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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Cecil nodded out of agreement. "I open minded to the fact it may be too... In fact I hope it is. This café helped me meet an amazing girl... I hope it can help others just as it has helped me. Amazing coffee and amazing people." He said softly as they walked.
Maya giggled lightly "Yeah, I hope so too, it would be a shame if it wasn't, I mean, if it wasn't there, we wouldn't have even met at all probably, so it would be a shame for such an important place for us to be abandoned completely" she said with a nod "Not to mention, its in a pretty nice spot too~" she said happily "I'm sure it would be busy enough.
Shortyshot said:
Marcus was being pushed back into the bed but he didn't care. He was too happy to care. He bit down on her lip and smirked.
William nodded "Indeed"
Yui nodded as well, "I see, though depending on what you've shown me i'm guessing you have ice based abilities?"
Roman said:
"Why didn't you talk to anyone? With the amount of people around you could have easily made friends, May." Alejandro said softly as they entered the kitchen.
...€ May shrugged and looked around the kitchen, since she's lived here before she practically knew where everything was at €...

"To be honest. I don't know why"
JJKab said:
"So it's a double" Gregory smirked, as he walked off to get the double order of Cheese and Pepperoni pizza.
Ariel then took a seat stared out the window as he waited for him to return.
LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet sat down and lated back with her arm's under her head. "Around, meeting new people and dying from the intense heat" she said and laughed.
(Ima have them visit their parents grave)

...❋ Levi flew around before she landed to a place what seemed like a graveyard ❋...

"Well I wanted to visit mom and dad.."
Nonalaka said:
Ariel then took a seat stared out the window as he waited for him to return.
Gregory came back with two pizza plates,as he laid one in front of Ariel, and one next to Ariel's plate. He then sat down, looking at her

"Bon appetit" He joked, smiling slyly, as he started eating the pizza.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i think im a C cup..''
"We'll see how that fits first I guess." Talia said as she unlocked the doors to Taylor's car. She had then made her way to the driver's side and got in, waiting for Zenya.
Mayyflower said:
(Ima have them visit their parents grave)
...❋ Levi flew around before she landed to a place what seemed like a graveyard ❋...

"Well I wanted to visit mom and dad.."

Scarlet sat up and slid off her back, standing next to her, "yeah, it's been quite a long time" she said.
Arty said:
"You read a lot. Too much in my opinion." John laughed a bit. "I understand that I can act like an asshole, but... I don't want people to have regrets when they attack me. I just hate it when people give me pity... sometimes I act like the monster that I call them. Because, the next time I attack, I won't have regrets- At least for a while." He took in a deep breath, and turned to face her. "I even used to date one... don't tell anyone, but..." He stops, thinking. "I kind of miss her you know, she was one of the only people who got along with me. We even used to hate each other!" John laughed a little bit. "She always kicked my ass! But then again, why... do I feel so empty? I feel that there is nothing in this world for me anymore, that my only mission is to..." His voice died down.
...回 Skylar smiled at him, fixing the ribbon in her hair. So there was a person under that tough shell after all. He had just gone through things that people shouldn't really ever go through. The more he spoke, the more she could sympathize. Emotions definitely are a complex thing, that was no understatement. She listened as he spoke, her eyebrow raising when he mentioned how he used to date a super. Now she was wondering about what happened, but it wasn't her place to ask, or really even to know. She noted how he was talking about her so fondly, and her face grew a bit sad. Obviously John was a good kid, so something must have happened to make him so hardened against the world. Fixing her expression, it became a kinder one, and she stepped closer to him as she responded 回...

"What can I say? I'm a bookworm. I suppose I can't exactly understand your whole regrets thing, because I can't imagine wanting to attack someone without reason. I'm not exactly built for combat, so I wouldn't know much about it. Yknow, I don't think it's wrong to miss those you care about, no matter who they are. I mean, the reason you miss them is because you care, so the best thing to do is hold them in your heart in the meantime. And the world is a really big place, with so much to do... I truly don't believe that there's nothing left for you. But that's just my perspective, take it for what you will."
LunaCrosby said:
Asako looked to both side's without moving her head, She then looked at him, "I-I'm sure there's nothing th-there" she said slowly, though still looking to the sides.
"Do you feel like something is there?" He asked, raising a brow.
Shortyshot said:
Marcus was being pushed back into the bed but he didn't care. He was too happy to care. He bit down on her lip and smirked.
William nodded "Indeed"
...❃ Sam's tail wrapped around his leg, Sam chuckled into the kiss, she didn't mind him biting her lip ❃...

