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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
"Good day, m'lady! How are you holding up" Gregory asked, smirking, as he leaned on the wall next to the exit.
"Is there a possibility for asking you out, Ariel?"
Ariel giggled a little "I'm holding up just fine, what about yourself?" She asked, her cheeks tinting pink at his question "U-Uhm...Sure, I don't have any other plans or anything" she said happily.
Roman said:
Taylor grabbed the plate and silverware to accompany then on the table. He placed everything down and set it out neatly. Onc he finished, he sat down at the table.
"I'm finished, babe~"


Satoshi had stopped looking at the civilians who were staring him and Haruo down. It was weird, but he ignored it. Satoshi heard Haruo's voice, smiling when her heard he was getting the same thing...

"You like chicken ramen too?"
...❤︎Celia had finished the desserts and was putting whip cream in her mouth as he was talking, so she just gave him a thumbs up. She really wanted some of the whip cream and didn't want to wait till later to have any. After eating some the whip cream, she capped the can and stored it in the fridge, along with the desserts before taking out the sushi. Celia was still had to divide it up into three different tray, since she had gotten so much of it. The three trays would just go in the center of the table and the guests could grab what they wanted, which could be a little hectic, but she didn't believe it would be. Everyone wouldn't be grabbing the sushi at the same time, or she hoped that wouldn't happen, so it had to be safe for everyone to grab what they wanted. After dividing the sushi into three trays and laying them out within the center of the table, Celia remembered that she didn't have any chopsticks. Well that was great.. it's not like someone could eat it with a regular fork, at least for certain pieces of sushi anyways. That would just be weird in her mind and it would looked pretty odd. There weren't any kind of substitutes either.. Celia thought for a moment and wondered if she could still materialize things out of thin air. She hadn't really tried after the whole U.N. incident, so she didn't know if she could still do any of things that she could do before. Now was a good time as any to try it out. Waving her hand over the counter, oddly enough weird small sparkles started floating in place, causing her to frown. Did it not work? That had never happened before when she just made things appear.. maybe she couldn't access her powers anymore, which was sad to think about. Though a few moments later, four sets of metal chopsticks appeared on the counter top and Celia grinned. So she could still do that! That would probably be the only thing she could do as of now, it was a bit disappointing, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. Grabbing the chopsticks, she set them by each of the plates before speaking, heading towards her room so she could get a change of clothes. In the mix of making dessert, Celia had gotten some of the whip cream and mocha chocolate mixture on herself, so she needed to change❤︎...

"Okay, everything is set and ready! I think it's safe the call Nai now and tell him that he and his girlfriend can come over. I'm just gonna go change because I have whip cream and chocolate all over me."
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Nonalaka said:
((Sure If you want to~))
(( Alrighty ))



As the ride ending, Yumi's hair looked like it was all over the place. There were so many twists, turns and a few loops that it turned her hair into a complete mess. She was laughing as it came to a stop, both at the excitement of the ride and her hair. She didn't know what it looked like, but she could kind of tell it was a bit of a mess when she tried to smooth it down. "That was awesome! That will always be my favorite ride here." Yumi said happily as the bar rose up, letting them get out of the cart, which she did before fixing her hair and tying it up a bit.
TheDragoon said:
Shingo had come in a few minutes later. "Hey sweetie..." He said softly. He made his way to her bedside and kissed her forehead, rubbing her kitten ears lightly. "They said you could leave now..." He whispered.
Ally looked at him before nodding, hen I wanna go home"she said.
LunaCrosby said:
Ally looked at him before nodding, hen I wanna go home"she said.
Shingo then later took her and the baby home. "Home sweet home!" He said as he went over and flopped on the couch. Shingo and Ally would have to have their wedding soon...
WeirdPrincess said:
(( Alrighty ))


