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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Shortyshot said:
William picked up his sword easily out of the solid ice below. He held it infront of himself at her "Let me tell you something. The William you once knew? He's gone. This armor? It's controlling him and whispering dark thoughts into his head as we speak...Even if you do somehow kill ME, the man you knew will never return to you. He'd have to have had some bond with you, and with the heart I've seen in him? He has no bonds"
"Exactly why i shouldn't have come.... Will never really loved me any way did he?" She asked the armor
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Exactly why i shouldn't have come.... Will never really loved me any way did he?" She asked the armor

He laughed "Love you?! You've got to be kidd-" He stopped as blood leaked onto the floor. The blade had plunged into his chest. "This can't be...Possible...How did he....Break the seal?!!" The helmet fell off as William fell to the floor and a weak voice spoke. It spoke with grace and honor. It spoke with love and respect. It was William "Mitsu....."
Shortyshot said:
He laughed "Love you?! You've got to be kidd-" He stopped as blood leaked onto the floor. The blade had plunged into his chest. "This can't be...Possible...How did he....Break the seal?!!" The helmet fell off as William fell to the floor and a weak voice spoke. It spoke with grace and honor. It spoke with love and respect. It was William "Mitsu....."
mitsu stared at him as she healed his wounds. she did not speak though but just stared at him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I Understand that i just dont want to over populate and destroy this place like humans have earth." She said to him

Hayate smiled and held on to Thana's hand. "They aren't like humans. They're better... Because they have us to lead them. They'll most likely listen seeing how they're here and not some place that'd be consider heaven's replacement." He said. "Plus they would listen at the speed of light." He told her before pointing at one of the demons. He then asked for the demon's occupation. Once he was told, Hayate ordered him to do it and he immediately did. "See? They know who's in charge and the consquences of bad behavior. Let them expand just this once... If things get rough, me and you... TOGETHER. We'll destroy this place."
JJKab said:
(((( Welp... Righty... Oh man, this'll be hard))))
After Fricka woke up, she found herself lying on the bed, and she noticed that her bra was laying on the floor, she was shirtless, but... She couldn't get up. She was a bit confused, but thought to herself:

"it might be that i'm tired" Fricka slowly looked at the ceiling, crossing her arms over her chest, shivering a bit.
Nai was laying next to Fricka, his eyes closed, due to him resting. "...Fricka." he mumbled in his sleep, before he slowly opened his eyes. He stared at the ceiling. He felt... Different in a way. It was indescribable. It felt as if he probably... experienced a new kind of love. One that's far more different then what you get from friends or family. One that you could only get from the person you're in love with obviously. "I need a shower..."
Roman said:
Nai was laying next to Fricka, his eyes closed, due to him resting. "...Fricka." he mumbled in his sleep, before he slowly opened his eyes. He stared at the ceiling. He felt... Different in a way. It was indescribable. It felt as if he probably... experienced a new kind of love. One that's far more different then what you get from friends or family. One that you could only get from the person you're in love with obviously. "I need a shower..."
Fricka smiled, as she looked at Nai, and nodded. She leaned in over him, and kissed him on his cheek.

"Hey... How was your sleep?" She asked, slowly turing her body to face Nai.
Roman said:
Once they were out to the car, Taylor had go in on the passenger's side. It wasn't something he was used to, but he could use this time to relax while Celia drove...
"We'll have to see what there is to make for dessert... As for the sushi, how about we just get a bunch?"
...❤︎Celia stuck the keys in the ignition and started the car before driving. She wasn't going to go to the grocery store and buy sushi there, she didn't think it would be as good if someone bought it from a restaurant. Though it was hard to know when she never had sushi from a grocery store, much less at all. This would be the first time she'd be trying something like that. If she'd ever had it before, she couldn't remember. If Celia didn't like it, she'd just make herself a sandwich or something else simple. There was a slight hope that she would like it though, since she would be getting a lot of it from this really good sushi place she knew about. As she drove towards the restaurant, she talked about the various desserts she could make with the ingredients that were in her apartment. There wasn't a lot though, just cake batter, pudding and stuff to make brownies. Celia really needed to go grocery shopping when there was time, they were running low drinks and different foods, so she needed to restock on those things. That was one thing she never liked doing, in fact she she hated it, but it needed to get done or else they'd starve. Or someone else got the groceries, that was also another option❤︎...

