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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♆Kuroh fought against an army's vice captain, his sword glowing a brilliant white colour. His opponent's sword glowed a light red colour as he swung it towards Kuroh. The two sword repeatedly clashed as Kuroh and the vice-captain fought, the small twang sounds coming from both clashed blades filling the area. Kuroh leaped the the side, and drew the vice-captain away. Two more clashes came from the swords, shortly before Kuroh gained the upper hand. Kuroh took this opportunity to strike the Vice-captain down♆...


...♆Kuroh stood over the corpse, a small stream of blood coming from his mouth. He spoke as he brought his left hand's thumb to his mouth and wiped the blood away♆...

“ Well that went better than expected.. ”


...≭Haruo looked around the area where he and Kuroh stood, the army preparing their sword and spears at the fall of their vice-captain. Haruo spoke on his observations as he turned to Kuroh, who now stood beside him≭...

“ Looks like they're serious.. I could- ”

“ No. We mustn't kill them, as they're simply scared Humans. ”

“ But they're trying to kill us, it's only fair! ”

...♆Kuroh sighed and looked around to face Haruo. He spoke as he smiled lightly♆...

“ I've been training you for a couple of days now, ever since I saw you slacking off in the park. You're still a child, you have to restrict your power output as to avoid destroying the entire ecosystem, much like dad and uncle does. Don't lose sight of that, no matter what happens, 'kay? ”


...≭Haruo sighed and replied as he looked at Kuroh≭...

“ Fine.. I still don't understand why I can't kill them. You taught me that conflict goes both ways.. ”


...♆Kuroh was about to reply, when he suddenly noticed multiple disturbances within the air travelling towards them at a high speed. He quickly shouted as he pushed Haruo onto the ground, placing his back to him♆...

“ Watch out! ”

...≭Haruo was pushed along the ground, and all that was heard was the splashes of blood. Haruo looked over towards Kuroh and saw him laying on the ground, multiple spears and swords impaled within his chest. He had died instantly. Haruo quickly stood up and ran over towards Kuroh, his hands soon desperately thrashing Kuroh's body at an attempt to wake him up. He spoke to Kuroh's body as his thrashing turned to hopeless, slow pushes≭...

Nii..san.. Get up.. Nii-san..

...≭Upon no reply from Kuroh, Haruo remained by his side, a rush of anger, pain, hate and hopelessness soon filling his form. His golden hair suddenly began turning black. Haruo closed his eyes as this happened, grieving for Kuroh. Suddenly, Haruo's eyes shot open, revealing a premature Tengan. He spoke, pure hatred being evident in his eyes≭...

You're all dead!


...The commander of the army laughed and spoke as he signalled the men to attack Haruo...

“ This is going to be too easy! We're going to dominate this Sanctum child! Go! Kill him! ”

...≭Haruo prepared himself as the army began sprinting towards him. Suddenly, a female appeared infront of him, cutting down half of the army in mere moments. The other half of the army soon retreated back to it's commander and awaited orders. Haruo looked at the female with his Tengan, a faint sense of familiarity flooding his senses≭...


...☬Ariadne stood infront of Haruo as black power exited her and began thrashing the air around them. She replied to the male's previous statement, her voice full of malicious intent☬...

I am the one that dominates. Regardless of what the enemy may be.


...Suddenly, one of the soldiers spoke, clearly overtaken by fear, this being evident due to him soiling himself. It was clear these soldiers weren't from The Existence, and were one of the natural enemies to the Sanctum, hence their hostility...

“ Oh Shivre.. it can't be.. ”

“ What? What's wrong?! Who is that woman?! ”

“ We.. We should have never come here! ”

“ What's wrong with you?! I command you to answer my question! Who is that woman?! ”

“ She's.. she's Ragnarok's wife, and mother of Imperius Vi Euphoria... The Sanctum of Creation, Chaos and Domination, Ariadne.. the Frost Queen.. ”

...☬Ariadne soon continued talking as she glared at the soldiers. Her power began freezing the immediate area around her and Haruo as she spoke☬...

“ I said to myself that I'd become a better person than I used to be. I swore that I'd become a respectable, gentle mother and eventually, grandmother to my children's children. But you.. you undid all of that the moment you killed my grandchild.. ”


...☬Ariadne stood up and clasped her hands together, a faint blue coloured light soon emitting. She then brought her hands outwards, thousands of iced spikes forming around both her and Haruo, facing the enemies before them. She spoke shortly before the spikes shot forward, instantly killing anyone they touched, leaving only a large group of soldiers and their commander standing☬...

