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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Cecil chuckled, as he walked alongside Maya, his hand still in Maya's. "Agreed. The area was nice but I was thinking about the customers apparently." He said laughing lightly. As he listened to her speak, he smiled and nodded, "I couldn't agree more. I want a place where people could think of us as a second family, or maybe a place they could come to for a break."
"Exactly~" she said happily as she moved her arm so their hands swung back and forth gently "Well at least we know what kind of place we want it to be, so that's a lot of thinking work out of the way~" she said with a smile.
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Nonalaka said:
"Alright, Alright I'll be quick" she called back to him in response to his words and his growling as she walked off to her dorm, since after all, she did kinda want to learn....As she approached her dorm and went inside she processed his words....Situation with supers? She huffed a little, yes she heard them, but she wasn't causing anyone any trouble, so no one would come after her...right? Tucking the thought away for now at least she quickly began putting away what she needed to put away...
Akio did not move from his spot though he did track her with his power, tracking her all the way to her room with his power. When he was still like this his powers range always majority increased as long as he focused on ut. He would know rhe second anyone walked towards him.
Akio said:
Akio did not move from his spot though he did track her with his power, tracking her all the way to her room with his power. When he was still like this his powers range always majority increased as long as he focused on ut. He would know rhe second anyone walked towards him.
After a while she finished putting everything away, which took a little longer than she'd have liked it to, but she got it all done and out of the way, thank goodness. Sighing in relief that she finished she made her way out of her dorm again, unaware of Akio's tracking of her, walking from the girls dormitories she could see that Akio hadn't moved at all, waving to him she made her way over "Did you not get bored waiting here? I did take a while..." She said as she tilted her head a little.

Nonalaka said:
loadWebfont('Poiret+One');Dakota smiled before nodding " I know, I know we won't be bored~" she said as she looked to him, of course she liked living here as well but sometimes she honestly was missing their apartment at times too, it was small but it was their little home, it was a shame they had to leave it so quickly...
...⚒Roland continued into the kitchen, where a few of his aunts, uncles, and cousins were cooking some pancakes and sausage. Greeting them briefly, Roland grabbed two plates and piled them with food before looking back at Dakota and speaking while walking towards the dinning room⚒...

"Well, lets eat, then i'll call a cab for us to go into town~"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''or you wont. since that used to belong to UN..''
"Yeah, it used to blong to them. Now it belongs to, Talia White~" She said triumphantly.

JJKab said:
Fricka has slowly fallen asleep, curling up right next to Nai, hugging him tightly.

(I GTG, see ya, and happy Easter)
Nai had woke up the next day. His arms still around Fricka and she was still close. He smiled a little and continued to lay there, waiting for her to wake up while he grabbed his phone.
Nonalaka said:
After a while she finished putting everything away, which took a little longer than she'd have liked it to, but she got it all done and out of the way, thank goodness. Sighing in relief that she finished she made her way out of her dorm again, unaware of Akio's tracking of her, walking from the girls dormitories she could see that Akio hadn't moved at all, waving to him she made her way over "Did you not get bored waiting here? I did take a while..." She said as she tilted her head a little.
He looked at her with only jis usual blank expression. "In my line of work sometimes you must sit perfectly still, not even moving a finger, for hours not minutes. I have no problem sitting still without noise for up to 3 days." He said shrugging before standing. "First I need to know how much control you have over your powers. I want you to attack me with your sound energy." He said standing ready for her. "Don't hold back." He said not moving.
LunaCrosby said:
Mal nodded "yeah it is, considering you just stripped down so suddenly" she said
"It shouldn't be a big deal forme though in a way it actually is helpful that I stripped that fast. I can get in the shower quicker now and when I'm going to sleep." Roman said as he grabbed his body wash and clothes. "Hopefully my clothes don't disappear while I'm cooking..."
Mayyflower said:
...€ May smiled happily at Alejandro, and continued cooking €...
"Oh they will be"
Alejandro continued to cool the eggs and even went to get some orange juice out of the refrigerator. "The eggs are almost done. How's it looking with the pancakes, May?" He asked with a smile.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...⚒Roland continued into the kitchen, where a few of his aunts, uncles, and cousins were cooking some pancakes and sausage. Greeting them briefly, Roland grabbed two plates and piled them with food before looking back at Dakota and speaking while walking towards the dinning room⚒...

