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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

WeirdPrincess said:


Charlotte looked a little curious about that fact, but shrugged and didn't ask anything else. "Ah alright. Wait, theirs different parts to this... Eleysia?"

''well...not different parts but...just many grand villages for its landscape''
Nonalaka said:
Dakota looked at him curiously, hearing the tone of his voice changing "...what about your mother?" She tilted her head a little.
Roland slightly shivered "Well, i love her and all, but she doesn't really like treating me my age, oh, and as i said before, once she knows we're an item, well, she'll want to interrogate you..." he said with a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland slightly shivered "Well, i love her and all, but she doesn't really like treating me my age, oh, and as i said before, once she knows we're an item, well, she'll want to interrogate you..." he said with a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck.

Dakota nodded "Right.... Then I'll mentally prepare myself" she said with a laugh before stopping as she thought for a bit "What if she 'interrogates' me and then she ends up disliking me?" She said with a frown as she poked her food
Mayyflower said:
...? Rin sighed and jumped back, Toru really wasn't worth Rin's time, she rolled her eyes and started to walk away?...
"Y'know Im not about to waste my time fighting you"

Toru crossed her arm's "fine with me, you were becoming a waste of effort"

She said and turned around, walking away without another word.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota nodded "Right.... Then I'll mentally prepare myself" she said with a laugh before stopping as she thought for a bit "What if she 'interrogates' me and then she ends up disliking me?" She said with a frown as she poked her food
Roland rubbed his chin while humming at the though before shaking his head "She won't if you're honest with her, just expect the awkwardness of when she finds a way to get you, or even me, to spill the beans on what all we've done together." he said before using his fork and jabbing a piece of her pancake "Now say 'ah' i hate it when you frown~!" he said playfully.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland rubbed his chin while humming at the though before shaking his head "She won't if you're honest with her, just expect the awkwardness of when she finds a way to get you, or even me, to spill the beans on what all we've done together." he said before using his fork and jabbing a piece of her pancake "Now say 'ah' i hate it when you frown~!" he said playfully.

"Ah, Okay" she said, relieved that she wouldn't immediately be hated but the thought about her 'interrogation' getting very personal was less than appealing, oh well... Her attention was snapped back when a piece of food was hovered in front of her face, rolling her eyes a little and giggling softly, before she did as he asked.
Nonalaka said:
"Ah, Okay" she said, relieved that she wouldn't immediately be hated but the thought about her 'interrogation' getting very personal was less than appealing, oh well... Her attention was snapped back when a piece of food was hovered in front of her face, rolling her eyes a little and giggling softly, before she did as he asked.
Roland chuckled and fed Dakota the piece of pancake while smiling at her, after that he simply put the folk down and smiled at her "Y'know, if you want to do 'anything', doing before we leave to go to my family home would be the last chance in a long time~" he said playfully as he looked into her eyes.
...≭Haruo sighed as he finished writing the note explaining to Hikari and Kioko that he had went to Earth in search of their parents. Upon folding the note and placing it under the paper weight that was conveniently on the small table, he vanished. After a short while, he appeared on Earth, nearby the school. He spoke quietly to himself as he began walking forward, his deep purple irises scanning the view before him, a slight hint of disappointment being evident both on his face and in his voice≭...

This looks a lot like Ecrilia.. minus the weird statue of my parents..


...≭Approximately three hours later, Haruo now lay on a patch of grass that was situated within a park with his arms folded behind his head. A tree towered over him, providing shade from the sun's seemingly overwhelming heat. Nearby, he saw what seemed to be two females getting into a limousine, with another female simply watching them. His irises soon faced skyward as he placed the back of his head back onto his arms. He inhaled and exhaled loudly as he then spoke, a lazy tone escaping his mouth as he complained≭...

