleep because of my pillow". She said as she then looked at him, her eyes fluttering a little as she woke up fully and realised how close their faces were.
Gregory laughed lightly, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, moving a bit closer to her, as he kissed Ariel gently on her lips.
JJKab said:
Gregory laughed lightly, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, moving a bit closer to her, as he kissed Ariel gently on her lips.
Ariel smiled at him before he moved to kiss her, Ariel slowly closed her eyes as she kissed back gently, placing her hands on his chest.
Nonalaka said:
Ariel smiled at him before he moved to kiss her, Ariel slowly closed her eyes as she kissed back gently, placing her hands on his chest.
Gregory gently smiled, as he gently pulled away, looking into Ariel's eyes. He slowly sat up, letting go of her.

"Okay... do you wanna eat anything? I think I've got something for us to eat..." He asked, rubbing his stomach lightly, before poking Ariel's.
JJKab said:
Gregory gently smiled, as he gently pulled away, looking into Ariel's eyes. He slowly sat up, letting go of her.
"Okay... do you wanna eat anything? I think I've got something for us to eat..." He asked, rubbing his stomach lightly, before poking Ariel's.
Ariel let out a squeak when she was poked in the stomach before sitting up and giggling "Yeah, I could eat. What do you have?" She asked curiously.
Nonalaka said:
Ariel let out a squeak when she was poked in the stomach before sitting up and giggling "Yeah, I could eat. What do you have?" She asked curiously.
"Lemme go check quickly!" Gregory said, as he quickly stood up from the bed, and walked towards the kitchen. He stopped abruptly, as he looked at Ariel

"Stay here! I'll be right back!" He said, as he went to the kitchen.
JJKab said:
"Lemme go check quickly!" Gregory said, as he quickly stood up from the bed, and walked towards the kitchen. He stopped abruptly, as he looked at Ariel
"Stay here! I'll be right back!" He said, as he went to the kitchen.
Ariel blinked, not expecting him to get up and go so fast, she simply nodded and waited for him to come back.
Nonalaka said:
Ariel blinked, not expecting him to get up and go so fast, she simply nodded and waited for him to come back.
It was taking Gregory a while to come back, but when he did, he was carrying a plate with two cups of tea, and some sandviches with meat, cheese, and tomatoe slices. He laid it down next to Ariel, and sat down beside her

"Bon appetit" He exclaimed, smiling brightly
JJKab said:
"Welp... uhm... Let's say that if we'd do what I suggested, our clothes... heh, would be lying on the bed, excluding underwear..." Gregory said, laughing nervously.
~*Fricka Fnich*~

Fricka smiled at her words.

"That's pretty neato... I love swimming to bits, I would spend my entire life underwater, if I didn't have to come up every 3-or-so minutes for air..." She said, as she sat down beside Ryouko
Ryouko blinked, "'You can hold your breath for a pretty long time... I can barely even do a minute" she said.

Syo Tsukiyomi


Syo was in the courtyard now, managing to have come out of the hospital alive. He looked particularly bored, but he seemed to be enjoying himself as a butterfly fluttered onto his nose. He smiled and laughed a little. "Hey little buddy! That tickles!" He said happily before using his finger to gently pluck it off his nose. It gently beat it's wings on his finger before flying away. He nodded as he watched it leave. He then heard another loud beat of wings.

A boy with large white wings and a long spear stood over him. "You look like a worthy challenger. How about we square off in battle?" The boy asked.

Syo blinked and looked in his direction. "Oh, I'm not interested in fighting, but thanks!" He said happily.

The boy nodded. "I see. Then how about just a quick sparring match. First one to land a blow wins." He said. The boy seemed to have an incredible love for battle and glory.

Syo sighed. He didn't think he'd get this guy to leave so he just accepted the challenge. "Bring it on." He said with a smile as he stood up and the boy he just met flew to the other side of the courtyard. Syo grew long claws and smirked as he focused his attention on the boy.

The boy tilted his head, before smiling back in approval, as if liking that look of determination in his eyes. He then charged at him with his spear, wings beating and everything.

Syo suddenly did a front flip and slashed at him while he was upside-down before rolling and standing up. The boy he hit yelped as he fell to the ground, whimpering.

I-Impossible. He lost in a sparring match? Against somebody who didn't like fighting?(If only he knew that Syo also hasn't battled ever in his life...)The boy stood up and winced. "It's okay, I'm fine. That was a good match." He said before walking up to Syo and shaking his hand. "My name's Tyler by the way. I wish we could talk more but Liara would kill me if I don't come back home soon." He laughed before flying away.

