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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Hina sat there fast asleep with her head resting on his shoulders gently as she took gentle breaths. One hand was clasped to one of his hands
"Hmmm maybe potatoes and esparagus?" She said curiously as she thought about it. She knew that was about the most american meal ever but didnt really care as long as it was good food

Luke nodded and closed the book, "How long do we have? I don't wanna have a half done meal ready when they get here. That's just rude." He said, laughing lightly. "Look at us~ We already sound like a married couple~"
Roman said:
Luke nodded and closed the book, "How long do we have? I don't wanna have a half done meal ready when they get here. That's just rude." He said, laughing lightly. "Look at us~ We already sound like a married couple~"
"And i am glad about that." She said softly before turning to him and kissing his chin. "We have two hours." She said to him happily
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Hmm...... Well because myuki gave birth her body should naturaly produce the milk even if shes asleep. Think you can wake her enough for her to feed the childeren?" He asked as he had no other solution to this problem

''her pulse is faint....thats why shes at the hospital...''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"And i am glad about that." She said softly before turning to him and kissing his chin. "We have two hours." She said to him happily

Luke nodded and kissed Rina back and smiled, "Okay. Two hours and we're slacking." He said jokingly. "Well, it's hard not to be distracted with you around." He said softly. "Mind getting the asparagus and potatoes?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''her pulse is faint....thats why shes at the hospital...''
"I understand that my lady. Tis why i was asking if you had sone song to reverse these effects for five minuets only so they may feed." He said to her full well knowing all this
Roman said:
Luke nodded and kissed Rina back and smiled, "Okay. Two hours and we're slacking." He said jokingly. "Well, it's hard not to be distracted with you around." He said softly. "Mind getting the asparagus and potatoes?"
"Ill go get them." She said before kissing him deeply theb hugging him tightly. "I love you baby." She said softly before she then disapered into shadows. She would return five minuets later with all the needed ingredients
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Ill go get them." She said before kissing him deeply theb hugging him tightly. "I love you baby." She said softly before she then disapered into shadows. She would return five minuets later with all the needed ingredients

Luke was already preparing the steak when Rina came back, "You left so quickly I didn't get to say I love you back." He said softly. "You wanna start getting that ready for dinner? I'll handle our steak."
Roman said:
Luke was already preparing the steak when Rina came back, "You left so quickly I didn't get to say I love you back." He said softly. "You wanna start getting that ready for dinner? I'll handle our steak."
She smiled at his words then spoke. "Well i will always come back so you can say it to me then." She said happily before she walked up beside him and started to happily prep the esperagus and the potatoes
LunaCrosby said:
Ruri looked at the girl, "I was going to go get ice cream since it's a little hot out..... you can join me, if you'd like" she said.
...☽Neko perked up at the sound of ice cream and nodded excitedly. Ice cream sounded really good and she was now kind of craving it. Even though she didn't know the girl at all, she would tag along with her to the ice cream parlor. Maybe she'd learn her name while walking there or something. Neko soon spoke, referring to herself in the third person. It was so.ething she did a lot and it was out of habit. She never realized she would speak in the third person unless someone told her, which she would then forget and to it all over again☾...

"Neko will come along with you~ "
WeirdPrincess said:
...☽Neko perked up at the sound of ice cream and nodded excitedly. Ice cream sounded really good and she was now kind of craving it. Even though she didn't know the girl at all, she would tag along with her to the ice cream parlor. Maybe she'd learn her name while walking there or something. Neko soon spoke, referring to herself in the third person. It was so.ething she did a lot and it was out of habit. She never realized she would speak in the third person unless someone told her, which she would then forget and to it all over again☾...
"Neko will come along with you~ "
Ruri smiled, "So your name's Neko? My name's Ruri, though my sister jokingly call's me Kuroneko" she said as she began walking to the Ice cream shop.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled at his words then spoke. "Well i will always come back so you can say it to me then." She said happily before she walked up beside him and started to happily prep the esperagus and the potatoes

"And I'll always come back too." Luke said, as he seasoned the meat.
Roman said:
Roman stopped wincing as the pain quickly eased up on his body. If he were to put the way he felt into words, he'd just say one: Hell. He then opened his eyes and looked up at Kaori. Under his mask a smile formed on his lips, but he soon gritted his teeth as he felt one last sharp pain. Now all he could think about the day he hurt her. The day he "killed" her. Was this how it felt? To be in pain? Whatever it was he was just glad, Kaori came and saved him before he bled out. Roman soon opened his mouth to speak, his voice wasn't that loud anymore, so if she didn't hear him, he was out of luck...

"Thank you... Kaori."

He then placed his hands on her own and moved them before sitting up. His body was able to heal itself, but not at fast as it usually did. Roman then looked at Kaori, and let go of her hands.

"How did you know I was in trouble?"
...☆Kaori was determined to heal him as much as she could despite feeling like she was going to pass out if she kept it up. He definitely was doing better, and was obviously awake enough to talk, so that was a good sign. But he still wasn't fully healed, and as much as she knew she couldn't heal him totally she wanted to do whatever she could while she was here. He looked pretty awful, with how much she could tell he was in pain, though that amount was slowly decreasing, as well as all the blood on his clothes, and it made her quite sad to see. She hated seeing people she cared about in such states of distress. Soon though she heard him thank her, and she just gave him a tired smile, shaking her head☆...

