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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds


...?Rini tried desperately to stay awake, even so far as to getting up out of her seat and walking around a little or just slapping her face. The gas flowing through the air was visible for her to see and she was more confused then ever. What was going to happen once she fell asleep? She couldn't let herself fall under the sweet scent, she wouldn't. Though it was getting to be more difficult then she thought, her eyes were dropping and she was stumbling all over the place. She could even lift her hand to attempt hitting herself anymore. By now, all the other girls were asleep with the only one awake being Rini. She had to get out, the door wasn't locked right? Making her way over to the door, she was almost in front of it before she fell on her bottom. Her eyes slowly started to close and her vision become blurry before she finally fell asleep?...

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi was happy it ended up like this, Koari in his arms, the two of them cuddling against one another, truly he was content and would be okay if it never ended, yeah, it wouldn't be that bad. He knew she shared his feelings at least, and he was overjoyed by it, even if she couldn't say it a loud, but he had a feeling he was more guilty of that than her, after all, it turned out he could never bring himself to say it until recently, which meant he spent all that time in his childhood of lost memories feeling that way but never said it. Slowly Masahi dozed off, letting sleep take hold of him as he listened to Kaori breathing♝...
((Timeskip :P ))

...☆Kaori woke up the next morning, in the same position that she fell asleep in, which was her being wrapped in his arms. Blinking she tried to adjust her eyes to being awake, which led to her turning and seeing a very naked Masahi. Her gut reaction was to blush and wonder what the hell, but then it dawned on her what had happened the night before, which didn't help to fix her blush at all. She felt her very bare body against his, and it sent a wave of heat through her, but it was followed by a general sense of happiness, so she didn't mind too much. Still slightly sleepy she moved to snuggle her face into the crook of his neck, thinking that she could get used to waking up next to him for good☆...
Nonalaka said:
Colin furrowed his brows upon hearing her words "Don't think so lowly of yourself!" He said as he stared at her "you aren't ugly, I personally think you're beautiful, scars and all, someone will love you I know it" he said as his gaze didn't move from her.
Dakota smiled at him before noticing his expression, she blinked a few times before giving his hand a gently tug to get his attention "Is something wrong?" She asked.
Blue sighed" people dont give me a chance honestly they dont, if they see my skin they think horribly of me and it sucks" she grabed her hoodie with a scowl on her face wishing it was colder so she would be comfortable in the reatched thing
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Seria soon sighed and boarded the plane☫...

''make it quick...i dont enjoy the sea a lot...''
The plane took off with very little effort, and reached cruising altitude quickly. However, Behind them the junk yard reject blimps pulled out of the cloud cover and followed the plane, gaining on it quickly. A golden butterfly followed the plane. The blimp things pulled up to either sides of the plane and opened fire with people with powers on the plane. Of course the plane not power proof was going down in a bad way...

Nonalaka said:
Elliot smiled over at her as before putting Oreo back in his pocket "well I mean...If you aren't busy or anything you could come see them now?" He asked before looking away a little "O-Only if you want to of course"


Yumi giggled a little and nodded, "Sure I can go now. I'm not busy at all~" She said, smiling a little. Really, she didn't have any plans for the rest of her day, so going to Elliot's dorm right now was more than fine with her.

HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Seria soon fired some fire balls at the blimps☫...

(can Natsumi join the maids?)
(she can be in the next batch. This scene is locked down as she will be getting her chip. There is no changing that.)

Many types of power lashed out at the fireballs as a giant space whale was summoned. Its massive maw swallowed the plane whole. The blimps flanked the whale thing, while firing at the girl shooting at them and the butterflies which are systematically and strategically exploding at parts of the blimp that are vulnerable.

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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♖Len yawned before getting out of his own chair, rubbing his eye as he thought of sleep and a nice warm bed. Truly he hadn't paid Lily any attention till she spoke, and that made him thinking for a moment before tilting his head, already forgetting that he had eaten the carrots for her in his tired state, but Len simply shrugged it off, like he was saying no problem in his own tiredly lazy way before looking around the living room before noticing a rectangle on the ceiling with a string coming down from it. Taking Lily's had Len walked over before pulling on the string and it gave way to a staircase♖...
"Well, i think our rooms are up here..."

