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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:
...♤Lumina felt herself get picked up and taken to the house, nearly passing out right there and then when she wasn't standing on her feet anymore. She barely felt Ken lay next to her on the bed before unconsciousness pulling at a corner of her mind, but she had enough left in her to curl up into his side before her mind went black and she fell into a dreamless sleep♤...

((Time skip?))
((( Yeah~ )))

...ΨKenji lay next to Lumina as he slowly drifted into consciousness, his eyes slowly opening with each blink. He had subconsciously wrapped his arm around Lumina as he slept, as if protecting her from whatever lurked around them. He remained silent as he just looked at Lumina, smiling slightlyΨ...

((( Last post for today. )))
Ansom left the cafe, after he bought a scone of course, and headed to the nearest supermarket. "Ah, civilization. The reason these buildings stand. They are so intricate. So complex. Underneath the large cities is a large infrastructure of pipes and electrical wires. Everything connected by technology and machines." He smiled. "Every building, each framework, is built by many hands...." He placed his hand on the supermarket wall. His hand glowed purple. "....but they can be brought down by one." The building collapsed.
Nonalaka said:
Elaena stared at the bits of Cataclysm all around the room before turning her attention to Nanase "Wont be as useful as what?" she asked curiously.
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko looked around the room and reached out a hand to touch the cataclysm. It felt weird, so she retracted her hand before looking at Nanase✿...
"Huh? What are we suppose to do now?"
''basically...Cataclysm, in my opinion, is used for leisure, combat, defense, and marketing''

*She said before she formed a throne for herself and a golem forming behind her. She soon got up and summoned her sword before quickly slicing the golem. It soon attacked her but she formed a shield which blocked the attack and the shield soon turned into a cannon-arm and shot out a massive Cataclysm bullet through the golem as the golem shattered. The cataclysm sword and cannon-arm soon disformed before she looked at Kioko and Elaena*

''this power is pretty much...a strategic art..''
Yuki stopped kissing him. She let him do what he pleased and let her self be swept away by his warmth. She blushed a bit more and let out a small moan.

((This is where I left off...with the fade and all...
@Roman ))

"I don't know...I really don't think I'll be a good mom...it's very confusing..." she said. Kanae grabbed the popcorn and went to sit down on the couch.

((And this is where I left off with you...
@TheDragoon ))
Once Ansom destroyed three more buildings and a gas station, he smiled. "Ah. That's what I call a workout." He brushed some dust off his shoulder and smoothed his purple suit.. He pushed his hair back and took a deep breath. The cops showed up, but Ansom simply showered them with crystal shards. He summoned a bag of chips and sat on the ground.
Mayyflower said:
Amaya closed her eyes and sighed. "And this is why your my favorite" she huffs. "I'll uh be right back have ally or your father make dinner me and Rin well we might not be there for dinner" she says before running towards the area Rin disappeared before disappearing herself
Len sighed then walked back into the house while shaking his head "To give into an inner-demon." he mumbled as he walked into the house.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Yeah~ )))
...ΨKenji lay next to Lumina as he slowly drifted into consciousness, his eyes slowly opening with each blink. He had subconsciously wrapped his arm around Lumina as he slept, as if protecting her from whatever lurked around them. He remained silent as he just looked at Lumina, smiling slightlyΨ...

((( Last post for today. )))

...♤Lumina had curled herself up against Kenji, pulled even closer to him from as he wrapped his arm around her. She seemed to have transitioned from a dreamless sleep into a dream, and her wings seemed to be twitching from it. Lumina was frowning, but it was more of a scared frown, her brow raised such a fashion. In her dream played memories of the last few months. Everything from seeing Kenji nearly dead, Asuka near a raging Akira, to Kenji leaving, to seeing him once again and Lost, to seeing her make Asuka upset by Akira's rejection, to finally ending up here with Kenji again. They were playing in her head like they were taunting her, bringing back the feelings of guilt and worthlessness associated with them. In the real world Lumina seemed on the verge of crying again, but being curled up into Kenji subconsciously kept the tears at bay♤...
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Nonalaka said:
"I gotta stop repeating myself huh" she said with a small giggle "So, do you want tea or coffee or anything?" she asked as she was about to stand up to go to the kitchen.

Ariel tilted her head a little "He wouldnt?, well why not?...youre not bad are you?"
"Well your father doesn't know I'm his mother, and the rest of the Angels outcasted him at his birth." She said quietly to her
HimeragiSeiker said:
''just hang around here a little longer. i wanna...get to know you better actually..''
*She said with a slight blush*
Blake just nodded to her a faint blish also spreading over his cheeks as he gave her a warm smile and nodded. "Alright." He said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I know you never meant for it to hurt." He said to her

"alright then cheer up, I hate making people sad" she said and sighed.
...?Asuka had briefly looked back to see Kenji's red covered face before she chuckled and turned around, heading towards a cafe. The cafe usually had anything and everything she ever really wanted, plus the food was good and affordable so Asuka always went there. Thankfully, there weren't many people so she would be able to get her food rather quickly. She smiled a bit before walking up to the counter and ordering a simple bowl of udon, soon walking away to go find a seat. The place was fairly empty, so there was a lot of open seats. Asuka looked down at her stomach after sitting down before a smile appeared on her face. She was so happy that she hadn't lost the child, like she originally thought. She hadn't realized that Sanctums couldn't really have a miscarriage... though she did think that was a little strange. Shrugging her shoulders, her name was soon called as her food was done. Asuka stood up and went towards counter to receive her order, soon picking up the tray and thanking the man that handed it to her. Just as Asuka had turned to leave, the chef stopped her and put a wrapped rice ball on her tray. She looked at it in surprise before speaking?...

