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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
Lexi went to the door and opened it and saw two kids and a man. "Uh, hello" she says with a wave

@Tobi Neafearn @Lumina
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana tensed up hearing the door open, and buried her face into Ayen's neck when she heard someone talking. She was getting really nervous now, and she clung tighter to Ayen, not wanting him to let go yet even though they were already at their uncles house♧...
@Tobi Neafearn

Ayen offered a soft smile and waved back "Hello, is this Kaito's house?" he asked kindly as he stood there with Ken and Lilliana.

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]" Did you have a good rest?" He asked, stroking the arm raised to his check. His smile grew larger as he looked Elyse in the eyes, his thoughts drifting into how beautiful she was quickly. He then shivered slightly, before laughing. "Oh my~ I guess someone is feeling a little chilly." He said, wrapping the covers tighter around Elyse, and pulling her as close as possible, smelling the scent of mint on her breath. "I'm surprised you got out of bed, being this cold."

...♒Elyse giggled, smiling as he wrapped the covers around her, appreciating the warmth. Elyse leaned forward to lightly kiss his nose before moving her hand down to lightly rest it on his waist, responding as she did so♒...

"I needed to brush my teeth rull bad. And wash my face. Yknow, freshening up and all that jazz."
WeirdPrincess said:


"What's she gonna do? Tell on us?" Ulqui said with a laugh as he looked over the gifts that were listed, which were a couple of things he would want. It was good to know what he might be getting on their birthday. Just below the few things that were listed for him, Celia's name appeared in bold letter. Scrolling down, there were at least 4 things listed.

Celia's birthday wish

1. Have Taylor and Talia back before birthday.

2. Spend time with family.

3. Large stuffed animal with chocolate

4. Puppy or kitty!!!!

"She must have made the list before you guys came back... because this is all pretty normal. For once in her life."


Charlotte nodded, "Celia is a very lively person. She likes talking to other people, she said its her favorite pass time." She said with a laugh.

Taylor nodded, "Talia would tell on me in the blink of an eye. She doesn't want me doing bad things as much as I don't want her to." He said, as he read over the list. "Well... Maybe we could get the kitten. I'm sort of allergic to dogs." He said, laughing lightly. "Let's check out the things, she actually needs." Taylor said as he went to that folder.

Emiya chuckled, "I see. She's very lively, even makes me smile she I see her." He said, laughing a little. "You're very lucky to have such a daughter."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi looked around as they walked and noted to himself how nice it was out, such a day is best spent with others, if you have others to spend it with that is. But that was besides the point right now, or atleast, that's what the voice in the back of his head said, what is was saying, and he was mostly agreeing with, was that it saying is that it was important that he was spending the day with Kaori, almost like.... like a date. With that thought his face became slightly pink with a blush, it was then Kaori turned to talk to him and he took in what she had to say before speaking for himself in an almost teasing matter, which he wasn't entirely sure where it came from♝...
"Ah, well, getting to town and getting around town are two different things Kaori~"

...☆As Kaori spoke to Masahi she noticed the slight hue in his cheeks, but decided to stay quiet about it. Besides, he was being teasing to her so she didn't really have time to focus on it anyways. It was taking a lot of focus to not trip over anything while walking backwards as well. Kaori simply smiled, responding soon after☆...

"That is very true. I like to think I know my way around though."
TheDragoon said:
((Fine, but Order is gonna use a bit more power this time xD ))
Order suddenly woke up, groaning as he got up. He then looked to the tower in the vast woods he stood in. He summoned both his blades as he narrowed his eyes. He was gonna take out that ManBearPig. And nothing was going to stop him. He jumped from tree to tree and began running up the tower once again, this time, running straight up with amazing speed, twice as much as before. Once he reached the ManBearPig once again he suddenly jumped out of the way of any shots that were about to hit him and he used falling debris and humans to make his way to the ManBearPig, and cutting right through the ManBearPig when he wasn't paying attention. He had slashed him in a X motion so right after he cut through him, Order began running up the tower once again.