"Well, lets eat, then i'll call a cab for us to go into town~"

Dakota gave a small wave to them as she passed, following Roland into the dining room, nodding at his words "Alright~" she said happily thinking about the day ahead.
Nonalaka said:
"Exactly~" she said happily as she moved her arm so their hands swung back and forth gently "Well at least we know what kind of place we want it to be, so that's a lot of thinking work out of the way~" she said with a smile.
"All of the thinking lightens the load which is good for us~" Cecil said as he looked at their now swinging hands. He chuckled lightly and looked back up at Maya, "You know what's gonna be hard? Choosing the tables and seats, along with how we set up things behind the counter... We still have a ton of work on our hands." He told her, smiling a little. "Maybe we could draw something out."
Akio said:
He looked at her with only jis usual blank expression. "In my line of work sometimes you must sit perfectly still, not even moving a finger, for hours not minutes. I have no problem sitting still without noise for up to 3 days." He said shrugging before standing. "First I need to know how much control you have over your powers. I want you to attack me with your sound energy." He said standing ready for her. "Don't hold back." He said not moving.
Rosalie blinked "R-Right now?" She asked, feeling a bit nervous now....she had never used her powers offensively before, she had never needed to, her powers were strong enough she was in no way weak in that respect, just not focused. "U-Uhm...alright..." She her voice rang as she took a moment to focus, taking a breath before blasting sound energy in his direction.

Nonalaka said:
Dakota gave a small wave to them as she passed, following Roland into the dining room, nodding at his words "Alright~" she said happily thinking about the day ahead.
...⚒Roland set their plates at the table, pulling out Dakota's chair for her before grabbing a chair for himself and sitting down. Where should the first stop be? Didn't he already decide on the mall? But what place inside the mall? Oh well, for now Roland had food in front of him, so he simply started cutting up his pancakes with a fork while glancing over at Dakota⚒...
Roman said:
"All of the thinking lightens the load which is good for us~" Cecil said as he looked at their now swinging hands. He chuckled lightly and looked back up at Maya, "You know what's gonna be hard? Choosing the tables and seats, along with how we set up things behind the counter... We still have a ton of work on our hands." He told her, smiling a little. "Maybe we could draw something out."
Maya nodded "Yeah, I think doing that would help a lot, since deciding that could take a while if we don't know what we are doing" she said as she continued to swing their hands "I don't mind all the work though, I'd help build the seats and stuff myself if I had to!" She giggled lightly "It'll be worth it~"
Nonalaka said:
Rosalie blinked "R-Right now?" She asked, feeling a bit nervous now....she had never used her powers offensively before, she had never needed to, her powers were strong enough she was in no way weak in that respect, just not focused. "U-Uhm...alright..." She her voice rang as she took a moment to focus, taking a breath before blasting sound energy in his direction.
Akio just stood there, not even answering her question as he just waited with his arms crossed. He watched her take a moment to focus and then fire but he didn't even move, their was just a pop of energy as used off setting vibrations almost like a thin second skin around him to defuse the sound energy without even moving which made him raise an eyebrow. "Sloppy, you telegraphed your attack to much and while the attack was powerful it wasn't focused, you were firing in my direction but not at me, if i had dodged I would have not even have to block." He said just looking at her with his blind eyes.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]...⚒Roland set their plates at the table, pulling out Dakota's chair for her before grabbing a chair for himself and sitting down. Where should the first stop be? Didn't he already decide on the mall? But what place inside the mall? Oh well, for now Roland had food in front of him, so he simply started cutting up his pancakes with a fork while glancing over at Dakota⚒...

Dakota had too began cutting at her food, thinking of the same thing, since every time she went there she only had went to one store to pick up some things, she had never been to the mall before "What kind of stores and stuff are there? Anything interesting?" She asked curiously with a smile.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''haha...they'd have to make a lot of water ways and a bunch of boats''

...✦Nanami fairly liked the spicy tuna roll she ate and went for another one before deciding to try something different. She was glad she finally got to try sushi and actually liked it. Grabbing another plate of sushi off the boat, she spoke✦...

"That's would be fine with me! I bet it costs a lot though."
Nonalaka said:
Dakota had too began cutting at her food, thinking of the same thing, since every time she went there she only had went to one store to pick up some things, she had never been to the mall before "What kind of stores and stuff are there? Anything interesting?" She asked curiously with a smile.
...⚒Roland had stuffed a few pieces of pancake in his mouth already when Dakota had asked her question, resulting in him making a grumpy face and letting out a grumble while chewing his food as he couldn't talk at that moment. Then Roland actually thought on Dakota's question. Well, there was just about everything there, and what you couldn't find there was probably in a store not to far away. So after swallowing his food Roland took a breath before speaking⚒...

