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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Special human." He said with a slight sense of disregard as if he didn't care about the controversy circling his kind at the moment, to him such arguments meant little but he himself could not and would not give up his power. @HimeragiSeiker
Akio said:
"Special human." He said with a slight sense of disregard as if he didn't care about the controversy circling his kind at the moment, to him such arguments meant little but he himself could not and would not give up his power. @HimeragiSeiker
''hmm...special human...do you have any disabilities of some sort that i should add to your student info?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''hmm...special human...do you have any disabilities of some sort that i should add to your student info?''
He sighed waiting for the reaction he was almost certain to get. "Besides the blindness, no not really." He said with a shrug.
Akio said:
He sighed waiting for the reaction he was almost certain to get. "Besides the blindness, no not really." He said with a shrug.
''blind...do you need some sort of guidance person or you can walk around just fine?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''blind...do you need some sort of guidance person or you can walk around just fine?''
Surprisingly her reaction was pretty mild, seemed like ethier she was too tired to care or he was not the weirdest story she had seen. "No, I can walk on my own." He said without preamble.
Roman said:
Nai smiled and sat down next to Fricka, looking out into the distance. "Yeah. Calming too." He said before his gaze made its way to Fricka. "You mentioned a kiss earlier... How about now?"
Fricka blushed at the mention of a kiss, looking over at Nai.

"D-Do you know how to do it?" She asked, a bit nervous. Her hands were gripping the sand.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦She said before trying to finish her pancakes✦...
Akane soon returned with the umbrella and a cooler floating behind her, along with a volleyball. "I brought this so we can play a game. I'm pretty sure others will join." She said, smiling at Arashea. "Oh and I think we should keep our weapons with us. Never know what they have out there waiting for supers."

Akio said:
Surprisingly her reaction was pretty mild, seemed like ethier she was too tired to care or he was not the weirdest story she had seen. "No, I can walk on my own." He said without preamble.
''okay...do you have any strengths? like what are your powers that you know of?''
Roman said:
Akane soon returned with the umbrella and a cooler floating behind her, along with a volleyball. "I brought this so we can play a game. I'm pretty sure others will join." She said, smiling at Arashea. "Oh and I think we should keep our weapons with us. Never know what they have out there waiting for supers."
''you do know we're in Eleysia right..? this isnt Earth''

...✦Arashea said with a giggle✦...

''but if you want to go to a beach on earth then alright~''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''okay...do you have any strengths? like what are your powers that you know of?''
"I can enhance or dull any sense of my own or someone im touching, and I can also control vibrations and sound." He said not going into details.
LunaCrosby said:
Mal walked with him, "I don't think i've really done anything in this dimension besides stay in the mansion." she said.
"I'm in and out. I never really explored the area.. Oh and you have to help me. If there's like any monsters or anything I wouldn't be so affective in a fight." Roman said, pointing at his arm.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''you dont remember your own birthday...?''
...♱She asked a bit surprised♱...
"I simply was never told the day I was born, trash scum don't need to celebrate clinging on for another year as my father would say." He said flatly.
Akio said:
"I simply was never told the day I was born, trash scum don't need to celebrate clinging on for another year as my father would say." He said flatly.
''do you really think your trash scum?''
Mayyflower said:
...€ May smiled and grabbed his hand and held it lightly, she started walking a little €...
"We're walking right?"
Alejandro shook his head and the couple, along with Luner appeared outside the movie theater. "Okay. We'll have to find a way through the back... The font has the ticket booth.."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''do you really think your trash scum?''
"I'm simply telling you what I was told." He said dodging the question. "Its physically impossible for a human to be real scum is it not." He said simply.
Akio said:
"I'm simply telling you what I was told." He said dodging the question. "Its physically impossible for a human to be real scum is it not." He said simply.
''your dodging the question, do you think your scum or not?''

...♱She repeated seemingly more serious♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''your dodging the question, do you think your scum or not?''
...♱She repeated seemingly more serious♱...
He blinked, he didn't know this girl so why did she seem to care so much. "Why does it matter? How one thinks of themselves shouldn't affect their enrollment." He said his voice a shade cooler
Akio said:
He blinked, he didn't know this girl so why did she seem to care so much. "Why does it matter? How one thinks of themselves shouldn't affect their enrollment." He said his voice a shade cooler
''because im a teacher and its my responsibility that the student is well. and also the fact im a counselor. now quit dodging the question, or im gonna smack you upside the head''
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas had steeled himself for any amount of pain that was coming, having sent mana through his body to prepare for being burnt, though he couldn't get it to the point where he didn't feel any pain, and the protection of his skin and clothes was incomplete when the fire started, meaning he would need to heal his skin afterwards as he decided saving his clothing was a better choice right now. Though those those thoughts stopped as the searing, red hot flames licked away at his skin, burning and melting it. Thins caused his muscles to tighten in response, making the source of the fire get closer to him, even though he felt Lumina struggling. That's right, it was Lumina, he was holding her... Why was he holding her again, he wasn't sure. Thomas just felt hot and incredibly warm, no, hot. An idea... he had an idea, but he wasn't sure if it would work, or just get over powered by whatever was going on in Lumina's head, but he had to try. He would have taken a deep breath, but the fire was consuming all the oxygen around, so he just spoke aloud while sending what he was saying as either a command or a suggestion to the mana inside of Lumina, he wasn't sure which♜...

"You don't really want to burn anything, do you? Nor do you want to be lone, right?"

...♤As much as Lumina struggled, she couldn't seem to get out of his grip. If she would be able to focus on her strength and ways to get out of his arms, but right now her mind was preoccupied in its downward spiral. More memories kept flooding in to her mind, more faces that she didn't recognize yet seemed so familiar were muddling up her thoughts and feelings to the point where it was hard to tell things apart from each other. The flames grew hotter but her resisted to fight against Thomas seemed to be lessening. Her body was slowly going more slack the longer he held her. Her yelling and struggling grew quieter until the flames went out altogether and she fell slack against him, exhausted with tears streaming down her face. It wasn't her giving up, it was her body acting against her. She was feeling dizzy and faint from lack of rest and food, unstable on her feet, and her voice only further proved how bad of a position she was in despite what she said♤...

"...just burn already..."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''because im a teacher and its my responsibility that the student is well. and also the fact im a counselor. now quit dodging the question, or im gonna smack you upside the head''
His eyes widened fractionally, somehow he doubted she was kidding. "Very well then, I don't think of myself for I find emotions a waste of time and the greatest illusion the mind pulls over itself. Satisfied?" He said his voice a tad exasperated.
Akio said:
His eyes widened fractionally, somehow he doubted she was kidding. "Very well then, I don't think of myself for I find emotions a waste of time and the greatest illusion the mind pulls over itself. Satisfied?" He said his voice a tad exasperated.
''a bit yes......you'll soon figure out how powerful emotions can be. its no illusion...now, back to the enrollment...i think your all good..''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''a bit yes......you'll soon figure out how powerful emotions can be. its no illusion...now, back to the enrollment...i think your all good..''
Finally. That had taken much longer and been much more invasive then he expected, he hadn't expected to run into a concerned woman on the first day. "What now then, do I have classes to go to or a room." He asked voice once again blank.

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