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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nonalaka said:
Dakota laughed "Right" she said as the continued up the stairs "Quiet days? You make it sound like its a factory or something"
Roland chuckled "Well, what i meant is quiet in the house, usually there's atleast a few people mucking around in here." he said as they passed the second floor, now going up to the third.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland chuckled "Well, what i meant is quiet in the house, usually there's atleast a few people mucking around in here." he said as they passed the second floor, now going up to the third.

Dakota giggled "I know, Its just how you said it" she said with a nod.
Nonalaka said:
Camilla nodded, she wasn't scared really, just worried, maybe she should have been, after all she wasn't strong or anything, but she didn't really understand the extent if what was going on around here fully just yet. "I see..." She said quietly as she walked alongside him "...What exactly are you going to do when you find him?" She asked, a hint of concern could be heard in her voice.
Kaname shrugged his shoulders, averting his gaze towards the sky above. His own attention had trailed off since leaving the pizza shop, and had yet to return to a focused point. Thinking breifly, Kaname blew his breath and shrugged his shoulders again. "Speak....Or try to." Kaname shifted to look at Camilla, scanning his gaze over her facade. "Are you alright?"

Nonalaka said:
Dakota giggled "I know, Its just how you said it" she said with a nod.
Roland chuckled before they got to the third floor "Well, as my cousin said it, short stuff, just be glad most everyone was in one of the workshops today, but i saw the girls sizing you up." he said before chuckling as they walked down a hall.
...?Asuka was sitting in a bar, a cup of beer nestled in her hands. She had been there for a few hours and decided to get herself a drink. Beer wasn't something she drank on the regular, if at all really, but she thought she might as well try it again instead of the regular wine Asuka was use to drinking. She remembered the last time she tried drinking beer, it burning the entire way down her throat and it taste disgusting. Maybe it was the brand she had or it was that fact that she never had anything alcoholic until then, honestly she didn't know. Though now she had become accustomed to the drink, so she didn't mind the taste. Sighing, Asuka lifted the cups to her lips and took a sip before setting the drink back down. This was taking forever! When were they suppose to be getting here? Asuka had come to the bar in search of the group that had taken Yoshino, The Soulless ones. After being here for over an hour, she had gotten up and asked around about the group. Asuka had found out that they like to come here often, not ever day of course, but a few times every couple weeks and today was one of those days that they would show up. Speaking of which... here they were now. Five guys, dressed in all black, had walked into the bar. The scanned the area carefully, their cold gaze sweeping across the floor. Asuka knew them well, after all, they were the people who use to bully her during grade school. The leader of the group had yet to show up, but she wasn't expecting her too. The Soulless Ones took on final look across the bar before they headed towards the VIP area?...

"Ah here they are~ Took them long enough..."


...?Her eyes followed the perpetrators and watched as a bodyguard had let the group of boys upstairs into the VIP area. Time to get down to business, Asuka didn't have time to mess around. Grabbing the beer, she downed the rest of it before slamming the cup on the table and getting up, soon maneuvering through the crowd of people. She almost got groped a few times, but had managed to slap their hands away from they could touch her. People were just out right disgusting pigs in this place. Asuka had to remind herself to never go to any bar like this again, she'd blow a fuse if she ever did. Get past the guard and find those guys, easy as that. A little persuading and sex appeal could get her past the guard with no ease. Unless she could just lie and say she was someone on the list... but where was the fun in that? She made her way to a secluded area before closing her eyes, for using her energy into changing her form. In a matter of seconds, she had changed. Her pink hair had turned red, though not a bright firey red, it was more of a reddish-brown, like the color of mahogany. The deep purple eyes she once had, turned a scarlet red and her outfit also changed. Asuka was now in a somewhat low cut dress, that showed more cleavage then she had hoped for. It would do her good in the long run though, for getting past the bodyguard. She moved out of her hiding spot and over to the bodyguard until she was in front of him. Lightly holding the sides of her dress, Asuka lifted it up a little as she did a curtsy, soon speaking. The guy was clearly staring at her cleavage before he looked at her face. She wanted to laugh at that, men were such pigs. It was disgusting really. The guard shook his head at her before speaking?...

"Hi! You wouldn't mind letting me past would you?"

"If your names not on the list, there's no entry sweetheart."


