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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nonalaka said:
Dakota had been actually settling in quite well, after a week in this new home, she had gathered a good amount of skill at tailoring in the end up her memory serving her well for remembering stitches and measurements and what not as well as helping out with a few other things, so she didn't feel completely useless in these past few months. Dakota had still been asleep when Roland was quietly making his way back to the room, though that didn't mean she didn't notice his absence since she had woken up once at around 4am and he still wasn't back, so if he had snuck in, she'd know. Though she knew for the past few months he was incredibly busy with...whatever its was he was making, she had only seen bits and pieces of it those tines she had brought him lunch, she still didn't like him pulling all nighters like that, or sleeping slumped over a work bench for that matter, believing it wasn't healthy for him. She probably would tell him off when she woke up but for now she was still sleeping soundly with her face nuzzled into the pillow...
...⚒Roland yawned as he navigated through the house, glad it was so well built that the floor boards didn't creek at all, even going up and down the stairs produced little sound. But waking others wasn't the issue, they'd be up in an hour and a half anyways; Roland's real issue would be not waking up Dakota, as she was a light sleeper from what he knew. Not only that, but he had the feeling she wasn't going to be pleased about his current lack of sleep, and he really didn't like Dakota getting upset or worried over him. Roland now stood at the door to his room, taking a deep breath he carefully opened the door and tiptoed into the room, closing the door a bit to fast, making a quiet sound, but he knew better than to just figure it was quiet enough to not bug a certain sleeping beauty that was mere yards away as he made his way over to the bed⚒...
Lumina said:
...?Chiharu was about to aim and fire at the creature when suddenly light struck down at the creature, and out of instinct she stepped back, lowering the weapon to watch what was happening. Her eyes scanned over the creature as its skin seemed to crack, and soon there was... singing? As Chiharu listened she found herself putting away her weapon, wind making her hair sway as her eyes were locked on where the sound was coming from?...


...?Misafune was singing, and Chiharu was listening. It echoed in her mind like a lullaby of sorts, and she was caught like a fly in a spiders web. There was something about his words and his singing that struck a chord in her, and before she knew it she was back to her normal self, her white hair falling softly along her back as her big blue eyes looked up at him. They soon filled with tears as her body collapsed, the illness deciding the period of vulnerability after changing forms was the best time to strike. The song continued to lull her, and Chiharu's eyes closed as a memory of when she was in the hospital flooded her mind, with Misafune taking her father's place?...



@Nonalaka @Tobi Neafearn




Roman said:
Roman smiled and gently grabbed Mal's hand, "Yeah... I know." He said, before he walked out of their room.

"Yeah. I'll go get a couple of towels for us to use. An umbrella and a cooler full of light liquor… Not the hard stuff." Akane said before she went to get prepared.

...✦She said before trying to finish her pancakes✦...
Roman said:
Roman smiled and gently grabbed Mal's hand, "Yeah... I know." He said, before he walked out of their room.

"Yeah. I'll go get a couple of towels for us to use. An umbrella and a cooler full of light liquor… Not the hard stuff." Akane said before she went to get prepared.
Mal walked with him, "I don't think i've really done anything in this dimension besides stay in the mansion." she said.
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina wasn't expecting the hug, whatsoever, and she had every intention of walking out of that alleyway without saying nothing to him ever again. She had enough issues already with dealing with her own head, the last thing she needed was this guy in her way or sticking around like some lost puppy. So it surprised her quite a bit to feel a hand on her shoulder. She knew it was Thomas, and so instinctively her fist curled into a fist, and she was preparing to set it on fire when he suddenly brought his arms around her into a hug, even bringing a hand behind her head in a protective manner. For a moment or two, Lumina was motionless, out of surprise, but then it kicked in what was happening, and she wasn't about to have it. She brought her arms up to try and get out of his grip, her hands lighting on fire as she pushed against his chest. Her mind was flooding with feelings that felt foreign, a weird familiar warm feeling that felt so familiar, and now more faces were flashing through her head, and more flashes included the man with the red hair... before she knew it, Lumina was fighting against Thomas's grip, tears streaming down her face without her realizing. More and more of her body began to be engulfed in flames, concentrated on the places he was holding her. She didn't know or care if she got out of his grip, the red was slowly creeping in to her mind as she yelled at him♤...
"Leave me alone!"
...♜Thomas had steeled himself for any amount of pain that was coming, having sent mana through his body to prepare for being burnt, though he couldn't get it to the point where he didn't feel any pain, and the protection of his skin and clothes was incomplete when the fire started, meaning he would need to heal his skin afterwards as he decided saving his clothing was a better choice right now. Though those those thoughts stopped as the searing, red hot flames licked away at his skin, burning and melting it. Thins caused his muscles to tighten in response, making the source of the fire get closer to him, even though he felt Lumina struggling. That's right, it was Lumina, he was holding her... Why was he holding her again, he wasn't sure. Thomas just felt hot and incredibly warm, no, hot. An idea... he had an idea, but he wasn't sure if it would work, or just get over powered by whatever was going on in Lumina's head, but he had to try. He would have taken a deep breath, but the fire was consuming all the oxygen around, so he just spoke aloud while sending what he was saying as either a command or a suggestion to the mana inside of Lumina, he wasn't sure which♜...

