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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Talia smiled, "It's okay. You know I can teleport, my senses are better than most humans. I could enslave someone with a kiss, or just simply kill them. I'm strong, smart and I can summon a staff... There's a lot I can do, but the powers I inherited from my mother... I'm actually afraid to use... I don't know how to really control them."
''a-ah...i see. is the powers related to the succubi origin..?''
WeirdPrincess said:
...✦Nanami looked at the tiny octopus and poked it with her finger. Didn't these things have suction cups on them? How was that going to feel going down her throat anyways! She looked at it hesitantly for a moment before picking it up and eating it✦...

"Hmm.. alright, if you say so. Wait, is dimsum octopus?"
''no, dimsum is a lot of things. shumai, sea weed, chicken feet...its just food from chinese origin i believe...''
Nonalaka said:
Rosalie huffed "Thinking too narrow?, What do you mean?" She asked, getting a bit agitated at herself for not doing it right. She blinked at his second question not even answering it.
"Your power is sound, which means your attacks are mainly mental not physical, you can kill with sound but it requires a certain amount of frequency or placement to do so. In order to hurt someone with sound you must attack what can hear sound, their ears. Now again." He said standing still.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''a-ah...i see. is the powers related to the succubi origin..?''
Talia nodded. "Yeah. My dad says mom didn't have control over her powers when she was young too. He told me she turned him into a slave by accident. He said there was a part that only him, mom, and Grandpa Cam should only know about." She told her.
Roman said:
Talia nodded. "Yeah. My dad says mom didn't have control over her powers when she was young too. He told me she turned him into a slave by accident. He said there was a part that only him, mom, and Grandpa Cam should only know about." She told her.
''o-oh...i see. well...e-enough with asking about your powers i guess. seems like something deep. do you have any siblings..?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''o-oh...i see. well...e-enough with asking about your powers i guess. seems like something deep. do you have any siblings..?''
"No. The closest thing I have to one is my uncle Nai. He's older than me, but due to my Succubus genes my body grows faster than his so I appear older." Talia explained. "I... Do hope mom and dad give it some thought though. I'd love to be an older sibling."
Roman said:
"No. The closest thing I have to one is my uncle Nai. He's older than me, but due to my Succubus genes my body grows faster than his so I appear older." Talia explained. "I... Do hope mom and dad give it some thought though. I'd love to be an older sibling."
...♱Zenya giggled a bit. She soon remembered something. She never really...had a true family when she was young♱...

''it must be nice to have a family to grow up with huh?''
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Zenya giggled a bit. She soon remembered something. She never really...had a true family when she was young♱...
''it must be nice to have a family to grow up with huh?''
"Yeah, it's nice to have people to be around. Especially during the times you need some moral help." Talia said smiling happily. "I consider you our family friend. You're always there and you help us."

~Evan Zhujiao~

Location: School Entrance}

Time: ???}

Feeling: Tired.. also sleepy. But excited too.}

Evan walked the path of an idiot. Literally. He constantly ran into walls when he was thinking about something. After passing the hedges, fountains and all that jazz, he finally reached the entrance. "Well, time to uh... Find a new life... In a school. And I'm tired." Evan placed his bag down, opening it and pulling out a soft pillow. "I'll sleep on this in class."

After the few minutes of him walking, grabbing a pillow and weirdly talking to himself, he finally gained the courage to open the door. The trees, buildings and fountains, filled Evan with Determination. He opened the door. Thinking about what might happen. "Today is the day, and why am I talking like I'm still outside?"

JJKab said:
Gregory noticed that Ariel wanted to come up for air, as he nodded, and brought her to the surface
"See? Much better, now you were under for... 2:14.." He stated, smiling widely
Ariel grinned proudly when he said the time "Really?! Man I'm better at this than I thought" she giggled a little as she clapped her hands "Or maybe I just have a great teacher ~" she said with a smile
Akio said:
"Your power is sound, which means your attacks are mainly mental not physical, you can kill with sound but it requires a certain amount of frequency or placement to do so. In order to hurt someone with sound you must attack what can hear sound, their ears. Now again." He said standing still.
Rosalie looked to the ground as he spoke, kicking her feet a little "I know, I know" she mouthed but with no voice. Before trying again taking the frequency thing into account, of course, she wouldn't do anything that would kill someone, jeez she couldn't do that obviously, but she attacked with a frequency that would make anyone's ears ring or hurt.
Roman said:
Taylor hummed lightly as he went into their bedroom and got some clothes and things. He made sure he grabbed a towel to dry off with. He then got in the shower, and washed his hair and made sure he was clean as a whistle. Once he was finished, Taylor came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and clean. He ran a hand through his hair and raised a brow...
"My hair is quite long now..."