Syo gave the air a blank and boring expression, as if telling it he was disappointed. He then started walking back to where he previously was, sitting on a bench. "Well, at least he left me alone." He nodded. "That guy was a weirdo."
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WeirdPrincess said:
...♢Yoshino took the handful of sunflower seeds from Minako before going to the spot where she had to plant them. She set her drink down beside her before kneeling down so she could start digging small holes that were big enough for the seeds to fit. The seeds occupied in her hand were sunflower seeds, that was easy to tell. She was wondering how big these would grow because, from what she's seen, the did tend to grow pretty tall. It would stick out more if that happened, not that it was a bad thing. Sunflower were pretty, just not as pretty as other flowers were. Though Yoshino was just planting them, she wasn't about to complain, if you could even call it that, about what flower she was planting. She wouldn't have known an alternative for it anyways, since she didn't know much about flower or what would look best in the garden. It would have been a mystery to her if she had to choose what kind of flower to plant. Yoshino had started to dig the holes and put one seed in, covering it up before she started on the rest as she answered them. She was curious to how school went for Minako and if she was okay while she was there♢...

"Work seems to be the one thing, besides school, that can wake anyone up early. How was school? Did you sign up for classes?"

Kazuo & Minako

Kaz hummed quietly to himself as he worked. He was in the zone know... Gardening usually does that. If he had heard Yoshino's comment about work, he would've surely responded on commented on it. Maybe something along the lines of, "well may family is also a reason I wake up". But he just continued to dig holes for all the seeds he had before dropping them in their rightful places and covering them back up. Minako had also went to plant some flowers in a spot arounf a large tree that grew in the backyard. She answered Yoshino's question while she did so.

"It was nice. I met a few of my teachers I'll have. Mr. White is one. He'll be my weapons instructor. He actually told me that his class isn't going to be bone crushing like most. Which is a relief..."

LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet nodded and began walking, "Yeah, it'd be bad if it closed before I got there, then me and my sister really would starve, and she's scary when she's hungry..." she said.


Logan chuckled and looked at Scarlet. "Heheh...I don't starve all the time. Sometimes I just eat fire." He said before two fireballs were made in his hands. He had a goofy look on his face as he ate a small -portion of it.




Akane Ishida

More time had passed... To think time was all it'd take to actually to heal the wounds she gave herself. Yes. The wounds she gave to herself for making a stupid choice... But it was a choice she couldn't say no to. Today, Akane had another job to make up the one she didn't finish. She was determined to complete this one. She was on the highway on her motorcycle. Going through traffic with ease, people honking their horns at her, as if saying "watch out". She paid them no attention as she knew what her job was. Akane sighed.

"Where are y- Holy shit!"

She knew they had seen her before she had seen them. The area behind her made a loud booming noise and the cars behind her were all on fire. The explosions eventually caught up to her and she began dodging them.


The explosives had to be planted before she even came for this job. Paranoid bastards. Akane had drove towards the exit. The explosives caused the highway to collapse and she took a different route. She was now on a bridge and jumped off her bike and vanished. She was high up now, and as she was falling, she pulled out her pistol and shot some guards.


"I really need a new job."

Akane then stood up and began running in the direction of the building where her target was located. She couldn't go in there like this, so she snuck in from underground.


As she went through the tunnels, she heard herself mentally saying sorry... Not to herself but to someone else.


(((( You wanted me to tag you ))))​
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Nonalaka said:

~*Rosalie Dalton*~

"Alright" she nodded, going to her dresser to grab herself a change of clothes before going off to the bathroom, going into the bathroom she turned on the shower, waiting for the water to be the right temperature before she undressed and went to go into the shower.

Akio waited on the bed getting comfortable again, or at least trying to. He never bothered to actually sleep with the woman he slept with, they were means to an end, a way to take care if his bodies urges. She had been much warmer then he expected and now he felt that loss of warmth keenly. Not to mention there was another fact bothering him, the fact she was in the shower not 10 paces from where he was and the fact it was early morning made him aroused again which caused him to violently curse himself silently while on the outside trying to stay calm and peaceful.
JJKab said:
It was taking Gregory a while to come back, but when he did, he was carrying a plate with two cups of tea, and some sandviches with meat, cheese, and tomatoe slices. He laid it down next to Ariel, and sat down beside her
"Bon appetit" He exclaimed, smiling brightly

~*Ariel Reaver*~

Ariel watched curiously as he came back into the room with food "Oh? You made food?" She asked smiling as she glanced over the tray, she could feel her stomach growling a little causing a quiet giggle to come from her "It looks so nice~" she said as she kissed his cheek.
LunaCrosby said:
Ryouko blinked, "'You can hold your breath for a pretty long time... I can barely even do a minute" she said.
~*Fricka Fnich*~

Fricka shrugged, smiling.

"Yeah." She said, standing up

"Actually, I wonder if Nai is online..." She thought to herself for a minute, as she pulled up her phone, and chose Nai's number, wondering if he's online.

Nonalaka said:

~*Ariel Reaver*~

Ariel watched curiously as he came back into the room with food "Oh? You made food?" She asked smiling as she glanced over the tray, she could feel her stomach growling a little causing a quiet giggle to come from her "It looks so nice~" she said as she kissed his cheek.
Gregory laughed gently, as he kissed Ariel back, and picked up one of the 6 sandviches

"3 for me, 3 for you" He stated, smiling slyly, as he took a bit, and smiled

"I even amazed myself" He murmured
After Lena woke up, she found herself hugging Shuu tightly. She smirked a bit, as she sat up, looking at the ground, and yawning. She walked towards the kitchen, to get something to eat.


