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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
...: Nymph was walking back from that weird experience at the museum she walked to the park and looked around before walking to a nearby bench and sitting down, not noticing the girl behind her just yet :...
...⊹Kristako yawned a little before she looked around seeing there was no UN in the area. She was glad for that. She mightve caught their eye in 2 ways possible⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''...what the hell..''
...☫She said before untying her hair so it wasnt in a bun anymore. She didnt really like fixing her hair like that anyway☫...
(Hint: Zero is resonating off of everyones feelings in the area.)

The chaos had found a fruity drink, with a splash of rum, and brought it through itself to her, as it worked on her feet. However, sections of the building were collapsing as the blasts kept coming. Zero was now attempting to climb up to tower above Beatrice, in her moment of defeat.

...☫Seria was just straight up angered. She remembered really why she got into this. Because of naive Scarlet and naive Reina (Rini. i think WP changed it). But she now soon found herself being naive as well. She had so much anger from the humans especially UN that her anger blinded her. She didnt drink the rum and had her arms crossed☫...
Shortyshot said:
Al was standing on a hill looking at the city "Crazy...So much life, anger, happiness, creation, destruction....With all these emotions.....I know you're here." He said his eyes turning cold.
Hallson stepped out from behind the trees "Clever. I didn't think you'd be able to know where I was. Though I should expect no less from a Dragon God am I right?"

Al turned to him and took his hood off "You know this can't go on, you kill so many people....Do you even care? About them? Their families? Maybe they were looking forward to go home and see their wife and children"

Hallson laughed more. "You're kidding. Right? This is coming from the guy who is literally controlled by flat out chaos. You cheat, you kill, then you laugh about it. What makes you different from me, Master?"

Al looked him dead in the eyes "I have a heart. That's more than you could ever say. How long huh? Before you attempt to kill them?

"And why would I tell YOU?"

"Because when you do. I'm going to kill you."
Hall began laughing "Kill? Me? You're hilarious."

Al nodded "You have a point....Boys?" Two figures appeared behind Al. Marcus and Jack. "Come on in, time to get back to work" He said before merging with them. A strange blinding light came off of the man. When it cleared he was wearing the hoodie. The one his father gave him all those years ago. It was laced with gold with the gold getting slightly darker looking orange on the fire emblem which appeared on his back. "I'm not going to lose anymore. I'm not going to fall. I thought if I could save a few people I would be fine....Not anymore. We have families. This world? It has families. Children trying to live each day. One of them will become great with godly power. He will go on to challenge the strongest and possibly be the strongest. I don't know him yet. But hear me now! Even if you kill me this child will kill you! You cannot escape your fate......The only flaw is...That won't happen....You're going to die here and now." His eye glowed golden as he appeared infront of Hallson and sent him flying. Al hadn't even raised his fist.

Hall slammed into a wall and spat out blood "You....Are going to die!!!" He shouted "Chaos Bahamut!" He yelled as a dark glow surrounded him and he transformed


Al shook his head "You think you're gonna win with that? Deathwing..." He muttered as fire exploded around him and he as well transformed


HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Seria was just straight up angered. She remembered really why she got into this. Because of naive Scarlet and naive Reina (Rini. i think WP changed it). But she now soon found herself being naive as well. She had so much anger from the humans especially UN that her anger blinded her. She didnt drink the rum and had her arms crossed☫...
(your so close to unlocking the puzzle. Everyone is angry, enraged, but what is the monster DOING to you and how does it make you FEEL?)

Zero had kept trying to make her feel good, comfy and safe. It had brought in a plate of snacks for her to enjoy as she had box seat view of his rampage. Beatrice tried to bind it with golden chains, but the chaos just ate them. She kept summoning giant things to stop it. But up it climbed.

[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]"Misafune is boring when it comes to calming him down. A kind word, a shoulder rub, or a treat, usually pacifies Misafune. That creature, however wants to return to sleep." she admitted as the pain was lessening." she said as she could stand normally. "Wow, this is intense. It it always like this?" she asked her friend.