Perish beneath my power, mongrels.


...☬Ariadne walked forward, and unsheathed her large sword. She suddenly vanished, appearing behind the remnants of soldier. She began walking towards the commander, the men behind her splitting apart and falling over. Blood flew around her, yet didn't touch her. She spoke in a cold, dark tone as she closed the gap between her and the commander☬...

You're next..



...ΨKenji slowly looked back up to Lumina and replied as he attempted to smileΨ...

“ Okay, I won't go.. after him.. Just please.. don't cry.. ”

...ΨSuddenly, a shiver was sent up Kenji's spine as he sensed his mother's power explode outwards. He spoke as he turned to look at the direction where he sensed the power, a faint groan of pain escaping his mouthΨ...

“ Mother..? ”

...⊹Himeragi was watching from a distance before she dropped to her knees seeing Kuroh die. Tears began to well up in her eyes⊹...

''Kuroh...n-no.....please dont die..''

...⊹Himeragi enraged, summoned her gauntlet and got up to try and punch something but her daughter, held her back⊹...

''let go of me!!

''M-Mother..! you mustn't!''

...⊹Himeragi soon broke down and started to cry. She soon started to cry in her daughters arms, feeling helpless⊹...

''its alright mother...let it out...i know its painful for you...its the same for me too....''

...⊹The daughter soon looked at the fight, especially her father's corpse⊹...

''you...were successful in my eyes...father..''
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Roman said:
Alex smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair. He nodded in agreement with her statement too, "Same. I don't think talking about it makes it any better."
Yuki continued running her fingers through his hair. "I like your hair...it's so smooth.." she said and then looked down at him.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland quickly interlaced their fingers before walking to the door then outside "So, should i call the taxi now...." he said as he looked back at her with a playful look "Or in twenty to thirty minutes~?" he asked before looking over at the motel.

"H-Huh?, oh, I don't mind really she said quietly as she looked at him briefly.

[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]"Rini, you are safe with us." he said as he drifted off to sleep.

Rini looked over at him sleepily as he spoke before smiling, yawning a little she then fell asleep.

((I'm guessing there's a time skip now))
Nonalaka said:
"H-Huh?, oh, I don't mind really" she said quietly as she looked at him briefly.
Roland chuckled as they crossed the street to the hotel "Well, too bad, i'm leaving the choice up to you~" he said before smiling back at her.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi thought she wasn't going to answer him for a moment, thinking he had messed up, but he held out till he looked at him and gave her answer, which made him smile at her while closing his eyes, not a playful smile, or even a tender one, just one that showed his happiness and content. So she thought she did? Okay if that were the case he'd gladly wait for her and give her the time she needed to say it, as long as he knew this wasn't just gonna be an one time thing and he actually wasn't the only one with feelings this strong. Though he would be waiting that wouldn't stop him from caring for her, he'd just have to stop pressing on the one question, maybe give her more breathing room. Masahi then opened his eyes and looked at her as he spoke, acceptance in his voice♝...
"Okay, i'll wait however long you need to take, just know this, i'm foolish enough to wait forever."

...☆Kaori was bracing himself for a saddened response, as she knew how he felt and it might be somewhat difficult on him to have to wait for her. But, instead he seemed happy. Well, it made sense, really, considering her answer hadn't been no, like Masahi probably thought it might have been. But really, she was happy with his answer. She knew deep down how she felt, but it was hard to just say it out loud, so the fact that Masahi was willing to wait for her to be ready meant a lot. So for now, she closed her eyes, snuggling against him, tired and sore, and just plain happy☆...

"Good. I can't think of anyone else I'd want to wait for me."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♖Len had inhaled his food just like Lilliana, but the difference was that all of his made it to his mouth and he hadn't made any noise while eating. So after he was done he had a full belly which made his sleepiness strong enough to make him give into sleep, so he really didn't hear Ayen and Lilliana bickering over Lily's eating habits, and how she ate like a pig. Len would have been content to just sleep there, sitting up right, for the night until Lily shook his shoulder causing him to jump a little in his chair before looking at her with sleepy eyes speaking in more of a mumble that actually talking♖...
"Y-yeah? what do ya need?"

