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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nonalaka said:
Rini was still in shock a bit as she had been pushed down and covered, only really reacting when she had been picked up, she promptly nodded as they escaped into the forest, continuously looking back to see if they were getting away from the soilders that were after them. Who were these people, why were they after them? were Miyaka and Chiharu safe?, all these questions continued to whirl through her mind.
Misafune knew this place well. He was leading them away, till he found one of the cache's the village set up for escapee's if the village ran into trouble. The problem was...It would only hold one Adult or One teen, but four children. There was no safe way to hide there. Again, he was thinking of her. He kissed her deeply. "Look, Hide here, I will lead them away, and once they are gone go get the girls. Can you do this?" he asked her as he set her down into the small cut out in the little hill, surrounded by brush and green mylar.

"You gonna follow me right into my room?" he asked. He heard the sounds of metallic footsteps from nearby and he froze in place. "Shhh." he whispered and motioned for her to stay out of sight. The soldiers moved towards the girls dorms, and Hector moved to the boys building. He waved at her to come..

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Layla turned a blazing stare to look at Kalin, a completely angered expression having invaded her once calm facade. His words had little to no hope in getting through to her, which resulted in a yanking of her body out of his grip as she stormed forward past the school. With every step she took, flames boiled against the ground beneath her, leaving raging flames where she once stood. "They will pay...for touching my son."

" Layala!" Kalin called out, standing in her way as she marched on. He stood his ground before her, arms outstretched as he tried to get her attention.

"Layala, you must listen! You're not focusing, right now. If you make a mistake, you could hurt someone, or get innocent people dragged into something that didn't concern them! I understand your anger, I get that you're worried about your son, I do...but I can't just let you march through this school in a blind rage. Just listen to me! Calm down! Please!"
Regan freaked out. She transfigured into one of the soldiers. She blocked the doorway of the boys' dorm. "Uh, heh, this area is all clear...no one here!" The group of odd soldiers nodded and marched back. She returned to her normal form and winked at the boy.
Nonalaka said:
Elaena laughed a little "Boredom? Am I that boring?" She asked with a smile "I'm offended" she joked.
"no you're not It can be my hobby" Mateus said as he stands up "or do you want to be noted on my notes?".
MurfBall353 said:
Regan freaked out. She transfigured into one of the soldiers. She blocked the doorway of the boys' dorm. "Uh, heh, this area is all clear...no one here!" The group of odd soldiers nodded and marched back. She returned to her normal form and winked at the boy.
He wanted to do something. Bad. But she did help, in her own way, he guessed. Once inside the building he snuck her into his room. "Sit. Relax, I need a shower." he said grabbing his clean clothes and towel. "Just chill here." he finished as he grabbed his soap and walked into the small bathroom.

[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]Misafune knew this place well. He was leading them away, till he found one of the cache's the village set up for escapee's if the village ran into trouble. The problem was...It would only hold one Adult or One teen, but four children. There was no safe way to hide there. Again, he was thinking of her. He kissed her deeply. "Look, Hide here, I will lead them away, and once they are gone go get the girls. Can you do this?" he asked her as he set her down into the small cut out in the little hill, surrounded by brush and green mylar.

Rini who was rather at a loss for words due to a mixture of the panic of everything that was going on and the sudden display of affection she had received in that moment simply nodded as she was set down, although she was annoyed that he wasn't hiding himself in this commotion and she wished for nothing more than his safety she trusted that he knew what he was doing. "I can" she said before looking at him and frowning lightly "Be careful...".
Alternated said:
"no you're not It can be my hobby" Mateus said as he stands up "or do you want to be noted on my notes?".
She raised an eyebrow " Noted in your notes? Why would I be noted in your notes for?" She asked with a laugh.
Nonalaka said:
She raised an eyebrow " Noted in your notes? Why would I be noted in your notes for?" She asked with a laugh.
Mateus chuckled "now that's a secret but trust me nothing bad is in the notes just details" he said as he smiled "I finished washing the plates" Mat said.
Alternated said:
Mateus chuckled "now that's a secret but trust me nothing bad is in the notes just details" he said as he smiled "I finished washing the plates" Mat said.
"....A secret? Wait, I'm already in there? Now I'm really curious!" She said as she tried to peek into the notebook only to be interrupted when Mat spoke she turned to look at him "Ah, Thank you Mat~" she said with a smile.
Regan scratched her wolf ears and grinned. It was his fault that he left her alone there.

