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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
...€ May looked at the door and hummed at the thought€...
"Maybe you should do it.."
Alejandro chuckled and patted May on the back before kissing her cheek. "Give me 5 seconds." He said before running into the room and hitting those who were in there in their pressure points, causing them to pass out. "May!"
Lumina said:
...♤As much as Lumina struggled, she couldn't seem to get out of his grip. If she would be able to focus on her strength and ways to get out of his arms, but right now her mind was preoccupied in its downward spiral. More memories kept flooding in to her mind, more faces that she didn't recognize yet seemed so familiar were muddling up her thoughts and feelings to the point where it was hard to tell things apart from each other. The flames grew hotter but her resisted to fight against Thomas seemed to be lessening. Her body was slowly going more slack the longer he held her. Her yelling and struggling grew quieter until the flames went out altogether and she fell slack against him, exhausted with tears streaming down her face. It wasn't her giving up, it was her body acting against her. She was feeling dizzy and faint from lack of rest and food, unstable on her feet, and her voice only further proved how bad of a position she was in despite what she said♤...
"...just burn already..."
...♜Thomas's mind had gone blank after he had spoken, he might of thought it was because of the pain, but he was still processing it. Maybe it was because of the fact that his mana was trying to heal his body and the pain together were taking up his metal capacity. Then he noticed it getting hotter before the fire started to fade away along with the struggling, with that his body was able to stay healed as a light reappeared into his eyes. One that showed that his mind as active again. With that Thomas carefully backed up while managing a weak hold on Lumina before plopping down onto his cloak. Only then did he relax as he looked at the worn out phoenix before sighing and speaking in a tone similar to Lumina's, though he could keep this up all day if he needed to♜...

"You know.... when i say something, i'm not just spouting crap for the sake of saying it... I say everything for a reason, and i will keep my word, you will never be alone, no matter the pain and injury it causes me."
JJKab said:
Fricka stood up after Nai, smiling widely
"Sure!" She started running towards the water, laughing in a giggly manner.
Nai chuckled and ran behind Fricka, "Hey! Hold on!" He said as he quickly caught up to her. "Last one in is a rotten egg." He said jokingly as he ran faster .
Roman said:
Nai chuckled and ran behind Fricka, "Hey! Hold on!" He said as he quickly caught up to her. "Last one in is a rotten egg." He said jokingly as he ran faster .
"Hey!" Fricka yelled, laughing, as she sped up, trying to catch up with Nai. She was breathing rapidly, her face slowly going red.
Roman said:
Alejandro chuckled and patted May on the back before kissing her cheek. "Give me 5 seconds." He said before running into the room and hitting those who were in there in their pressure points, causing them to pass out. "May!"
...€ May blushed and put an hand on her cheek where he kissed her, she stood there looking at luner, when her name was called she hurried and turned luner into a stuffed bear and walked in and walked over to Alejandro €...

"That was quick"
JJKab said:
"Hey!" Fricka yelled, laughing, as she sped up, trying to catch up with Nai. She was breathing rapidly, her face slowly going red.
Nai turned around and slowed down, "You say something?" he asked before before tripping over a ball. "Aaah!" He yelled before falling on the sand.
HimeragiSeiker said:
oh..i didnt see on my alerts o-o)
...⊹Kristako followed while she stretched a little bit⊹...
...: Nymph looked around as they walked :...

"So do you go to school?"
Roman said:
Nai turned around and slowed down, "You say something?" he asked before before tripping over a ball. "Aaah!" He yelled before falling on the sand.
Fricka started giggling, as she looked at Nai, running past him. She didn't notice that she was just in front of the water, as the drag of the water made her legs lose grip, and making her land facefirst into it. She yelled, as she disappeared under the surface for a while.
Mayyflower said:
...€ May blushed and put an hand on her cheek where he kissed her, she stood there looking at luner, when her name was called she hurried and turned luner into a stuffed bear and walked in and walked over to Alejandro €...
"That was quick"
Alejandro chuckled, "My dad is teaching my sister and I ninja stuff. I could have done it faster, but I'm not that good yet." He said, before walking towards another door, this door leading into a screening room... Or in their case a projection room.
Roman said:
Taylor smiled and set the Teddy bear on the nightstand on the side of the bed he was on. He thought it was cute that she still had one she slept with, though it was childish, Taylor didn't care. That's one of the thousands of things he loves her for. She's herself and not someone else. That's what made her special to him... Well except when they first met. She was sort of rude, but slowly started to open up to him. He placed a hand on her waist and leaned in close to her. He stopped once their noses came in contact and he blushed lightly, speaking some soft words before kissing her...
"And I won't ever stop..."

Once he had kissed Celia, he started to remember all of the fun times they had before they were even married, like the time his was that of a kids. Her friends were so funny on how they reacted. Even a little farther back when he was teaching her how to swim or that one time... No nevermind. Not that time. It still haunts him to this day. Fucking Cam... He in a way hated him, but that is his father in law. The thing is, during all these moments with her: he smiled... Because of this woman right here. The woman who he's married to and even has a beautiful daughter with. The more he thought about his life with her, the more passionately he kissed her. The words he said to her then began echoing in his head over and over, because he knew never to forget them because he'd never stop loving this woman.