“ I'm bored. Really bored. If I could sell my boredom, I'm confident I could make a living.. ”



Lumina said:
...♤Lumina's expression only grew more worried, almost angry at how much he was trying to get up despite his condition. She moved to try and push him back down, but he suddenly lost consciousness and fell back, which sent a small pang of panic through her chest. Wide eyed, she had her mouth open to speak before realizing he just fell unconscious, which helped a little but not much. Lumina sat back, lacing her hand in Kenji's, speaking to him despite knowing that he wouldn't hear her♤...
"Oh, Kenji... what could have possibly happened that's making you so restless? You need to rest, you can't do anything in your condition. I don't know what happened, but it's not worth losing your life over. I can't lose you... not now, not ever. This happened the last time you fought him. Why do you even try? Don't you consider how other people might feel about it? Please... stay with me. Kenji..."

...♤Her voice broke at the end, obviously emotional about seeing him this way. So there she sat, her hand in his, watching over him as he slept♤...
...ΨKenji's consciousness slowly returned to him as he opened his eyes. He heard Lumina talk, prompting him to look off to the side. He spoke as he tightened his grip on Lumina's handΨ...

“ I'm.. sorry.. for making you.. worry all the time.. Lumi-chan.. ”
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Neo was off in the city saving supernaturals from the humans who are trying to kidnap them and killing the humans. She soon saw the letter and read it, only to reply in that same letter, just on the back and sent it back♱...
''For one thing, I am not trying to make friends right now. Nor what you call mates. There are more...urgent matters right now. If you hadn't heard, the U.N. passed a worldwide law that all supernaturals should be chipped in their head that nullifies their powers. Their hunting more supernatural as we speak and write. So since your new, I'm gonna say one tip. Save Yourself. Kill any humans trying to go after you. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE HUMANS. If you can't beat em, run. Hopefully someone would come by to help''

...♱The letter was sent back only to be cut up by a child-like figure wearing Japanese traditional clothing and a katana♱...
Jonathan was allready on a deep state of meditation, but that helped him to feel that something was wrong.

One of he's creatures was destroyed, and that was a serious insult to his person, as if all the power that he used to enchant these scrolls and papers was nothing.

So with a jump he leaved the bed and looked out of the windown, this won't go out without punishment, if it was Neo or anyone else he didn't really cared about it but he would take something for that person anyways.

He jumped to the windown, staying there for a moment, colecting enought energy for its spell, at all, he had time enough to prepare and take the energy from the immortal beings instead of using his own.

He concentrated all that energy at he's feet and said the spell:

"Ich rufe dich, Der 4 Grösseres Elemente... Feuer, Erde, Wasser, Wind..." As he said it a magical circle appeared on he's feet, with 4 colors: Red, blue, green and white.

"Wind, Zeigen sie meine Feinde!" After he said the last line, the circle took a complete white appearance and he was impulsioned with an amazing strengh that could have broke his spine and everything else if he wasn't a vampire.

Now, almost breaking the speed of sound, Jonathan litteraly flies up to Neo, expecting to receive some anwsers.

After 5 minutes of flight, Jonathan land in the top of a building, in the middle of a city, of course the building wasn't made to receive such damage and the breake all the floors until the first one, creating a hole in the middle of the building.

Of course, even for a vampire such thing isn't really a ice thing to be experienced, at all, all his bones rom the legs were now broken, it would take a litte long to repair them, something about 2-3 minutes...

He took a litte look outside while he's legs where recovering and saw that there was a big blue flag on the building that he destroyed, it had a globe and under it was written "U.N".

"Oh... Bloody hell... the U.N again..." Jonathan said "I wonder what would Neo be doing in a place like this..."
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WeirdPrincess said:
...❆Rini walked over towards the limo, sliding herself into a seat and away from the other giggling girls. She wondered what was so funny, but she didn't bother to ask. Settling herself in, she hummed quietly to herself to keep herself occupied❆...

The black limo drove off with everyone inside. The lady was making small talk with everyone and drinks of soda and juice were offered.


[QUOTE="Hans Von Guttenkrieg]Jonathan was allready on a deep state of meditation, but that helped him to feel that something was wrong.
One of he's creatures was destroyed, and that was a serious insult to his person, as if all the power that he used to enchant these scrolls and papers was nothing.