...♧Lilliana exhaled a sigh of relief when Len woke up. She knew Ayen was out of the room, but he could come back at any moment and she didn't want to get into more trouble. So she was glad Len was waking up sooner than later, because Ayen expected her to eat the carrots and she really didn't want to, and it seemed like Len liked all the food, so it wouldn't be an issue if he could convince him to eat her carrots. Really, she had gagged when the yucky orange pieces touched her tounge and even more so when they went down her throat, and she didn't think she would be able to get through the rest of them without throwing them up. So, to avoid that, she thought Len might want them instead. Win win. Lilliana spoke in an urgent and whispered tone as she continued shaking his shoulder to wake him up♧...

"Two things. 1) Ayen wanted me to wake you up, 2) now that you're awake can you eat my carrots?"
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori was bracing himself for a saddened response, as she knew how he felt and it might be somewhat difficult on him to have to wait for her. But, instead he seemed happy. Well, it made sense, really, considering her answer hadn't been no, like Masahi probably thought it might have been. But really, she was happy with his answer. She knew deep down how she felt, but it was hard to just say it out loud, so the fact that Masahi was willing to wait for her to be ready meant a lot. So for now, she closed her eyes, snuggling against him, tired and sore, and just plain happy☆...
"Good. I can't think of anyone else I'd want to wait for me."
...♝Masahi thought he may have sounded a bit, cheesy? Maybe desperate? Or maybe he was selling himself short by thinking that, but he was just happy because of Kaori's answer, and he actually thought he had a chance. Sure he'd have to wait, but now he had a real reason, no, a fulfilling reason to wake up in the morning and life. When Kaori had snuggled against him Masahi moved a little so he could hold her with both arms before closing his eyes and smiling, still a little sweaty, and he could still feel the movement from before, sorta like when you run for awhile and you still feel you legs moving, but he was also tired, so after yawning he spoke with a sweet but tired voice♝...

"And you're the only one i'd wait for..."
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana exhaled a sigh of relief when Len woke up. She knew Ayen was out of the room, but he could come back at any moment and she didn't want to get into more trouble. So she was glad Len was waking up sooner than later, because Ayen expected her to eat the carrots and she really didn't want to, and it seemed like Len liked all the food, so it wouldn't be an issue if he could convince him to eat her carrots. Really, she had gagged when the yucky orange pieces touched her tounge and even more so when they went down her throat, and she didn't think she would be able to get through the rest of them without throwing them up. So, to avoid that, she thought Len might want them instead. Win win. Lilliana spoke in an urgent and whispered tone as she continued shaking his shoulder to wake him up♧...
"Two things. 1) Ayen wanted me to wake you up, 2) now that you're awake can you eat my carrots?"
...♖Len let out a yawn before stretching his arms over his head, so dad wanted him up huh? Well, it was probably to go to his room and sleep. Wait, Lily didn't what her carrots? Oh well, more for him, but she'd have to get use to eating the food in front of her at some point, but he didn't mind it this time, or the next few, but then he'd have to stop. For now Len simply grabbed his spoon then reached over and scooped up the carrots in Lilliana's bowl before eating them and setting the spoon back down and tiredly smiling at her♖...

"Don't make a habit out of this Lily, it could get us both in trouble."
Jofune Tsurabisu]Misafune tossed a blanket over them as the settled for a nap. He was happy just to sleep at this point. @Nonalaka [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14908-lumina/ said:
...☼As Chiharu was laying between Misafune and Miyaka she snuggled against them, sleeping soundly. Her broken arm lay across her chest and her other grabbed on to the male's shirt, sleeping peacefully with her family. She didn't notice that Rini entered the bed ☼...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland chuckled as they crossed the street to the hotel "Well, too bad, i'm leaving the choice up to you~" he said before smiling back at her.

