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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
Lexi smiled back. "Ah I know yuto, yea come in" she says allowing them inside her home
TheDragoon said:
Ken was walking in nervously, wondering what his new family might be like.

Kite was in the back room doing laundry.

@Tobi Neafearn

Ayen walked in as well and looked around the house before spotting the livingroom and walking to it, all the while still carrying Lilliana till he sat on the couch, then he let go of her.

...☼Chiharu kept walking with her arms around Miyaka, not really noticing where they were until they had made it to the lobby, which seemed to be fairly empty. If they were in the lobby, then that might mean... Chiharu immediately lit up as she looked for the door, and excited tone to her voice☼...

"Are we leaving???"


...⊗Kanon kept walking around, looking at each sculpture with awe. They all looked so cool! She took a drink as Achilles spoke, turning toward him with a shrug⊗...

"Well, my dumbass sister decided to go off on her own, even though I explicitly said not to, so of course I went looking for her, because she's honestly too weak to protect herself. She doesn't have any combat powers at all, so if she got into a bad spot she'd be powerless. And I can't let anything happen to her. It's my job to make sure she's okay. After mom died dad got obsessed with work and big brother went to a different school, so I was the only one left to take care of her. Anyways, I was out looking for her, kinda pissed off because she didn't listen to me, when I found the casino. I figured, well my search for Yumi wasn't going so well so I might as well kill time in the casino. I was too angry to focus on the search anyways. Plus casinos are fun, so I figured I could blow off some steam and shit like that. And then I came in! I kept getting served alcohol, which is awesome because I've always wanted to drink but because I've had to watch over Yumi were always together, and she doesn't let me do this kind of stuff. So I say, fuck it! I'm having a good time! Which is why even though big brother dragged me away earlier I came back to the bar, because I'm having fun drinking. Isn't that what a casino is for? Besides, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he notices I'm gone! Wait... I wouldn't be around for that... oh well!"
Rini looked at both Miyaka and Chiharu, putting on a smile, nodding lightly "O-Oh, Yeah..I'm fine...I'm just thinking about getting home is all..." She said quietly "Nothing to worry about"


[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Roland smiled back at Dakota before pecking her nose "And a good morning to you to~" he said happily before chuckling a little "Well, it's not noon yet, soooo technically it's not late." he said teasingly.
((I rarely miss a reply from you, i just sorta thought you were offline until i saw that you had replied to others alot ;- ;) )

((I'm sorry, I swear its not on purpose ;- ;) )

Dakota rolled her eyes a little and laughed, "I mean that its late because we were awake for a while." She said with a smile.
TheDragoon said:
((Dang you xD I really am trying not to make him use his most OP ability, Absolute Authority xD ))
Order knew he need to prevent the ManBearPigs from climbing the tower again. He really considered his options and proposed he would have to resort to steadfast fighting. But even so, they would overwhelm him. He need something more than steadfast fighting... He needed something that could prevent the number of ManBearPigs that would approach him. For now... He would just do something much cooler. He closed his eyes and smirked. "Dark Arts: Swords of the Dead..." He said before blades and weapons erupted from all around him and began searching for the enemies and slashing them back off. The worst part was, they were heat seeking and could fly. He sat in the middle, channeling his energy so he could keep the thousands of swords moving.
The ManBearPigs numbers seemed to oddly increase, as the Bad Touch T-Rex's joined the Fray. How long can the glowing shoe boy hold out?

HimeragiSeiker said:
''i guess...we rest as well''


...☫She said before drinking again☫...

''well sorry, im not as slutty as you all. at least i can fight all of you with ease...*sigh* fine then...Lucia, what was that song you liked?''

''i forgot the name but...this is the one''

(Mangle = Lucelia, Toy Bonnie = Lucia(Lunari)


Annabelle Lee fell asleep with her new friends. It was kind of sweet. Except the Centipede doing things.