...♖Len then stared to walk up the stairs without a second though and was greeted with another room, this one wide open, safe for the chimney of the fire place in the middle of the room, and as he looked around he saw three closed doors among the total of six or eight doors, he was to tired to tell, and each of the closed doors was labeled with one of their name, Ayen, Len, and Lily♖...

...♧Lilliana smiled softly as she watched Len. He really was out of it when he was tired wasn't he? She found it funny, so she was laughing a little bit when he grabbed her hand and led them upstairs. It came as a surprise to the girl when they reached the room upstairs to see room all to herself. Back in her old house she shared a room with Ken, so she was expecting to share one once more. But no, here she was staring at a door with her name on it. Blinking, she walked toward it, speaking without thinking♧...

"... I get a room to myself?"
Nonalaka said:
((Please, if you don't mind))
After almost three hours the taxi pulled up to a road with a single mailbox then continued for a while, Roland then paid the taxi driver before looking over at Dakota "Time to get out, though we'll be walking for a few minutes." he said before opening his door and stepping out.
...⊗Kanon closed her eyes again, her blush fading as she nodded at his words. She had forgotten that a condition of them staying here was that they were to help the landlady in keeping up the place. Not that she minded- her and Yumi were the ones who kept up their place at home while their brother was out and their dad was at work. So she was used to it⊗...

"Mmm... I can help too.."
Sixxx said:
Blue sighed" people dont give me a chance honestly they dont, if they see my skin they think horribly of me and it sucks" she grabed her hoodie with a scowl on her face wishing it was colder so she would be comfortable in the reatched thing
"...Well I'm seeing them right now and I'm not thinking horribly" he said as he looked at her "And I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't think horribly and anyway, who cares what those people think who think horribly, be proud of yourself."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]After almost three hours the taxi pulled up to a road with a single mailbox then continued for a while, Roland then paid the taxi driver before looking over at Dakota "Time to get out, though we'll be walking for a few minutes." he said before opening his door and stepping out.

Dakota stepped out "I don't mind, my legs will probably benifit from a walk after sitting for so long" she said with a smile as she looked around "Besides the weather is okay for walking"
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi laughed a little nervously " Alright, this will be fun" she said as they got on the ride.
...♮Luke chuckled and got in after her♮...

"It will be fine"
LunaCrosby said:
Ally's ear's perked up when she smelt the aroma, her tail beginning to move around happily as she peeked into the kitchen "whatcha makin?~"
Shingo chuckled. "Cheesecake, the most holy and perfect food in the world!" He said happily.
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori woke up the next morning, in the same position that she fell asleep in, which was her being wrapped in his arms. Blinking she tried to adjust her eyes to being awake, which led to her turning and seeing a very naked Masahi. Her gut reaction was to blush and wonder what the hell, but then it dawned on her what had happened the night before, which didn't help to fix her blush at all. She felt her very bare body against his, and it sent a wave of heat through her, but it was followed by a general sense of happiness, so she didn't mind too much. Still slightly sleepy she moved to snuggle her face into the crook of his neck, thinking that she could get used to waking up next to him for good☆...
...♝Masahi shifted a little in his sleep before seemingly saying Kaori's name and smiling. After that he stayed still for a few more minutes before his eye lazily blinked open and he looked down to see Kaori in his arms, resting her head on his neck, seeing that Masahi made a happy sound before closing his eyes again and drifting between sleep and awake for a few minutes more until his body started waking up with him and his eyes snapped open from his lack of clothes and Kaori snuggling against him while naked as well, his mind trying to figure out why until he remembered the events of the day before and he calmed down before taking a deep breath then yawning before tiredly speaking♝...