Rini blinked "Return to sleep? I'm not sure I follow..." She repeated before Miyaka spoke again "Ah, that? Pretty much, you learn to get used to it after a while though..." She said as she watched the beast, a little confused now by what it was doing it was attacking some and comforting others? Or maybe not it was hard to see really with all the commotion happening, but that's what she thought she saw.
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Mayyflower said:
...♮ Luke was also walking through the courtyard when he heard someone humming, she looked back and say kairassi, he smiled and waved to her ♮...
"Hey Kairassi"
Kairassi then stopped humming when she heard her name, smiling when she recognised who it was "Mornin!" She chimed as she walked up until she was next to him.
When Fricka woke up the next day, it was already 9:00. As she looked at the watch, she remembered that she would be going with Nai on a lunch together at 11:00 A.M, and started panicking. She nearly immidietely ran to the bathroom, and started preparing herself.


[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas sighed at Lumina's antics, it seemed he'd have to go past threats for the moment. Turning all the constructs back into mana, even though some was lost, Thomas reformed it into a mana copy of him that he could swap places with at a moments notice. After that he gave it his wallet so it could attempt to get a room, though he wasn't sure how much knowledge it would need, he hoped it was enough, but that was it, for he wasn't sure. Thomas then started to follow the feeling of the mana he left in Lumina while talking to himself♜...

"This is gonna be annoying, but you've left me no choice."

...♜Thomas then went outside himself, looking around at the buildings the surrounded the area, the tall man-made forest that reached towards the sky blocked out any direct sunlight while the huge crowds of people bustled around down on the streets. Yeah, he had picked this city for that very reason, it would be easy to hide in plain site here, and even more so it the underground operations that took place here in Manhattan. Though his final goal was to find someone whom knew Lumina in her past life, someone he could trust with her. With that in mind Thomas effortlessly followed the mana inside Lumina straight to where she was before rushing up and grabbing at her wrist. For a moment he thought how the one she loved would think of her, the one she had thought of as they were linked while she died... what was his name? Accidentally Thomas said it while bickering at Lumina♜...

"You can't lose me that easily you firebird! Do i have to fight you to make you listen to what i have to say? What would that Kenji think?"

...♤Lumina walked along the street, her pale blue eyes scanning over the throngs of people that were walking around her. What could possibly bring so many people together? Her memories of her previous life and seeing the city were gone, so for the phoenix it was like seeing the city for the first time. Tall structures of glass and metal shot up into the sky, and smaller buildings of different colors and sizes sat along the streets, with people going in and out of them in neverending waves. With all these people in such a small vicinity, one little (or big) fire could really do some damage. A sinister grin began to sneak it's way onto her lips and her fingers twitched from anticipation, but a growl coming from her stomach interrupted her thoughts. Ah yes, she was hungry. That's why she ended up walking away from that stupid homonculous earlier. Well, that wasn't the reason, but now that she had she figured that food would be a good idea. Lumina was glad that she was able to identify survival instincts at least. The phoenix kept walking, looking around for a place to eat, when a sign caught her eye. It was something called a "cafe", and the building was cream colored with white trim, and the glass to the inside had some kind of reddish pink ball on top of an upside down brown cone... the image intrigued the phoenix, so she decided to go and eat whatever that was. She had almost reached the door when she suddenly felt a hand around her wrist, and out of reflex she engulfed her wrist and hand in flame before yanking it away from whoever it was. As she turned to look at what had grabbed her, her eyes widened and subsequently narrowed to see that it was Thomas, and Lumina furrowed her brows at him♤...

"I thought I told you I was done with hanging around with you."

...♤He was definitely the last person she wanted to see right now. She had left that parking garage with the intention of never seeing him again, and yet not even five minutes later he was back. Could she never get rid of him? It was like he was some kind of parasite, and that thought made a disgusted look come on to her face for a second as she stared him down. What did he want now? She looked at him with a blank, yet visibly annoyed expression as he spoke at her, and suddenly he spoke a name. Kenji? Kenji.. there was something oddly familiar about that name, but she didn't know what. It didn't ring any bells or bring any faces to mind. Really, she probably heard it in passing as she was walking through the city. That was the only explanation she could think of, considering she didn't know any Kenji. So Lumina placed her hand on her hip before responding to Thomas♤...