"Thank you... but I didn't order that."

"It's on the house miss, as well as the meal~"

"O-Oh! T-Thank you, really!"


...?Asuka bowed a little before she hurried away back to her seat and began to scarf the food down. It was so incredibly good, that she had to order more. She seemed to stay in the cafe for hours just eating mounds and mounds of food to replenish her strength and fill up her stomach. Asuka thought she had a lot of eating to do, since she hadn't eaten in the longest time and barely started to eat just as Lumina and Kenji arrive. She was happy to see the two, mostly Lumina more then anything because of the time that they were together after the two brothers disappeared. It was hard on both of them, Asuka knew. She was happy that things had returned to normal for her pheonix friend... okay not exactly normal, but she at least had her pair back. Asuka wished she could say the same thing, though sadly she seemed to ruin any chance with Akira when she moved the ring. At least she had kept it and not thrown it away or much less burned the thing. Letting out a sigh, Asuka shook her head before returning to eat the current food in front of her?...


...?Tray after tray of food seemed to be coming out one after the other as Asuka finished each meal. She had liked one in particular, the pancakes. The syrup was amazing and the pancake itself was so soft and warm, that she had to have more. She soon spoke as she ate another pancake, raising a hand to her cheek with a delighted smile gracing her lips as a small animal ran on the table. It was the owners pet, so Asuka didn't shoo the creature away. Instead, she reached out a hand and pet it before eating again?...

"It's so good!"


...?An array of assorted sweets and pastries laid out on the table in front of Asuka and she marveled at the site. All these sweets... and they were all hers. Her smile widened before beginning to eat the different pastries that sat that on the table. As Asuka ate, her mind drifted back towards when Kenji said that there was a rather malicious presence in Euphoria. She wondered what it could be or rather, who it was. Part of her still wanted to try and go to Euphoria even if Kenji didn't want her or the baby to be harmed, though she didn't think that she would be... hopefully. She wasn't sure if going to Euphoria was even possible, but she was going to try. Just to see if her access really did get revoked. Asuka decided she would try going tomorrow, since she was pretty tired and full by now. Standing up, she thanked the chef for the food and payed the proper amount before taking her leave. Asuka soon grew tired of walking and teleported herself back home, to the comfort of her room. She changed into a set of pajamas before going into a dream filled sleep?...

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I'm not sad though. I'm just disapointed I hadn't realized this sooner." He said before chilling a little

"you didn't realize it until now? most of the nice people get used by cruel people" she say's.
LunaCrosby said:
"you didn't realize it until now? most of the nice people get used by cruel people" she say's.
"I guess i was just to stupid to realize I could have been used till you said something about it." He said to her feeling happy now because truly he had probably been used before but know that she had said something he'd probably work on not being used but still being nice
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Blake just nodded to her a faint blish also spreading over his cheeks as he gave her a warm smile and nodded. "Alright." He said to her

''so...is it alright if we could...probably hang out outside the house or is that a no-go?''

*She asked wondering whats outside of the home they currently are in*
Mayyflower said:
Luke gave her a warm smile and nods. "I wouldn't know how it would be to live alone" he says softly
Kairassi smiled "Hmm, youre lucky you have a nice family to spend time with" she said with a small laugh, though she had to admit, she did miss her parents from time to time, being so far away from them and all.., she shook that thought out of her head for now as she made the tea.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''so...is it alright if we could...probably hang out outside the house or is that a no-go?''
*She asked wondering whats outside of the home they currently are in*
"We can go anywhere you wish." Blake said softly to her before holding out one of his hands for her to take
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"We can go anywhere you wish." Blake said softly to her before holding out one of his hands for her to take

*Emiko blushed before smiling and taking his hand*
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well your father doesn't know I'm his mother, and the rest of the Angels outcasted him at his birth." She said quietly to her

Ariel frowned "...Oh..but Daddy isn't a bad person either...why would people push him out of here?" she asked, trying to understand the whole thing
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I guess i was just to stupid to realize I could have been used till you said something about it." He said to her feeling happy now because truly he had probably been used before but know that she had said something he'd probably work on not being used but still being nice

kyoko half smiled "my mom was used most of her life, I only know this because she's told me from her experiences. Honestly if I was being used I wouldn't be able to tell" she say's.
HimeragiSeiker said:
*Emiko blushed before smiling and taking his hand*
Right as she touched his hand they both disapered from his room appearing in the middle of a beautiful fires that she would never be able to see any where else. The leaves on the trees where a beautiful Crimson and where falling

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.d1e8ff77c31f8fd79612cb3ec7c3a84c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82410" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.d1e8ff77c31f8fd79612cb3ec7c3a84c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

the sky above them a chaotic yet beautiful mixture of bright blue stars and black clouds with red lightning



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