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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Ok she said before she called her dad

...⊹Kikuri just waited wondering if Myuki is truly strong to get through this⊹...
Ravynne arched a delicate brow, having heard the female move but unable to see as she did have her eyes closed. However, the sound of skin against skin piqued her curiosity enough that she peeked through her arms only to see her patting her lap. Again, she would have been surprised had she not been spending the afternoon with them. They were different than she was, but she was grudgingly becoming fond of them. Without saying a word, she shifted onto her back and laid the back of her head on Seris' lap.

'It's definitely much more comfortable than the ground,' she mentally admitted, running her fingers through her loose violet hair. Looking up, she caught sight of Seris and allowed a small smile to make its way onto her lips. She ignored the gasps that emanated from the onlookers, their presence merely a small buzz in the back of her mind. Irrelevant and soon to perish by her hand anyway. There were already many images in her mind on how to end their pathetic lives. All they seemed to do anyway was irritate the hell out of her anyway.

"I really want their blood on my hands," she mumbled, mentally smirking when she caught sight of some paling faces within the spectators. It seemed them right for watching them like they were some damn alien mutation. Too bad for them she was completely serious in her craving for blood shed. Specifically theirs.

@LunaCrosby @HimeragiSeiker
She stretched her arms, releasing some of the tension that had been within her muscles. It was no surprise that she had shocked the people around them, but she was annoyed that they made it seem like she was completely unfeeling. Ravynne did feel. Sure, it was mostly blood lust, and irritation, and anger, but she felt nonetheless.

"They're a bunch of sheep is all," she explained, pulling a cherry blossom out of her hair, "It's not like I show much emotion. They're all undeserving of it." She sounded narcissistic, she knew that, but she wouldn't take anything back. Those were the same people who used to tease her back in her first year because of her accent. She had merely taken control and instilled fear as an instinct within them. She was a predator and they were her insignificant prey. Cold violet eyes narrowed, deciding it be best to just ignore the existence of the people nearby; they were a trivial matter that would soon be eliminated.

"You're very comfortable, Seris," was her reply, relaxing further into her human pillow, relishing in the small contact she didn't usually have with other people. Ravynne had never expressed it out loud, but she had become rather lonely when she had isolated herself from those around her.

@LunaCrosby @HimeragiSeiker
Roman said:
Alejandro blushed lightly when their hands touched. He soon looked up at her, his blush disappearing. Alejandro then chuckled lightly and nodded in agreement, "Yep. We can tough this out. I know we can." He said as the last person got on. The ride then slowly began to go forward. "Well. Here goes nothing."
...€ May smiled and hugged luner close with her free hand and gave his hand a light squeeze €...

"Oh man.."
LunaCrosby said:
Zero stared at the people before looking back at Ravynne, "Why not scare them off then? they should know that it's not polite to stare and be nosey about your business" he said.
''well maybe its because you never see a girl use another girl as a lap pillow...''

...♱She said before 3 brolic men walked by and stopped when they saw Seris and Ravynne and shouted making small jokes♱...

''cmon, just kiss already will ya?!''

''yeah and also just have some fun right there!! hahaha!!''

''yeah and maybe we can join in on the fun an--''

...♱And of course, some jokes had to either die away, or forcibly stopped. Seris chose force as she pulled out machine pistol while looking at Ravynne blankly as she pointed it at the brolic men's direction and started to fire aimlessly and it seemed the bullets were never ending. The men soon cowered behind some vending machines as Seris just laughed while shooting♱...

''hahahaa! very funny!! its so funny it makes me want to kill you, you stupid mother fuckers!! Suffer!!''

''gahhh dammit, we're doomed...!!!''

Ravynne looked at Zero, a pensive look on her stoic face. She had just been about to say something when she was rudely interrupted by the three men., causing the Blood Drifter to drift from frustrated to furious. It wasn't just that they had barged into her conversation but their comments themselves. A red haze began to obscure her vision, tainting the beautiful violet irises a glowing crimson that just screamed danger.

'I haven't killed anyone in four days, but I've been dying to bathe in the blood of cretins,' she thought, allowing her fangs to extend past her lips as she turned to face the men. However, Seris beat her to it and began firing at the men with her weapon. While she was bit miffed that her prey had been stolen, she couldn't really fault Seris. Watching her was entirely too amusing to stay disappointed for long.

"Oh, well, they did want us to have some fun," Ravynne purred, her crimson eyes glinting with malicious pleasure, a smirk on her full lips as the cries of the man pierced her ears, "And I am most definitely having fun."

@LunaCrosby @HimeragiSeiker
Roman said:
Taylor nodded, it was in a few magazines and even in the paper. It showed up a dew times in the paper too. He then positioned himself so he was facing Celia. He then poked her on the forehead, chuckling lightly.
"Yeah. I thought maybe you'd like that. Mainly because the spa, which I was apparently right about."

He then wrapped his arms around Celia and smiled, as he pecked her on the lips.
...❤︎At the tap on her forehead, Celia's hands rose up to cover the spot soon after and pouted at Taylor. Here she was trying to watch one of her favorite shows and then was suddenly poked. It was slightly distracting and wondered if that was how he felt when she randomly poked him at times. Celia usually did it out of boredom or just because she wanted to. She didn't know why she was just poked on her forehead. Removing her hands from her forehead, Celia focused her attention on Taylor instead of the television and she was about to poke his cheek before she felt his arms go around her. She blushed lightly at the peck before she proceeded to poke his cheek a couple times, soon speaking❤︎...

"Well you thought right then. Why did you poke me?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](Yeah)
The nurses got in and the sirens started as the ambulance launched off twoards the city

Dex yawned lightly and stretched as the movie ended. "Well, that was fun. What did you think Hina?" He asked as he looked to see her reaction.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''well maybe its because you never see a girl use another girl as a lap pillow...''
...?She said before 3 brolic men walked by and stopped when they saw Seris and Ravynne and shouted making small jokes?...