LunaCrosby said:
Yui nodded as well, "I see, though depending on what you've shown me i'm guessing you have ice based abilities?"
William gestured for her to follow as he began walking "Indeed I do, I've spent my entire life devoting my power towards Ice and Ice alone" He said before sitting down on his throne

LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet sat up and slid off her back, standing next to her, "yeah, it's been quite a long time" she said.
(And I want drama to happen )

...❋ Levi turned back into her regular form and walked around until she found two large grave stones, their parents ❋...

"Yea it really has..."

...❋ Levi knelt down and looked down, there were fresh flowers placed next to the two graves ❋...

"Have you been here already?"

...??The ride to the hospital-like building wasn't all that far. It was about 30 minutes or so to get to the place and the were fairly close right about now. The car ride was mostly filled with silence, Celia gazing out of the side window and scanning her surrounds. She had never really been to this side of the city, so it was all new to her. She thought that she should get some sort of picture or memory stored in her data base in case she needed it for later or if she ever revisited this side of the city. With the work that Celia was doing, it was probably likely that she'd be back in no time. After her little vacation anyways, that was when things would get serious. That was a bit dreadful, but work was work. No use in complaining when the job actually paid well and was fun and exciting to do. Her green irises focused on the road ahead of them, seeing a cloaked figure standing in the middle of the road. Her jaw dropped and the pupils in her eyes disappeared, the greens of her irises being the only thing that remained. Celia was so shocked that she didn't even know what to say at first. She suddenly came back too when she blinked, her pupils returning the gears and lenses in her eyes circling as they focused in on the figure. Gasping, she brought her gloved hands over her eyes as she squeezed them shut, crying out as she did. It was hard to make out who it was, even though she had a close up on the figure. How bad was that? Was it possibly she already needed to be fixed? No, most likely not. That hood of the cloak was covering the mans face so it was understandable as to why she wouldn't see anything. Cabel, on the other hand, didn't see what she was talking about. The road was clear as far as the eye can see, so he didn't know what she was talking about. Her eyes remained covered as he drove forward, going through the supposed cloaked figure that Celia had seen. There was no impact or any body going across the hood of the car, just a cloud of gray smoke??...

"Aaah! There's someone in the street, watch out!"


"You're so over dramatic, there was no one in the road and you act like I don't know how to drive."

...??No one in the road, what? Celia removed her hands from her eyes and looked behind them to see the last particles of the gray dust blow away with the wind. Huh? Did she just imagine the guy being there? There definitely had to be something wrong with her.. like seriously wrong. Celia rubbed her eyes a few times before sighing. This was just the most dandy thing every, first she becomes some sort of robot and now her eyes are playing tricks on her. She never got that before, so she didn't know why that was happening now. Maybe it was the sort of new body.. yeah.. that was probably it. All these mechanics are starting to mess with her, she was sure of it. Stupid U.N for changing her and trying to make her some kind of tool. Celia looked over at Cabel as she spoke, dismissing the man she had seen and just comments on his driving. He wasn't really the best one out there, heck she could do better than him if he let her drive. Celia was getting a bit nauseous actually, from the swift turns and bumpy roads. Seriously, if she drive she wouldn't feel like she actually going to throw up at any time. He was acting like speed racer over here, did they really need to get to the building this fast? Couldn't he at least slow down some before he killed them? Though really, this was how he always drove and never got himself in any kind of accidents, which surprised her to say the least??...

"Oh.. Well I don't think you do. I can drive better than you.. my grandma could drive better than you!"

"You don't have one."