Lumina said:
...☼Chiharu kept walking with her arms around Miyaka, not really noticing where they were until they had made it to the lobby, which seemed to be fairly empty. If they were in the lobby, then that might mean... Chiharu immediately lit up as she looked for the door, and excited tone to her voice☼...
"Are we leaving???"


...⊗Kanon kept walking around, looking at each sculpture with awe. They all looked so cool! She took a drink as Achilles spoke, turning toward him with a shrug⊗...

"Well, my dumbass sister decided to go off on her own, even though I explicitly said not to, so of course I went looking for her, because she's honestly too weak to protect herself. She doesn't have any combat powers at all, so if she got into a bad spot she'd be powerless. And I can't let anything happen to her. It's my job to make sure she's okay. After mom died dad got obsessed with work and big brother went to a different school, so I was the only one left to take care of her. Anyways, I was out looking for her, kinda pissed off because she didn't listen to me, when I found the casino. I figured, well my search for Yumi wasn't going so well so I might as well kill time in the casino. I was too angry to focus on the search anyways. Plus casinos are fun, so I figured I could blow off some steam and shit like that. And then I came in! I kept getting served alcohol, which is awesome because I've always wanted to drink but because I've had to watch over Yumi were always together, and she doesn't let me do this kind of stuff. So I say, fuck it! I'm having a good time! Which is why even though big brother dragged me away earlier I came back to the bar, because I'm having fun drinking. Isn't that what a casino is for? Besides, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he notices I'm gone! Wait... I wouldn't be around for that... oh well!"
"We are at the exit aleast." Miyaka confirmed. "But leaving might be another story." she said. But at least we can chill here, free of..." she dropped off as her eyes caught sight of a giant man spider above them....."Girls...Welcome to my Parlor..." it hissed as it lowered itself to the floor. Girls tasted marvelous when in the throes of passion. Now he had three to eat....

Achilles nodded as he sat on a bench. He brought his face close to hers. "You seem sad, so relax with me." he said as he drew away.



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Nonalaka said:
((I'm sorry, I swear its not on purpose ;- ;) )
Dakota rolled her eyes a little and laughed, "I mean that its late because we were awake for a while." She said with a smile.
Roland chuckled before pecking her lips once more "Suuurrre~" he said playfully before taking a step away from her "You should know better than to try and use logic with me Dakota~" he said teasingly before leaning slightly down and jokingly pouting at her.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi smiled at Kaori as they continued walking, wondering how long she could keep walking backwards before she tripped, not that he would let her hit the ground, he'd catch her fast than she could fall, or at least that's what he thought he'd do, but that was besides the point. Not really noticing the color in his cheeks Masahi started to walk closer to Kaori before smiling as he spoke♝...

"Yeah, and i'd like to believe i was a great guy before losing my memories, but i have no prove."

...☆Kaori nodded, continuing to walk backwards, noticing how he was walking closer to her than he had been before. Not that it probably meant anything, it was just an observation. She was slightly surprised that she hadn't fallen herself. Shed be able to catch herself of course, but she was still amazed at herself for the moment. Kaori soon spoke, replying to his comment before getting cut off by stumbling on something sticking out of the ground☆...

"Well, aside from your hotheadedness, you were fi- wah!"
...♧Lilliana wanted to hold on go Ayen as long as she could, so when he sat down on the couch and let her go, for a few moments she still held on. But, when those few moments were passed she hesitantly brought her arms back down to her sides, now fully sitting on the couch next to him. Lilliana had her hands in her lap, looking around the place with a slightly scared an unsure look. It was a nice house, for sure, but it was somewhere unfamiliar. She just stayed quiet, waiting for her uncle to come meet them♧...

@Mayyflower @TheDragoon
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]The ManBearPigs numbers seemed to oddly increase, as the Bad Touch T-Rex's joined the Fray. How long can the glowing shoe boy hold out?
Annabelle Lee fell asleep with her new friends. It was kind of sweet. Except the Centipede doing things.