"It's no problem."

...☆The headache seemed to grow some, almost to the point where it was distracting enough to stop her from healing Roman. It didn't seem to matter anyways as he soon sat up, and the glow around her hands faded. Kaori took this time as he asked her how she found him as a time to catch her breath, her head hanging down a bit as she let herself rest some. How did she know Well, he was on TV, but that didn't really explain how she knew where to find him in his half dead state. Truthfully, she wasn't quite sure either, and as she caught her breath she brought a hand up to her chest near her scar, which was where she felt the second heartbeat always coming from. Somehow, this... thing inside her led her to him. How could she explain that, really? It sounded crazy and kind of scary, really, so Kaori just lifted her head, donning a smile and giving her best answer☆...

"Well you ended up being in the news about the attack, and I guess I got lucky finding you."
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori was determined to heal him as much as she could despite feeling like she was going to pass out if she kept it up. He definitely was doing better, and was obviously awake enough to talk, so that was a good sign. But he still wasn't fully healed, and as much as she knew she couldn't heal him totally she wanted to do whatever she could while she was here. He looked pretty awful, with how much she could tell he was in pain, though that amount was slowly decreasing, as well as all the blood on his clothes, and it made her quite sad to see. She hated seeing people she cared about in such states of distress. Soon though she heard him thank her, and she just gave him a tired smile, shaking her head☆...

"It's no problem."

...☆The headache seemed to grow some, almost to the point where it was distracting enough to stop her from healing Roman. It didn't seem to matter anyways as he soon sat up, and the glow around her hands faded. Kaori took this time as he asked her how she found him as a time to catch her breath, her head hanging down a bit as she let herself rest some. How did she know Well, he was on TV, but that didn't really explain how she knew where to find him in his half dead state. Truthfully, she wasn't quite sure either, and as she caught her breath she brought a hand up to her chest near her scar, which was where she felt the second heartbeat always coming from. Somehow, this... thing inside her led her to him. How could she explain that, really? It sounded crazy and kind of scary, really, so Kaori just lifted her head, donning a smile and giving her best answer☆...

"Well you ended up being in the news about the attack, and I guess I got lucky finding you."
Roman sighed and smiled at Kaori. He was sort of surprised to see that the camera was still rolling when he made it to the U.N. base. He had saw the cameraman dead on the ground... Roman looked around, and came to see that he was unfamiliar with the area they were in. It wasn't the training ground anymore and he slowly stood up for a better look. He then held out his hand to help Kaori up, as he looked out into the distance.

"I'm glad. You were able to help me..."

The guilt that he felt earlier rushed over him again. He was able to say those words, but she wasn't... He couldn't save her yet she could save him. Deep down inside, he could only call himself a walking joke.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled and leaned on him resting her head on his shoulder as she prepped the potatoes for backed potatoes happily

"This kitchen is a lot bigger than the one at the apartment." Luke said, looking around as he started to cook the steak. "Everything is big here... All the rooms and everything. It just feels so nice to have space, huh?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas could only rub his head as Lumina flew around as he figured a baby bird fresh from the nest would. While she did that Thomas had pinpointed where the portal would lead, that place being the underground car garage of a five star hotel he had been given the chance to stay at in one of his missions a few years back. What had he been doing then? Ah yes. He had to lure some company big shot away from a party then kidnap him. It had been relatively easy, plus the government that had commissioned the job made sure that he had a week of luxury before Siegfried was even allowed to have him back. So even though Lumina had gone threw the portal first, he wasn't too worried that anyone on the other side would get hurt to badly, after all, the hotel had been a place for those with power, whether is be literal or political, to frequent. Thomas still hurried threw the portal after Lumina though♜...

"Hey hey hey! None of that! Do you even know how to survive on your own!?"

...♜Thomas quickly closed the portal behind them before sending out a mana hand big enough to hold Lumina, which it was meant for, grabbing Lumina... It sounded weird in Thomas's head, like something a pervert might say. Now that he thought of it his master often called him a pervert for no reason♜...

"Not only that, but you only have one set of clothes, that aren't fire proof might i add. Before anything else we need to secure a place to stay, i was thinking a two queen bed suite up-top, but you clearly have other things on your mind."

...♤All Lumina wanted was to see things be set ablaze. To see fire coursing through and scorching whatever it could get its flames on, that's what she craved more than anything. Whether it be people or buildings or animals or plants or really anything and everything, she wanted to see it burn. It was like an itch, or a thirst, and the only way to satisfy it was to feel and see everything slowly (or quickly, she didn't really care too much either way) be charred to black. She hadn't noticed it really much after she first woke up, but she was really feeling it once her wings touched the sun. That same warmth... she wanted everything to feel it. Except, ten times more intense and deadly if at all possible. So suffice to say that when Thomas grabbed her with the mana hand, Lumina wasn't too happy. Her first instinct was to struggle against it, but soon she realized she wasn't going anywhere, so she turned her head to look at Thomas with a displeased expression as she spoke♤...