@Jesters Court

Miyaka just stroked Chiharu's head.

Lumina said:
...⊗Kanon blinked as Achilles explained about the statues. They... had to be trained? How do you train something like that? Are they even trainable? Well they must be if he said they had to be trained first. Kanon's gaze continued to scan around the room, still amazed at how cool it was⊗...
"Train 'em? How do you train these things?"
"It isn't pretty, and not really nice." he said trying to move the topic to nicer things.


Han watched as some men charged at him, he knew his back was protected, so he didn't turn around. "Idiots such as these shouldn't partake in these activities. Have they not noticed that half or more of them die on mere seconds?" He asked.


He then dug in his jacket pocket and took out some small bullets he had when he was off busy a day before. "Go fetch." He threw the bullets just like he threw the blades, watching as they pierced multiple men as if they were shot.


Han then picked up a dropped weapon and began to cut down some people.
How they stood on walls without falling was completely lost on Order, but no matter. Time he showed them what he was made of. He began chanting a ancient spell as he closed his eyes. "Dark Arts: Shadow Force." He said before he disappeared into the shadows of the tower and he appeared behind them, still running up. He then chanted another phrase. "Dark Arts: Shadow Force Release!" He yelled before a afterimage of Order appeared and delivered thousands of slashes into all of them until they fell off the tower. They weren't normal slashes either, the slashes completely ignored their armor and phased right through it and into their chests. Order eventually made it to the top a few seconds later, taking a moment to catch his breath and collect his energy once again.

((Shadow Force: The user is able to vanish and split into 2 versions of himself. A shadow version and the real version. The shadow version takes a different path while the real one takes the real path it wants. The user then can release the shadow force and allow whatever the shadow version of itself just did a few moments ago before vanishing...))
LunaCrosby said:
"I'm sorry you had to go through that... I mean, it's not easy for me either.. I killed our dad... even if it wasn't real It felt like it was"
☮She said and continued looking at Amaya☮
Amaya nods. "I know" she says softly
Mayyflower said:
Lexi nods "Yea, I'm his wife" she says. "I'll go get him if you want, you can come in also if you want" she says kindly
...♧Lilliana just kept her hold around Ayen's neck as the lady at the door spoke. She sounded nice, but that didn't change the fact that Lilliana didn't like new people. They were scary. She felt Ken grab onto Ayen now too, considering her foot was right near them. This only made her hold on Ayen tighten, because if Ken was nervous then she couldn't calm down at all♧...

@Tobi Neafearn

TheDragoon said:
How they stood on walls without falling was completely lost on Order, but no matter. Time he showed them what he was made of. He began chanting a ancient spell as he closed his eyes. "Dark Arts: Shadow Force." He said before he disappeared into the shadows of the tower and he appeared behind them, still running up. He then chanted another phrase. "Dark Arts: Shadow Force Release!" He yelled before a afterimage of Order appeared and delivered thousands of slashes into all of them until they fell off the tower. They weren't normal slashes either, the slashes completely ignored their armor and phased right through it and into their chests. Order eventually made it to the top a few seconds later, taking a moment to catch his breath and collect his energy once again.
((Shadow Force: The user is able to vanish and split into 2 versions of himself. A shadow version and the real version. The shadow version takes a different path while the real one takes the real path it wants. The user then can release the shadow force and allow whatever the shadow version of itself just did a few moments ago before vanishing...))
(I have a fever, a fever that can only be treated with MOAR MANBEARPIGS!)

The ManBearPig army would not relent, the more they fell, the more they returned. The tower was Claimed for the ManBearPig Empire! So the battle was changing as those that left fought harder than those that fell, or doing the falling.