He then got the idea that Celia's opinion would be nice in this situation. He made his way out of the room and back to the living room.

"Celia? Do you think I should cut my hair or leave long for awhile longer?"
...??Celia waited patiently, spending her time searching the menu. She couldn't find what she was looking for, which was highly disappointing. Giving up seemed like the only option.. and she was about ready to when she finally found what she was looking for. An option on the menu labeled disguise was clear and evident in front of her, Celia could help but stare at it in shock. Of course, she had been hoping to find this but didn't think she could. In all honesty, she didn't think something like that existed in the various menus she had. But seeing as how she was previously going to be used as a weapon for the U.N, her normal appearance would become to customed to the humans around the city and they'd be able to recognize her immediately. So to avoid that from happening, they must have input different disguises in her system. Celia was grateful that they were smart enough to do something like that, they didn't seem all that wise when she broke out of her room at the U.N's destroyed base. Well, now it was time to see what kind of looks were actually in here. As she opened it up, they seemed to be ones she was familiar with, others not so much. It would probably be best to go with something she knew and others would recognize, so that's what she did. The change happened so suddenly that she didn't know if it worked or not. Celia looked down at her hands as she spoke quietly to herself. The bathroom by the front door would be the closest place to check, so she stood up and headed that way??...

"D.. Did it.. did it work?"


...??Celia walked over to the nearest bathroom, which was the one just by the front door, and nearly screamed at the sight of herself. Her lime green locks, with the two purple streak, was now a light brown. The length was looked relatively the same, probably a couple inches longer. Her once green irises had changed to a golden brown and the gears that were behind them no longer changed every time she blinked. They would usually do that from time to time and she never knew how to control it, even when she spent hours trying. This would be when an instruction manual would be usual, though there was no such thing in existence in her case. Celia looked behind her to see that her tail was gone and let out a sigh of relief. If they were going to be leaving, she didn't need to have that thing swinging around and humans calling her a monster or something worse. Everything looked normal.. she finally looked normal. Though it may only be a disguise and she wasn't exactly sure how long this would last, it made her happy. With a grin on her face, Celia walked out of the bathroom and headed back into the living room, arriving at the same time Taylor did asking about his hair length. She had to admit that she did like it longer because it was fun to play with and it looked nice when it was longer, but it looked a lot nicer when it was short. It was probably best to cut it, so that was what she was going to suggest. Celia thought about it for a minute before smiling as she spoke??...

"Mm... I like it long, but I think you should cut it."

Arty said:
Drake jumped up, almost falling out of his chair. "Holy shit..." Drake began to pack his stuff, and walked outside of the classroom, rubbing his head. "Schools almost over..." He thought about Saekano, and why she didn't like to fight. Maybe John was wrong...
Saekano blinked at the cursing coming from Drakes mouth before giggling quietly. She wasn't once to cuss and rarely ever heard anyone else doing so. Even if she did, she either blocked it our or pretended she never heard it before. Picking up her things, she headed over to the drama department, where her last class of the day was. "Drama is actually pretty fun.. but with all the light wires and stage equipment, it's easy to trip."
Jonik walked around listening to the plants as they gave him directions as to where to go. ~"Go left then straight."~ Said a nearby Poppy flower. Jonik nodded and turned walking forward. He let out a loud scream as he tripped over the tiny cement wall of the fountain and fell in with a loud SPLASH. He let out a grunt as he sat right side up and rubbed the area on his head where he bumped. "That wasn't very funny," he whispered. ~The Poppy flower laughed in response.~
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WeirdPrincess said:
...??Celia waited patiently, spending her time searching the menu. She couldn't find what she was looking for, which was highly disappointing. Giving up seemed like the only option.. and she was about ready to when she finally found what she was looking for. An option on the menu labeled disguise was clear and evident in front of her, Celia could help but stare at it in shock. Of course, she had been hoping to find this but didn't think she could. In all honesty, she didn't think something like that existed in the various menus she had. But seeing as how she was previously going to be used as a weapon for the U.N, her normal appearance would become to customed to the humans around the city and they'd be able to recognize her immediately. So to avoid that from happening, they must have input different disguises in her system. Celia was grateful that they were smart enough to do something like that, they didn't seem all that wise when she broke out of her room at the U.N's destroyed base. Well, now it was time to see what kind of looks were actually in here. As she opened it up, they seemed to be ones she was familiar with, others not so much. It would probably be best to go with something she knew and others would recognize, so that's what she did. The change happened so suddenly that she didn't know if it worked or not. Celia looked down at her hands as she spoke quietly to herself. The bathroom by the front door would be the closest place to check, so she stood up and headed that way??...
"D.. Did it.. did it work?"