Once he had gone into the shower, she transfigured into her favorite form. An arctic wolf. She played on the bed, on the floor, and just messed around. There really wasn't much to it. She finally changed back, and decided to take a nap on his bed
Nonalaka said:
Dakota giggled "Maybe, but I really would be a complete disaster if I lit things on fire along with the other kinds of things I seem to cause, I'd definitely be flight risk" she joked.
Roland laughed before poking her cheek "I prefer to stay away from planes, they sorta go into Zeus's domain and that's no fun to have to deal with a godly grandfather." he joked as he smiled at her.
Nonalaka said:
Elliot nodded "Well, Yeah, That's what I mean by what I think is suitable for what I'm making, the bigger ones that stay inside are battery powered." He said smiling a little. "Y'know people normally get bored or ticked off when I talk about this stuff" he laughed a little.
Amara smiled a little before hugging onto his arm as they walked along "Do you think the whole thing on earth will ever blow over?" She asked "They'd hardly keep a law like that, it impossible with how many supernaturals actually live on earth." She said like she was thinking aloud
''well...i dunno...lets just hope itll blow over soon...and nothing else bad happens after''
WeirdPrincess said:
...❄︎Rini smiled and nodded, soon speaking before she left the room to get Neruka and Seria❄︎...
"Alright. And thank you~"

...Neruka and Seria were just in a room resting. Well, maybe not Neruka who was tossing a knife in the air and catching it...
Nonalaka said:
Rini who was rather at a loss for words due to a mixture of the panic of everything that was going on and the sudden display of affection she had received in that moment simply nodded as she was set down, although she was annoyed that he wasn't hiding himself in this commotion and she wished for nothing more than his safety she trusted that he knew what he was doing. "I can" she said before looking at him and frowning lightly "Be careful...".
He gave her a smile. "These are my woods. Worry about them." he whispered to her and winked as he dashed off. Soon he had looped back around to see his grandfather leading people to the secret network of tunnels. He would have yelled out, but he knew better. He had hoped the other girls were smart enough to have went with his grandfather. He knew the paths through that mountain well enough to catch up, but his first task was to get the heat off of Rini...

----Squad Alpha----

Guns drawn, they stormed the house where there were just women, and two girls hugging. The soldiers fired their paralyzing blasts at the four people in the room. Miyaka tried to shield Chiharu from it, but something in the air tasted metallic and foul. She found it hard to even make a spark. Soon she was knocked out and carried off to join the other limp people in the transport. The woman was dragged off and shot outside, and two soldiers reached for Chiharu...


He could only run. Even the thing in his soul could only manifest a pocket knife. The air started to taste bitter, almost metallic. All he really knew was that his powers were null and there was not much else he could do. So when the soldiers were on top of Rini's hiding spot, He sprang out and started to shout and throw stuff at them. The mechanical soldiers only reaction was to shoot the boy enough to drop him to the ground, limp. It really only took two blasts to render him useless. The soldiers kicked the fake brush away, and found Rini. Misafune screamed "RINNNNNIIII NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" as the but of a gun met the soft tissue and hard bone of his head, making sleep time come early for him...

MurfBall353 said:
Regan scratched her wolf ears and grinned. It was his fault that he left her alone there.
Once he had gone into the shower, she transfigured into her favorite form. An arctic wolf. She played on the bed, on the floor, and just messed around. There really wasn't much to it. She finally changed back, and decided to take a nap on his bed
Hector was drying off from the shower, already in his boxers, as he packed everything he would need to escape this crazy place. He noticed her asleep on his bed and when he hefted his pack, he hefted the light girl too, and locked his dorm room, maybe for the last time.. He carried her to the wall where the bushes concealed a hole caused by a fallen power pole. He used it to slip out with his precious cargo, and made his way to the abandoned warehouse he marked for a hideout..


Regan awoke in the warehouse. She got up off of the cold cement floor and went to the boy. She had a few questions, and she needed answers. "I have a couple questions, if you don't mind me asking. First off, what's your name? This whole time you haven't told me your name. Well, I'm Regan, like Ronald Regan. Second off, who were those soldiers? Why were they scoping the school grounds? And lastly, why didn't you leave me behind?" Her face turned from curiousity, to seriousness.
Nonalaka said:
"....A secret? Wait, I'm already in there? Now I'm really curious!" She said as she tried to peek into the notebook only to be interrupted when Mat spoke she turned to look at him "Ah, Thank you Mat~" she said with a smile.
Mateus was relieved that Mat interrupted "good one Mat" Mateus said silently as he gives a thumbs up to Mat "hmm what for?" Mat asked Mateus "ahh nothing".
MurfBall353 said:
Regan awoke in the warehouse. She got up off of the cold cement floor and went to the boy. She had a few questions, and she needed answers. "I have a couple questions, if you don't mind me asking. First off, what's your name? This whole time you haven't told me your name. Well, I'm Regan, like Ronald Regan. Second off, who were those soldiers? Why were they scoping the school grounds? And lastly, why didn't you leave me behind?" Her face turned from curiousity, to seriousness.
"Well, First off, the world hates anyone with any kind of power. I do not know how or why or what happened, but now we are public enemy number one. Second, my name is Hector. Nice to met you Regan. Third, those soldiers are out hunting us supers down, and well that school was a super powered buffet for them. Lastly, why would I leave you behind? No one deserves to be selfishly tossed aside." he said as he stirred his large can of stew on his camp stove. "Also, lets for the time being pretend that they are close by and keep our voices down, and eat some dinner." he said as he handed her a camp bowl and a bottle of water. He also handed her a camp utensil set which was a spoon, fork, knife folded like a pocket knife.