...??Celia just frowned and shifted her gaze to look out the window again, the rest of the ride silent. The two eventually arrived without further conflict, Cabel parking a block or two away from the actual building. He didn't want to raise any kind of suspicion by parking directly in front of it, since the pair didn't look like they should be on this side of the city and they looked like detectives. Cabel got out of the vehicle first before Celia followed suit, closing the door once she stepped out. He had said this was the poor side of the city, but that seemed like an understatement. This place didn't even look inhabited, plants were growing off the sides of various building and some even had a few trees growing out of a window. There were also pipes on the outsides of the buildings. Vines ran up and down along the building, it looked liked you'd be able to climb them, though Celia didn't want to be the one to test that out. After looked around a little more, she gazed over at Cabel as she spoke. He confirmed that this indeed was the place they needed to go to. She looked a bit sceptical, but in the end just shrugged it off. If he said this was it, then it had to be. The two started walking, heading in the direction of the building they needed to go to. He briefly went over what they were suppose to do again, in the case that she forgot. Celia argued with him and said she didn't forget, that he had already told her 40 minutes ago. She wasn't going to forget something in the span of forty minutes, since this was pretty important??...

"Are you sure we're in the right place? It seems abandoned."

"Yeah, this is it.. There are people here, just not very many. Most have moved on to a better living style or died. We also can't go inside though, we look to suspicious to go in some place like that."


"Yes, sir. We taking the high ground?"

"Yeah, find a way to get up on a building that's nearest to the rundown looking hospital.

...??With that in mind, Celia nodded before heading down an alleyway, separating herself from Cabel. She scaled the length of the building that she was beside and wondered if she could just jump up to it. It was a little tall, maybe she had to wall jump to try and make it up there. Or maybe she could climb the various pipes that she saw. Celia stopped and thought about it for a moment before she'd just jump from wall to wall to get up to the roof of the building. She also wondered where Cabel would be investigating the building, she didn't even ask where he was going. That probably would have been a good idea to ask. Crouching low, Celia waited for a couple seconds before she pushed herself off of the ground and catapulted herself towards the wall. She had to turn herself around so her feet could land on the side of the wall before repeating the process all the way up to the roof. Once up there, she angled herself towards the hospital building and blinked once, her irises turned yellow from there usual normal green and the lense in her eyes focused in on the building. Celia's eyes were in an x-ray type mode, so she could see the inside. Thankfully she didn't see anything she didn't want to, she wouldn't have reported it even if she had. There was nothing suspicious about the people inside, they all looked relatively normal save for the robotics parts on them. She found Sonia, the woman who managed the building. She was as flawless as Cabel had described her and she couldn't help but admire her. Of course, she was still kind of bad but if this woman could help in fixing her.. then she'd be grateful enough to let the issue of holding illegal things slide. Celia knew she'd get her ear talked off and probably yelled at, as well as her rank lowering in status, for doing something like that but she really wanted to get back to normal. She didn't like being mostly metal, it was weird and just didn't feel right to her. The old her was what she wanted, not this robot her that she was now. Celia shook her head and focused on the rest of the building, taking her eyes off of Sonia. Her gaze shifted towards the basement, where a large sized gemstone was floating. There were other things in the room, but the gemstone was the thing that stood out most. It was in the shape of a cube, with some type of metal part being stored in the middle. Celia didn't know what was making it float, a magnetic field maybe? Really she didn't know, it was kind of hard to say. There was also 3 or 4 guards that were in the room, two standing by the cube and another two guarding the entrance to the room. Celia spent the rest of the time investigating the inside of the building??...