(Can we continue?)
Akio said:
Akio waited on the bed getting comfortable again, or at least trying to. He never bothered to actually sleep with the woman he slept with, they were means to an end, a way to take care if his bodies urges. She had been much warmer then he expected and now he felt that loss of warmth keenly. Not to mention there was another fact bothering him, the fact she was in the shower not 10 paces from where he was and the fact it was early morning made him aroused again which caused him to violently curse himself silently while on the outside trying to stay calm and peaceful.

~*Rosalie Dalton*~

Rosalie had continued into the shower, after a while she finshed showering herself and washing her hair and stepped out of the shower. Upon finishing drying herself of she almost forget herself, normally she lived here alone so she just dress herself in her own bedroom but of course that wasn't an option anymore, she had to dress in the bathroom too. Luckily she had remembered before reaching the door because she had spotted the clothes she had already brought with her so she didn't walk into a more than embarrassing moment, blowing some air from her cheeks out of relief that she remembered she continued to dress herself. Now fully dressed she left the bathroom, making her way back to her room where she had continued her routine or putting on her perfume and brushing her hair, glancing to Akio for a moment first. "I'm done if you wish to use the shower now" her voice said.

JJKab said:
~*Fricka Fnich*~
Fricka shrugged, smiling.

"Yeah." She said, standing up

"Actually, I wonder if Nai is online..." She thought to herself for a minute, as she pulled up her phone, and chose Nai's number, wondering if he's online.

Gregory laughed gently, as he kissed Ariel back, and picked up one of the 6 sandviches

"3 for me, 3 for you" He stated, smiling slyly, as he took a bit, and smiled

"I even amazed myself" He murmured

~*Ariel Reaver*~

Ariel tilted her head as he murmured "So you don't normally make food?" She asked before lifting a sandwich and tasting it "Because this tastes pretty good.
Nonalaka said:

~*Ariel Reaver*~

Ariel tilted her head as he murmured "So you don't normally make food?" She asked before lifting a sandwich and tasting it "Because this tastes pretty good.
"See? I don't "Normally" cook... but I'm happy that you liked it..." Gregory said, slowly eating.

"I brought you some tea as well" He said, his voice muffled a bit because of sandvich in his mouth

Nonalaka said:

~*Rosalie Dalton*~

Rosalie had continued into the shower, after a while she finshed showering herself and washing her hair and stepped out of the shower. Upon finishing drying herself of she almost forget herself, normally she lived here alone so she just dress herself in her own bedroom but of course that wasn't an option anymore, she had to dress in the bathroom too. Luckily she had remembered before reaching the door because she had spotted the clothes she had already brought with her so she didn't walk into a more than embarrassing moment, blowing some air from her cheeks out of relief that she remembered she continued to dress herself. Now fully dressed she left the bathroom, making her way back to her room where she had continued her routine or putting on her perfume and brushing her hair, glancing to Akio for a moment first. "I'm done if you wish to use the shower now" her voice said.

Looking at her as she got out he sat up almost too quickly. Perhaps if he took a cold shower it would be enough to shock his bodies rebellion. "Thanks." His voice slightly more husky then he would have liked as he entered the bathroom, stripping quickly and getting in the shower post haste, forgetting he didn't have a towel.
JJKab said:
"See? I don't "Normally" cook... but I'm happy that you liked it..." Gregory said, slowly eating.
"I brought you some tea as well" He said, his voice muffled a bit because of sandvich in his mouth
"Does someone normally cook for you?" She asked before lifting the cup of tea "Oh~ Thank you ~" she said happily.
Nonalaka said:
"Does someone normally cook for you?" She asked before lifting the cup of tea "Oh~ Thank you ~" she said happily.
"No problemo. I usually order my food.. or go to a restaurant..." Gregory admitted, chuckling, as he took a sip of the tea.
Akio said:
Looking at her as she got out he sat up almost too quickly. Perhaps if he took a cold shower it would be enough to shock his bodies rebellion. "Thanks." His voice slightly more husky then he would have liked as he entered the bathroom, stripping quickly and getting in the shower post haste, forgetting he didn't have a towel.

~*Rosalie Dalton*~

Rosalie blinked, wearing a confused expression as he seemed to rush to the shower like he was in a hurry and his voice sounding a tad different that usual since her hearing was good it wasn't hard for her to pick up on such things as a difference in voice or breathing though she couldn't place a meaning to the change of voice he had. She continued to brush at her hair, staring in the direction he ran off in trying to figure out what that was all about before mentally shrugging, maybe it was nothing...

LunaCrosby said:
Kurumi looked in front of her and closed her eye's, "I don't know you so don't think too much into that, i'm not weird like my mother" she said.
...€ Carmela looked around€...

"I wasn't gonna, if I told you my name would you stalk me foreal?"

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