"Who gives a shit about some suite? I just wanna set things on fire, damnit? What's so wrong with that?"
Roman said:
Roman sighed and smiled at Kaori. He was sort of surprised to see that the camera was still rolling when he made it to the U.N. base. He had saw the cameraman dead on the ground... Roman looked around, and came to see that he was unfamiliar with the area they were in. It wasn't the training ground anymore and he slowly stood up for a better look. He then held out his hand to help Kaori up, as he looked out into the distance.
"I'm glad. You were able to help me..."

The guilt that he felt earlier rushed over him again. He was able to say those words, but she wasn't... He couldn't save her yet she could save him. Deep down inside, he could only call himself a walking joke.
...☆To see Roman smile back at her nearly made her completely forget about how awful she felt. To see him be happy and thankful, that made it all worthwhile. She was glad to see him be alright, especially alright enough to smile at her. Or course she hadn't actually seen him smile, but she knew him well enough to know when he would be smiling. So as he stood up and offered her hand to him, she took it, shakily standing up and coming to a rest next to him. As he spoke, even in her tired haze she could tell he wasn't quite himself, though what that implied she wasn't quite sure. He seemed lost in thought about something, which completely contrasted against the Roman she both knew as a child and one that she had met only recently in the week. So Kaori only stood next to him, looking off in the distance as well☆...

"Well, that's my job as a medical ninja right? Making sure to always help those I care about."
WeirdPrincess said:
Seeing that she shouldnt have asked that question, Hinaki thought she must have offended him in some way of asking. She immediately bowed, giving him an apology as she did. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me for asking something like that." She said quietly and stood upright, looking away from Yuudai. She felt bad about asking that and made a note to never bring something like that up again. Hinaki shuffled up in the line once she saw that it was her turn and grabbed her ramen, digging through her pockets until she found the money to pay for it, placing that on the counter.

Yuudai "Yuu" Kimura

Yuudai let out a sigh before glancing back up a Hinaki. "It's fine, I'd prefer it if you don't ask things about me." He didn't plan on buying anything from the cafeteria, he wasn't a big eater like others; he rarely ate anyway. How he could go so long without eating and still have full power was a mysterious to others, but it was only due to Yuudai's organs. Yuudai's stomach was a lot smaller than the normal humans which meant he never really became hungry and only had to eat a small amount to keep him full. He put a hand through his big hair as he followed Hinaki up to the counter. "So, what are your powers exactly? I have to admit, I'm rather interested in learning what species other people are and what they are capable of; especially the newer students."

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Roman said:
The ride soon started going up, preparing for a large dive so it can go even faster. That's when Alejandro squeezed May's hand a little but not too much, he then spoke, "We might not have it..."
...€ May looked around and then back at Alejandro, she chuckled softly €...

"Yea we don't have this"
Mayyflower said:
...€ May looked around and then back at Alejandro, she chuckled softly €...
"Yea we don't have this"
The ride soon came to a stop before slowly going forward. "...Yep. It was nice knowing you, May. Before this goes down, I just wanted you to know--" He was cut off by the ride, as it quickly went downward and began going super fast.
Lumina said:
...☆To see Roman smile back at her nearly made her completely forget about how awful she felt. To see him be happy and thankful, that made it all worthwhile. She was glad to see him be alright, especially alright enough to smile at her. Or course she hadn't actually seen him smile, but she knew him well enough to know when he would be smiling. So as he stood up and offered her hand to him, she took it, shakily standing up and coming to a rest next to him. As he spoke, even in her tired haze she could tell he wasn't quite himself, though what that implied she wasn't quite sure. He seemed lost in thought about something, which completely contrasted against the Roman she both knew as a child and one that she had met only recently in the week. So Kaori only stood next to him, looking off in the distance as well☆...

"Well, that's my job as a medical ninja right? Making sure to always help those I care about."
Roman chuckled and his irises slowly trailed over the area. Still nothing familiar. Wherever he had took them, he knew it was safe, but it didn't look too far away from the training grounds. He was about to say something, but his Tengan eye had seemed a little blurry in the vision. He didn't want to tell Kaori about that, and he knew that using that ability so many times in one day isn't good for his body nor his eye. He'd be blind in that eye for at least two days now. Roman then sighed and looked at Kaori as he slowly covered his eye with his forehead protector...

"This is nice... In a weird way. Sort of like our past. I'd always tried to work solo, but in reality I needed you all. You'd ways have to heal one of us if we got hurt, y'know."

He then reached in his pouch and pulled out a medkit. Roman handed it to Kaori, it being the same one she gave him as a gift when he became a jounin.

"Do you think you could possibly patch the wound up for me? If anything does happen, I'd at least want some pressure on the wound."
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After a while, Fricka decided to stop at the courtyard, as she sat down on a bench. She slowly looked around, before pulling out something from her pocket, and laying it down on the ground.

"Okay... let's try..." She mumbled to herself, closing her eyes.

The object appeared to be a small yoyo, as it soon started to rise.


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