So with a jump he leaved the bed and looked out of the windown, this won't go out without punishment, if it was Neo or anyone else he didn't really cared about it but he would take something for that person anyways.

He jumped to the windown, staying there for a moment, colecting enought energy for its spell, at all, he had time enough to prepare and take the energy from the immortal beings instead of using his own.

He concentrated all that energy at he's feet and said the spell:

"Ich rufe dich, Der 4 Grösseres Elemente... Feuer, Erde, Wasser, Wind..." As he said it a magical circle appeared on he's feet, with 4 colors: Red, blue, green and white.

"Wind, Zeigen sie meine Feinde!" After he said the last line, the circle took a complete white appearance and he was impulsioned with an amazing strengh that could have broke his spine and everything else if he wasn't a vampire.

Now, almost breaking the speed of sound, Jonathan litteraly flies up to Neo, expecting to receive some anwsers.

After 5 minutes of flight, Jonathan land in the top of a building, in the middle of a city, of course the building wasn't made to receive such damage and the breake all the floors until the first one, creating a hole in the middle of the building.

Of course, even for a vampire such thing isn't really a ice thing to be experienced, at all, all his bones rom the legs were now broken, it would take a litte long to repair them, something about 2-3 minutes...

He took a litte look outside while he's legs where recovering and saw that there was a big blue flag on the building that he destroyed, it had a globe and under it was written "U.N".

"Oh... Bloody hell... the U.N again..." Jonathan said "I wonder what would Neo be doing in a place like this..."

...♱You soon heard an explosion from bellow as Neo was jumping out of it with a brief case and running through the city while she was being shot at by soldiers, soon they blew up♱...
Jofune Tsurabisu]--Limo-- The black limo drove off with everyone inside. The lady was making small talk with everyone and drinks of soda and juice were offered. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23570-himeragiseiker/ said:

...☫Seria looked around at everyone. She soon took a long look at Rini before turning away to look at Scarlett, then out to the window. Seeing Neo running into an entrance of an alley made her giggle a little☫...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]...♝Masahi was lost in the feeling of Kaori clinging to him until he heard her speak and he simply nodded, then when he thought back on it he wondered what made her blush about simply sleeping in the same bed, after all, they've been sleeping together for a few nights now. Could it be that she thinks that they're... No, that would be impossible, right? After all, she wouldn't agree to that, at least not with some one she didn't like... Or could it be that she likes him? It couldn't be after all, wait, was there an after all? The way she kissed him, the way she's holding on... Nah, it must be all in his head. After Masahi shook his head he moved a leg out from under her and placed his foot on the floor then he used his arm to hoist her up so he could get his other foot on the ground before standing up and carrying her effortlessly, though some of his muscle in his arms and chest still flexed a little from carrying Kaori to the bedroom♝...

...☆Kaori held on to him, suddenly getting super nervous. If they really were going to the bedroom, then they really were about to... she buried hee face in his neck, accidentally exhaling a hot breath on his neck. She could feel the muscles underneath her slightly tensed up from holding her, and it made her wonder when he had gotten so toned. Which made her wonder why she cared about him being toned, which made her think about everything else... her mind kept going in circles, but they were cut off as she noticed the change in scenery out of the corner of her eye, meaning they were in her bedroom. This sent butterflies straight to her core, and she squirmed a bit in his arms, not used to the feeling. Despite being nervous, she knew deep down that she was okay with what was about to come☆...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♖Len walks over to Lilliana before smiling at her, soon finding another chair and dragging it over next to hers before getting on it to sit down. Enjoying the smell in the air while Lily spoke to Ayen, truthfully he was ready for bed, but the smell of this stew was to good to stay away from, so he just waited awhile before poking at Lilliana's side playfully, not really thinking to much but how she may squirm a little, after all, he meant no ill will, he was just fooling around by doing so and he didn't see anything wrong with that and he chuckled then then spoke softly♖...
"So, you don't mind being the only girl, right?"