"You are persistent, that for sure. And kind of stupid, because I don't know any Kenji. Are you done?"
...☼Chiharu just kept running, towing Scarlett behind her. With this thing attacking the building, half the time she tried to turn a corner to escape it just didn't exist anymore, and she was going to take any chances by going that way. So it just came down to navigating the maze of the deteriorating building. Soon though, to her happiness, Chiharu came an undestroyed exit, and bolted through it, making sure that Scarlett made it through as well. She ran with her charge until they were a good ways away from the beast, and turned to Scarlett before speaking☼...

"You need to find somewhere safe, and stay there. I'll go see what I can do to that thing."

...☼And with that she was off running toward the black beast, hopping up on the roof with a lot more ease than he'd body usually could. A weapon was strapped to her back and she unhooked it, holding it in her hands. It was a weapon that had three modes: sickle and chain, sword, and gun. Glancing up at the creature Chiharu set it to its gun mode and aimed it toward the area on the creature with the pink spot, not really taking any care to specifically aim at the lighter colored area. Furrowing her brow, she fired the weapon, hoping to do something or anything to stop it's onslaught☼...
Lumina said:
...☼Chiharu just kept running, towing Scarlett behind her. With this thing attacking the building, half the time she tried to turn a corner to escape it just didn't exist anymore, and she was going to take any chances by going that way. So it just came down to navigating the maze of the deteriorating building. Soon though, to her happiness, Chiharu came an undestroyed exit, and bolted through it, making sure that Scarlett made it through as well. She ran with her charge until they were a good ways away from the beast, and turned to Scarlett before speaking☼...
"You need to find somewhere safe, and stay there. I'll go see what I can do to that thing."

...☼And with that she was off running toward the black beast, hopping up on the roof with a lot more ease than he'd body usually could. A weapon was strapped to her back and she unhooked it, holding it in her hands. It was a weapon that had three modes: sickle and chain, sword, and gun. Glancing up at the creature Chiharu set it to its gun mode and aimed it toward the area on the creature with the pink spot, not really taking any care to specifically aim at the lighter colored area. Furrowing her brow, she fired the weapon, hoping to do something or anything to stop it's onslaught☼...
@Jofune Tsurabisu ((totally forgot to tag you, sorry! ))
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina walked along the street, her pale blue eyes scanning over the throngs of people that were walking around her. What could possibly bring so many people together? Her memories of her previous life and seeing the city were gone, so for the phoenix it was like seeing the city for the first time. Tall structures of glass and metal shot up into the sky, and smaller buildings of different colors and sizes sat along the streets, with people going in and out of them in neverending waves. With all these people in such a small vicinity, one little (or big) fire could really do some damage. A sinister grin began to sneak it's way onto her lips and her fingers twitched from anticipation, but a growl coming from her stomach interrupted her thoughts. Ah yes, she was hungry. That's why she ended up walking away from that stupid homonculous earlier. Well, that wasn't the reason, but now that she had she figured that food would be a good idea. Lumina was glad that she was able to identify survival instincts at least. The phoenix kept walking, looking around for a place to eat, when a sign caught her eye. It was something called a "cafe", and the building was cream colored with white trim, and the glass to the inside had some kind of reddish pink ball on top of an upside down brown cone... the image intrigued the phoenix, so she decided to go and eat whatever that was. She had almost reached the door when she suddenly felt a hand around her wrist, and out of reflex she engulfed her wrist and hand in flame before yanking it away from whoever it was. As she turned to look at what had grabbed her, her eyes widened and subsequently narrowed to see that it was Thomas, and Lumina furrowed her brows at him♤...

"I thought I told you I was done with hanging around with you."