...??The rest of the mission went on without a hitch, Celia just had to sketch out the building and hand it in, then she'd be done. Though she was allowed to give it to Cabel once her mini vacation was over. She'd be able to sketch it in no time, it wasn't all that difficult. The ride to the office was spent with the two bickering back and forth about who drove better and why. Also about getting her something to eat. She was practically starving at this point and it was the afternokn, so for working so hard she deserved to have a lunch. Of course, Celia won and they went through a quick drive-through, getting herself a vanilla shake and burger. Cabel didn't get anything because he wasn't hungry, surprisingly. This man was usually eating something every time she walked into his office. He was a complete pig about it too. The two eventually arrived at the secret agency building, Cabel parking the car in front of the building instead of inside the garage. Celia stepped out first and waited for him to come out so they could talk before leaving. They spoke in hushed voices, explaining what they saw when they were investigating the hospital before one of Cabels colleagues walked up to him. Celia only knew it was a colleague because he showed her a picture of all his friends in college. She didn't know they guys name, but she did know he was a friend of her boss. Celia was quiet for a while as the two conversed before the blonde male turned to Celia and introduced himself. She had started to introduce herself before Cabel interrupted and put his hand on her head, pushing down and messing up her hair as he spoke??...

"Get out of here you pile of junk. Your work is done for today and I'm granting you two extra days off."


...??Pile of junk? How rude was that! Celia frowned and spoke under her breath as she fixed her hair. She was definitely not a pile of junk, she was a human being.. sort of anyways. With a wave, she turned on her heels and grabbed her keys from her pocket before getting into her car. Looks like it was time to head home and get a start on her mini vacation, thank goodness for that. That job put way to much stress on her. Celia got in her car before driving back to the apartment, humming to herself??...

"Pile of junk? You're so mean.. I'm gonna kill him.. definitely.."
Shortyshot said:
William gestured for her to follow as he began walking "Indeed I do, I've spent my entire life devoting my power towards Ice and Ice alone" He said before sitting down on his throne
Yui looked at him then the throne, "so you must be pretty strong with that element if you've only practiced that one"
JJKab said:
Gregory came back with two pizza plates,as he laid one in front of Ariel, and one next to Ariel's plate. He then sat down, looking at her
"Bon appetit" He joked, smiling slyly, as he started eating the pizza.
Ariel looked at him giggled lightly as she then took a piece of pizza and ate it.
JJKab said:
Fricka smiled, as she grabbed Nai's hand, and pulled him towards her
"Get down here" She said, giggling.
Nai was about to say something when he was pulled down to the ground by Fricka, "Aaah!" He yelled before he fell on her.
Mayyflower said:
(And I want drama to happen )
...❋ Levi turned back into her regular form and walked around until she found two large grave stones, their parents ❋...

"Yea it really has..."

...❋ Levi knelt down and looked down, there were fresh flowers placed next to the two graves ❋...

"Have you been here already?"

Scarlet did the same and looked at the flower's, "No, I haven't, I wouldn't come here without you" she said.
LunaCrosby said:
Yui looked at him then the throne, "so you must be pretty strong with that element if you've only practiced that one"
William laughed more "This entire tower that's at least 100 feet tall and this land that's thousands of miles was created by me. What do you think?"
Roman said:
Nai was about to say something when he was pulled down to the ground by Fricka, "Aaah!" He yelled before he fell on her.
Fricka laughed loudly, as she looked right into Nai's eyes, before hugging him

"I love you so much... i wouldn't be surpised if you'd propose to me here in the future" She whispered into his ear.

Nonalaka said:
Ariel looked at him giggled lightly as she then took a piece of pizza and ate it.
Gregory smiled, as he was enjoying the food

"Really lovin the food.." He said, as he looked at Ariel

"How about you?" He asked, smiling gently
HimeragiSeiker said:
''haha okay then''
...☫She said as she giggled a bit before getting up☫...
Nanami followed suit and stood up as well, following after Fuyumi. "Do you really like sushi? Is there a favorite thing you like to eat when you're here?" She asked, rocking on her heels slightly.
Shortyshot said:
William laughed more "This entire tower that's at least 100 feet tall and this land that's thousands of miles was created by me. What do you think?"
"I think that I was correct then, as always" she said.

LunaCrosby said:
Asako looked at him, "how do I know it's not just you trying to mess with me" she said.
"Because my hands are over here" he said holding up his hands "And my powers wouldn't be able to replicate a ghost" he said with a nod "Not to mention, I asked you did you feel like something was there, I didn't tell you something was, that would be scaremongering" he said with a nod.

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