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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Arty said:
He started to walk towards the school building, tilting right, then left, eventually falling down. "God'amn it..."
...She only just watched him in confusion. There was no....drinking allowed in school...right?...
HimeragiSeiker said:
hmmm...or maybe i can send either Tilith or Apple to ya))
(((( Send whoever, I'll have this post up for ya. ))))

After teleporting Alejandro and May to the mansion, Hyouinmaru felt that this could be some free time off for him. He didn't have to watch over Alejandro and that was the only time he had a break anyways. "I haven't had a drink in.... About 300 years." He said, shaking his head before going into a small bar and taking a seat. He soon ordered a drink and just turned around to see what was going on in the place.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...She only just watched him in confusion. There was no....drinking allowed in school...right?...
John suddenly turned around, seeing the girl stare at him. "Who are... want some?" He offered the bottle, sighing, and rose to his feet.
LunaCrosby said:
(I feel like I know what happened xD )
Mal blinked before running down the stair's, trying to open the door, "please don't let him be the one who screamed..." she said to herself, pulling on the door.
The door was locked and the screaming continued. Maybe one of the keys Mal had got from the chef would work.
Roman said:
The door was locked and the screaming continued. Maybe one of the keys Mal had got from the chef would work.
Mal frantically pulled out the key's from her pocket, trying each of them on the door and twisting the knob to see if it worked.
...??In the process of bringing Taylor breakfast and getting to her room, Celia's phone had rang. She wasn't expecting any kind of calls since she called all of her bosses and asked them take a few days off, which they had granted, so it was a bit of a surprise to her to be receiving any kind of call at all. Not even from her family either, because she strictly told them that she would be taking a few days of work and didn't didn't want to be called about asking where she had been. She'd explain everything afterwards since she knew it would take while. Celia frowned a little before picking up her phone and inwardly groaned once she heard the voice of her boss from the secret agency she was working for. Great.. her day off didn't seem like it was going well. This call just dampened her mood even further than it already was. Celia turned away from Taylor and listened to Cabel, her boss, talk as she went over to her closet. A worth while mission, that was funny. If it was something to somehow get her back to normal, that would be great. Well, not completely normal, she just wants all of the mechanics taken out of her. If it was something like that, she would do it gladly??...

"Hey White~ I need you to come in today. There's something I want you to look into, I promise it'll be worthwhile."

"What's it about?"

...??Celia shifted the phone to her shoulder so it was now pressed against her ear and both hands were free. She rummaged through her closet as she tried to find something to wear, finally settling on just a skirt, buttoned down shirt and vest. It was a bit of a struggle to get everything on since she was still trying to listen to what Cabel was telling her. If she missed something vitally important, then she'd be lost about to do for the mission. So Celia just tossed her stuff on to the bed and closed the closet, waiting for him to finish as she tapped her finger on the side of her leg. Though she wasn't shooting any kind of emotion at the moment, she was pretty happy with what he was saying so far. The quicker she could get turned back to normal, the better. Having these weird little antennas on her head were getting a bit annoying because sometimes they moved on their own accord, depending on her mood that is. The would wiggle in excitement or lower if she was sad, though at the moment they weren't doing much of anything. At the mention of a partner, the smile dropped from Celia's lips and her expression turned into a scowl. Partner? She'd never had one before when going on missions, but just because this one sort of concerned her that meant she needed a partner? What kind of crap was that! If she was just suppose to scope out the place, why did she need a partner? It wasn't like she was going to barge into the place??...

"I can't say everything, I'll just give you a run down. You know the situation you told me about, I think I've found a lead to help you. There's a super working for the UN, female, pretty good with technology and medical stuff. I'll need you to come into the office to get a brief of the mission so you know what to do. I'll also be sending in a partner with you, in case you doing anything reckless. You and your partner will be scoping out the place, nothing else."

"I don't need a partner, I'm not going to do anything stupid. And I don't need some type of babysitter, I'm not five."

"I don't care. You don't get to choose whether you have a partner or not, I do. You're getting one whether you like it or not, so deal with it."

...??Silence filled the phone after that and she removed the phone from her ear, feeling the sudden urge to just throw her phone at the nearest wall. Celia was fuming, she didn't need a partner. No way, no how. She was perfectly fine on her own, in fact, she always did better on her own. Even Cabel had said so, so why did she need some stupid idiotic partner now. Her fists kept clenching and uncle check after she set her phone down, she really needed a way to release her anger. She was having a fit like a child, so in a way she was like a five year old. Though sadly that wouldn't be happening any time soon, considering Celia had to get down to the office right away. Where she'd meet her partner.. how ever so fucking lovely. Taking off the oversized shirt, so put that on the floor before putting on the clothes that she had laid out on the bed. Celia turned on her heel and left so much as without a goodbye or even saying where she was going, grumbling under her breath as she went. Once she reached the kitchen, Celia snagged the car keys of the table and headed out the door towards the car. This was just going to be so magical and wonderful wasn't it.. Hopefully this thing didn't take long and she'd be able to persuade Cabel for giving her a few more days off, considering he had interrupted this one. Celia unlocked the car the minute she was moments away form it and hopped in, putting on her seat belt and closing the door before driving off??...