"Well, there's just about everything, multiple foods courts, clothing stores, sports stores, hobby, junkie and other things as well. Anything not there is bound to be in a nearby store as well."
Akio said:
Akio just stood there, not even answering her question as he just waited with his arms crossed. He watched her take a moment to focus and then fire but he didn't even move, their was just a pop of energy as used off setting vibrations almost like a thin second skin around him to defuse the sound energy without even moving which made him raise an eyebrow. "Sloppy, you telegraphed your attack to much and while the attack was powerful it wasn't focused, you were firing in my direction but not at me, if i had dodged I would have not even have to block." He said just looking at her with his blind eyes.
Rosalie bit her lip, well atleast his way of acting was good for constructive criticism "Right, Right, I've never had to do this before..." Her voice said quietly "So, should I try again?" She asked as she gazed over at him.

Nonalaka said:
Rosalie bit her lip, well atleast his way of acting was good for constructive criticism "Right, Right, I've never had to do this before..." Her voice said quietly "So, should I try again?" She asked as she gazed over at him.
He nodded. "Focus your energy to attack only me, your attacks should only be as wide as you wish it to be or you will cause unnecessary destruction or hit any allies you might have and don't telegraph your gonna attack me." He said simply waiting there for her next attack.
Arty said:
Drake started to work on the worksheet, writing down several answers. "I see... You don't seem so nervous now." John stifled a laugh. "Just a worksheet today? Nothing else?" He sighed, finishing it, and turned it in. "This is ridiculous..." He put his head on the desk, and started to take a nap. "Tell me when the class is over..."
"Well I've gotten use to be around you, at least for a little bit." Saekano said as she worked on the worksheet the teacher had handed out. It was pretty easy, so it didn't take her all that long to do. "Yeah sure, I'll wake you up." With that, she spent the rest of the class doodling in a notebook. Surprisingly, no one had through anything at her in this class. It usually happened throughout the day and though it did bother her, she never spoke up on the incident. Eventually, the class came to an end and the bell rang. Saekano tapped Drakes desk as she spoke, "Class is over. We have to get to the next one now before the other students come in."
Nonalaka said:
Maya nodded "Yeah, I think doing that would help a lot, since deciding that could take a while if we don't know what we are doing" she said as she continued to swing their hands "I don't mind all the work though, I'd help build the seats and stuff myself if I had to!" She giggled lightly "It'll be worth it~"
"We can probably get a blueprint made which would even be more helpful. Aaron says he has been taking architecture lately, so maybe we could get him to make a blueprint for us." Cecil suggested. "I believe they're easier to read, though we'd still need a sketch first... Just to get the idea of where we'll put everything."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...⚒Roland had stuffed a few pieces of pancake in his mouth already when Dakota had asked her question, resulting in him making a grumpy face and letting out a grumble while chewing his food as he couldn't talk at that moment. Then Roland actually thought on Dakota's question. Well, there was just about everything there, and what you couldn't find there was probably in a store not to far away. So after swallowing his food Roland took a breath before speaking⚒...

"Well, there's just about everything, multiple foods courts, clothing stores, sports stores, hobby, junkie and other things as well. Anything not there is bound to be in a nearby store as well."

Dakota giggled lightly when he grumbled "Sorry" she said softly before smiling at his answer "So there's plenty of places to go then~" she said happily before turning her attention back to her food as she began eating.
Akio said:
He nodded. "Focus your energy to attack only me, your attacks should only be as wide as you wish it to be or you will cause unnecessary destruction or hit any allies you might have and don't telegraph your gonna attack me." He said simply waiting there for her next attack.
Akio said:
He nodded. "Focus your energy to attack only me, your attacks should only be as wide as you wish it to be or you will cause unnecessary destruction or hit any allies you might have and don't telegraph your gonna attack me." He said simply waiting there for her next attack.
Rosalie slowly nodded as he spoke, taking what he had said into account, she repositioned her thinking before trying again, blasting energy at him, hoping his advice helped her at least somewhat even if she were to get one of the issues fixed it would be something.

Roman said:
Alejandro continued to cool the eggs and even went to get some orange juice out of the refrigerator. "The eggs are almost done. How's it looking with the pancakes, May?" He asked with a smile.
...€ May looked over at Alejandro and smiled €...

"I have to cook one more pancake and they will be done.."

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