"Alright. If I remember right, there should be some stuff in the cabinet to make cake or I can use the batter to make cupcakes.. if I get some chocolate, I can make chocolate covered strawberries! Or parfaits, I don't know want kind yet. I also don't think I have everything to make that either and I'd need to some of that stuff while we're out, but the possibilities are endless! Working at a bakery sure has its perks~ I think I'll do the parfaits, there are so many different kinds so I can make 4 different kinds that have different flavors. Do you think theyll settle for choclate though, if I can't do either of their favorite flavors or fruits? They'll be small so they won't take to much time. I just need granola, and.. assorted fruits! Everything else that I need, I already have. I hope they'll like it and have enough room to eat it. Oh I'm so excited, I feel like a kid in a candy store! Ah, that reminds me, do you think Talia will be showing up for dinner? Just in case I need to set an extra place setting when we get home."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas had been enjoying his shower as it was the first time in a while that he got to use hot water to bathe. Usually it was cold or room temperature water that he got to use back at Siegfried's bases. As he rinsed off the soap from his body and the shampoo from his hair Thomas noticed a power build up near the door. Foolishly he paid it no mind, thinking that it was just Lumina blowing off a bit of steam, or, in her case, fire. It was only then that the smell of molten metal hit him and his head spun to she Lumina teleporting out of the room. What had she done? Nothing in the room looked off at first, so Thomas dried himself off till he noticed his clothes were gone♜...

"Lumina! Wheres my clothing?"

...♜Thomas then went over to the door while Lumina taunted him. Not paying attention Thomas tried to grab the door handle and open the door. Needless to say, Thomas ran into the door with a 'thump' sound resulting from it. Making a frustrated noise Thomas manifested a mana sword and cut through the door without a second thought. Pieces of the door flew forward and onto the floor as Thomas walked out of the bathroom, mana blade in one hand, while the other held a towel around his waist. Upon seeing Lumina eating his cake again, Thomas rushed over to Lumina, grabbing the collar of her shirt and pulling her up to face him while pointing the mana sword at her neck. Thomas then spoke, in a obviously irritated tone while making a face that was new to him, one of anger. as he spoke, the towel that was around his waist dropped without him realizing it♜...

"What are you trying to do now!? Really! Are you trying to make everything harder?"

...♤Lumina had been enjoying her meal, honestly wondering how long it would take before he realized something was up. She didn't realize it would be so soon though. Well, maybe she did. Either way, she couldn't help but laugh aloud as she heard him crash against the door, her plan to melt the door closed working exactly like she wanted. What she wasn't counting on was him bursting out of the bathroom with a sword. Lumina looked up at him, quite literally midway through a bite of his cake, as shard of the door burst out into the room, and she couldn't help but frown seeing him with a towel on. Before she could remark on that, he was rushing at her and he picked her up by the collar. Lumina just hung in his grip, not even fazed by the sword pointed at her. Yeah, like he was gonna actually use it on her. Scare tactics wouldn't work, and she made it clear she wasn't threatened or even remotely affected by his angry face, which was a new face for him, by deliberately bringing the rest of the cake in her hand and taking another bite out of it. This was to show that yes, she was still eating his cake and yes, she was eating it with her hands. As she was chewing she raised an eyebrow, hoping to get another reaction out of him, when suddenly the towel around his waist fell to the floor without a sound. Lumina glanced at Thomas before staring down at the now exposed area, before swallowing her food to smirk, then speak♤...

"Oh, well isn't he cute~"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i just like sweets..''
...☫She said before getting a lolipop that was in an ice bowl with a lot more of the lolipops before she unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth☫...

''i dunno why but stalker and lolipops just seem to run within the family
...✦Nanami looked back towards the screen and continued playing, listening to Fuyumi as she did. Being a stalker ran in the family? Or was it being stalked.. or both? Well, that didn't really matter, but still. Was her family mostly made up of stalkers? How did that happen.. from the sounds of it, it didn't look like Fuyumi knew either. When Nanami asked about it, she felt as if she might think she was talking down on the subject so she quickly said she wasn't as she turned her head to look at her. The game was now paused as she turned and focused entirely on Fuyum, awaiting her answer✦...