As the ride ending, Yumi's hair looked like it was all over the place. There were so many twists, turns and a few loops that it turned her hair into a complete mess. She was laughing as it came to a stop, both at the excitement of the ride and her hair. She didn't know what it looked like, but she could kind of tell it was a bit of a mess when she tried to smooth it down. "That was awesome! That will always be my favorite ride here." Yumi said happily as the bar rose up, letting them get out of the cart, which she did before fixing her hair and tying it up a bit.
Elliot grinned over at her as she spoke before nodding in agreement, it was really fun, his hair was a bit out of place but a quick shake of his head fixed it, since it wasn't all that long "Yeah" he said before laughing a little at how Yumi's went, realising he did he quickly covered his mouth muttering a "Sorry" quickly in case she was offended...
Roman said:
Roman chuckled when Ruff licked his face. "H-Hey! That tickles, Ruff." He said laughing a little more after he said that. "Would you like to go with me? I guess you could live with me until we find you a house."
"Arrff?" Ruff tilted his head when Roman said his name, he then barked happily and licked his cheek. "Woof woof!" He made a little dog yawn and fell asleep on his shoulder.
Lumina said:
...⊗Kanon had rushed into the room to grab a bag to carry things in, figuring it might make things easier. She hadn't meant to rush away from Yumi like that, but no way could she let her know what had happened. This probably only confused her sister, and now she was probably wanting to ask questions. Kanon grabbed what she needed, and opened the door to the living room, only to see Yumi standing there, looking at her. Kanon's face had a look of surprise on it, which she wiped away quickly⊗...

"Yumi? Ah, how long were you standing there?"

"Are you alright? You seem... frantic."

"W-what? Yeah, I'm fine!"

...⊗Kanon hoped Yumi would let it go already. She hated keeping things from her sister, and as much as she wanted to be able to confide in her sister, she just couldnt. She couldn't put that pressure on her, and even worse, if Yumi knew, then she knew that she'd tell Han... and that absolutely couldn't happen. So as Kanon stood there, looking like she wanted to just leave, Yumi didn't look convinced at all⊗...

...۞This wasn't the Kanon that Yumi knew. Something was off, and she knew her sister well enough to know when she was hiding something. Growing up, she learned to recognize when her sister was hiding something, especially when it was for her own sake. But this face, it was the same as the one she knew, but it was different. It was... deeper, more emotional. Now she was just worried, which was exactly what Kanon didn't want her to do. Taking a step forward, Yumi spoke۞...


"Sorry, Yumi, Ive gotta go. Achilles is waiting."

...⊗Kanon interrupted her sister, pushing past her to leave, looking forward, really not wanting to get into this right now. Or ever. She knew now that Yumi suspected something, but it could wait, and she'd push it off as long as possible. She felt kind of bad to act like this toward her sister, but she had her reasons. She soon exited the house, the door clicking behind her and leaving the younger sister alone. Kanon soon made her way outside, exchanging her stressed out expression with a happier one as she came up to Achilles⊗...

"So, are you ready to go?"
Achilles was not as dense as to not realize something happened inside. But he did not want to press the issue. Moreso, he wanted to hold her close, but felt that any delay in their quest would probably provoke her anger. "Yes, my dear, I am ready to go." he said as he lifted the handle on the cart and began to pull it keeping up with Kanon.

"Tonight, once we are truly settled in, I want to take you somewhere." he said as he looked ahead. "Just me and you." he finished as they made their way towards the school, the sounds of fighting are distant, but close enough to still make his hair stand on end. He sniffed the air and smiled to himself.


The school is mostly deserted. Soldiers coming and going, and the few remaining students scurrying out of the sight of the armed men. The robots he had taken down earlier were still lying there, a testament to his anger. From the hill overlooking the school, Achilles stopped the cart. "We are here. Lets get in and out." he said as he waited for Kanon to catch up.

TheDragoon said:
Shingo then later took her and the baby home. "Home sweet home!" He said as he went over and flopped on the couch. Shingo and Ally would have to have their wedding soon...
Ally walked in, poking the baby curiously. "She look's like a doll" she said.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''oho...right..i think my memory is starting to fail''
...☫She said as she giggled a bit (mainly because i forgot where they were going xD )☫...
((well I'm at least going to be here for a bit...))

Sora laughed as she looked at Natsumi. "That's really bad if I'm ten times your age but your going senile before me!"
[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]((well I'm at least going to be here for a bit...))
Sora laughed as she looked at Natsumi. "That's really bad if I'm ten times your age but your going senile before me!"


...☫She soon pulled over and the rested her forehead on the wheel☫...