Dakota feel silent as she twirled a piece of hair around her finger on her free hand, she didn't mind if they left now but at the same time his words had put....thoughts..in her head and honestly she believed that he was purposely giving her the decision to get her to say about those..thoughts...
Abel awkwardly sat down, indulged in a book. She looked around, unsure of what to think of the place. Her gaze was locked on the book, of which she adored. Her dark blonde hair fell about her shoulders in loose waves and her dark grey eyes were, as said, locked on the book in her hands.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota feel silent as she twirled a piece of hair around her finger on her free hand, she didn't mind if they left now but at the same time his words had put....thoughts..in her head and honestly she believed that he was purposely giving her the decision to get her to say about those..thoughts...
As they got to the motel Roland simply stayed quiet, wanting the decision to be Dakota's, and he didn't mind either way, he just thought he should give her the chance to be more vocal about these things, not wanting to feel like she was only doing certain things because she felt forced to. Now they were at the door to the room and Roland turned around "Well, what's the verdict? Should i call the taxi?" he said trying to leave any bias out of his voice.
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Abel awkwardly sat down, indulged in a book. She looked around, unsure of what to think of the place. Her gaze was locked on the book, of which she adored. Her dark blonde hair fell about her shoulders in loose waves and her dark grey eyes were, as said, locked on the book in her hands.
((Hey, just a heads up, you need to make a character sheet and have it get accepted before posting here, the character sheets and where you post them are in the character sign up tab.))
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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]((Hey, just a heads up, you need to make a character sheet and have it get accepted before posting here, the character sheets and where you post them are in the character sigh up tab.))

Ooh, oops, thank you. I've just signed up to this so yea,thanks((
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♆Kuroh fought against an army's vice captain, his sword glowing a brilliant white colour. His opponent's sword glowed a light red colour as he swung it towards Kuroh. The two sword repeatedly clashed as Kuroh and the vice-captain fought, the small twang sounds coming from both clashed blades filling the area. Kuroh leaped the the side, and drew the vice-captain away. Two more clashes came from the swords, shortly before Kuroh gained the upper hand. Kuroh took this opportunity to strike the Vice-captain down♆...


...♆Kuroh stood over the corpse, a small stream of blood coming from his mouth. He spoke as he brought his left hand's thumb to his mouth and wiped the blood away♆...

“ Well that went better than expected.. ”


...≭Haruo looked around the area where he and Kuroh stood, the army preparing their sword and spears at the fall of their vice-captain. Haruo spoke on his observations as he turned to Kuroh, who now stood beside him≭...

“ Looks like they're serious.. I could- ”

“ No. We mustn't kill them, as they're simply scared Humans. ”

“ But they're trying to kill us, it's only fair! ”

...♆Kuroh sighed and looked around to face Haruo. He spoke as he smiled lightly♆...

“ I've been training you for a couple of days now, ever since I saw you slacking off in the park. You're still a child, you have to restrict your power output as to avoid destroying the entire ecosystem, much like dad and uncle does. Don't lose sight of that, no matter what happens, 'kay? ”


...≭Haruo sighed and replied as he looked at Kuroh≭...

“ Fine.. I still don't understand why I can't kill them. You taught me that conflict goes both ways.. ”


...♆Kuroh was about to reply, when he suddenly noticed multiple disturbances within the air travelling towards them at a high speed. He quickly shouted as he pushed Haruo onto the ground, placing his back to him♆...

“ Watch out! ”

...≭Haruo was pushed along the ground, and all that was heard was the splashes of blood. Haruo looked over towards Kuroh and saw him laying on the ground, multiple spears and swords impaled within his chest. He had died instantly. Haruo quickly stood up and ran over towards Kuroh, his hands soon desperately thrashing Kuroh's body at an attempt to wake him up. He spoke to Kuroh's body as his thrashing turned to hopeless, slow pushes≭...

Nii..san.. Get up.. Nii-san..

...≭Upon no reply from Kuroh, Haruo remained by his side, a rush of anger, pain, hate and hopelessness soon filling his form. His golden hair suddenly began turning black. Haruo closed his eyes as this happened, grieving for Kuroh. Suddenly, Haruo's eyes shot open, revealing a premature Tengan. He spoke, pure hatred being evident in his eyes≭...

You're all dead!


...The commander of the army laughed and spoke as he signalled the men to attack Haruo...

“ This is going to be too easy! We're going to dominate this Sanctum child! Go! Kill him! ”

...≭Haruo prepared himself as the army began sprinting towards him. Suddenly, a female appeared infront of him, cutting down half of the army in mere moments. The other half of the army soon retreated back to it's commander and awaited orders. Haruo looked at the female with his Tengan, a faint sense of familiarity flooding his senses≭...


...☬Ariadne stood infront of Haruo as black power exited her and began thrashing the air around them. She replied to the male's previous statement, her voice full of malicious intent☬...

I am the one that dominates. Regardless of what the enemy may be.


...Suddenly, one of the soldiers spoke, clearly overtaken by fear, this being evident due to him soiling himself. It was clear these soldiers weren't from The Existence, and were one of the natural enemies to the Sanctum, hence their hostility...