"Morniiiing~ how did ya sleep?"
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]--T.V. screens across the city.---
News helicopters here hovering over what looked like a "childrens hospital." Supers were wrecking havoc all over the hospital as explosions rocked the building. The images of children being flung out of windows by Supers screaming "Fuck Normies! Let them burn or Die!" The scene was shocking and appalling. Just as the Hero Squad shown up, the building exploded..

The reporters on screen were speechless as they could barely process what was happening. Emergency Legislation in congress unanimously passed the "Super Internment and Containment or Extermination Protocol." S.I.C.E.P would remove basic human rights from supers, unless they submit to chipping or relocation...

The C.R.O.S.S. Generals

Suuy looked at the men they had stuck in the corner of the room and sighed as he slung a pair of sawn off shotguns over his back,

“You know you fucking idiots are the reason we get such bad rap.”

Earlier that day, a group of supernatural beings had attacked a children’s hospital and killed a bunch of civilians. And then that useless “Hero squad” had barely managed to catch less than an eighth of them, so C.R.O.S.S. had decided to clean up their mess.

“Do you know how rare it is for more than two of us to be in the same vicinity of each other? No? Well let me tell you. The last time it happened, there were three of us and we destroyed two interconnected dimensions. And if you can count, you can see there are almost three times that many here…”

One of the men began to thrash about against the invisible chains of air that bound and tried to yell, but the air around him seemed to resist his every move. Looking back at the group of people behind him, Suuy was having fun as he was terrorizing the idiots while the other where equipping themselves for retaliation from anyone who was stupid enough to attack them. Looking across the room, Suuy saw what he pretty much expected, Breeze was sitting in the corner listening to music half asleep while maintaining control of the air around the supernatural beings, Ribbon was rewrapping her body with well… ribbons. C4 was spinning a knife in his hands looking bored as usual, Conduit was checking the locks on the giant cross shaped case sitting on the table, and of course their newest member Arbitz was sitting shyly at the very back of the room looking nervous. Seeing that everybody was pretty much ready to go, Suuy stood up and turned to the men in the corner doing a quick head count before speaking.

“Well we’re not unreasonable people, we’ll give you a chance. We’re going to let you go, and all of us except Conduit will leave. If you can kill or get past him well then you can obviously leave.”

Turning he waved to the rest who begrudgingly stood up and began to follow him out as Breeze released the air field around the terrorists. Immediately after they had left, one of the terrorists launched himself at Conduit, but was stopped when a 6’’ tall silver cross was plunged through his chest staking him to the ground. Outside Arbitz looked nervously back at the warehouse before asking C4,

“Was it really alright leaving Conduit like that? I mean what if one of them gets away?”

“Wait… You actually think any of those fuckers are leaving that building alive? Ha! Prego per il peccatore..”

Then making a cross across his chest, C4 bowed his head as the building behind the group erupted in a storm of Ice and Fire. Grinning Suuy looked at Conduit who calmly came walking out of the devastation, the locked cross case slung over his back.

“Ok folks, Lets roll out!”

((and C.R.O.S.S. returns with one hell of a statement; "We don't give a shit which side of the argument your on, if you do something that impedes our progress, you will die."))

((also Jofune if you don't want me to make the Hero squad seem useless like this again, next time tell what happens there, because you left it opened so I just had the terrorists escape, so they could be killed by CROSS...))
chipped? oh okay. fuck that. but could use a maid though xD use for one of my Intoners))

...?Seria, enraged, the whale exploded allowing the plane to escape. She soon saw an opening on the roof and got out and on top of the plane as her flames held the plane, her clothes changing into a red dress as it lit up and Seria yelled before the blimps were...obliterated?...


...?Seria soon looked around while having a fire ball at ready?...

''anyone else...?''

...?Seria soon looked around?...

...?She soon spoke as the plane turned around with the flames?...

''no? we're going home then...''

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TheDragoon said:
Shingo chuckled. "Cheesecake, the most holy and perfect food in the world!" He said happily.
Ally walked into the kitchen "I didn't know you knew how to make it" she said, grabbing her tail so it didn't knock anything over.

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