"Eh? You mean your family is full of stalkers? I'm not trying to talk down on it or anything, I swear! I'm just curious."
WeirdPrincess said:
"It's probably best for you to take a nap or go to sleep after we finish eating and headed back to the dorms." Saekano said and yawned a little herself. A few seconds later, the pizza arrived and was placed in between the two. It looked really good, to say the least. After a plate was placed in front of both Saekano and Drake, she reached out to take some of the pizza. "Well, it's a bit late, but at least we still got the pizza." She said happily, grabbing the slice.
Drake snapped into reality, and looked around. "Sorry, I was... thinking of things..." He took a slice, and gave a slight smile.
John walked around, feeling... a bit more empty than usual. He leaned against the wall of the school, and vomited, almost sobbing. He... felt that he was the true monster... that he only hurt people... but... yet he enjoyed it... "Goddamn it..." Why did he have to do that... He punched the wall, and shook his hand in pain.

JJKab said:
Fricka smiled, as she looked at Nai, and nodded. She leaned in over him, and kissed him on his cheek.
"Hey... How was your sleep?" She asked, slowly turing her body to face Nai.
"Hey." Nai said softly, before he pecked Fricka on the lips. "I wasn't sleep for long, maybe about 30 minutes." He said looking at Fricka how Fricka was laying so close. It made him smile a little. "How're you feeling?" He asked.
Arty said:
John walked around, feeling... a bit more empty than usual. He leaned against the wall of the school, and vomited, almost sobbing. He... felt that he was the true monster... that he only hurt people... but... yet he enjoyed it... "Goddamn it..." Why did he have to do that... He punched the wall, and shook his hand in pain.
...回 Skylar had finally gotten down from the roof, figuring that it wad probably a good idea to head home soon. She stopped to get lunch, and sat in the cafeteria for a little while, thinking over everything that John had said. This world was really going through some interesting things, if interesting meant completely and utterly whacked up and horrible. She couldn't help but rub the newly-formed scar on the back of her head, thinking about the chip that was inside her head. Was all this really necessary? Was she really such a horrible monster? Frowning, she moved her hand to gesture like she was going to use her powers, stopping herself before actually trying to use them. The repurcussions of what could happen were too great for her just to risk it just because she missed her powers. It's not like her powers defined who she was as a person... it just felt like such a big part of her was just missing. Well, either way, she figured she had spent enough time eating, and stuffed the rest of her snacks in her bag as well as her book before making her way outside through a side door. As she neared the front of the school, she noticed someone was leaning against the wall of the school, and upon closer inspection she noticed it was... 回...

"John? Are you alright?"
Daniel reaving]"Fine." She said to her with a mumble. before she looked to the door and headed to answer it. "Who is it?" Shira called Cova smiled and nodded [/QUOTE] [COLOR=#0080ff]''hmm...what if we had kids..?''[/COLOR] [QUOTE=Roman][FONT='Times New Roman'][COLOR=#660066]"Sure... But what do you want to talk about?" She asked curiously.[/COLOR][/FONT] [/QUOTE] [COLOR=#ff00ff]''i dunno...maybe..powers? UN? or we could play a game''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff00ff] [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff00ff][B]...♱Zenya said since she was the one who was bored♱...[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff00ff] [/COLOR] [QUOTE=Roman] [COLOR=#ff00ff][B] [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff00ff][B] [/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23570-himeragiseiker/ said:

''oh...come in come in, door's not locked''

...⊹Yuki said still wearing a towel around her body⊹...

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WeirdPrincess said:
...✦Nanami looked back towards the screen and continued playing, listening to Fuyumi as she did. Being a stalker ran in the family? Or was it being stalked.. or both? Well, that didn't really matter, but still. Was her family mostly made up of stalkers? How did that happen.. from the sounds of it, it didn't look like Fuyumi knew either. When Nanami asked about it, she felt as if she might think she was talking down on the subject so she quickly said she wasn't as she turned her head to look at her. The game was now paused as she turned and focused entirely on Fuyum, awaiting her answer✦...