“ Oh Shivre.. it can't be.. ”

“ What? What's wrong?! Who is that woman?! ”

“ We.. We should have never come here! ”

“ What's wrong with you?! I command you to answer my question! Who is that woman?! ”

“ She's.. she's Ragnarok's wife, and mother of Imperius Vi Euphoria... The Sanctum of Creation, Chaos and Domination, Ariadne.. the Frost Queen.. ”

...☬Ariadne soon continued talking as she glared at the soldiers. Her power began freezing the immediate area around her and Haruo as she spoke☬...

“ I said to myself that I'd become a better person than I used to be. I swore that I'd become a respectable, gentle mother and eventually, grandmother to my children's children. But you.. you undid all of that the moment you killed my grandchild.. ”


...☬Ariadne stood up and clasped her hands together, a faint blue coloured light soon emitting. She then brought her hands outwards, thousands of iced spikes forming around both her and Haruo, facing the enemies before them. She spoke shortly before the spikes shot forward, instantly killing anyone they touched, leaving only a large group of soldiers and their commander standing☬...

Perish beneath my power, mongrels.


...☬Ariadne walked forward, and unsheathed her large sword. She suddenly vanished, appearing behind the remnants of soldier. She began walking towards the commander, the men behind her splitting apart and falling over. Blood flew around her, yet didn't touch her. She spoke in a cold, dark tone as she closed the gap between her and the commander☬...

You're next..



...ΨKenji slowly looked back up to Lumina and replied as he attempted to smileΨ...

“ Okay, I won't go.. after him.. Just please.. don't cry.. ”

...ΨSuddenly, a shiver was sent up Kenji's spine as he sensed his mother's power explode outwards. He spoke as he turned to look at the direction where he sensed the power, a faint groan of pain escaping his mouthΨ...

“ Mother..? ”

...♤Lumina glanced over at Kenji as she heard him speak, noticing his attempt at a smile. Hearing his words sent a wave of relief over the phoenix, thankful that he was willing to listen to her. When he was better, she would want to know what exactly was going on, but for now he just needed to rest, and Lumina wanted to do everything she could to make sure he was okay in the meantime. She wiped her eyes, not sure if there was any tears in them (considering he told her not to cry, so she'd try her best not to), and when she brought her hand back down she noticed he was looking off in some direction, something was obviously on his mind. Confused, and slightly worried, Lumina spoke again♤...

"Eh? Mother?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]As they got to the motel Roland simply stayed quiet, wanting the decision to be Dakota's, and he didn't mind either way, he just thought he should give her the chance to be more vocal about these things, not wanting to feel like she was only doing certain things because she felt forced to. Now they were at the door to the room and Roland turned around "Well, what's the verdict? Should i call the taxi?" he said trying to leave any bias out of his voice.

Dakota thought for a bit she stopped twirling her hair, she had made decision "Yeah, call the taxi" she said with a nod, as much as she hated long car journeys, she didn't want to prospone it any longer.
Roman said:
Alejandro chuckled and jumped up into the air, "Well thanks sis. I care about you too." He said, before raising his sword above his head as he came down towards her.
Misaki brought up her sword to block his, remembering how he had blocked her's.
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi soon finished up her cotton candy " Alright, done!~" she said with a smile.
...♮Luke smiled happily and grabbed her hand and started walking towards the haunted house ride♮...

"Alright let's go"
Nonalaka said:
Dakota thought for a bit she stopped twirling her hair, she had made decision "Yeah, call the taxi" she said with a nod, as much as she hated long car journeys, she didn't want to postpone it any longer.
Roland nodded before unlocking the door then opening it. Good, she had made the choice herself, and that's what mattered to him. After letting go of Dakota's hand Roland walked over to his bag and made sure everything was in it that should be before smiling over Dakota "Okay, just give me a moment." he said happily before pulling out his phone and making the call.
Mayyflower said:
...♮Luke smiled happily and grabbed her hand and started walking towards the haunted house ride♮...
"Alright let's go"
Kairassi nodded and walked alongside him " do you think it'll be proper scary or cheesy scary?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland nodded before unlocking the door then opening it. Good, she had made the choice herself, and that's what mattered to him. After letting go of Dakota's hand Roland walked over to his bag and made sure everything was in it that should be before smiling over Dakota "Okay, just give me a moment." he said happily before pulling out his phone and making the call.

Dakota followed him nodding before he he went on the phone smiled as she lifted her own bag beside her as she sat on the edge of the bed.

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