Lumina said:
...☆As Kaori spoke to Masahi she noticed the slight hue in his cheeks, but decided to stay quiet about it. Besides, he was being teasing to her so she didn't really have time to focus on it anyways. It was taking a lot of focus to not trip over anything while walking backwards as well. Kaori simply smiled, responding soon after☆...
"That is very true. I like to think I know my way around though."
...♝Masahi smiled at Kaori as they continued walking, wondering how long she could keep walking backwards before she tripped, not that he would let her hit the ground, he'd catch her fast than she could fall, or at least that's what he thought he'd do, but that was besides the point. Not really noticing the color in his cheeks Masahi started to walk closer to Kaori before smiling as he spoke♝...

"Yeah, and i'd like to believe i was a great guy before losing my memories, but i have no prove."
...☼Chiharu blinked as Miyaka moved her hand up to her head and began stroking it. She was confused at first, but then she relaxed, noting how nice and... comforting it felt. Before she knew what she was doing Chiharu moved over, wrapping her arms around Miyaka's waist in a hug, her eyes now closed☼...


...⊗Kanon took another drink, before nodding at his statement. Even though she was drunk (and now extremely curious) she didn't push the issue farther. Besides, she wouldn't want to ruin how awesome the statues looked with sad details and that shit. So she nodded and spoke accordingly⊗...

"Okay. But they're still cool!"
Mayyflower said:
Lexi nods "Yea, I'm his wife" she says. "I'll go get him if you want, you can come in also if you want" she says kindly
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana just kept her hold around Ayen's neck as the lady at the door spoke. She sounded nice, but that didn't change the fact that Lilliana didn't like new people. They were scary. She felt Ken grab onto Ayen now too, considering her foot was right near them. This only made her hold on Ayen tighten, because if Ken was nervous then she couldn't calm down at all♧...
@Tobi Neafearn

Ayen nodded before smiling "That would be nice, i have a lot to talk to him about, you can tell him i'm a friend of Yato's." he said softly before moving to rub Lilliana's head with one hand, and Ken's with the other

((Dang you xD I really am trying not to make him use his most OP ability, Absolute Authority xD ))

Order knew he need to prevent the ManBearPigs from climbing the tower again. He really considered his options and proposed he would have to resort to steadfast fighting. But even so, they would overwhelm him. He need something more than steadfast fighting... He needed something that could prevent the number of ManBearPigs that would approach him. For now... He would just do something much cooler. He closed his eyes and smirked. "Dark Arts: Swords of the Dead..." He said before blades and weapons erupted from all around him and began searching for the enemies and slashing them back off. The worst part was, they were heat seeking and could fly. He sat in the middle, channeling his energy so he could keep the thousands of swords moving.
Lumina said:
...☼Chiharu blinked as Miyaka moved her hand up to her head and began stroking it. She was confused at first, but then she relaxed, noting how nice and... comforting it felt. Before she knew what she was doing Chiharu moved over, wrapping her arms around Miyaka's waist in a hug, her eyes now closed☼...


...⊗Kanon took another drink, before nodding at his statement. Even though she was drunk (and now extremely curious) she didn't push the issue farther. Besides, she wouldn't want to ruin how awesome the statues looked with sad details and that shit. So she nodded and spoke accordingly⊗...

"Okay. But they're still cool!"
Miyaka smiled. She cared about Chi-chan, but noticed the odd change in her friend. She wanted to help, but not in this place. The continued for what seeing like forever until they all were at the entrance to the pits. Now they were in the empty lobby.

Achilles watched the girl become amazed at anything. He enjoyed that about her. "So if he wasn't your boyfriend, who would let you wander around here alone?"He asked her.

Mayyflower said:
Lexi smiled back. "Ah I know yuto, yea come in" she says allowing them inside her home
Ken was walking in nervously, wondering what his new family might be like.


Kite was in the back room doing laundry.

@Tobi Neafearn
LunaCrosby said:
☮Ally crawled under the bed to join Amaya☮
"if you stay down here too long your gonna get a cramp and get stuck"
"No I won't cause I will be able to get out" she says

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