...♧Lilliana too was tired and quite ready for bed, and she stifled a yawn while waiting for the stew to be ready. Her stomach growled at the thought of eating the food, even with the yucky orange thingies. It really had been a tumultuous last few days, and it was starting to take its toll on her, and it was starting to show as well. But she woke up a bit as Len poked her side and she flinched, almost falling out of the chair. Her sides were sensitive it seemed, and it took her by surpise, so she yelped a bit as well. Recovering, she blinked, staring at Len as he chuckled, and as she righted herself she gave him another pouting look. It lasted until he asked the question, to which she shook her head and answered♧...

"Uh... no. Why?"
Nonalaka said:
Rini smiled softly at him before looking to Chiharu "You seem to be looking a lot better too" she said happily to her.
...☼Chiharu hugged on to Misafune happily, happy to see him here and being okay. It was nice to see Rini too! Smiling and snuggling him back, the young girl responded to Rini with a nod☼...

"I'm good! Miyaka said I didn't have to go back to the weird white room with the man in the long white coat! It smelled funny."

@Jofune Tsurabisu
Jofune Tsurabisu]--Limo-- The black limo drove off with everyone inside. The lady was making small talk with everyone and drinks of soda and juice were offered. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23570-himeragiseiker/ said:

...?Rini was looking down at her hands, mindlessly twiddling her thumbs to keep herself occupied. She wasn't really nervous anymore, she was just a genuinely quiet person unless something was said to her. Letting out a sigh, she turned her head to look out the window, watching as the scenery passed by?...

...⊗Now both girls were sleeping soundly. Kanon suddenly moved, turning herself against him, clutching on to him tightly. Her face twisted up a bit in discomfort, and it soon became clear she was having a nightmare. It was basically playing out the scene back at the dorms, but what would have happened if Achilles hadn't saved Yumi. The thought scared her so much it followed her into her dreams and was plaguing her now⊗...
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori held on to him, suddenly getting super nervous. If they really were going to the bedroom, then they really were about to... she buried her face in his neck, accidentally exhaling a hot breath on his neck. She could feel the muscles underneath her slightly tensed up from holding her, and it made her wonder when he had gotten so toned. Which made her wonder why she cared about him being toned, which made her think about everything else... her mind kept going in circles, but they were cut off as she noticed the change in scenery out of the corner of her eye, meaning they were in her bedroom. This sent butterflies straight to her core, and she squirmed a bit in his arms, not used to the feeling. Despite being nervous, she knew deep down that she was okay with what was about to come☆...
...♝Masahi didn't take long getting them to the bedroom, but when Kaori had let out her breath on his neck it only made his grip on her tighter and... well, with everything that happened it became his tipping point and well... he could have easily been poking her from below. Then they walked into the bedroom and he was sorta relieved until Kaori squirmed for some reason and that added fuel to the rocket per sa, which was making him redder than he should be, after all, from his point of view they were only gonna sleep in the same bed, nothing really to different from the nights before, just more room to be comfortable in. Masahi quickly made his way over to the bed then gently set Kaori down before doing probably the opposite of what she thought was gonna happen, and laid down next to her, not making any moves or anything like that, just sorta cuddling up to her and keeping his crotch a few inches away♝...
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana too was tired and quite ready for bed, and she stifled a yawn while waiting for the stew to be ready. Her stomach growled at the thought of eating the food, even with the yucky orange thingies. It really had been a tumultuous last few days, and it was starting to take its toll on her, and it was starting to show as well. But she woke up a bit as Len poked her side and she flinched, almost falling out of the chair. Her sides were sensitive it seemed, and it took her by surpise, so she yelped a bit as well. Recovering, she blinked, staring at Len as he chuckled, and as she righted herself she gave him another pouting look. It lasted until he asked the question, to which she shook her head and answered♧...
"Uh... no. Why?"
...♖Len shrugged his shoulder before looking at Lilliana curiously, he thought girls these days hated to be outnumbered by guys, but then again it could just be one of those things he got wrong about people, or even it's just Lily, it didn't really matter that much to him. he then focused on the scent of the stew for a moment, and it smelt great to him, almost like he hadn't eaten all day, but he had snacked on some wild berries. After that though Len looked at Lilliana and spoke as he tilted his head♖...