"Eh? You mean your family is full of stalkers? I'm not trying to talk down on it or anything, I swear! I'm just curious."
''yeah...we're all just stalkers i guess''

...☫Fuyumi said with a giggle☫...
Lumina said:
...回 Skylar had finally gotten down from the roof, figuring that it wad probably a good idea to head home soon. She stopped to get lunch, and sat in the cafeteria for a little while, thinking over everything that John had said. This world was really going through some interesting things, if interesting meant completely and utterly whacked up and horrible. She couldn't help but rub the newly-formed scar on the back of her head, thinking about the chip that was inside her head. Was all this really necessary? Was she really such a horrible monster? Frowning, she moved her hand to gesture like she was going to use her powers, stopping herself before actually trying to use them. The repurcussions of what could happen were too great for her just to risk it just because she missed her powers. It's not like her powers defined who she was as a person... it just felt like such a big part of her was just missing. Well, either way, she figured she had spent enough time eating, and stuffed the rest of her snacks in her bag as well as her book before making her way outside through a side door. As she neared the front of the school, she noticed someone was leaning against the wall of the school, and upon closer inspection she noticed it was... 回...

"John? Are you alright?"
"I was wrong about it... I should've not... done it. I'm... a horrible person. I'm going to say it. I've only caused pain towards people... I've only hurt them, tortured them... And it's going to escalate from here on..." It seems that he isn't aware of anything at the moment. "Elizabeth... I know you hate me... And you are right for that... Listen... I want you to kill me. It's all that can happen now. I give up. People don't change. They never do." He stared at the sky, rubbing his eyes. "When I was little... I thought I would become a star, you know. Go up to the heavens. It looks like it might happen soon..." He chuckled lightly, and began to walk north, towards the forest.
Roman said:
"Hey." Nai said softly, before he pecked Fricka on the lips. "I wasn't sleep for long, maybe about 30 minutes." He said looking at Fricka how Fricka was laying so close. It made him smile a little. "How're you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm.. Feeling... Like... It's undescribable. Only thing that i want is to be with you." Fricka stated, smiling as she pulled out of the kiss, and sat up on the bed, reaching for her bra that was laying on the ground.
Nonalaka said:
Ariel blinked "Someone like me?" She smiled softly "Well I did say any girl" she laughed quietly.
Rosalie looked at him blankly as the news ticked in her head, she had hear about it, yes but she thought it was certain dangerous individuals they were referring to. The colour drained from her face a little "T-They're after every one of us?" She questioned, furrowing her brows "T-Thats utterly ridiculous! Assuming we are all evil?" She began to forget herself due to confusion and frustration so she was signing her words too, it was sort of like a habit that broke out when she wasn't keeping an eye on it.


Maya nodded in agreement, giggling a little when she saw the bucket and roller move by themselves "That reminds me of a movie I watched once where all the mops and brooms and stuff cleaned on their own" she said as she lifted her roller "Anyways, I'll try to not distract myself with such thoughts, I have work to do~" she said with a small laugh as she then began painting.

"But say.. What are the chances that i'll seduce someone LIKE you?" Gregory asked, as he stopped near the parking lot, looking curiously at Ariel, facing her.
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Lumina said:
...?Violetta had no idea that this would be what she'd look like as a human. She brought a lock of hair between her fingers, examining the color when he said it was pretty similar to her normal color. Huh, well apparently it was. Red was a good color, she always did like it, so it made sense in her head that her hair as a human would be red too. It made her wonder what determined hair color at all. Violetta's eyes moved to meet Takashi's as his own appearence changed, completely altering itself from normal. The main thing that threw her off was how.. short his hair was. And it was white! Man, at least she looked somewhat similar. Takashi was like a whole new person. Violetta blinked at his gesture before giggling a bit, smiling as she answered?...
"You look so different! But it really suits you!"

Takashi smiled at Violetta and whipped his sword around from off the floor. Apparently it appeared on command since it wasn't there at first. He swung the blade through the air a few times before sheathing it. To Violetta, he looked completely different... And that's what he was aiming for. He wasn't Takashi the Angel at the time. He was a human. He once again looked at Violetta, this time his sword was on his shouler and he spoke...

"Thanks. I was aiming for a different look."

HimeragiSeiker said:
''hmm...what if we had kids..?''
''i dunno...maybe..powers? UN? or we could play a game''

...♱Zenya said since she was the one who was bored♱...