"You don't really want to burn anything, do you? Nor do you want to be lone, right?"
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]-Zero Chrysalis-
Having most of its mass diminished, zero could no longer maintain the energy to both attack and move. However, what hatched was something...

The bubble containing the girl, gently deposited the sleeping warrior woman softly on the ground next to the girls and vanished. All of the chaotic darkness that was not solidified retreated back into the shell of crystal...

-inside the cocoon-

Misafune was still singing his dirge as Zero communicated its final wishes. From the images displayed it was telling Misafune that it's tank was running on empty and that what little power it had left would be channeled into helping the boy rescue his friends. But after that, Zero had to return to dormancy for a long time. "Sleep well." Misafune sent through a thought as the song picked up tempo and the cocoon shattered, revealing a black armored Misafune, who armed with a stave, flew right for Beatrice. The crystals began to deteriorate and vanish in the waning light of day. Misafune was seconds away from striking her with his staff.

@Tobi Neafearn


...♞Siegfried sighed at the stupidity of his current task. While he could be preparing his his new base and hiding place the UN decided they needed him to safe a 'V.I.P.' as they had put it. What aggravated him even more is that they couldn't give him much of any details at all. So there he was, being flown to the location of gods know where, to save someone that he didn't even know. No, scratch that, he was told they were somehow related to the chipping process, knowing that he couldn't refuse it as per a condition of the contract between him and the UN, saying that he could personally be called upon for very high value missions. After sometime he was close enough to feel that something was happening, and where is was happening, knowing those two things he had told the others with him to run as they'd only get in his way before stepping out of the helicopter he was in as creating a portal below him to wherever he felt these powers coming from, speaking in any annoyed tone♞...

"Whose the schwachsinnige that made my current mission a possibility?"

...♞Siegfried quickly looked around to see someone attacking a woman that fit the description of the person he was sent to save, just his luck, and it seemed something like another mage attacking her, a more eastern one at that. Though that only made him chuckle before reciting his spell and erecting a circular blue barrier around the woman♞...

"Göttin der Barmherzigkeit und der Schutz, beherzigen meinen Ruf und segne mein Verbündeter!"

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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♞Siegfried sighed at the stupidity of his current task. While he could be preparing his his new base and hiding place the UN decided they needed him to safe a 'V.I.P.' as they had put it. What aggravated him even more is that they couldn't give him much of any details at all. So there he was, being flown to the location of gods know where, to save someone that he didn't even know. No, scratch that, he was told they were somehow related to the chipping process, knowing that he couldn't refuse it as per a condition of the contract between him and the UN, saying that he could personally be called upon for very high value missions. After sometime he was close enough to feel that something was happening, and where is was happening, knowing those two things he had told the others with him to run as they'd only get in his way before stepping out of the helicopter he was in as creating a portal below him to wherever he felt these powers coming from, speaking in any annoyed tone♞...
"Whose the schwachsinnige that made my current mission a possibility?"

...♞Siegfried quickly looked around to see someone attacking a woman that fit the description of the person he was sent to save, just his luck, and it seemed something like another mage attacking her, a more eastern one at that. Though that only made him chuckle before reciting his spell and erecting a circular blue barrier around the woman♞...

"Göttin der Barmherzigkeit und der Schutz, beherzigen meinen Ruf und segne mein Verbündeter!"


Misafune struck the shield. He noticed the helicopter and a magic user on it. His goal was to stop the woman, Zero told him too. He felt the energy in the armor weakening. He only had a little while left. He created the sacred circle, intoning the four sacred beasts that guarded the four directions. But the power was slipping through his fingertips. So he threw as much sealing at the barrier as possible. If he could not get her, she would instead be trapped. In his indignation he looked at the man in the helicopter and threw out some black paper figures, that changed into dragons. The dragons circled the helicopter, spewing black flames from their mouth.

@Tobi Neafearn
Roman said:
Alejandro laughed lightly and held out his hand to May, "Yeah. Let's go."
...€ May smiled and grabbed his hand and held it lightly, she started walking a little €...

"We're walking right?"
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]Misafune struck the shield. He noticed the helicopter and a magic user on it. His goal was to stop the woman, Zero told him too. He felt the energy in the armor weakening. He only had a little while left. He created the sacred circle, intoning the four sacred beasts that guarded the four directions. But the power was slipping through his fingertips. So he threw as much sealing at the barrier as possible. If he could not get her, she would instead be trapped. In his indignation he looked at the man in the helicopter and threw out some black paper figures, that changed into dragons. The dragons circled the helicopter, spewing black flames from their mouth.
@Tobi Neafearn

...♞Siegfried furrowed his eyes for a moment before nodding to himself before walking towards Misafune. It was odd seeing magic being used in such a way, it almost seemed wasteful, not only that, but the barrier was going to be the thing sealed away, not the woman inside. Then the paper made dragons were set loose it was easy to counter as his spell was still active. With that in mind he summoned his own staff and pointed the head of it at the helicopter before saying a simple word to make another barrier around the copter♞...