...??Celia walked over to the nearest bathroom, which was the one just by the front door, and nearly screamed at the sight of herself. Her lime green locks, with the two purple streak, was now a light brown. The length was looked relatively the same, probably a couple inches longer. Her once green irises had changed to a golden brown and the gears that were behind them no longer changed every time she blinked. They would usually do that from time to time and she never knew how to control it, even when she spent hours trying. This would be when an instruction manual would be usual, though there was no such thing in existence in her case. Celia looked behind her to see that her tail was gone and let out a sigh of relief. If they were going to be leaving, she didn't need to have that thing swinging around and humans calling her a monster or something worse. Everything looked normal.. she finally looked normal. Though it may only be a disguise and she wasn't exactly sure how long this would last, it made her happy. With a grin on her face, Celia walked out of the bathroom and headed back into the living room, arriving at the same time Taylor did asking about his hair length. She had to admit that she did like it longer because it was fun to play with and it looked nice when it was longer, but it looked a lot nicer when it was short. It was probably best to cut it, so that was what she was going to suggest. Celia thought about it for a minute before smiling as she spoke??...

"Mm... I like it long, but I think you should cut it."

Taylor chuckled and started looking for some scissors. So she wanted him to cut it? Sheesh... To think she make him keep it instead.. Well she did say she liked it so that counted towards something in his book. After seeing that there wasn't any scissors around, Taylor gave up on looking and decided he'd go to a barber later on or tomorrow. He chuckled as he walked passed the bathroom, spinning his phone on it's strap.

"Look at you~ You look amazing as always babe~"


He then remembered he was about to ask her something.

"Hey? Did Nai call you recently? He's called me and we've talked a few times. As a big brother I'm proud of the news he gave me."
Roman said:
"Yeah, it's nice to have people to be around. Especially during the times you need some moral help." Talia said smiling happily. "I consider you our family friend. You're always there and you help us."

...♱She said before staring outside again since she didnt know what to say now for a conversation♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱She said before staring outside again since she didnt know what to say now for a conversation♱...
Talia had soon went to find a parking spot in the mall parking area. Once she did, she looked at Zenya and smiled. "I'm going to be honest with you, Zenya. I love you... We all love you."
Roman said:
Talia had soon went to find a parking spot in the mall parking area. Once she did, she looked at Zenya and smiled. "I'm going to be honest with you, Zenya. I love you... We all love you."
...♱Zenya didnt say anything since now she was more emotional than before. She didnt know how to deal with such feelings♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Zenya didnt say anything since now she was more emotional than before. She didnt know how to deal with such feelings♱...
Talia unbuckled her seat belt and put a hand on Zenya's arm, "I can't say I know how you're feeling right now, but we should get going. We have to get your bra and go shopping before my dad notices his car is gone."
Roman said:
Talia unbuckled her seat belt and put a hand on Zenya's arm, "I can't say I know how you're feeling right now, but we should get going. We have to get your bra and go shopping before my dad notices his car is gone."

...♱She said before unbuckling her seat belt and getting out of the car♱...
WeirdPrincess said:
Saekano blinked at the cursing coming from Drakes mouth before giggling quietly. She wasn't once to cuss and rarely ever heard anyone else doing so. Even if she did, she either blocked it our or pretended she never heard it before. Picking up her things, she headed over to the drama department, where her last class of the day was. "Drama is actually pretty fun.. but with all the light wires and stage equipment, it's easy to trip."
"What do you do in drama? I've always wanted to try it..." Drake followed her, curious. "Are you an actor? Or..." He checked his watch, as he might have to go to his elective. "I have to go... See you later!" He took off,(Time skip?)
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱She said before unbuckling her seat belt and getting out of the car♱...
Talia had got out of the car also and closed her door, soon locking them. "There's more to it when I told you that we love you, but... I don't think it's appropriate at the moment. Now, let's go~" she said as she walked towards the mall.
Roman said:
Talia had got out of the car also and closed her door, soon locking them. "There's more to it when I told you that we love you, but... I don't think it's appropriate at the moment. Now, let's go~" she said as she walked towards the mall.

...♱Zenya soon started to follow Talia before she saw the mall seeing how big it was which kind of amazed her♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Zenya soon started to follow Talia before she saw the mall seeing how big it was which kind of amazed her♱...
Talia looked at Zenya and giggled, "Big place, huh?" She asked. "Have You ever been to a mall? They have tons of place where you can get clothes, home appliances, food... Al- kinds of places."
Roman said:
Talia looked at Zenya and giggled, "Big place, huh?" She asked. "Have You ever been to a mall? They have tons of place where you can get clothes, home appliances, food... Al- kinds of places."
''i never really been to a mall before...so i guess its my first time''

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