"We are at the exit aleast." Miyaka confirmed. "But leaving might be another story." she said. But at least we can chill here, free of..." she dropped off as her eyes caught sight of a giant man spider above them....."Girls...Welcome to my Parlor..." it hissed as it lowered itself to the floor. Girls tasted marvelous when in the throes of passion. Now he had three to eat....

Achilles nodded as he sat on a bench. He brought his face close to hers. "You seem sad, so relax with me." he said as he drew away.




...⊗Kanon blinked as he brought his face closer to hers, wondering what the purpose of that was. In her drunken state, plus her oblivious personality, she didn't think it meant anything other than he wanted to look closer at something on her face. Nothing else. So she nodded, sitting next to him, taking another sip of her drink. At this point she wasn't even sure how many of them she had had already. But truthfully, she didn't care. They made her feel nice and that's all that mattered. Kanon grinned at Achilles before speaking⊗...

"I'm not really sad. I'm angry. Well, not anymore, but I was. That's why I came here. But, I'm okay now! Your drinks definitely helped. I can't get mad when they make you feel good, right?"

"Well, Seria, Enjoy it." He was happy. "I am glad we are outside. I ache all over." he said to her.

"You girls claim Succubus status, but cant even manage to make us happy, but its passable right now." they told the girls trying. The could not be nicer, because Succubi training was harsh on the students. "Shake those hips more." the crowd cheered.

Lumina said:
...☆Kaori nodded, continuing to walk backwards, noticing how he was walking closer to her than he had been before. Not that it probably meant anything, it was just an observation. She was slightly surprised that she hadn't fallen herself. Shed be able to catch herself of course, but she was still amazed at herself for the moment. Kaori soon spoke, replying to his comment before getting cut off by stumbling on something sticking out of the ground☆...
"Well, aside from your hotheadedness, you were fi- wah!"
...♝Masahi kept walking close to Kaori for awhile while watching her walk. For a short period he almost thought she wouldn't fall over, so he started to let his guard down, though not completely. Masahi even started to just enjoy the walk itself as he heard Kaori talk, which grabbed his attention, and that's when he saw her start to fall, and with that he began to act on reflex. Activating his sharingan his face took on a slightly more serious look as he looked over at Kaori, calculating where to move his arm with how fast he could move verses hos quickly she was falling, then he acted. Quickly moving his body so his legs spread out with his knees bent, then leaning to catch Kaori his his arm. The end result was Masahi holding Kaori close to him and by the waist as their face were within inches of each other, but Masahi had yet to realize this♝...
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Lumina said:
...☼Chiharu had taken a few steps away from Miyaka to look for the exit when she heard Miyaka talking. She had turned around to face her friend as Miyaka spoke, so her back was facing the spider as it descended. Confused at hearing a new voice Chiharu turned around and froze, seeing the spider right in front of her. She absolutely HATED spiders more than anything so Chiharu couldn't do anything but stare in frozen horror at it, her eyes widened with shock and absolute fear☼...


Miyaka threw a shield between the spider and her group. She could not handle this. "Why, we were so free, dammit." she cried as the spider slammed into the shield, as it started to crack.

'I love working for my food..." he said as he worked at breaking the shield.


...⊗Kanon blinked as he brought his face closer to hers, wondering what the purpose of that was. In her drunken state, plus her oblivious personality, she didn't think it meant anything other than he wanted to look closer at something on her face. Nothing else. So she nodded, sitting next to him, taking another sip of her drink. At this point she wasn't even sure how many of them she had had already. But truthfully, she didn't care. They made her feel nice and that's all that mattered. Kanon grinned at Achilles before speaking⊗...

"I'm not really sad. I'm angry. Well, not anymore, but I was. That's why I came here. But, I'm okay now! Your drinks definitely helped. I can't get mad when they make you feel good, right?"
"Well I can appreciate feeling good." he said as he held her chin lightly, and drew his face closer again. "You are much to pretty for being mad." he spoke as he looked into her eyes. He knew she was drunk, he would not abuse that, but she was pretty! "It is sad, really, I can never be free, so that i can spend my days with you. You are an interesting girl." he said releasing her chin.