...♤He was definitely the last person she wanted to see right now. She had left that parking garage with the intention of never seeing him again, and yet not even five minutes later he was back. Could she never get rid of him? It was like he was some kind of parasite, and that thought made a disgusted look come on to her face for a second as she stared him down. What did he want now? She looked at him with a blank, yet visibly annoyed expression as he spoke at her, and suddenly he spoke a name. Kenji? Kenji.. there was something oddly familiar about that name, but she didn't know what. It didn't ring any bells or bring any faces to mind. Really, she probably heard it in passing as she was walking through the city. That was the only explanation she could think of, considering she didn't know any Kenji. So Lumina placed her hand on her hip before responding to Thomas♤...

"You are persistent, that for sure. And kind of stupid, because I don't know any Kenji. Are you done?"
...♜Thomas's hand had flinched back before he looked at the burnt tissue on his palm, that was right, Lumina was a phoenix; not only that, but that could have made her feel threatened, so he couldn't blame her for the state of his hand. Besides that, Thomas was looking at his palm with a bit of frustration as it healed. After that he looked around and noticed they were at a cafe and a certain look donned upon his eyes, almost like a cat seeing catnip right within reach, though the rest of his face stayed the same. Thomas then cleared his throat before talking in a matter of fact tone♜...

"Hate to tell you, and even say it myself, but you are stuck with me till i can get you back with those you belong with. If that means me having to chase you and capture you hundreds of thousands of times, then so be it!"

...♜Thomas then reached into his pocket and fished out a slightly ashy ring, the one Lumina had been wearing upon her capture and death. Looking Lumina in the eyes, Thomas tossed the ring it Lumina before walking into the cafe, quickly putting his had up his sleeve and pulling out some U.S. cash from his magic storage brace. After that he motioned for Lumina to follow him♜...

"As for Kenji, he's the one you're engaged to, from what i can understand, he's a god of some sort, though i think that's an understatement beyond what i can understand."

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas's hand had flinched back before he looked at the burnt tissue on his palm, that was right, Lumina was a phoenix; not only that, but that could have made her feel threatened, so he couldn't blame her for the state of his hand. Besides that, Thomas was looking at his palm with a bit of frustration as it healed. After that he looked around and noticed they were at a cafe and a certain look donned upon his eyes, almost like a cat seeing catnip right within reach, though the rest of his face stayed the same. Thomas then cleared his throat before talking in a matter of fact tone♜...
"Hate to tell you, and even say it myself, but you are stuck with me till i can get you back with those you belong with. If that means me having to chase you and capture you hundreds of thousands of times, then so be it!"

...♜Thomas then reached into his pocket and fished out a slightly ashy ring, the one Lumina had been wearing upon her capture and death. Looking Lumina in the eyes, Thomas tossed the ring it Lumina before walking into the cafe, quickly putting his had up his sleeve and pulling out some U.S. cash from his magic storage brace. After that he motioned for Lumina to follow him♜...

"As for Kenji, he's the one you're engaged to, from what i can understand, he's a god of some sort, though i think that's an understatement beyond what i can understand."

...♤Lumina just stared at Thomas as he flinched back, not even caring that his hand was healing. That's what he gets for grabbing her like that! There were people staring at the two, especially since there was the flash of light from the flames, but Lumina didn't care. She noticed he had looked toward the shop, wondering what his deal was considering he was chasing her, but soon he was speaking at her again, so she couldn't think too much on it. She sighed at his explanation, fixing her hair a bit before responding in an annoyed tone♤...

"Can't you just leave me alone. Either way, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't belong to anybody or with anybody. I'm on my own."

...♤The phoenix was about to walk away when Thomas made another motion that caught her attention. In a swift motion she caught the ring that he tossed at her, and her attention was focused too much on what it was that he threw at her to notice that he wanted her to follow him inside. Opening her hand, Lumina's eyes fell upon the ashy ring, taking in the intricate details for a moment. Honestly she was confused why he was even giving it to her and was about to just toss it when suddenly her eyes widened. Flashes of memories coursed through her mind like lightning, each flash giving her a splitting pain feeling with every flash. They were random memories, but each had some in in common. There was a face, the face of a man, with red hair and kind eyes... the pain got so bad that Lumina dropped the ring, holding her head and stumbling back a few steps. Breathing heavily, Lumina stared down at the ring. What the hell was that? She backed up a few more steps, remnants of the memories still stuck in her mind, playing over and over again. Something felt off about... everything. About her, about the memories, about life itself. Lumina shook her head before taking a few more steps back and running off in the opposite direction, speaking aloud before she did♤...