''oh...come in come in, door's not locked''

...⊹Yuki said still wearing a towel around her body⊹...
"A game sounds nice. We've already talked about those other things before." Talia said in a bored tone.
WeirdPrincess said:
...❤︎Celia stuck the keys in the ignition and started the car before driving. She wasn't going to go to the grocery store and buy sushi there, she didn't think it would be as good if someone bought it from a restaurant. Though it was hard to know when she never had sushi from a grocery store, much less at all. This would be the first time she'd be trying something like that. If she'd ever had it before, she couldn't remember. If Celia didn't like it, she'd just make herself a sandwich or something else simple. There was a slight hope that she would like it though, since she would be getting a lot of it from this really good sushi place she knew about. As she drove towards the restaurant, she talked about the various desserts she could make with the ingredients that were in her apartment. There wasn't a lot though, just cake batter, pudding and stuff to make brownies. Celia really needed to go grocery shopping when there was time, they were running low drinks and different foods, so she needed to restock on those things. That was one thing she never liked doing, in fact she she hated it, but it needed to get done or else they'd starve. Or someone else got the groceries, that was also another option❤︎...
"Alright. If I remember right, there should be some stuff in the cabinet to make cake or I can use the batter to make cupcakes.. if I get some chocolate, I can make chocolate covered strawberries! Or parfaits, I don't know want kind yet. I also don't think I have everything to make that either and I'd need to some of that stuff while we're out, but the possibilities are endless! Working at a bakery sure has its perks~ I think I'll do the parfaits, there are so many different kinds so I can make 4 different kinds that have different flavors. Do you think theyll settle for choclate though, if I can't do either of their favorite flavors or fruits? They'll be small so they won't take to much time. I just need granola, and.. assorted fruits! Everything else that I need, I already have. I hope they'll like it and have enough room to eat it. Oh I'm so excited, I feel like a kid in a candy store! Ah, that reminds me, do you think Talia will be showing up for dinner? Just in case I need to set an extra place setting when we get home."
Taylor sighed as he listened to Celia talk about all the different things she could make. Unfortunately for her, he wasn't much of an Baker, so she was literally like... Speaking Russian to him or something. As she continued and continued, he just sank down into the seat. He just wanted to tell her to make whatever was best to her and that's final, but he wanted to say it in a more subtle way. He didn't want to seem mean... It's just that Nai was going to be over... Taylor wanted stuff to be nice. That's when he thought about it. Nai was kind hearted and sweet. He had nothing to worry about.

"Celia... I love your baking a lot. You know that. I'm pretty sure Nai will love it too, but I'm the wrong guy to ask for baking advice. As for Talia... She's home."
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JJKab said:
"I'm.. Feeling... Like... It's undescribable. Only thing that i want is to be with you." Fricka stated, smiling as she pulled out of the kiss, and sat up on the bed, reaching for her bra that was laying on the ground.
"Same." Nai said, as he sat up. When Fricka reached for her bra, Nai blushed a little at the sight of her doing that. In a way he almost couldn't believe what they had just done. he quickly got those thoughts out of his head, and just started thinking about how lucky he is to even have Fricka in his life. "I'll be back." He said as he grabbed a towel to use after his shower. He then got out of bed anf went into the bathroom.
Roman said:
"Same." Nai said, as he sat up. When Fricka reached for her bra, Nai blushed a little at the sight of her doing that. In a way he almost couldn't believe what they had just done. he quickly got those thoughts out of his head, and just started thinking about how lucky he is to even have Fricka in his life. "I'll be back." He said as he grabbed a towel to use after his shower. He then got out of bed anf went into the bathroom.
Fricka nodded, putting her bra on, and making sure it'll stay on. She then stood up from bed, and stretched, yawning. After that, she took her shirt that was lying on the bed, and put it on, humming happily.
JJKab said:
"I'm not interestend in just any girl" Gregory stated.
"Tell me: Would i have any chances to have a date with a girl like you?" Hd asked, as he looked into Ariel's eyes.
((You replied twice so I didn't know which to reply to :'D))

Ariel looked back at him, her eyes blinking a few times as her face coloured a light pink "I'd say you would, you're a pretty great guy..." She said smiling a little before she looked out in front of her.

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