''damn...what's with this head ache...''
Nonalaka said:
Kenai simply nodded in response before laying back in the bed and yawning "Alright" he said mid yawn.
After finishing off the last of her food she cleared up her plate and left it to the side for her to lift and take it to the kitchen in a bit, she would have already done so, but she was waiting on Roland first so he wouldn't have to go looking for her when he came back, as she waited, she fiddled with a piece of her hair, looking to the doorway that went out to the stairs when she heard footsteps.
Asako came back out not too long after she left, wearing his sister's clothes. "Alright, I'm ready" she said and yawned.
LunaCrosby said:
Asako came back out not too long after she left, wearing his sister's clothes. "Alright, I'm ready" she said and yawned.
Kenai lay with his hands behind his head as lazily opened one eye and looked at her after she spoke "That wasn't long, I guess I am just slow..." He said with a quiet chuckle, before he began to move himself to make room for Asako, since he had originally flopped onto the middle of the bed.
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫She soon pulled over and the rested her forehead on the wheel☫...

''damn...what's with this head ache...''
Sora blinked and looked over at Natsumi. Starting to look through her robes before thinking against it, Sora replied in a slightly sad tone of voice, "I would give you a potion that clears the mind, but I have no idea how close your body is to human. I mean if you don't actually need to breath, eat, drink, poop, or any of that stuff, then I have no idea how different drugs would affect you... Demi-humans are one thing, but divinity is a whole other ballpark..."
Nonalaka said:
,Kenai lay with his hands behind his head as lazily opened one eye and looked at her after she spoke "That wasn't long, I guess I am just slow..." He said with a quiet chuckle, before he began to move himself to make room for Asako, since he had originally flopped onto the middle of the bed.
Asako shrugged and sat next to him, "Well, you did more then I did, all I did was get changed" she said.
[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]
Sora blinked and looked over at Natsumi. Starting to look through her robes before thinking against it, Sora replied in a slightly sad tone of voice, "I would give you a potion that clears the mind, but I have no idea how close your body is to human. I mean if you don't actually need to breath, eat, drink, poop, or any of that stuff, then I have no idea how different drugs would affect you... Demi-humans are one thing, but divinity is a whole other ballpark..."

''the potion might work...i think im still trying to get out of the Fallen state...i used to be Fallen a while back, dunno why though...but i think its just a rush of power and memories...just let me rest first..''

...☫She said before leaning her chain back and laying down on it☫...
LunaCrosby said:
Asako shrugged and sat next to him, "Well, you did more then I did, all I did was get changed" she said.
"Yeah, I guess you have a point" he said with a small nod before yawning "Anyways, do you need anything? Are you comfortable enough?" He asked looking over at her.
TheDragoon said:
Shingo laughed a little. "She's OUR doll." He said, noting they made her together.
Ally blinked and looked at Emi, "I guess, how fast will she grow?" she asked curiously, her ear's perking up.
Nonalaka said:
"Yeah, I guess you have a point" he said with a small nod before yawning "Anyways, do you need anything? Are you comfortable enough?" He asked looking over at her.
Asako nodded and laid down, "yeah, i'm comfortable, and being tired make's laying down even better" she said.
LunaCrosby said:
Asako nodded and laid down, "yeah, i'm comfortable, and being tired make's laying down even better" she said.
Kenai smiled and nodded "Good, I was just checking and Yeah, it does" he said with a small chuckle.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''the potion might work...i think im still trying to get out of the Fallen state...i used to be Fallen a while back, dunno why though...but i think its just a rush of power and memories...just let me rest first..''
...☫She said before leaning her chain back and laying down on it☫...
Sora smiled mischievously before unbuckling her seat belt and crawling over the center console. Laying on top of Natsumi, Sora whispered, "Well I don't know what a fallen is... But I think I could help you ignore the matter for a while." Then latching her mouth onto Natsumi's earlobe, Sora began to suck gently.
Nonalaka said:
Kenai smiled and nodded "Good, I was just checking and Yeah, it does" he said with a small chuckle.
Asako nodded and closed her eyes, "yeah, and you don't realize how tired you are until you lay down" she said.
[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]
Sora smiled mischievously before unbuckling her seat belt and crawling over the center console. Laying on top of Natsumi, Sora whispered, "Well I don't know what a fallen is... But I think I could help you ignore the matter for a while." Then latching her mouth onto Natsumi's earlobe, Sora began to suck gently.

...☫Natsumi moaned lightly but smiling a bit and blushing out of embarrassment☫...

''o-out here..? in public..? Sora, are you possibly an exhibitionist?''
LunaCrosby said:
Ally blinked and looked at Emi, "I guess, how fast will she grow?" she asked curiously, her ear's perking up.
Shingo shrugged. "She should grow into a child soon." He explained.

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