"J-Just leave me alone!"
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦Arashea kissed back holding Akane close✦...
Akane smiled inti the kiss, blushing lightly as she felt Arashea holding her. Out of instinct, Akane deepened the kiss and put her arms around her neck.
Roman said:
Akane smiled inti the kiss, blushing lightly as she felt Arashea holding her. Out of instinct, Akane deepened the kiss and put her arms around her neck.
...✦Arashea smiled into the kiss as well as she began to kiss her more passionately✦...
Mayyflower said:
...€ May shook her head amd looked at Alejandro, she knew luner would find her but she doesn't like being separated from her... May sighed softly and smiled softly at him €...
"Oh no! It's not your fault, I'm the one who dropped her... Heh.. She will find me so don't worry about it.. "
Alejandro looked at May in a slightly confused way. Did she just forgive him that fast? Did she ever even blame him for it? Alejandro just smiled back at her and nodded, "Okay then... How about we just go and sit somewhere? Some place high up... Like a building?" He asked her.
After Fricka finished washing herself, she dressed herself in a white t-shirt and a jeans jacket. She also took a pair of jeans, and a pair of boots, as she walked out of her dorm, and, slightly nervously lookinv around, started waiting for the clock to reach 11:00 a.m

JJKab said:
After Fricka finished washing herself, she dressed herself in a white t-shirt and a jeans jacket. She also took a pair of jeans, and a pair of boots, as she walked out of her dorm, and, slightly nervously lookinv around, started waiting for the clock to reach 11:00 a.m
Nai whistled as he made his way to Fricka's dorm. He blushed lightly at the thought of this feeling like a date, but he knew it was just two friends getting lunch. Once he saw Fricka's dorm, he took out his phone and looked at the time. "I'm on time. Thank God." He said quietly as he waved to her. "H-Hey! Fricka!" He called to her, still making his way over to her.
Roman said:
Nai whistled as he made his way to Fricka's dorm. He blushed lightly at the thought of this feeling like a date, but he knew it was just two friends getting lunch. Once he saw Fricka's dorm, he took out his phone and looked at the time. "I'm on time. Thank God." He said quietly as he waved to her. "H-Hey! Fricka!" He called to her, still making his way over to her.
"H-Hey" Fricka smiled widely, small blush appearing on her cheeks, as she made her way towards Nai.

"G-Great that you came.. For a second i thought y-y-you wouldn't come.." She said, scratching the back of her head
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦Arashea smiled into the kiss as well as she began to kiss her more passionately✦...
Akane's blushed darkened a bit as they kiss. She noticed the change in how Arashea was kissing her from when they began and she too kissed back passionately. For a moment she just wanted to pull away and catch her breath, but she didn't and instead continued to kiss her.
JJKab said:
"H-Hey" Fricka smiled widely, small blush appearing on her cheeks, as she made her way towards Nai.
"G-Great that you came.. For a second i thought y-y-you wouldn't come.." She said, scratching the back of her head
"I would always come and take care of my plans. Besides, I invited you to lunch, it'd be rude to just blow you off because I don't want to go. And I do want to go to lunch with you." Nai said, putting a hand behind his head. "Why wouldn't I come?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''so anything you want to do today...?''
(Sorry for not getting back to you, schools kicking my rear right now.)

Sora smiled and shook her head. "I've got a big list of stuff on my "To do list" but none of it really has a timeframe it needs to be done in, so not really. Hang out with you mainly I guess..."
Roman said:
"I would always come and take care of my plans. Besides, I invited you to lunch, it'd be rude to just blow you off because I don't want to go. And I do want to go to lunch with you." Nai said, putting a hand behind his head. "Why wouldn't I come?"
"I-i-i... Don' know..." Fricka's blush slightly deepened, but she shrugged.

"L-lets go.. Lead the way" She smiled, looking at Nai

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