...?Asuka pouted before leaning closer to the bodyguard until her chest was pressed against his, soon speaking again. She had to work this route as best she could and as far as she knew she was doing a good job because they guy was staring down at her chest again. She wanted nothing more than to punch this guy in the face, but she had to refrain until she made it upstairs. The bodyguard wore a smirk on has face that she wanted to wipe off, but again, that would get her nowhere. After a little more persuading, Asuka had gotten herself past the guard and was heading upstairs, though not before she felt a tap on her backside. Enraged by this action, she whipped around before kicking her foot into the mans chest and sending the man flying back into a wall. With a huff, she glared at him before she continued making her way up the stairs?...

"Not even for me...? I'll give you something special if you let me through~"

"And what would that be little lady?"

"I don't kiss and tell~"

...?As Asuka walked, she had reverted back to her previous form, dark cloak, pink hair and all. Shaking her head, she removed the hat from her head when she finally made it upstairs. Her eyes scanned the floor until they landed on the group of men she had saw come in earlier. They were spread out everywhere, all she had to do was grab one, get the answers she needed and then she'd be good to go. There was one, Simon, who was off in a corner with a computer on his lap. He was the tech of the group and though he still had a bit of muscle on him, she was sure she could take him. If it came to a fight that was. Asuka made her way over to Simon, soon stopping just shy of him and slyly glanced over to see what he was doing on his laptop. There was a map pulled up on his screen, with a red dot indicating some place on the map. Perhaps their bases location? Though why would he want to track that? Asuka brushed it off that thought, she didn't have time to think about it. Maneuvering herself in front of Simon, she spoke quietly as she looked down at him. As she listened to him talk, she cursed under her breath. So he knew she was here the whole time.. but how? Did the rest of the group know too??...

"Hello Simon... long time no see~"

"I was wondering when you were going to show up, how long did it take you to get upstairs?"

"Very funny. I don't have time for chit chat, tell me where you took Yoshino."

"What? You mean your little spirit girl? Why would we waste time on her?"

"How should I know? Why don't you ask your leader?"

"You're wasting your time Asuka... We don't have the girl."

...?Asuka sighed and spoke as she held a hand up, a dagger soon appearing within her palm before she pressed the blade against his throat?...

"Tell me where you took Yoshino, now! I'm done playing around Simon, I'll end you right here and now. Tell me what I want and I'll be out of your hair."


...?The pressure of a knife was felt at small of her back and the cool metal of a gun was felt on the back of her head. Asuka withdrew the dagger from Simon's neck and turned her head slightly to look behind her as she spoke. So much for getting the information and leaving, her plan had gone up in smokes before her eyes?...

"I see... same old tricks as ever, Reese... Noah."


...?Now she had to deal with these two guys without making a scene. Everyone was busy with their own thing and they were off in a corner, so no one paid much attention to them. This was going to suck big time as far as Asuka knew?...

...??Reese smiling in a reminiscent type of way as he spoke before he looked at Noah. Their boss would be happy with this. There was no way they were going to let her go free??...

"Look what we have here... an old friend of ours~"

"What should we do with her?"

"Let me go with a warning?"

"I have a better idea. Noah, grab her and put those special cuffs we made on her. We're leaving, let's go."

...?With that, Noah pulled out a set of electricitying blue handcuff and took the dagger away from Asuka before putting her arms behind her back and putting the handcuffs on her. He then put the dagger in his pocket and put the gun in its holster before the group of boys gathered around her, soon leaving the building and heading to their home base?...
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Kaname shrugged his shoulders, averting his gaze towards the sky above. His own attention had trailed off since leaving the pizza shop, and had yet to return to a focused point. Thinking breifly, Kaname blew his breath and shrugged his shoulders again. "Speak....Or try to." Kaname shifted to look at Camilla, scanning his gaze over her facade. "Are you alright?"

Camilla nodded "Alright.." She said quietly before hearing his question, she looked up at him "Ah, yes...I'm alright, I was just thinking about stuff" she said as she offered a small smile.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland chuckled before they got to the third floor "Well, as my cousin said it, short stuff, just be glad most everyone was in one of the workshops today, but i saw the girls sizing you up." he said before chuckling as they walked down a hall.