"Stupid Cabel, stupid partner. I will kill them both.. viciously. Or maybe I'll torture them first.. yeah.. I like the sound of that. When I'm done, they'll be begging for me to put an end to their misery."

Roman said:
(((( Send whoever, I'll have this post up for ya. ))))
After teleporting Alejandro and May to the mansion, Hyouinmaru felt that this could be some free time off for him. He didn't have to watch over Alejandro and that was the only time he had a break anyways. "I haven't had a drink in.... About 300 years." He said, shaking his head before going into a small bar and taking a seat. He soon ordered a drink and just turned around to see what was going on in the place.
...?Soon a girl in white seemed to sit next to Hyouinmaru and order a drink as well?...

Roman said:
"I cried when I first watched it as a kid." Cecil said softly. "I'll be here with you so if you cry I'll comfort you~" he as is d as he went to put the movie in.
Maya smiled then nodded "Ah, okay, I was just warning you some people find it weird when people cry at movies, or so I'm told" she said shrugging a little before sitting on the couch. "I'm glad you aren't one of those people ~"
Arty said:
John suddenly turned around, seeing the girl stare at him. "Who are... want some?" He offered the bottle, sighing, and rose to his feet.
''er...no im fine...isnt drinks restricted on school grounds?''
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi smiled at Kaori as she toyed with her hair, he found it rather cute to be honest. Yeah, it his eyes she would never look bad, not that she did right now. Taking a sip on his own cup of tea, Masahi listen to what Kaori said. Hurt? Not at all, even if he was he'd heal almost instantly... Though, it made him remember her treating Roman and it brought up various feelings. So he figured he'd tell semi-truth and semi-lie. But how to phrase it? Masahi knew he had a high pain tolerance, but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't notice it right? Then again, there were times were he thought he may have been a goofball in his past. Well, Masahi just sighed before speaking softly♝...

"Well, i'm pretty sure i wasn't, but sometimes i over look things. So, i'm afraid i'm not sure, but feel free to check if you wish~"

...☆Kaori sipped her tea as he responded. She was sure he was fine, but she couldn't help but worry, especially with that masked guy out there. What if they crossed paths out there?? She couldn't help but start to assume the worst, considering the terrorist attack and his mission seemed to coincide at the worst possible time. The worry grew in her mind, and she sipped her tea again to try and lessen it. Suddenly San spoke up, surprising her☆...

"Oh, I'm sure he's fine. Don't worry yourself too much. Your hair is gonna fall out."


"Oh, nothing~"

...☆Kaori wanted to chastise San, but she knew she couldn't. Really all she could do was just sigh, acting like she was just tired. She didn't want Masahi to know that she had a tailed demon inside her that she could talk to. Firstly he would probably think she was crazy, and second it'd probably do nothing but worry him. So she of course didn't want to make it seem like she was talking to someone other than him. Besides, she still wanted to check on Masahi, despite what San was saying. So Kaori set down her tea, making her way over to Masahi to check him over, blushing a bit at the thought of checking over his body☆...

"W-well, let me just check then..."

LunaCrosby said:
Mal frantically pulled out the key's from her pocket, trying each of them on the door and twisting the knob to see if it worked.
"Too late." It was the leader. He had both Roman and the guard on he ground. The guard was dead and Roman was about to be tortured. He stomped on Roman's arm, as hard as he could, the mark still seemed to be spreading, but it wasn't noticeable yet. "You've done enough, Mal. I'll give you the chance to leave."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''well...there is a combat training class...i understand how you get stabbed...''
He laughed, smashing the bottle on the ground. "Damn bitch needs to show herself instead of hiding! Can't even finish me off!"
Roman said:
"Too late." It was the leader. He had both Roman and the guard on he ground. The guard was dead and Roman was about to be tortured. He stomped on Roman's arm, as hard as he could, the mark still seemed to be spreading, but it wasn't noticeable yet. "You've done enough, Mal. I'll give you the chance to leave."
Mal watched him stomp on Roman's arm before gritting her teeth, "Leave him alone. I'm not leaving without him" she said, clenching her fist's.
...☫Fuyumi was on the snowy mountain just practicing her snow boarding skills. She seemed pretty good at it too. She started to wonder what Nanami was doing. She also wondered what her mom was doing. They failed to meet Fuyumi's mom since her mom was out☫...

Arty said:
He laughed, smashing the bottle on the ground. "Damn bitch needs to show herself instead of hiding! Can't even finish me off!"
''huh...? you wanted...her to kill you? what are you stupid or drunk?''
LunaCrosby said:
(yus x3)
Asako stretched when the ending credit's appeared on the screen, she then smiled and looked at him, "That was a good movie" she said.
Kenai nodded as he yawned a little "Yeah, it was" he said before looking to her "You know I'm impressed you weren't scared of that at all, even I jumped a few times during that one and I watch tons of horror movies" he said with a small laugh.

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