"I love you."
...❤︎Celia gazed back at Taylor as he drew closer until their noses were touching, listening to what he said before her eyes had closed shut ad soon as she felt his lips on her own. Though her mind was still on the last words he had said. Won't ever stop? What did he mean by that? It was the slightest bit unclear to her when that was said, though she did understand a few seconds later. She thought it was cute and even a little sentimental, it made her feel happy. Celia was glad to have Taylor in her life, she didn't really know what she'd do without him. In a way, she felt like he made her life slightly more exciting then it usually was. Of course, that could have also been said for the opposite since Celia gets herself into crazy shenanigans. Like when they both fought in that tournament and she nearly killed him with her scythe. Celia could remember Taylor saying that that had been fun, which she still didn't understand to this day because she almost split him in two. For once her mind wasn't in the gutter and thinking it meant something else. As the kiss become more passionate, her hand, that was on her chest since it was still in the position like she was holding the bear, had moved from there to cup his face. Her other hand had moved up and weaved through his hair, running her fingers through it. Celia's cheeks grew warmer and her heart beat increased greatly. Of course, the same emotions from before came rushing back like a tidal wave. Her temperature felt like it was sky rocketing on the inside, even though she was a normal temperature to the touch❤︎...
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HimeragiSeiker said:
''somethings cant be explained...like magic......hmm what would you like? we have this thing being a blade and a pistol or would you like something a bit longer than a blade?''
Elora thought for a moment, tapping her finger on the bed before she spoke. "Let's have the blade be longer than the pistol, but it can be retractable. If that makes sense to you."
WeirdPrincess said:
Elora thought for a moment, tapping her finger on the bed before she spoke. "Let's have the blade be longer than the pistol, but it can be retractable. If that makes sense to you."
''might as well be a pistol with an extended under-blade attachment......you sure?''
Nonalaka said:
As Roland made his way over to the bed Dakota let a yawn as she rolled over so her body was facing him, her eyes fluttering open tiredly, the door had woken her up "You'd make a terrible spy..." She said sleepily as she gazed over at him "There's no point sneaking in, I already knew" she said before sighing a little "I understand you're busy...but you're going to make yourself ill staying up all the time" she said with a small frown she knew he'd still do it anyways no matter how many times she told him off for it, she was well aware of how invested he got in the work he done...but that didn't mean she would stop saying to him about it, after all she did worry when he did it too much...
...⚒Roland looked slightly away from Dakota as she spoke, a feeling a guilt washing over him as she spoke. He didn't want her to worry, but at the same time it was so hard for her not to from his perspective. If anything he was the one not being fair, trying to shoulder most of their problems while he knew Dakota didn't want to be useless. With a sigh Roland slipped off his shoes before sitting down on the bed and looking at Dakota⚒...

"I'm sorry... as got lost in my work but i should of kept track of the time."

...⚒Roland then laid down facing Dakota, thinking that even when telling him off, she was still beautiful as ever. Though he shouldn't get ahead of himself for the time being. For now he was going to take whatever scolding she had for him, after all, if his memory served him right, he might of made a promise last month to not pull any all nighters again⚒...
JJKab said:
Fricka started giggling, as she looked at Nai, running past him. She didn't notice that she was just in front of the water, as the drag of the water made her legs lose grip, and making her land facefirst into it. She yelled, as she disappeared under the surface for a while.
Nai stood up and stretched his arms and legs, and chuckling lightly when he saw Fricka fall. He then ran towards the water and jumped in behind her.
Roman said:
Nai stood up and stretched his arms and legs, and chuckling lightly when he saw Fricka fall. He then ran towards the water and jumped in behind her.
Fricka resurfaced after a while, giggling.

"Ouch" She stated, swimming slightly backwards as the splash from Nai's dive struck her. She yelled, laughing.
JJKab said:
Fricka resurfaced after a while, giggling.
"Ouch" She stated, swimming slightly backwards as the splash from Nai's dive struck her. She yelled, laughing.
Nai had resurfaced from underwater and ran a hand through his wet hair. "Fricka! You beat me to the water! At a price though!" He said joking about her fall.
Roman said:
Nai had resurfaced from underwater and ran a hand through his wet hair. "Fricka! You beat me to the water! At a price though!" He said joking about her fall.
Fricka giggled, as she splashed some water at Nai, swimming backwards

"Oh, shut up" She said, laughing.
JJKab said:
Fricka giggled, as she splashed some water at Nai, swimming backwards
"Oh, shut up" She said, laughing.
Nai splashed Fricka back, "But it was funny, babe." He replied as he splashed her again. Nai then swaway so she couldn't splash him again.
Roman said:
Nai splashed Fricka back, "But it was funny, babe." He replied as he splashed her again. Nai then swaway so she couldn't splash him again.
"Hey! Get back here!" Fricka said, swimming after Nai, giggling, a bit blushing.

"So i can cuddle you to death and to kiss you a lot" She stated.
JJKab said:
"Hey! Get back here!" Fricka said, swimming after Nai, giggling, a bit blushing.
"So i can cuddle you to death and to kiss you a lot" She stated.
Nai shook his head and looked at Fricka, "No can do, my love. You'll have to catch me." He said before going underwater and swimming around. When he came back up, he was behind Fricka. He gently wrapped her his arms around her and smile, "Or I can catch you." He said laughing lightly.
Roman said:
Nai shook his head and looked at Fricka, "No can do, my love. You'll have to catch me." He said before going underwater and swimming around. When he came back up, he was behind Fricka. He gently wrapped her his arms around her and smile, "Or I can catch you." He said laughing lightly.
Fricka giggled, as she looked up at Nai's eyes, smiling widely.

"Have you ever kissed underwater? Oh, wait, i forgot... Let's try, actually" She stated, grabbing Nai's hands with her's, turning to face him.
Roman said:
"I'm in and out. I never really explored the area.. Oh and you have to help me. If there's like any monsters or anything I wouldn't be so affective in a fight." Roman said, pointing at his arm.
Mal looked at his arm and nodded, "Alright, I planned on doing it anyway's" she said.

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