Dakota blinked as she quickly examined herself "Sizing me up?" She repeated as she turned to look at him "For what? I-Im not that short am I?"

...??Rini looked at the weird ball curiously before looking at Beatrice when she started talking to her. So they were going to maids like her then? That was how this was going to work? The girl that had demanded things from lady Beatrice was odd, but she wasn't going to say anything about it. Rini was about to speak, but shut her mouth as Beatrice continued. She was going to let her rest for a little bit? But she had barely done anything for her! Maybe she was allowing this because of the previous events, though she couldn't be to sure. Once she was done talking, Rini smiled at her and spoke??...

"Yes ma'am. I'll be sure to get them back here soon."

...??Turning to the two girls, Rini gave them a sort of awkward smile before she spoke to Seria and the other girl. Soon turning around and heading towards the doors, expecting the girls to follow her??...

"Please follow me to the elevator. It's best we get you two fitted right away."


Nonalaka said:
Dakota blinked as she quickly examined herself "Sizing me up?" She repeated as she turned to look at him "For what? I-Im not that short am I?"
Roland shook his head before laughing "No no, not that kind of sizing up, they were seeing about your confidence and possibly wondering why you'd be with me of all people." he said before laughing again.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"It's the heart of this world." She said

Hayate furrowed his brows, "Wait. So you're telling me Oblivion has a heart? What if it was destroyed? What would happen to Oblivion?"
Roman said:
"Alright... We can play in my room. I sort of brought all the games we have in my room." Talia said, no one really played video games as much as she did, so it was okay, she then looked at Elora and blushed lightly. She looked down as walked towards her room, "I also like your hair when it's down. It's a really cute look on you." She said softly.



"All of them? Does no one else play any games?" Elora asked as she walked beside Talia before hearing her next words. She blinked before looking at her and smiling, "Thank you. I usually don't wear it down because of my work and it tends to get in the way, the only time I can wear it like this is if I'm relaxed or if it's been messed up." She stated before leaning down a little to see the blush on her cheeks, causing her to chuckle. "Why are you blushing? I should be the one blushing, not you." Elora asked, laughing a little. It seemed like she should be the one blushing, since she was the one that got complimented and all. Though it was pretty rare for her to blush. "You're to cute for your own good~"

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Roman said:
Hayate furrowed his brows, "Wait. So you're telling me Oblivion has a heart? What if it was destroyed? What would happen to Oblivion?"
"Every realm has a heart. And if the heart of a realm is destroyed the realm dissaperes." She said to him as she looked at the massive Chapstick black crystal that floated on the middle of the chamber they where in
Roman said:
Taylor nodded, "Hm... Once again, I'm surprised. In my opinion, they all seem so sserious and like nothing comes first but the country." He said. "Guess they do have emotions and I'm pretty glad they helped you. Of anyone deserved it, it's you."
''so..,.what else do we have to do to the pizza..?''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Nascent soon stopped walking and sat down at the trunk of a tree and winced badly his knife wound having bled through the bandages
Mitsu held neo closely as they kissed before she slowly started to lean back pulling mitsu ontop of her as she wrapped her arms around her neck


(yeah. and i have no reply for Jace xD )
WeirdPrincess said:
...??Rini looked at the weird ball curiously before looking at Beatrice when she started talking to her. So they were going to maids like her then? That was how this was going to work? The girl that had demanded things from lady Beatrice was odd, but she wasn't going to say anything about it. Rini was about to speak, but shut her mouth as Beatrice continued. She was going to let her rest for a little bit? But she had barely done anything for her! Maybe she was allowing this because of the previous events, though she couldn't be to sure. Once she was done talking, Rini smiled at her and spoke??...
"Yes ma'am. I'll be sure to get them back here soon."

...??Turning to the two girls, Rini gave them a sort of awkward smile before she spoke to Seria and the other girl. Soon turning around and heading towards the doors, expecting the girls to follow her??...

"Please follow me to the elevator. It's best we get you two fitted right away."


...?Seria soon followed but the archer hesitated before following as well?...

@Jofune Tsurabisu
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River gave we an annoyed look before he pushed her onto the couch then leaned over her to keep her laying on the couch. "You think that's funny huh?" He asked teasingly as he held her there

Kyoko blinked "u-uh....n-no?" she said, though it sounded more like a question.


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