"No reason really, i just thought girls like having other girls around."
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...≭Haruo sighed as he finished writing the note explaining to Hikari and Kioko that he had went to Earth in search of their parents. Upon folding the note and placing it under the paper weight that was conveniently on the small table, he vanished. After a short while, he appeared on Earth, nearby the school. He spoke quietly to himself as he began walking forward, his deep purple irises scanning the view before him, a slight hint of disappointment being evident both on his face and in his voice≭...

This looks a lot like Ecrilia.. minus the weird statue of my parents..


...≭Approximately three hours later, Haruo now lay on a patch of grass that was situated within a park with his arms folded behind his head. A tree towered over him, providing shade from the sun's seemingly overwhelming heat. Nearby, he saw what seemed to be two females getting into a limousine, with another female simply watching them. His irises soon faced skyward as he placed the back of his head back onto his arms. He inhaled and exhaled loudly as he then spoke, a lazy tone escaping his mouth as he complained≭...

“ I'm bored. Really bored. If I could sell my boredom, I'm confident I could make a living.. ”



...ΨKenji's consciousness slowly returned to him as he opened his eyes. He heard Lumina talk, prompting him to look off to the side. He spoke as he tightened his grip on Lumina's handΨ...

“ I'm.. sorry.. for making you.. worry all the time.. Lumi-chan.. ”

...♤Lumina flinched in her seat, not expecting Kenji to have woken up, and especially not talk. Her eyes fell on him, noticing both that he was looking away from her and how his grip on her own hands had tightened, and her gaze dropped to her lap, her grip tightening as well as she spoke♤...

"I know it's probably hard on you, I can't possibly try to understand what happened to make you guys fight like this... I just hate seeing you in this condition. And if you try to go up against him again, then.. th-then..."

...♤Her voice caught in her throat, not wanting to continue that thought. She knew she was being selfish, obviously there was a reason that Kenji felt so determined to fight his brother, but damnit what about her?! What would she do if she... if she lost him? Lumina's eyes threatened to come to tears yet again, but she kept it together for now♤...

Lumina said:
...☼Chiharu hugged on to Misafune happily, happy to see him here and being okay. It was nice to see Rini too! Smiling and snuggling him back, the young girl responded to Rini with a nod☼...
"I'm good! Miyaka said I didn't have to go back to the weird white room with the man in the long white coat! It smelled funny."


WeirdPrincess said:
...?Rini was looking down at her hands, mindlessly twiddling her thumbs to keep herself occupied. She wasn't really nervous anymore, she was just a genuinely quiet person unless something was said to her. Letting out a sigh, she turned her head to look out the window, watching as the scenery passed by?...

The large studio was alive with activity. Racks of clothes, with interns hustle about as cameras were being unloaded. Models of all ages and types were hanging out reading manifests. The limo slid into the line of other limo's who were unloading other models, who then were ushered inside. This Limo's door opened to let the girls out...

-Undisclosed locations world wide--

Rockets were launching satellites into orbit as the next stage of supers detection and control was taking place. An overly large satellite was already in orbit too high above the city awaiting orders...


Lumina said:
...⊗Now both girls were sleeping soundly. Kanon suddenly moved, turning herself against him, clutching on to him tightly. Her face twisted up a bit in discomfort, and it soon became clear she was having a nightmare. It was basically playing out the scene back at the dorms, but what would have happened if Achilles hadn't saved Yumi. The thought scared her so much it followed her into her dreams and was plaguing her now⊗...
Achilles tried to sleep. But Kanon's constant squirming demanded his attention. So like a lion, he wrapped his largish arms around her, and held her as she slept. He actually pulled her into his lap to hold her closer. The landlady who had entered silently had seen this, and smiled to herself, as she delivered blankets and some toiletries. She covered the girl on the bed up, then covered the couple up too. Before leaving she left the meal she made for them in the fridge in the fridge as she left them to rest. "Sleep well, kids." she said quietly as she locked the door.


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