...♞Siegfried then looked at this weakened man before sighing, figuring he'd have to speak in English again to communicate with the simplten, well, that wasn't fair, to Siegfried he may seem like that, but to use magic you have to be intelligent♞...

"Your efforts are... verloren, you have... zwei Jahrhunderte of pure training before you can dream standing up to me. And know this, you have failed, within twenty-four hours there will be a chip in your... Kopf."

...♞Siegfried then released his magic aura, the feeling to someone as weakened as Misafune might feel similar to a basilisk staring down a rat as he pointed his staff at the weakened mage, gathering more pure mana than a human should be able to♞...

...♞Siegfried solved Misafune's 'great plan' with a single, common spell used to make the conditions of a whole county worth of land like a nice spring time afternoon. Only it was far less mana as it was only the inside of the barrier. Truly this person had alot to learn when it came to magic. Siegfried would even bet that they couldn't make the simplest of artificial life, which was such an easy thing for himself now that it was laughable. Siegfried then decided it may be wise to see to the woman, though that for him was doing a simple, no chanting healing spell that also recovered lost stamina before taping his staff to the ground and saying another word, this one stopping all nonliving this right where they were♞...


"Rückgängig machen"

...♞Siegfried then looked around as his second spell went into play, turning back the history of everything that was stopped, sure is took equal time to put them back to a state from once they were in it, but again, it was easy for him, plus he had often used it to undo the collateral damage he causes on his mission. Then finally, he let out a deep breath before realsing his barrier from around Beatrice, letting out a wave of fresh spring air with it before running to the edge of the building and jumping after Misafune, wanting to see how the man would react if he was cornered like the wounded animal he seemed to be♞...

"Come back you fool! I never said i was done with you!"

Back at the main building another man stood where perhaps many has stood before his blond hair crowning his head shifting slightly in the wind. He had left the majority of his weapons back in a secret location out in the woods though he did have one particularly powerful desert eagle and several knives on his person along with his trusty katana in its traditional place slung behind his back. He had already been ambushed once in the last month by these new patrols, he had been forced to stay low after that. His face had not been seen by the living but the deaths were likely not gonna go ignored. He strode in the doors, looking around the school his face curiously blank as he started walking towards what he thought was the office to check in, he had already wasted some time getting here.
Akio said:
Back at the main building another man stood where perhaps many has stood before his blond hair crowning his head shifting slightly in the wind. He had left the majority of his weapons back in a secret location out in the woods though he did have one particularly powerful desert eagle and several knives on his person along with his trusty katana in its traditional place slung behind his back. He had already been ambushed once in the last month by these new patrols, he had been forced to stay low after that. His face had not been seen by the living but the deaths were likely not gonna go ignored. He strode in the doors, looking around the school his face curiously blank as he started walking towards what he thought was the office to check in, he had already wasted some time getting here.
...?A woman was at the check in but she looked tired and bored. She was wearing clothing that seemed unusual as well. She also didnt notice a man come in?...

He walked into what he thought was the office and saw a tired woman sitting at the desk. Her dress assemble was strange but reminded him of sparring cloths as he glided over to the desk, not speaking for a moment as his blind eyes moved to her. "Is this where new students enroll?" He asked his voice flat and even.
Akio said:
He walked into what he thought was the office and saw a tired woman sitting at the desk. Her dress assemble was strange but reminded him of sparring cloths as he glided over to the desk, not speaking for a moment as his blind eyes moved to her. "Is this where new students enroll?" He asked his voice flat and even.
...♱The woman looked up and noticed him♱...

''not exactly...but i can still get you enrolled...''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱The woman looked up and noticed him♱...
''not exactly...but i can still get you enrolled...''
He nodded, the gesture clipped and quick. "That would be helpful, I have no sense of direction here. Finding the office might prove tedious." He said crossing his arms.
Akio said:
He nodded, the gesture clipped and quick. "That would be helpful, I have no sense of direction here. Finding the office might prove tedious." He said crossing his arms.
''alright...well, what's your name?''
Akio said:
"Akio." He said giving no effort to give a last name nor explain he didn't use one.
''no last name...? alright Akio..''

...♱She said before getting out a laptop and started pressing buttons pretty much enrolling him♱...

(and its best to tag or quote me. so its easier to find your reply)
HimeragiSeiker said:
''no last name...? alright Akio..''
...♱She said before getting out a laptop and started pressing buttons pretty much enrolling him♱...

(and its best to tag or quote me. so its easier to find your reply)
"I don't wish to be associated with those who gave me my last name, I chose my own." He said with perhaps the slightest hint of agitation though it was impossible to tell and his face was as blank as ever.
Akio said:
"I don't wish to be associated with those who gave me my last name, I chose my own." He said with perhaps the slightest hint of agitation though it was impossible to tell and his face was as blank as ever.
''okay...your being?''

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