TheDragoon said:
Order decided maybe they would suspect he had been defeated if he did ABSOLUTELY nothing. Maybe they would even start fighting each other. He cut off the magic making his shoes glow and the blades all lazily fell to the ground. He began thinking of a backup plan if this didn't work.
It didn't. But a crazy barrage of rockets seemed to scare them off as the area took many hits. The tower was seemingly clear, except for the giant dragon made of crystal and energy roosting on the top. It wanted to win.


HimeragiSeiker said:
''yeah...i can..sort of breathe''
"Good, I was worried about you." he said as he bit into an expensive sausage.

...✦They both groaned and facepalmed✦...

''is this how succubi really are in this dimension?''

''a demon princess like me doing this kind of thing...''

''and a demon general...like me.......this is stupid..''
"Oh goodness, your those succubi who believe they are above what they truly are. Honey, you and every succubus ever to exist are nothing but tools to make men or women fall. Nothing more. Some are epic like Lithania Gruto, who could seduce an army into becoming miners for her pleasure. No matter how high you are, you can't escape the base of your existence. So shake them butts for a little while longer and then begone, you give us bad names." the older of the Succubi chided.

Order sighed. "This just isn't my day..." He mumbled quietly before he used all his strength and ripped a hole in the top with pure strength, causing him to take a bit of damage but it didn't really bother him as he began tearing into the dragon, trying to reach its heart. At the same time, he casted a force field of light in case it attempted to burn him to a crisp.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''well excuse me but...haha, we used to work as assassins. so if you wanna stay alive...''
...✦She said before pointing a gun blade at the succubus who spoke✦...

''dont boss me around''
It seems they dont even want to win, sisters, a shame, all talk, but boils down to mindless violence" she laughed. "Go ahead, prove your resolve is weak. Prove your not worthy of taking over the world you so desperately want to do." she taunted. She has died a million times. Its become passe.

TheDragoon said:
Order sighed. "This just isn't my day..." He mumbled quietly before he used all his strength and ripped a hole in the top with pure strength, causing him to take a bit of damage but it didn't really bother him as he began tearing into the dragon, trying to reach its heart. At the same time, he casted a force field of light in case it attempted to burn him to a crisp.
The dragon had the boy where he wanted him. Trapped. The energy held the shield in place. Inside were other beings trapped in their own shields unable to escape. The dragon climbed down, into ManBearPig territory and walked the borders of Bad Touch T-Rex land and the Order of the Soft, Cute, Fluffy Things, From the Land of Happy.

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]...♝Masahi kept walking close to Kaori for awhile while watching her walk. For a short period he almost thought she wouldn't fall over, so he started to let his guard down, though not completely. Masahi even started to just enjoy the walk itself as he heard Kaori talk, which grabbed his attention, and that's when he saw her start to fall, and with that he began to act on reflex. Activating his sharingan his face took on a slightly more serious look as he looked over at Kaori, calculating where to move his arm with how fast he could move verses hos quickly she was falling, then he acted. Quickly moving his body so his legs spread out with his knees bent, then leaning to catch Kaori his his arm. The end result was Masahi holding Kaori close to him and by the waist as their face were within inches of each other, but Masahi had yet to realize this♝...

...☆Kaori hadn't expected to fall, so she was less than prepared to catch herself when she did. In reality it would have taken her only a few moments to right herself, but she fell at a bit of an awkward angle only made worse by the fact that she had been walking backwards when she fell. So, in her mind, it seemed like she might have to take the brunt of the fall. But, before she knew what was happening, she felt an arm around her, and soon she was pulled against Masahi. From the impact of being grabbed she had accidentally closed her eyes, and she spoke as she opened them, her words getting tangled within themselves upon realizing how close his face was to hers☆...

"Ah! Oh, thanks Masa... hi... um..."

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