''cmon, just kiss already will ya?!''

''yeah and also just have some fun right there!! hahaha!!''

''yeah and maybe we can join in on the fun an--''

...?And of course, some jokes had to either die away, or forcibly stopped. Seris chose force as she pulled out machine pistol while looking at Ravynne blankly as she pointed it at the brolic men's direction and started to fire aimlessly and it seemed the bullets were never ending. The men soon cowered behind some vending machines as Seris just laughed while shooting?...

''hahahaa! very funny!! its so funny it makes me want to kill you, you stupid mother fuckers!! Suffer!!''

''gahhh dammit, we're doomed...!!!''
Zero watched Seris fire bullet's at the three men. "I told you that some men were dog's, they just don't seem to know how to treat people correctly without making comment's like those." he said as he watched. He wasn't going to stop her, only if he had to, though he felt these people deserved it in a way.

LunaCrosby said:
Zero watched Seris fire bullet's at the three men. "I told you that some men were dog's, they just don't seem to know how to treat people correctly without making comment's like those." he said as he watched. He wasn't going to stop her, only if he had to, though he felt these people deserved it in a way.

''hey Ravynne, you want a shot at em too?''

...?She said with a grin before 2 turrents appeared for both of them and Seris switched from the machine pistol to the turrent and unloaded at them?...
iChaotic said:
Yuudai "Yuu" Kimura

"Me?" Yuudai's throat tightened as he replied, he wasn't just like most of the other students here who came for training or whatever. Truth be told, rumours about Yuudai watching his family be butchered by some unknown organisation were true. "Well.. Training or whatever." Yuudai muttered. "I'd rather not talk about it.." He added. No one really knew anything about Yuudai, his past, what he was or why he was even here. God, people didn't even know where he lived. Well, that's because he doesn't live anywhere; he'll take any place that is available to him before moving onto another place for the night. When you look like you don't even know what emotions are, people get the wrong idea and prefer not speaking with you.


Seeing that she shouldnt have asked that question, Hinaki thought she must have offended him in some way of asking. She immediately bowed, giving him an apology as she did. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me for asking something like that." She said quietly and stood upright, looking away from Yuudai. She felt bad about asking that and made a note to never bring something like that up again. Hinaki shuffled up in the line once she saw that it was her turn and grabbed her ramen, digging through her pockets until she found the money to pay for it, placing that on the counter.

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The vindictive gleam in the female's eyes only tripled at Seris' request, the smirk turning into a full malevolent grin. It was the most emotion she had ever shown in the presence of the students. The only one who had ever seen her in such a way was Garret, and he usually steered clear of her when she went into a blood rage. Taking up the weapon, she inspected it, turning it in her slim hands as her eyes roamed over it. It wasn't like anything she used, not as personal as she'd like to get, but she could always up to trying something new.

"Don't mind if I do," the Blood Drifter said, her voice low and seductive as she caressed the heavy weapon with her pale fingers. Taking aim, she fired and shot straight through the right kneecap of one of the men. Ravynne relished in the sound of his agonized scream, the blood that sprayed from the wound she had inflicted. Her own blood ran fast and hot through her veins, speaking of the exhilaration the female was feeling at the pain of her enemies.

"While this isn't how I would usually kill someone, I admit that it was it's own personal charm," she told Seris over the male's cries before she turned to Zero, "I do hope we're not making you uncomfortable." She had become rather fond of the man, and while she wouldn't be devastated should he leave, she would feel slightly disappointed. She took aim again, shutting her left eye and shot. This time she managed to clip the same man's shoulder.

@LunaCrosby @HimeragiSeiker
Zero watched her shoot one man's knee cap and shoulder, "I've seen a lot more blood then this in my child hood, i'd be a wimp if this bothered me" he said while watching. It was amusing in a way, though he would admit to it, he'd get slapped on the back of his head if he said it near one of his friends.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Hmmmm i do not know. My brothers only eaten the fear of others so id say something good like stakes." She said to him

"Don't you mean your "sister", but yeah, steak sounds nice." Luke said, thinking about how fun it'd be to tease Atrio since he was turned into a girl. "Any idea for sides?"
Mayyflower said:
...€ May smiled and hugged luner close with her free hand and gave his hand a light squeeze €...
"Oh man.."
The ride soon started going up, preparing for a large dive so it can go even faster. That's when Alejandro squeezed May's hand a little but not too much, he then spoke, "We might not have it..."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''alright. so we're going back to the mansion then? with Tonton?''
"Yeah. Me, you, and Tonton altogether." Hanae said. "Do you wanna take us to the mansion?" She asked, as she petted Tonton's head.
The Blood Drifter leaned the weapon against her shoulder, resting her cheek against her free palm. It had been much too fast for her liking. There had been a certain thrill to shooting at them, but she hadn't been allowed the freedom to feel the blood or even watch the fear in their eyes as it progressed. All in all, while a very fun experiment, it left her feeling somewhat void. She turned to Seris, a small pout on her full lips.

"Next time we're doing this my way. Up close and person with only knives, claws, and our bare hands as weapons," she told her, already feeling the adrenaline rushing through her veins at the mere thought of the blood that would paint her alabaster skin. She handed the weapon back to the other woman and laid back on the ground. The cherry blossoms for some reason looked tainted, a darker pink than they had been. Ravynne couldn't fathom why though and then put it out of her mind.

"Well, that was pleasing nonetheless," she mumbled, looking over at Zero with an arched brow, "What about you? What would you describe as fun?"

@LunaCrosby @HimeragiSeiker

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