Rini watched him run off, huddling herself in her hiding spot to better conceal herself as she watched what was going on through the village and on the hill top, though despite having a good hiding spot, the soilders approached anyways, and the same thing happened as what always happened when she got scared, she froze, holding her breath as they neared closer, she couldn't run now, she'd be seen. But now she could hear shouting, It was Misafune, what was he doing?!, he was standing right in line to be caught or killed, letting a gasp and bringing her hands up to her mouth as he was shot, she dodnt know if he was alive or not, she didnt get time to process it or hear his yelling as the foliage that was covering where she hid was moved, she tried in her last attempt to run off, scrambling out of the hole she was hiding in but it was too late.

HimeragiSeiker said:
''well...i dunno...lets just hope itll blow over soon...and nothing else bad happens after''
Amara nodded "Yeah, I think it might be fine though... Eventually.... I hope..." She said quietly "Anyways, for now I need to stay focused in getting used to here, right?~"

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland laughed before poking her cheek "I prefer to stay away from planes, they sorta go into Zeus's domain and that's no fun to have to deal with a godly grandfather." he joked as he smiled at her.

Dakota giggled "Right, If we ever travel, no planes, I'll keep that in mind"
Nonalaka said:
Dakota giggled "Right, If we ever travel, no planes, I'll keep that in mind"
Roland nodded "Yeah, and if possible minimal boat travel as well unless i can modify said boat." he said with a chuckle, that time joking around.
Nonalaka said:
Rini watched him run off, huddling herself in her hiding spot to better conceal herself as she watched what was going on through the village and on the hill top, though despite having a good hiding spot, the soilders approached anyways, and the same thing happened as what always happened when she got scared, she froze, holding her breath as they neared closer, she couldn't run now, she'd be seen. But now she could hear shouting, It was Misafune, what was he doing?!, he was standing right in line to be caught or killed, letting a gasp and bringing her hands up to her mouth as he was shot, she dodnt know if he was alive or not, she didnt get time to process it or hear his yelling as the foliage that was covering where she hid was moved, she tried in her last attempt to run off, scrambling out of the hole she was hiding in but it was too late.
Amara nodded "Yeah, I think it might be fine though... Eventually.... I hope..." She said quietly "Anyways, for now I need to stay focused in getting used to here, right?~"

Dakota giggled "Right, If we ever travel, no planes, I'll keep that in mind"
''yeah...and finding what you like about this place''
She drank half the water bottle in seconds, and used things from her backpack to make a practice dummy "Voila B**ches" is all she said. Then she ate her dinner. Things were different, and she liked it this way. She smiled to herself. "Wanna see something cool?"
Nonalaka said:
Rini watched him run off, huddling herself in her hiding spot to better conceal herself as she watched what was going on through the village and on the hill top, though despite having a good hiding spot, the soilders approached anyways, and the same thing happened as what always happened when she got scared, she froze, holding her breath as they neared closer, she couldn't run now, she'd be seen. But now she could hear shouting, It was Misafune, what was he doing?!, he was standing right in line to be caught or killed, letting a gasp and bringing her hands up to her mouth as he was shot, she dodnt know if he was alive or not, she didnt get time to process it or hear his yelling as the foliage that was covering where she hid was moved, she tried in her last attempt to run off, scrambling out of the hole she was hiding in but it was too late.
Amara nodded "Yeah, I think it might be fine though... Eventually.... I hope..." She said quietly "Anyways, for now I need to stay focused in getting used to here, right?~"

Dakota giggled "Right, If we ever travel, no planes, I'll keep that in mind"
---The Delta Squad--

They had caught the Orange Level target, and was loading it into the specialized containment unit. It looked like a glass mechanized test tube, where Misafune was strapped and secured in. Rini was spared the rough treatement, except being tossed into the same transport next to the glass case that was slowly filling with a pinkish fluid. They did bind her hands and legs, and left her sitting next to the tube. The transport had begun to lift off as the mountain was rocked with explosions.

Alternated said:
Mateus was relieved that Mat interrupted "good one Mat" Mateus said silently as he gives a thumbs up to Mat "hmm what for?" Mat asked Mateus "ahh nothing".
Elaena looked between the two with a confused expression, blinking a few times, she simply shrugged before yawning again, she made her way to the couch and sat down...but, what was in that notebook that she couldn't read? If it was only details about obvious things...then why was it a secret? It did make her curious...maybe she could sneak a look when he wasn't looking or something, but then again...that's mean, right?, oh well, she'd probably forget about it later if she falls asleep.

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